İNŞaat mühendiSLİĞİ anabiLİm dali

Investigation of Diversity, Composition and Abundance of Culturable Heterotrophic Bacteria of Güllük Bay (Aegean Sea)

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Investigation of Diversity, Composition and Abundance of Culturable Heterotrophic Bacteria of Güllük Bay (Aegean Sea)
The ecosystem of Güllük Bay is under the influences of pollution due to the fact that human activities with respect to tourism, animal husbandry, domestic and industrial inputs. The study related to bacterial diversity, activity and sensitivity to build up the precautions by understanding micro-changes within the effect of pollution resources have not been reported for this area.
In this study with an aim to identify the ecosystem of the study region at micro level, occurrence of the culturable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria and diversity, frequency of antibiotic resistant bacteria and the level of indicator bacteria were investigated.
The samples of sediment and sea water were taken monthly in spring and summer rest of the year they were taken seasonally from 14 stations of the Güllük Bay in the period May 2012 - February 2013.
The water samples were taken through water column from surface (0-30 cm), mid and deep point. The spread plate technique was used in the tests of culturable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria. Bacterial isolates were identified using VITEK 2 Compact micro identifying system.
Bacterial metabolic activity tests were carried out using modified staining technique within epifluorescense microscope. Disc diffusion technique was used in the antibiotic resistivity tests. The levels of indicator bacteria were determined using membrane filtration system. Variable environmental parameters were monitored in situ using a multiparameter (YSI Probe)
In conclusion, thirty-four bacteria species, belonging to 5 classes (49% Gamma Protobacteria, 28% Alpha Protobacteria, 10% Bacili, 9% Flavobacteria and 4% Actinobacteria) were recorded in this study as the first records for the Güllük Bay.
The isolates which have carbon hydrate enzyme reaction were detected to be the most abundant bacteria in the sea water. The recorded indicator bacteria levels showed that Güllük Bay under the influences of the terrestrial pollution sources due to the fact that Sarıçay Stream and Gulluk Harbour. The bacteria which were isolated from sea water (44% – 98%) and sediment (100%) were found resistant to tested antibiotics. The results related to bacterial composition and heterotrophic activity showed that Güllük Bay pollution sources should be taken under control immediately


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