Lancette Varsity and Junior Varsity Dance Team Standards Revised 4/6/2018

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Lancette Varsity and Junior Varsity Dance Team Standards Revised 4/6/2018

Standards and Expectations

of the Lancette Dance Team

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Lancette Varsity Dance Team, the Lancette Junior Varsity Dance Team. Hereafter shown as Lake Park Lancette Dance Team with (Var.), (JV) to stipulate differences where needed.

Article II: Purpose and Mission Statement

The mission and purpose of these organizations shall be as follows:

        1. To cooperate with the administration and faculty in working for the betterment of the school through pep arts.

        2. To build better relationships between schools during athletic and other school events.

        3. To better each member as a dancer and a performer. (or “all members as dancers and performers”)

        4. To promote leadership.

        5. To encourage high ethics and standards among its members.

        6. To develop the ability to work as a part of a group achieving common goals: TEAMWORK.

        7. To represent the school and community in an exemplary manner, serving as a role model for appropriate behavior and citizenship.

        8. To competitively perform with the TEAMDance Illinois working toward the state drill team championships. (Varsity)

Article III: Members

Section A

Membership shall be open to all students who will be enrolled in Lake Park High School for the year of competition for the dance teams.

Section B

Eighth graders, freshmen, sophomores and juniors may audition for Varsity and JV. Placement on the team will be based on skill not grade level. (or “year in school”)
Section C

Members must be athletically eligible and remain athletically eligible the entire season in order to fully participate in Lancette performances and activities. Ineligible members will still be required to attend practices and performances, however, despite their inability to fully participate.

Section D

Physicals—Members of the squad must have their physicals by the end of June.

Section E

Membership on the Lancette/Lake Park Dance Team is an honor and privilege, not a right. Removal is at the discretion of the coach (es).

Section F

Being a previous member of the Lancette/Lake Park Dance Team (Var., JV) in NO WAY guarantees placement on the squad for the following year. Every member must go through the same audition/selection process each spring. In addition to ability, each member’s cooperation, effort, attitude, and general character will be considered.

Article IV: Behavior

Section A

Personal Conduct

  1. Lancette/Lancer members are expected to be a credit to the school at all times.

          1. Be courteous and friendly to others.

          2. Be pleasant and respectful at all times—watch all conversations.

          3. Use NO profanity.

          4. Be pleasant, respectful, courteous and considerate of the members on your own squad as well as other squads.

          5. All school rules apply—members are expected to set a good example by following the school rules in and out of class. SEE LANCER CODE.

  1. Lancette/Lancer business belongs within the group.

          1. This means that there is loyalty to the group.

          2. Matters concerning members or coaches should not be discussed with friends outside the organization.

          3. A member is a representative of Lake Park High School; therefore, superior moral and ethical conduct is expected at all times. Remember, many people view your conduct.

          4. Public display of affection while in uniform or half-uniform is not acceptable.

3. Function/rehearsal/event etiquette

  1. Be careful what you say, what you do, and how you act. Remember that you are “on stage” all the time and in a “fishbowl” in the eyes of the school and the community.

  2. If you are asked to leave rehearsal because of your behavior, it will be considered an unexcused absence.

Article V: Officers

Section A

The coach (es), taking into consideration attendance, attitude, availability, ability and general character, shall choose captains or not choose captains.
Section B

The eligibility of the officers shall be as follows:

              1. Captain(s) shall be second year members.

              2. Captains will epitomize the image of a Lancette/Lancer at all times. (In class, rehearsal, performance, competition, and public.)

Section C

The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

  1. To organize the squad and to see that all practices begin on time.

  2. To lead proper warm-up and stretching at the beginning of each rehearsal.

  3. To insure that the squad is ready for the fall season.

  4. To lead pre-game dances and activities.

  5. To lead sportsmanship activities among the Lake Park and TDI community.

  6. To help choreograph and teach routines at the discretion of the coach (es).

Section D

Extra time and work is required of captains.

Section E

A captain is someone that is looked up to and upholds the expectations of the school and the coach(es). If at any time the integrity of the position is questioned a member may have the captainship revoked.
Article VI: Choreographers

Section A

The coach (es), taking into consideration attendance, attitude, availability, ability and general character, shall choose choreographers.
Section D

Extra time and work is required of choreographers.

Article VII: Rehearsals

Section A

Rehearsals are mandatory and begin when scheduled.

Practice Attendance

  1. Members should arrive 10 minutes early for rehearsals so that rehearsals can begin when scheduled.

  2. Members must attend practices in order to perform.

  3. Jobs and/or other extracurricular activities should not supersede a dance team practice or game.

Section B

If you have missed a practice, it is your responsibility to learn the routine that was taught that day. Waiting until the next rehearsal is unacceptable.
Section C

It is understood that all rehearsals are mandatory if a member misses the rehearsal before a performance (regardless of reason) he/she will be removed from that performance and any performances between said absence and the next rehearsal. Any exception is at the discretion of the coach (es).

Section D

If you are in school, you are to be at practice or a doctor’s note must be given at the next practice. If the coach does not receive a phone call from the member BEFORE practice starts, even if the member missed school, the member is UNEXCUSED. No exceptions.

Section E

If a member is asked to leave rehearsal due to behavior, the absence will be considered unexcused.

I.Article VIII: Uniform, equipment, personal hygiene

Section A

Each member will be supplied with the performance portion of her/his uniform. Uniforms should be returned in the same condition as issued and the member will be charged replacement cost and be fined $50.00 if an item is lost or damaged.


  1. Uniforms are the property of Lake Park and shall not be remodeled or changed in any way without the expressed permission of the coach.

  2. All uniforms should be cleaned whenever necessary in order to preserve the uniform and cleanliness.

  3. At the end of the season, the uniforms should be cleaned and returned to the coach on the assigned day. There will be fines for damaged, dirty, or missing uniforms.

  4. The uniform must be worn at all games when the squad performs. The uniforms are not to be worn for any other purpose. Any member not dressing like the rest of the squad will not perform.

  5. No part of the uniforms will be worn except when instructed by the coach.

  6. Uniforms are for official members who have been chosen through formal audition process. Uniforms should not be lent out without expressed permission of the coach (es).

Article IX: Lancette Functions

Section A

Attendance at all Lancette Functions is mandatory.
Members will be given a tentative schedule at the beginning of the season and are expected to work other activities around that schedule. An updated schedule will be posted on the website for the members and parents to view.
Ability to perform will be at the coach’s discretion based on but not limited to the following:

  • Knowledge of routine

  • attendance at rehearsals

  • attitude at rehearsals

  • eligibility

  • dress

  • meeting Lancette standards

LANCETTE FUNCTIONS (games, events, parades, competitions, community events, performances, etc.)

  1. Team members will sit together and support the other teams for all performances.

  2. Each member or squad will remain with the team unless given permission by the coach to leave.

  3. All members will arrive at performances at the time assigned by the coach, in the required uniform.

  4. All members are required to attend performances whether they perform or not.

Article X: Absences

Section A


                1. If you are absent for more than four class periods, or the whole day of a game, you cannot perform that evening.

                2. If you are home sick from school, you cannot attend any portion of practice. You still need to notify your coach before practice begins.

                3. Absences are considered excused if they involve extreme personal illness or accident, funeral, or death in the family, or prearranged situation with the sponsor. Documentation will be required in any absence situation.

                4. School sponsored activities are excused if and only if the coach receives the required written documentation two weeks prior to the event. (i.e. Chorus concerts, etc.)

                5. If a member is asked to leave rehearsal due to behavior . . . that absence will be considered unexcused.

  1. These absences are considered unexcused:

    1. Family Vacations

    2. Family Functions (i.e. parties, relatives coming to visit, babysitting)

    3. Needing to do school work—you will need to manage your time.

    4. Parties (of any kind)

    5. Birthdays (including the members birthday)

    6. Any reason other than illness. (i.e. shopping, concerts, birthday parties, family dinners, etc., activities other than school sponsored events)

    7. Member must notify the coach at least two weeks in advance of the absence(s), in any of the above situations. This does not guarantee that the absence will be excused.

Section B

A total of three unexcused absences will constitute removal from the squad.

First—the coach will talk to the member and the member will be benched for a performance at the discretion of the coach.

Second—the coach will talk to the member, call the parent and the member will be benched for a performance at the discretion of the coach.

Third—member and parent will meet with the coach and athletic director and member will turn in all uniform parts at that time.
Section C

If a member is absent from a mandatory function it is at the discretion of the coaches to bench that member from an equivalent function following the missed function. (i.e. Missing a football game and then being benched from the following football game.) No matter what the reason missing a mandatory function is unacceptable.

Article XII: Miscellaneous

Section A

Due to IHSA/NFSG regulations:

  • Dance team members may not have long acrylic nails during the competition season.

  • Tattoos must be covered entirely at all times.

  • Jewelry (including body piercing) cannot be worn while practicing or performing.

  • Hair must be pulled back during practices.

Section B

REMOVING A MEMBER—any member who is removed due to grades or disciplinary actions will not be reinstated during that academic year.
Section C


Along with the Illinois High School Association, the TEAMDance Illinois is investing time and energy into demonstrating the outstanding sportsmanship of our coaches, participates, and all spectators.
The TEAMDance Illinois expects the best display of sportsmanship to all and by all participants, judges, TDI officials and all spectators and fans. TDI feels it is essential that our participants have a positive approach to handling adversity. Lancettes ask all fans to keep comments positive and upbeat. Any violation of poor sportsmanship is unethical and could lead to possible criminal offense. (i.e. hazing of another member or team on the computer)

Eligibility Standards for Performances, Games and Events

1. Grades

  • Review the Lancer Code for Grade expectations.

2. Attendance

  • A member must attend the rehearsal before a performance or she may be pulled from that routine.

3. Behavior

  • Members may be pulled from performances due to behavior unbecoming of a Lancer.

4. Uniform/Poms/Props/Make-up/Hair

  • The member will not perform if any portion of the uniform, costume, or props/poms is missing.

  • The member will not perform if she does not have her hair in the “proper” style for that routine.

  • Make-up should be done according to team specifications.

5. Performance Capability/Auditions

It is the coach’s discretion at each individual level to pull a member from a performance at any time.

  • A member may be pulled from pre-game, half-time or a competition due to the inability to perform skills, choreography, or the emotional quality of the material.

  • The performances that the members participate in are at the discretion of each level coach and/or the combined coaching staff.

  • Before select performances, the coaches will audition the team members. It will be determined at that point if a member will perform or not.

  • During a pre-game performance, a member will be given one warning if she is not performing up to standards. If the coach approaches that member again she will be pulled from the pre-game performance and therefore pulled from the subsequent half-time performance.

I, the undersigned, have fully read the Lake Park Lancette Dance Team Standards for Performance Eligibility and understand what will be expected of me in the coming season to remain eligible to perform. I understand that it is fully at the coaches’ discretion and I may be out of a performance at any time.

________________________________________ _________________________

Dance Team Member Signature Date

I, the parent/guardian of the above-named, have read the Lake Park Lancettes Dance Team Standards for Performance Eligibility. I understand the coach (es) has (have) final say in my child /ward’s performance eligibility.
______________________________________________ ____________________________

Dance Team Member’s Parent/Guardian Date


Dance Team Member Name PLEASE PRINT

I, the undersigned, have fully read the Lake Park Lancette Dance Team Standards and Expectations and understand what will be expected of me in the coming season to remain a member in good standing. I will keep myself knowledgeable and informed of all rules, and realize that the consequences for poor behavior or inappropriate actions may be severe. I will do all I can to uphold the honor, tradition and reputation of the Lancette Dance Teams, and respect my team members, my school, and all persons associated with school spirit at all times.

I fully realize that I will be held accountable for the rules and policies stated within the aforementioned document and the Lancer Code.
__________________________________________________________ _________________________

Dance Team Member Signature Date

I, the parent/guardian of the above named, have read the Lake Park Lancette Dance Team Standards and Expectations and understand all the requirements and consequences of improper actions. I understand the coach (es) has (have) final say in my child /ward’s remaining on the team. I fully realize that he/she will be held accountable for the rules and policies stated within the aforementioned document.
I also realize this is a team effort and that I may be called upon to help in some ways throughout the year, which are within capacity to help, and I will make every effort to do my share of assisting on behalf of my daughter/ward.
___________________________________________________ ____________________________

Dance Team Member’s Parent/Guardian Date

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