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Flow of a micropolar fluid on a moving plate

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Flow of a micropolar fluid on a moving plate
This thesis investigates axially symmetric and two-dimensional cases of magneto-hydrodynamic free convection stagnation point flow of a micropolar fluid towards a uniformly heated and moving vertical plate to study the effects of micropolarity on heating/cooling process of vertical plates.
The thesis consists of five chapters.
In the first chapter, the importance of stagnation point flow is emphasized and the necessity for developing the microcontinuum field theories is discussed briefly.

In the second chapter, a review of the existing theories of microcontinuum fluid mechanics are presented and previous studies dealing with stagnation point flow towards vertical plate are reviewed briefly.

In the third chapter, micropolar fluid theory and homotopy analysis method have been reviewed in first and second sections respectively. In other sections of this chapter, four problems of stagnation flow on a uniformly heated and moving vertical plate in the presence of transverse magnetic field are considered. In the first problem, a two-dimensional stagnation flow of Newtonian fluid impinging on the vertical plate is examined. In the second problem, a three-dimensional stagnation flow of Newtonian fluid impinging on the vertical plate is examined, and in the third and fourth problem, same problems are considered for a micropolar fluid. For all problems under consideration, with an appropriate similarity transformation, governing equations are reduced to a set of ordinary differantial equations and dimensionless form of these equations are obtained.
In the fourth chapter, these equations are solved approximately subject to the relevant boundary conditions by employing a numerical technique and homotopy analysis method. Numerical results are presented in graphical form for velocity, angular velocity, and temperature distirbution for different values of physical parameters. The shear stress and couple stress components on the plate, along the y-axis and heat transfer parameter are tabulated.
In the last chapter, effect of the physical parameters on the velocity, angular velocity, temperature distirbution, shear and couple stresses on the plate, and surface heat transfer rate are discussed in detail. It is shown that the solutions obtained for micropolar fluid contains the Newtonian fluid solutions as a limiting case.

It is observed that there is a good aggrement between the numerical results and semi-analytic results. When compared to Newtonian fluids, it is shown that micropolar fluids display drag reduction and reduced surface heat transfer rate.


Danışman : Prof. Dr. Erol UZAL

Anabilim Dalı : Makine Mühendisliği

Programı : -

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2014

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. Erol UZAL

Prof. Dr. H. Rıza GÜVEN

Prof. Dr. M. Orhan KAYA

Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÖZKOL

Doç. Dr. Serdar BARIŞ

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