Hooks for scalable coding (AHG12)
Investigate hooks that would be needed for support of bitstream scalability in HEVC syntax.
J. Boyce (chair), J. Kang, J. Samuelsson, W. Wan, Y. K. Wang (vice chairs)
Lossless coding (AHG13)
Study and investigate techniques which enable lossless coding.
Examine common test cases for lossless coding modes.
W. Gao (chair), K. Chono, J. Xu, M. Zhou, P. Topiwala (vice chairs)
Chroma format support (AHG14)
Study aspects of the technical design and software that need modification to support non-4:2:0 chroma formats.
Assist and advise in the work of removing implicit assumptions of 4:2:0 formatting from the WD and software (where feasible, without introducing technical design changes).
D. Flynn (chair), D. Hoang, K. McCann, E. Francois, K. Sugimoto, P. Topiwala (vice chairs)
Reference picture buffering and list construction (AHG15)
Finalize the test specification document for reference picture buffering and list construction proposals for the 9th JCT-VC meeting in a timely manner (JCTVC-H0725).
Provide source code that enables HM encoding of all test cases described in JCTVC-H0725 and produce anchor data.
Identify and work to resolve issues relating to the draft text description of reference picture handling and list construction, and the associated HM software functionality.
Study possible improvements related to reference picture buffering and list construction.
Study the loss resilience properties of reference picture handling and its support in the HM software (in coordination with the loss resilience AHG).
R. Sjöberg (chair), Y. Chen, Hendry, T. K. Tan, W. Wan, Y. K. Wang (vice chairs)
Subjective impact of quantization (AHG16)
Investigate tools for intensity dependent quantization and related impact on bit-rate.
Study the impact of varying QPs on affected tools and rate control.
Study the subjective impact of quantization matrices in relation to CE4.
Investigate solutions for adapting the deblocking filter under varying QPs.
M. Mrak (chair), C. Auyeung, A. Norkin, K. Sato, J. Zheng (vice chairs)