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Message from the Qaid and Important announcements
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An interesting read
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Prayers and health advice
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Pictures from recent events
Local Qaid:
Nayyar Ali
Nazim Ishaat: Kashan Rathore
Nayyar Ali
Kashan Rathore
The Holy Qur’an
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal
of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all things (33:41)
Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) on the Last of Prophets
This verse (33:40) contains a prophecy of which our opponents do not have the least idea. In this prophecy God Almighty says that, after the Holy Prophet (sa), the door of prophecies has been closed till the day of judgment, and that it is no longer possible for a Hindu, a Jew, a Christian or a nominal Muslim to assume the title of 'Prophet', and that all the doors leading to Prophethood have been closed except the door of sirat-e-siddiqi i.e. losing oneself in the Holy Prophet (sa). Thus he who comes to God through this door is clad, by way of Zill (Zill signifies such complete devotion to the Holy Prophet (sa)), in the same mantle of Prophethood which is the mantle of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Sa). As such, his being a Prophet is not a matter for jealously, for he does not derive this status from himself but from the fountain of the Holy Prophet (sa). In short, my Prophethood and Messengership is only by virtue of my being Muhammad (Sa) and Ahmad (Sa), and not in my own right: and I have been given this name because of my complete devotion to the Holy Prophet (sa). This does not in any way change the true connotations of the Khatamun Nabiyyin, but the descent of Jesus (sa) from heaven would certainly change it. The true connotations of Khatamun Nabiyyin requires that if anyone calls himself a Prophet while there remains the slightest veil of estrangement, such a person will be guilty of breaking the seal of Khatamun Nabiyyin. But he who is so lost in the Khatamun Nabiyyin (Sa) that he receives his (sa) name and reflects his (sa) countenance, will, on account of this complete unity and harmony, be called a Prophet without contravening the seal, for he is Muhammad (sa), though by way of Zill.
(A Misconception Removed p3-7)
The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, also said ‘Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah shall will. He will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood for as long as He shall will and then bring about its end. A tyrannical monarchy will then follow and will remain as long as Allah shall will and then come to an end. There will follow thereafter monarchial despotism to last as long as Allah shall will and come to an end upon His decree. There will then emerge Khilafat on precept of Prophethood." The Holy Prophet said no more. (Musnad-e-Ahmad Ibn-e-Hanbal)
Hadith regarding the last of Prophets
The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: 'I am Abdullah KhatamunNabiyyeen from that time when Adam was yet in the nascent stage' (Musnad-e-Ahmad Ibn-e-Hanbal)
Upcoming events
Every Tuesday Khuddam Badminton at Stopsley Recreation Centre from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Every Thursday Interactive Khuddam Forum at Saint Community Centre from 7:30 pm till 8:30 pm
Every Thursday Khuddam Taleem/Taribiyyat class at Saint Community Centre from 7:30 pm till 8:30 pm
Every Thursday Maghrib and Ishaa prayers at Saint Community Centre from 8:30 pm
Every Thursday Atfal classes at Saint Community Centre from 7:30 pm till 8:30 pm
Every Friday Maghrib and Ishaa prayers at Saint Community Centre from 8:30 pm
Every Friday Khuddam Football at PlayFootball in Stopsley from 8:00 pm till 10:00 pm
Every Friday Khuddam Table Tennis TBC
Every Sunday Tabligh leaflet distribution from 11 am onwards
Saturday 3rd December Khuddam general meeting at Bushmead centre from 4pm
Sat 11thand Sun 12th Dec Khuddam Khidmat-e-Khalq event at Morrisons in Stevenage and St Albans
January 2011 Khuddam Luton ijetma
Dearest Khuddam and Atfal,
Assalamu ‘Alaikum Warahmat Allah Wabakatuh,
I hope and pray to Allah the Almighty that you are keeping in the best of health, amen.
As most of you will be aware I was recently elected as the Qaid for Luton Jam’at. I would firstly like to extend my warm gratitude to our former Qaid Aziz Sahib for his hard work throughout his four years as Qaid. I would also request you all too kindly keep in him in your prayers as he is now the Regional Qaid for Hertfordshire region.
Through the grace of Allah this is the first of many newsletters our Ishaat team will be publishing throughout the Khuddam year. I intend to update you all on the various activities we undertake in the month, Insha’Allah. The newsletter is something we can all get involved in one way or another. We need your feedback as to how we can improve the newsletter and we are also always looking for content ideas. If you have any topics you wish to see included, whether religious, advice on studies, the latest electronic gadget or even a short story please send your articles, stories, pictures, riddles and other interesting material to and we will try our best to include it in the next newsletter.
We will also print a short dua with translation in each edition in order for you to memorise it. Kindly keep us in yours prayers as we endeavour to keep you all updated.
Qaid Luton
MESSAGE FROM THE QAID AN INTERESTING READ How was the Promised Messiah (as) a Prophet when the Holy Prophet (sa) was Khataman Nabiyyin, the seal of all prophets?
Exalted status of the Holy Prophet as the Khatamun Nabiyeen -Sahibzada M.M Ahmad
Finality of Prophethood –
A misconception removed – The Promised Messiah (as)
Khataman Nabiyyeen Interpretations by eminent learned scholars of Islam
The Will – The Promised Messiah (as)
Please note all of these books are on against the Promised Messiah (as). On the one hand they pronounce the Promised Messiah (as), a disbeliever because in their estimation his claim of prophethood is contradictory of the verse which pronounces the Holy Prophet (as) as being Khataman Nabjyyeen; and on the other hand they believe that Jesus, son of Mary, who is a Prophet, would come a second time.
If the Seal of Prophethood is disrupted by the claim of the Promised Messiah (as) that he is a prophet by reflection only, then how is it that it would not be disrupted by the second advent of Jesus who was a Prophet in his own right? The bulk of the Muslims believe that Jesus (as) would descend from heaven in his earthly body, would be a prophet and would receive revelations from God Almighty for a period longer than the Holy Prophet (sa).
Here are some instances of the use of the expression Khatam in the connotation of high, eminent, excellent etc. but not meaning the last:
AbuTayyub was pronounced Khatamus Shuara. (Introduction to the Divan of Mutanabbi p. 5)
Hadhrat ratAli, may Allah be pleased with him, was Khatamul Aulia. (Tafseer Safi, Surah Ahzab)
Hadhrat ratImam Shafai was Khatamul Aulia. (At Tuhfatus Sunnia, p. 45)
ShaikhIbn Arabi was Khatamul Aulia. (Title page of Fatuhat Makkiyyah)
certification of documents. The purpose of a seal being attestation and certification, the interpretation of the verse in question would be that though the Holy Prophet (sa), had no male issue, yet being the Messenger of Allah he is the spiritual progenitor of his followers.
He is, therefore, not without issue but has a large progeny. It is added that he is not merely a Divine Messenger but is also the Seal of the Prophets, that is to say, he is not only the progenitor of the generality of the believers but is the spiritual progenitor of the prophets and messengers also and thus he occupies the exalted position which imports that no prophet or messenger can now appear unless he bears with him the confirmatory seal of the Holy Prophet.
Thus, this true interpretation of Khatamun Nabiyyeen implies that prophethood can no longer bring a new law (shariah) as the Holy Prophet (sa) has the most exalted station who was given the most perfect law. However, with the advent of the Holy Prophet (sa) the only type of prophethood which remains is one which serves Shariah-i-Muahmmadi - Muhammadi Law. It is a non-law bearing prophet that can come, as it draws its inspiration and legitimacy from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sa), with whom it retains the relationship of Master and Servant and to whom it remains totally subservient.
There is a serious contradiction involved in the stand taken by the divines who are opposed
A common allegation against the truth of the Promised Messiah (as) is that he claimed to be a Prophet despite the Holy Prophet (sa) being given the title ‘seal of prophets’ (Khatamun Nabiyyin) in chapter 33, verse 41 of the Holy Qur’an and calling himself (sa) the last prophet in a number of his (sa) sayings.
In order to tackle this allegation one has to understand what the true meaning of the ‘seal of prophets’ actually is. The opponents contend that the phrase Khataman Nabiyyeen does mean the Seal of the Prophets but that its interpretation is that the Holy Prophet was the last prophet, for the purpose of a seal is to close a document.
Nonetheless it’s a well known fact that the purpose of a seal is not to close a statement but to certify it as correct. That is why often a seal is affixed to a document at its top and in other cases it is affixed at its bottom or at its end. Its purpose is to certify the genuiness and correctness of the contents of the document.
It is well known that after the truce of Hudaybiyyah, when the Holy Prophet (sa) decided to address letters to the rulers and chiefs of surrounding territories inviting them to the acceptance of Islam, he was told that rulers and chiefs do not attach any significance to a communication addressed to them unless it bears the seal of the writer.
Thereupon the Holy Prophet (sa) had a seal prepared which was thereafter used for the attestation and
Our Lord, pour forth upon us steadfastness and cause us to die resigned unto thee’ (Chapter 7, Verse 127) (Supplication of Pharaoh’s magicians when they had believed)
A SHORT PRAYER FOR MEMORISATION Prayer for seeking patience and a good end
Why am I an Ahmadi Muslim?
I am an Ahmadi Muslim because I have accepted the claims of Hadhrat rat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) whose advent had been prophesied in various religious scriptures. I am an Ahmadi Muslim because I make every effort to listen to the commands of my beloved master, Muhammad Mustafa (sa), and one of these commands is to initiate in the Jam’aat of the Promised Messiah (as).
The Promised Messiah (as) states ‘This system of bai'at has been established solely to gather a group of the righteous people in a Jama'at so that a weighty group of the righteous people should make a holy impact on the world. The unity of these righteous people should be a source of blessings, grandeur, and positive results for Islam. Almighty Allah desires to manifest his glory and demonstrate his omnipotence through this group’. (Majmu'ah Ishtiharat, vol 1, pp 196))
Meet your Local Amila
Qaid – Nayyar Ahmad Ali
Mo'tamid – Zayyad Rathor
Additional Mo'tamid – Wahleed Rathor
Maal – Zubair Ahmed
Taleem/Tarbiyyat – Umair Ahmed
Tabligh – Tariq Zaheer
Therik e Jadid – Shakeel Ahmad Wani
Ishaat – Kashan Rathore
Sehat-e-Jasmani – Talha Ahmad
Khidmat-e-Khalq – TBC
Atfal – Akbar Butt
Amoor e Tulba – Kamran Rathore
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