Jewish Women’s Bibliography organized by Topic/Subject Historical Studies United States

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On-Line Courses

  • American Jewish Women - Pamela Nadell, American University 


  • The Feminist Challenge to Halakhah - Tikva Frymer-Kensky

  • Women - The Jewish Student Online Research Center


Near East

  1. Démare-Lafont, Sophie. Die rechtliche Stellung von Frauen in den juristischen Texten des Alten Orients. Tora (2010) 110-132. 2010

  2. Hagedorn, Anselm C. Die Frau des Hohenlieds zwischen babylonisch-assyrischer Morphoskopie und Jacques Lacan. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 122,3 (2010) 414-430; 4: 593-609. 2010

  3. Hieke, Thomas. Genealogie als Mittel der Geschichtsdarstellung in der Tora und die Rolle der Frauen im genealogischen System. Tora (2010) 149-185. 2010

  4. Meyers, Carol L. Archäologie als Fenster zum Leben von Frauen in Alt-Israel. Tora (2010) 63-109. 2010

  5. Schroer, Silvia. Altorientalische Bilder als Schlüssel zu biblischen Texten. Tora (2010) 36-62. 2010

  6. Cornelius, Izak. In search of the goddess in ancient Palestinian iconography. Israel zwischen den Mächten (2009) 77-98. 2009

  7. Haase, Richard. Die Vergewaltigung einer Frau in Rechtscorpora des Alten Orients. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 15 (2009) 56-64. 2009

  8. Kratz, Ronja. "Deine Lippen sind wie ein roter Faden und dein Mund ist lieblich" (Hld 4,3) : Schminke in der Bibel und ihrer Umwelt. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 53 (2009) 80-83. 2009

  9. Murphy, Kelly J. Myth, reality, and the Goddess Anat : Anat’s violence and independence in the Ba’al cycle. Ugarit-Forschungen 41 (2009) 525-541. 2009

  10. Nakhai, Beth Alpert. Female infanticide in Iron II Israel and Judah. Sacred History, Sacred Literature (2008) 257-272. 2008

  11. Schroer, Silvia. Gender and iconography – from the viewpoint of a feminist biblical scholar. Lectio difficilior 2 (2008). 2008

  12. Bauks, Michael. Traditionsgeschichtliche Erwägungen zur Namenlosigkeit von Jiftachs Tochter (Ri 11,29-40). Lectio difficilior 1 (2007). 2007

  13. Bodi, Daniel. Les filles du roi Saül et les filles de Zimri-Lim. Tsafon 54 (2007-2008) 11-28. 2007

  14. Untu, Alexandra. Feminine private roles in ancient Near East : a comparative study with a stress on the Israelite woman’s condition. Studia Hebraica 7 (2007) 187-199. 2007

  15. Cushman, Beverly White. The politics of the royal harem and the case of Bat-Sheba. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30,3 (2006) 327-343. 2006

  16. Korpel, Marjo C.A. Seals of Jezebel and other women in authority. Journal for Semitics 15,2 (2006) 349-371. 2006

  17. Paul, Shalom M. Jerusalem of gold – revisited. "I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times" II (2006) 787-794. 2006

  18. Schroer, Silvia. Gender und Ikonographie - aus der Sicht einer feministischen Bibelwissenschaftlerin. Images and Gender (2006) 107-124. 2006

  19. Fontaine, Carole R. Visual metaphors and Proverbs 5:15-20 : some archaeological reflections on gendered iconography. Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients (2005) 185-202. 2005

  20. Hurowitz, Victor Avigdor. The woman of valor and a woman large of head : matchmaking in the ancient Near East. Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients (2005) 221-234 2005

  21. Müller, Monika. Von Herrinnen, Mägden und ungleichen Schwestern : weibliche Konkurrenz im Alten Orient und in der Hebräischen Bibel. Wort und Dienst 28 (2005) 27-51. 2005

  22. Day, John Does the Old Testament refer to sacred prostitution and did it actually exist in ancient Israel? Biblical and Near Eastern Essays (2004) 2-21. 2004

  23. Fontaine, Carole R. The proof of the pudding : proverbs and gender in the performance arena. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 29,2 (2004) 179-203. 2004

  24. Schmidt, Daniela. "Und Sara ward schwanger und gebar Abraham einen Sohn" : sozialgeschichtliche, medizinhistorische und religionsgeschichtliche Einblicke in den Bereich der Mutterschaft in der Antike. Sara lacht (2004) 65-97. 2004

  25. Weisberg, Dvora E. The widow of our discontent : levirate marriage in the Bible and ancient Israel. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28,4 (2004) 403-430. 2004

  26. Heltzer, Michael. About the property rights of women in ancient Israel. Shlomo (2003) 133-138. 2003

  27. Lemaire, André. L’héritage des femmes : Bible, épigraphie et papyrology. Entre héritage et devenir (2003) 37-50. 2003

  28. Fontaine, Carole R.[On] Judith M. Hadley, "The Cult of Asherah in Ancient Israel and Judah" (2000). Women in Judaism 3,1 (2002). 2002

  29. Na’aman, Nadav. Dispatching Canaanite maidservants to the Pharaoh. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 39 (2002) 76-82. 2002

  30. Schroer, Silvia. Häusliche und ausserhäusliche religiöse Kompetenzen israelitischer Frauen am Beispiel von Totenklage und Totenbefragung. Lectio difficilior 1 (2002). 2002

  31. Bord, Lucien-Jean. La loi, le droit et la justice : réflexions sur les droits cunéiformes et biblique; à propos des deux livres récents. Biblica 82,1 (2001) 99-107. 2001

  32. Stol, Marten. Maternal imagination during pregnancy in Babylonia. From Athens to Jerusalem (2000) 51-67. 2000

  33. Fein, Helen. Genocide and gender : the uses of women and group destiny. Journal of Genocide Research 1,1 (1999) 43-63. 1999

  34. Gangloff, Frédéric. La "Grande Déesse" dans le Proche-Orient ancien et dans l’Ancien Testament : une esquisse. Etudes Théologiques et Religieuses 74,1 (1999) 1-19. 1999

  35. Marsman, Hennie. Women in ancient Israel : a preliminary exploration. Recycling Biblical Figures (1999) 28-49. 1999

  36. Sweeney, Deborah. Following the path of the Sea Persons : the women in the Medinet Habu reliefs. Tel Aviv 26,1 (1999) 116-145. 1999

  37. Ziegler, Nele. Le harem du vaincu. Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 93,1 (1999) 1-26. 1999

  38. Murphy, Cullen. Is the Bible bad news for women? Wilson Quarterly 22,3 (1998) 14-33. 1998

  39. Westbrook, Raymond. The female slave. Gender and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (1998) 214-238. 1998

  40. Ben-Barak, Zafrira. Mutual influences in the ancient Near East : inheritance as a case in point. Michmanim 9 (1996) 1-15. 1996

  41. Heltzer, Michael. The women in the Hebrew epigraphy of biblical times. Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 43 (1996) 11-35. 1996

  42. Burns, John Barclay. Proverbs 7,6-27 : vignettes from the cycle of Astarte and Adonis. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 9,1 (1995) 20-36. 1995

  43. Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone. Goddesses : biblical echoes. Feminist Approaches to the Bible (1995) 27-44. 1995

  44. Geus, Cornelis Hendrik Jan de. The city of women : women’s places in ancient Israelite cities. Vetus Testamentum Supplements 61 (1995) 75-86. 1995

  45. Toorn, Karel van der. The significance of the veil in the ancient Near East. Pomegranates and Golden Bells (1995) 327-339. 1995

  46. Toorn, Karel van der. Torn between vice and virtue : stereotypes of the widow in Israel and Mesopotamia. Female Stereotypes in Religious Traditions (1995) 1-13. 1995

  47. Bird, Phyllis Ann. Women in the ancient Mediterranean world : ancient Israel. Biblical Research 39 (1994) 31-45. 1994

  48. Meyers, Carol L. Miriam the musician. A Feminist Companion to Exodus to Deuteronomy (1994) 207-230. 1994

  49. Dase, Helke. Der "hesed" der mesopotamischen Frauen und seine Bedeutung für die Heilsgeschichte Israels. Dielheimer Blätter zum Alten Testament 26 (1992) 162-172. 1992

  50. Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn. Out from the shadows : biblical women in the postexilic era. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 54 (1992) 25-43. 1992

  51. Heller, Birgit. Die altorientalische Göttin - Aspekte einer "Thealogie". Kairos 34-35 (1992-1993) 91-107. 1992

  52. Annandale-Potgieter, Joan. Die rol van die godsdiens in die lewe van die Israelitiese en Babiloniese vrou. Old Testament Essays 4,3 (1991) 415-424. 1991

  53. Jüngling, Hans-Winfried. Bemerkungen zur Wechselwirkung zwischen den Auffassungen von der Frau und der Darstellung von Göttinnen. Der eine Gott und die Göttin (1991) 82-105. 1991

  54. Meier, Samuel A. Women and communication in the ancient Near East. Journal of the American Oriental Society 111,3 (1991) 540-547. 1991

  55. Schüngel-Straumann, Helen. Weibliche Dimensionen in mesopotamischen und alttestamentlichen Schöpfungsaussagen und ihre feministische Kritik. Der eine Gott und die Göttin (1991) 49-81. 1991

  56. Zéman, François. Le statut de la femme en Mésopotamie d’après les sources juridiques. Science et Esprit 43,1 (1991) 69-86. 1991

  57. Sigal, Lillian. The feminine divine in the Book of Esther : a psychoanalytic study. The Bible in the Light of Cuneiform Literature (1990) 381-411. 1990

  58. Adinolfi, Marco. Le donne del ciclo di Abramo. Abramo (1989) 165-182. 1989

  59. Women’s Earliest Records. Women’s Earliest Records (1989). 1989

  60. Hiebert, Paula S. "Whence shall help come to me"? The biblical widow. Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel (1989) 125-141. 1989

  61. Westenholz, Joan Goodnick. Tamar, "qedesha", "qadishtu", and sacred prostitution in Mesopotamia.Harvard Theological Review 82,2 (1989) 245-265. 1989

  62. Ben-Barak, Zafrira. The legal status of the daughter as heir in Nuzi and Emar. Society and Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (1988) 87-97. 1988

  63. Van Seters, John Love and death in the court history of David. Love & Death in the Ancient Near East (1987) 121-124. 1987

  64. Feilschuss-Abir, A.S. Erschaffung, Bestimmung und Stellung der Frau in der Urgeschichte in anthropologischer Sicht. Theologie und Glaube 76,4 (1986) 399-423. 1986

  65. Toorn, Karel van der. [On] Urs Winter, "Frau und Göttin : exegetische und ikonographische Studien zum weiblichen Gottesbild im Alten Israel und in dessen Umwelt" (1983). Bibliotheca Orientalis 43,3-3 (1986) 493-499. 1986

  66. Albenda, Pauline. Western Asiatic women in the Iron Age : their image revealed. Biblical Archaeologist 46,2 (1983) 82-88. 1983

  67. Brown, John Pairman. The role of women and the treaty in the ancient world. Biblische Zeitschrift 25,1 (1981) 1-28. 1981

  68. Fisher, E.J. Cultic prostitution in the ancient Near East? A reassessment. Biblical Theology Bulletin 6 (1976) 225-236. 1976

  69. Margalit, Baruch. The "kôsarôt"/"ktrt" - patroness-saints of women. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 4,1 (1972) 52-61. 1972


  1. Wiedemann, Felix. "...verbrannt auf dem Holzstosse Jahwe zu Ehren" : antichristlicher Antisemitismus in neuheidnischen Hexenbildern. Politik des Hasses (2010) 17-28. 2010

  2. Kohn, Charlotte. Antisemitische Mütter - Antizionistische Töchter. Antisemitismus - Geschichte und Gegenwart (2004) 103-126. 2004

  3. Abramson, Henry. A derivative hatred : images of Jewish women in modern anti-Semitic caricature. Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 101-117. 2003

  4. Rose, Alison. Gender and anti-Semitism : Christian Social women and the Jewish response in turn-of-the-century Vienna. Austrian History Yearbook 34 (2003) 173-189. 2003


  1. Stökl Ben Ezra, Daniel. A Jewish "archontesse" : remarks on an epitaph from Byblos. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 169 (2009) 287-293. 2009

  2. Wortzman, Hannah. Jewish women in ancient synagogues : archeological reality vs. rabbinical legislation. Women in Judaism 5,2 (2008). 2008

  3. Cornelius, Izak. The headgear and hairstyles of pre-Persian Palestinian female plaque figurines. Bilder als Quellen (2007) 237-252. 2007

  4. Ornan, Tallay. Labor pangs : the Revadim plaque type. Bilder als Quellen (2007) 215-235. 2007

  5. Schroer, Silvia Frauenkörper als architektonische Elemente : zum Hintergrund von Ps 144,12. Bilder als Quellen (2007) 425-450. 2007

  6. Dothan, Trude. Female figurines from the Deir el-Balah settlement and cemetery. "I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times" I (2006) 149-160. 2006

  7. Paul, Shalom M. Jerusalem of gold - revisited. "I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times" II (2006) 787-794. 2006

  8. Schroer, Silvia Gender und Ikonographie - aus der Sicht einer feministischen Bibelwissenschaftlerin. Images and Gender (2006) 107-124. 2006

  9. Byrne, Ryan. Lie back and think of Judah : the reproductive politics of pillar figurines. Near Eastern Archaeology 67,3 (2004) 137-151. 2004

  10. Ackerman, Susan. Digging up Deborah : recent Hebrew Bible scholarship on gender and the contribution of archaeology. Near Eastern Archaeology 66,4 (2003) 172-184. 2003

  11. Meyers, Carol L. Engendering Syro-Palestinian archaeology : reasons and resources. Near Eastern Archaeology 66,4 (2003) 185-197. 2003


  1. Dekel, Tal. From first-wave to third-wave feminist art in Israel : a quantum leap. Israel Studies 16,1 (2011) 149-178. 2011

  2. Perris, Alicia. Las mujeres judías de Eugène Delacroix. Raíces 89 (2011-2012) 10-12. 2011

  3. Berger, Karen. "In search of the thing itself" - animals and Africans in the art of three Jewish women : Maya Deren (1917-1961), Clarice Lispector (1920-1977) and Hélène Cixous (1937-). Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 24 (2010) 23-36. 2010

  4. Greniman, Deborah. Feminist artists, feminist matrons. Nashim 20 (2010) 132-139. 2010

  5. Miller-Lanning, Darlene. Female in nature : diptychs by Berenice D’Vorzon. Bridges 15,1 (2010) 54-63. 2010

  6. Piątkowska, Renata. "Na palecie kobiecej" : Stanisława Centnerszwerowa i Regina Mundlak - dwie perspektywy twórcze. Nieme dusze (2010) 283-297. 2010

  7. Frank, Fiona. Hannah Frank’s Glasgow Jewish journey : from the Gorbals to the South side. Jewish Culture and History 11,1-2 (2009) 184-196. 2009

  8. Meyer, Mati. Eve’s nudity : a sign of shame or precursor of Christological economy? Between Judaism and Christianity (2009) 243-258. 2009

  9. Daniella Sheinman; a Line of "Tohu" - an Installation. Daniella Sheinman; a Line of "Tohu" - an Installation (2009). 2009

  10. Shalev-Eyni, Sarit. Purity and impurity : the naked woman bathing in Jewish and Christian art. Between Judaism and Christianity (2009) 191-213. 2009

  11. Lipton, Sara.“Where are the Gothic Jewish women? : On the non-iconography of the Jewess in the "Cantigas de Santa Maria". Jewish History 22, 1-2 (2008) 139-177. 2008

  12. בן-נפתלי, מיכל אני לא כאן : על הריאליזם הרדיקלי של מיכל היימן. מיכל היימן - התקפות על חיבור (2008) 41-59 ‬2008

  13. Dekel, Tal. Rediscovering feminism in Israeli art : new aspects of Pamela Levy’s early work. Hagar 7,2 (2007) 129-154. 2007

  14. Hajdu, István. The work of Ilka Gedő (1921-1985). Gender, Memory, and Judaism (2007) 143-169. 2007

  15. Levin, Gail. Censorship, politics and sexual imagery in the work of Jewish-American feminist artists. Nashim 14 (2007) 63-96. 2007

  16. Orenstein, Gloria Feman. Torah study, feminism and spiritual quest in the work of five American Jewish women artists. Nashim 14 (2007) 97-130. 2007

  17. Rajner, Mirjam. Marc Chagall’s 1909 portraits of women. Nashim 14 (2007) 131-159. 2007

  18. Dekel, Tal. Following Käthe Kollwitz : gendered aspects in the work of Ruth Schloss. Pictorial Languages and Their Meanings (2006) 323-338. 2006

  19. Lahav, Pnina. A chandelier for women : a tale about the Diaspora Museum and Maurycy Gottlieb’s "Day of Atonement" - Jews praying on Yom Kippur. Israel Studies 11,1 (2006) 108-142. 2006

  20. Osterkamp, Ernst Judith : Schicksale einer starken Frau vom Barock zur Biedermeierzeit. Das Buch der Bücher - gelesen (2006) 171-195. 2006

  21. Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan. The expansion of the visual : reflections on sixteenth century illuminated Yiddish books. Jewish History 20,2 (2006) 231-241. 2006

  22. Frübis, Hildegard. Repräsentationen "der Jüdin" : Konzepte von Weiblichkeit und Judentum in der Jüdischen Moderne. Antisemitismus und Geschlecht (2005) 123-142. 2005

  23. Karlinger Escobedo, Libby. Heroines, wives, and mothers : depicting women in the "Bible Historiale" and the Morgan Picture Bible. Between the Picture and the Word (2005) 100-111. 2005

  24. Levin, Gail. Beyond the pale : Jewish identity, radical politics and feminist art in the United States. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 4,2 (2005) 205-232. 2005

  25. Margolis, Judith. A challenging grittiness : spirituality in Jewish women’s art. Nashim 9 (2005) 170-183. 2005

  26. Marienberg, Evyatar. "La synagogue des femmes" : illustrations représentant des bains rituels au XVIIIe siècle. Tsafon 49 (2005) 99-113. 2005

  27. Margolis, Judith. The painted word : Jewish women’s book art. Nashim 8 (2004) 251-267. 2004

  28. Azaryahu, Maoz. A tale of two monuments. Gender, Place and Memory (2003) 252-268. 2003

  29. Baumgärtner, Ingrid. Biblische, mythische und fremde Frauen : zur Konstruktion von Weiblichkeit in Text und Bild mittelalterlicher Weltkarten. Chloe 34 (2003) 31-86. 2003

  30. Feinstein, Stephen C. Jewish women in time : the challenge of feminist artistic installations about the Holocaust. Experience and Expression (2003) 229-259. 2003

  31. Rosenberg, Pnina. Images and reflections : women in the art of the Holocaust. Pro Memoria 19 (2003) 63-72. 2003

  32. Rosenberg, Pnina. Women artists in the camps/depictions of women. The Last Expression (2003) 88-93. 2003

  33. Soltes, Ori Z. Fixing it and fitting in : contemporary Jewish American women artists. Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 143-202. 2003

  34. Efthimiadis-Keith, Helen. Text and interpretation : gender and violence in the Book of Judith, scholarly commentary and the visual arts from the Renaissance onward. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 64-84. 2002

  35. Hirsch, Marianne. Täter-Fotografien in der Kunst nach dem Holocaust : Geschlecht als ein Idiom der Erinnerung. Gedächtnis und Geschlecht (2002) 203-226. 2002

  36. Ovadiah, Asher. The female figure in the Dionysiac mosaic at Sepphoris. Art and Archaeology in Israel and Neighbouring Countries (2002) 349-373. 2002

  37. Wolfthal, Diane. Imaging the self : representations of Jewish ritual in Yiddish books of customs. Imagining the Self, Imagining the Other (2002) 189-211. 2002

  38. Ankori, Gannit. The Jewish Venus. Complex Identities (2001) 238-258. 2001

  39. Bellow, Juliet. A feminine geography : place and displacement in Jewish women’s art of the twentieth century. Transformation (2001) 35-55. 2001

  40. Ben Zvi, Tal. Self portrait : Palestinian women’s art. Self-Portrait (2001) 158-146. 2001

  41. Bohn, Babette. Rape and the gendered gaze : "Susanna and the Elders" in early modern Bologna. Biblical Interpretation 9,3 (2001) 259-286. 2001

  42. Malhi-Sherwell, Tina. Imaging Palestine as the motherland. Self-Portrait (2001) 166-160. 2001

  43. Posèq, Avigdor W.G. Soutine’s Jewish bride fantasy. Complex Identities (2001) 100-114. 2001

  44. Bleyerveld, Yvonne. Chaste, obedient and devout : biblical women as patterns of female virtue in Netherlandish and German graphic art, ca. 1500-1750. Simiolus 28,4 (2000-2001) 219-250. 2000

  45. Feuchtwanger-Sarig, Naomi. How Italian are the Venice "Minhagim" of 1593? A chapter in the history of Yiddish printing in Italy. Schöpferische Momente des europäischen Judentums in der frühen Neuzeit (2000) 177-205. 2000

  46. Lathers, Marie. Posing the "belle juive" : Jewish models in 19th-century Paris. Woman’s Art Journal 21,1 (2000) 27-32. 2000

  47. Steinberg, Shlomit. The images of women in the paintings of Abel Pann 1900-1957. "...und Rachel war schön" (2000) 20-29. 2000

  48. Aslanoff, Grégoire. Figures féminines bibliques dans les manuscrits enluminés médiévaux. Femmes de l’Ancien Testament (1999) 20-31. 1999

  49. Bloom, Lisa. Ethnic notions and feminist strategies of the 1970s : some work by Judy Chicago and Eleanor Antin. Jewish Identity in Modern Art History (1999) 135-163. 1999

  50. Palumbo, Genoveffa. Alle origini della diversità : annotazioni sull’immagine della donna ebrea. Le donne delle minoranze (1999) 125-133. 1999

  51. Rossini-Paquet, Françoise. Femmes de l’Ancien Testament. Femmes de l’Ancien Testament (1999) 33-67. 1999

  52. Kohlbauer-Fritz, Gabriele. "La belle juive" und die "schöne Schickse". "Der schejne Jid" (1998) 109-121. 1998

  53. Bohm-Duchen, Monica. Rebellious rubies, precious rebels. Rubies & Rebels (1996) 41-59, 63. 1996

  54. Pollock, Griselda. Is feminism to Judaism as modernity is to tradition? Critical questions on Jewishness, femininity and art. Rubies & Rebels (1996) 15-27, 61-63. 1996

  55. Weiner, Julia. Jewish women artists in Britain 1700-1940. Rubies & Rebels (1996) 29-39. 1996

  56. Gitay, Zefira. The portrayal of Job’s wife and her representation in the visual arts. Fortunate the Eyes That See (1995) 516-526. 1995

  57. Leafstedt, Carl S. Judith in "Bluebeard’s Castle" : the significance of a name. Studia Musicologica 36,3-4 (1995) 429-447. 1995

  58. Levinger, Esther. Women and war memorials in Israel. Woman’s Art Journal 16,1 (1995) 40-46. 1995

  59. Bal, Mieke. Head hunting : "Judith" on the cutting edge of knowledge. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 63 (1994) 3-34. 1994

  60. Lubin, Orly. Four pictures of one woman, two women, three women, four women and one man. Pamela Levy (1994) 73-84. 1994

  61. Schubert, Kurt. Makkabäer- und Judithmotive in der jüdischen Buchmalerei. Aachener Kunstblätter 60 (1994) 333-342. 1994

  62. Bal, Mieke. The elders and Susanna. Biblical Interpretation 1,1 (1993) 1-19. 1993

  63. Gitay, Zefira. Ruth and the women of Bethlehem. A Feminist Companion to Ruth (1993) 178-190. 1993

  64. Hofner-Kulenkamp, Gabriele. Versprengte Europäerinnen : deutschsprachige Kunsthistorikerinnen im Exil. Exilforschung 11 (1993) 190-202. 1993

  65. Paucker, Pauline. Bildnisse jüdischer Frauen 1789-1991 : Klischee und Wandel. Von einer Welt in die andere (1993) 29-46. 1993

  66. Paucker, Pauline. The image of the Jewish woman in Germany : idealisation, stereotype, reality. Zur Geschichte der jüdischen Frau in Deutschland (1993) 237-266. 1993

  67. Philpot, Elizabeth. Judith and Holofernes : changing images in the history of art. Translating Religious Texts (1993) 80-97. 1993

  68. Mavrakis, Annie. "Où commence le Diable" : Judith à la rencontre de Salomé. Storia dell’Arte 71 (1991) 120-135. 1991

  69. Josephy, Marcia Reines. The work of their hands : Jewish women artists. World Congress of Jewish Studies 10,D, vol.2 (1989) 109-116. 1989

  70. Sabar, Shalom. Bride, heroine and courtesan : images of the Jewish woman in Hebrew manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italy. World Congress of Jewish Studies 10,D, vol.2 (1999) 63-70. 1989

  71. Schultz, Magdalena. Das Bild der Frau in mittelalterlichen hebräischen Handschriften. Frauenalltag, Frauenforschung (1988) 242-258. 1988

  72. Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane. "The Lord has struck him down by the hand of a woman"! Images of Judith. Art as Religious Studies (1987) 81-97. 1987

  73. Friedman, Mira. The metamorphoses of Judith. Jewish Art 12-13 (1987) 225-246. 1987

  74. Weinstein, Rochelle. Women of valor in commemorative imagery. World Congress of Jewish Studies 8,D (1981) 51-56. 1981

  75. Breitberg-Semel, Sarah. Women’s art in Israel. Ariel 49 (1979) 50-68. 1979

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