There are no 2001-02 Budget measures with resource implications for outcome 1.
Table 2.1.1 shows how the 2001-02 appropriations translate to total resourcing for outcome 1, including revenue from government (appropriation), revenue from other sources, and the total price of outputs. Cell references C1 and E1 show the links back to Table 1.1, the Appropriations Table.
Estimated actual
Budget estimate
Administered appropriations Total administered appropriations
0 0
0 0
Departmental appropriations Output 1 National Sport Infrastructure Development
Total revenue from government (appropriations) contributing to price of departmental outputs
7,895 70.1%
(C1) 8,572 71.6%
Revenue from other sources1
Output 1 National Sport Infrastructure Development Total revenue from other sources
3,239 3,239
3,397 3,397
Total price of departmental outputs (Total revenue from Government and from other sources) (Total price of outputs and admin expenses) Total estimated resourcing for outcome 11 see Appendix 1
11,134 11,134
(E1) 11,969 11,969
2000-01 2001-02 Average staffing level (number) 44.9 43.8
The ASC output of national sport infrastructure development reflects the Government’s decision to pursue the ongoing development of Australia’s sports delivery system through the provision of leadership and the enforcement of compliance with best practice governance and agreed high performance and sports participation outcomes and involvement with relevant overseas agencies.
It also reflects the ASC’s role in providing advice to the Government and other entities on policy issues affecting the development of Australian sport, and its charter to examine avenues to diversify and increase the sport resource base.
Justification for the choice of the output to achieve outcome 1 is described in Table
2.2.1 on the following page. The Table provides information on the strategies chosen to deliver outcome 1, and shows the links between the output and the outcome.