Output 3.4
Science and technology services to
Appropriate networking established
industry and the Australian research
External funds gained as a percentage of total funds
and development community,
Publication of collaborative results in leading scientific
including training of students in
nuclear science and technology and
New and improved technologies developed and assessed
its applications
Results delivered on time and to budget
Radiation protection services commercially utilised by
external clients
Solutions for the mining industry
Output 3.5
Regular production and sale of
Profitable operation of radioisotope business for health
radiopharmaceuticals and
and industrial applications
radioisotopes for medical and
Adoption of ANSTO developed technology
industrial applications and other
services, through designated
business units
Output 3.6
The exploitation of ANSTO's
Facilities maintained to world standard
intellectual and physical assets
Adoption of ANSTO developed technology, including
patent and licensing arrangements
Management of ANSTO Technology Park
ANSTO employs rigorous business planning and project approval processes when deciding what activities it will undertake in any given year. Factors considered when assessing a project proposal include ANSTO’s charter as defined in the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987; its Corporate Vision and Mission; its Strategic Plan; and its Business Guidelines with procedures to assess the scientific and business cases for undertaking a project.