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Maps of Württemberg (Swabia Germany)

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Maps of Württemberg (Swabia Germany)

The family name Leibbrand(t) can be found in Württemberg in a number of places.

On this map: Map of Württemberg

Kirchheim am Neckar
Lauffen am Neckar
Steinheim an der Mürr
Vaihingen an der Enz

Not on the map:

(Klein)Ingersheim  (Klein- und Groß-Ingershein sind nun vereinigt zu Ingersheim)
Eltingen   (Eltingen gehört nun zur Stadt Leonberg)
Gündelbach (Gündelbach gehört nun zur Stadt Vaihingen an der Enz)

Historical (1935) detailed map of Württemberg with the origins of the Leibbrandt family: Lauffen, Kirchheim, Klein Ingersheim Big file: 1113 KB
Lauffen am Neckar
Kirchheim am Neckar
Klein Ingersheim (am Neckar)
Gross Ingersheim

Kirchheimer Stamm  Übersicht (Anfang/Begin ~1542)

Leibbrand,   (Leuttbrand) , Wolffgang     Gen. 1
    Bauer in Kirchheim am Neckar um 1543
    Geb. um 1542   †
    I oo vor 1562
    II oo um 1590

Leibbrand, Andreas     Gen. 2
    Ziegler in Leonberg
    Geb.  um 1562 Kirchheim am Neckar
    †  24. 10. 1634 Leonberg
    oo um 1594  Margaretha
    Geb.  um 1574
    †  19. 10. 1634 Leonberg

    1. Leibbrand, Hans-Michael Ziegler in Leonberg Geb. um 1595

    2. Leibbrand,   Johannes, Pfarrer in Weissach, Geb. † 4. 3. 1660 Weissach

(1) Leibbrand,   Hans-Michael     Gen. 3

    Ziegler in Leonberg
    Geb. um 1595
    † 14. 2. l670 Leonberg
    oo  2. 6. 1622 Leonberg
    Eck Anna
    Geb. Oberderdingen
    † 14. 2. 1670 Leonberg

    Leonberger Unterstamm

        Kirchberger Unterast  an der Murr

(2) Leibbrand,   Johannes     Gen. 3
    Pfarrer in Weissach
    † 4. 3. 1660 Weissach
    I oo  20. 5. 1627 Leonberg
    Weiler, Anna Magdalene
    Geb.  um 1604 Vaihingen/Enz
    † 8. 8. 1638 Flacht

Weissacher Unterstamm I

     II oo 1639
    Hauff, Anna
    Geb. 16. 02. 1639/40 in Zaisersweiher, Germany, Tochter des Jakob Hauff.

    Weissacher unterstamm II

          Heimerdinger Ast
          Enzberger Ast

        Iptinger Unterstamm


Lauffener Stamm   Übersicht (Anfang/Begin ~1542)

Leyprand, Jerg     Gen. 1
    in Lauffen am Neckar
    † nach 1550
    1. Leyprand, Jerg  Ziegler in Lauffen am Neckar
    Geb.   um 1544   1554?  Lauffen am Neckar

    2. Leyprand, Simon Bürger in Lauffen am Neckar u. Schwaigern

    Geb.  um 1550 Lauffen am Neckar

 (1)  Leyprand, Jerg     Gen. 2

    Ziegler in Lauffen am Neckar
    Geb.   um 1544   1554?  Lauffen am Neckar
    †  10. 10. 1609  Lauffen am Neckar
    I.oo  5. 5. 1570  Lauffen am Neckar
    Mayer, Apollonia
    Geb.  um 1546
    †  6. 2. 1596
    II. oo  3.  8. 1596  Lauffen am Neckar
    Wertmann,    Margarete
    1A. Leyprand, Andreas,   Bürger in Lauffen,   Geb.  um 1574 Lauffen am Neckar

    2A. Leyprand, Abraham, Bürgermeister in Bönnigheim, Geb.  6. 4. 1580  Lauffen am Neckar


 (1A)  Leyprand, Andreas     Gen. 3

    Bürger in Lauffen am N'eckar
    Geb.  um 1574 Lauffen am Neckar
    oo  8. 1596  Bönnigheim Berner, Katharina
    Geb.  um 1576
    †  nach 1605

    Bonnigheimer Unterstamm I

        Ilsfelder Ast
             Güglinger Ast
             Steinheimer  an der Murr  Ast

 (2A)  Leyprand, Abraham     Gen. 3

    Bürgermeister in Bönnigheim
    Geb.  6. 4. 1580  Lauffen am Neckar
    †  nach 1633
    I oo  8. 2. 1603 Bönnigheirn
    Kachel, Christine
    † 29. 12. 1632
    II. oo  9. 7. 1633 Bönnigheim
    Böhm, Maria, Wwe. d. Hans-Michael  Böhm

    Bönnigheimer Unterstamm II

        Markgröninger - Unterweissacher Ast
            Hoffnungstaler Ast
        Steinheimer Ast

(2)  Leyprand, Simon     Gen. 2

    Bürger in Lauffen am Neckar u. Schwaigern
    Geb. um 1550 in Lauffen am Neckar   †
    oo  14. 8. 1575
    Pfeffer, Anna
    Geb.     †
        Andreas    Geb.  um 1593,     †  12. 11. 1615 in Schwaigern

Leibrand, Andreas     Gen. 3
    Bürger und Ziegler in Schwaigern
    Geb.  um 1593
    †  12. 11. 1615 in Schwaigern

    Schwaigerner Unterstamm

        Ernsbacher Ast

 Ingersheimer Stamm I (Anfang/Begin ~1605)

(1) Leuprandt, Hans     Gen. 1
    Burgermeister, des Gerichts in Kleiningersheim
    Geb.  um 1605
    †  02. 06. 1690  Keiningersheim
    oo   Maria
    Geb.   um 1599
    †  13. 02.1678  Kleiningersheim
    Hans Heinrich  (Geb.  08. 07. 1642)

(2) Hans Heinrich Leuprandt (Leibbrand)     Gen. 2
    In Kleiningersheim
    Geb.  08. 07. 1642
    †  09. 01. 1718
    I oo   Sofie,   † 1687
    II oo  Agnes, † 1717
    Kinder I:
      Johann Heinrich , (3)   (geb. 14. 01, 1665)  ( †   31. 03. 1732)
      Mattias,                      (geb. 1670)
      Hansjerg Ambrosius     (geb.  1675)

(3) Johann Heinrich Leibbrand     Gen. 3
    In Kleiningersheim
    Geb.  14. 01. 1665
    †  31. 03. 1732.
    oo  12. 01. 1694. Anna Maria  Stutz verw. Kieser
    Geb.  01. 03. 1661
    †  11. 02. 1729.
           Johann Heinrich   (4)    (geb. 24. 05. 1697)  ( † 28.04. 1773)
            Johann Konrad              (geb. 15. 07. 1701)

(4) Johann Heinrich Leibbrand     Gen. 4
    In Kleiningersheim
    Geb. 24. 05. 1697
    †   28. 04. 1773.
    oo  Margarete Ulmer  1720.
    Geb.  1700
    †  10. 04. 1762.
           Christian           (9)      (geb. 11. 02. 1721)     ( † 07. 01. 1778)
           Johann Heinrich           (geb. 07. 05. 1723)
            Marie Elisabeth           (geb. 25. 12. 1725)
            Christina                      (geb. 21. 09. 1728)
           Jacob Friedrich   (5)    (geb. 18. 03. 1729/30)   ( † 1757)
            David Jonathan              (geb. 22.06. 1733)
            Christine  Dorothea       (geb. 03. 03. 1735/36)

(5) JAKOB FRIEDRICH Leibbrand     Gen. 5
    geb. March 18, 1729/30 in Germany
    gest. 1757 in Germany
    oo ELISABETH MARGARETE KLEIN 1750 in Germany.
        ELISABETH KATHARINE geb. January 29, 1751/52.
        JAKOB JOHATHAN , geb. October 01, 1753.
        CHRISTIAN, geb. August 09, 1755; gest. February 12, 1820.
        MARIA VERONIKA, geb. July 11, 1757.

(6) CHRISTIAN Leibbrand     Gen. 6
    geb. August 09, 1755,
    gest. February 12, 1820.
    oo CHRISTINA KATHERINE KELLER November 28, 1775.
        JOHANN JAKOB, geb. March 17, 1782, Ingersheim Germany; gest. ~ 1845.
        CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH, geb. March 17, 1782.
        ANDREAS , geb. October 18, 1783.

(7) JOHANN JAKOB Leibbrand     Gen. 7
    geb. March 17, 1782 in Ingersheim Germany,
    gest. ~ 1845.
    oo KATHARINA DOROTHEA KELLER September 17, 1805.
        BARBARA, geb. November 20, 1807.
        DAVID , geb. June 06, 1808, Germany.
        KATHARINA DOROTHEA, geb. October 05, 1809.
        CHRISTINA REGINA, geb. November 27, 1813.
        CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH geb. October 19, 1820.
        (8) JOHANN JACOB, geb. October 19, 1817, Ingersheim Germany, died March 31, 1897, California.

JOHANN JACOB and his family travelled from Klein Ingersheim on 19.04.1831 and settled in America.
In 1835, they lived in Tiffin, Seneca county, Ohio.
In 1840 and 1850, they lived in Knox county and Wells county, Indiana State.
Johann Jacob Leibbrand(t) married Rebecca Snyder and had one or more children born in Indiana before moving to Santa Cruz, California State and completing their family of eleven.

USA"Leib(b)rand(t)" branch (Begin 1831)

 See also: All USA Leib(b)rand(t) Descendants of Hans Heinrich Leibbrand, Ingersheimer stock

  8)  Johann Jacob Leibbrand(t) Gen. 8

       born October 19, 1817 in Ingersheim Germany, and died March 31, 1897 in California.
        m. Rebecca Lydia Synder    4. 08. 1849?    born 09. 12. 1825    d. 10. 11. 1907
        c.    Solomon Leibbrandt born 03. 29. 1844/1846    d. 01. 21. 1923 (=9A)
              Maria (Moria) Leibbrandt born 12. 23. 1847    d. 09. 04. 1937 (=9F)
              Jacob Leibbrandt    born 09. 27. 1849      d. 01. 21. 1923 (=9B)
              William Leibbrandt    born 08. 13. 1851     d. 04. 08. 1931 (=9C)
              Henry Leibbrandt      born 04. 04. 1853    d. 06. 25. 1946 (=9D)
              Rebecka Martha Leibbrandt    born 09. 20. 1856    d. 09. 11. 1916
              John W. Leibbrandt    born 01. 03. 1859    d. 08. 23. 1860
              Esther Ann Leibbrandt     born 03. 28. 1861    d. 10. 01. 1937
              Frank Leibbrandt        born 10. 06. 1863    d. 1905 (=9E)
              Elizabeth Leibbrandt        born September 27, 1865, Indiana.   
              Mary Ann Leibbrandt    born 04. 11. 1867    d. 01. 09. 1962

9A)   Soloman Leibbrandt   Gen. 9

born 03. 29. 1846 d. 01. 21. 1923

        m. Lelia McCombs    09. 24. 1876    born 03. 15. 1859    d. 06. 14. 1909
        c.    Oscar Leibbrandt    born 10. 10. 1878    d. 1924 (=10A)
               Clara Leibbrandt    born     03. 12. 1880    d. 04. 20. 1977
               Benjamin Franklin Leibbrandt    born 10. 08. 1883    d. 08. 16. 1979 (=10B)
               James Arnold Leibbrandt    born 06. 16. 1885    d. 11. 13. 1968 (=10C)
               Lewis Leonard Leibbrandt    born 07. 04. 1892    d. 05. 13. 1976 (=10D)
               Lena Leibbrandt        born 03. 27. 1890    d. 01. 20. 1976
        m. Lenna McCombs    1912    born 08. 30. 1861    d. 06. 09. 1927

9F) Maria Leibbrandt Gen. 9
       born December 23, 1847 in Indiana.
       Married John Hoffmann December 25, 1865.
       i.Emma Hoffmann.
       ii. Alvin Hoffmann.

9B)  Jacob John Leibbrandt Gen. 9
       born September 27, 1849 in Indiana, and died November 1929
        m. Alice Rostron  02. 17. 1872    born         d.
        m. Rosa Lear    03. 20. 1884    born 1867    d. 08. 09. 1885
        c. Julia Rosa Leibbrandt    born 07. 19. 1885    d. 08. 09. 1960
        m. Elizabeth Iddings    03. 29. 1891    born         d.
        c. Tom Leibbrandt    born         d. 1930 (=10E)
            Mae L. Leibbrandt     born 1897    d. 1943

9C)  William Leibbrandt Gen. 9
       born August 13, 1851 in Indiana, and died April 08, 1930 in San Jose California.
        m. Francise E. Peirce  05. 20. 1879    born         d.
        c. Martha Leibbrandt     born         d.
            Millie Leibbrandt    born         d.
        m. Caroline        born         d.
        c. Annie Leibbrandt    born         d.
            Pearl Leibbrandt     born         d.

9D)  Henry Leibbrandt Gen. 9
       born April 04, 1854 in Watsonville, Santa Cruz co. California, and died June 25, 1946 in San Jose California.
        m. Rebbacca Ann Davis   07. 04. 1873    born 08. 16. 1857    d. 04. 02. 1942
        c. Alice Agnes Leibbrandt    born 03. 24. 1874    d. 12. 24. 1980
            Walter Henry Leibbrandt    born 10. 07. 1875    d. 10. 02. 1877
            Edna Ella Leibbrandt    born 11. 01. 1880    d. 12. 17. 1958
            Claud Charles Leibbrandt    born 1. 26. 1883    d. 1970? (=10F)
            Mabel Grace Leibbrandt    born 07. 28. 1887    d. 1985
            Hazel Claire Leibbrandt        born 12. 04. 1890    d. 04. 13. 1962

9E)  Frank Leibbrandt Gen. 9
       born October 06, 1863 in Indiana, and died 1905
        m. Lenna McCombs  daughter of BENJAMIN MCCOMBS and LAVINA BLACKBURN 11. 02. 1883
       born     08. 30. 1861    d. 06. 09. 1927
        c.  Laura Leibbrandt    born 10. 05. 1886    d. 04. 11. 1918
             Bruce Leibbrandt    born 04. 13. 1888    d.    1893
            Violet Leibbrandt    born 01. 13. 1890    d. 04. 01. 01976
            Lillie May Leibbrandt    born 05. 16. 1891    d. 02. 13. 1948
            John Franklin Leibbrandt    born 01. 28. 1895    d. 04. 24. 1966 (=10G)
            Daisy born Leibbrandt    born 01. 24. 1897    d. 02. 21. 1981
            Charles Albert Leibbrandt    born 10. 21. 1901    d. 07. 12. 1983 (=10H)

10A)  Oscar Leibbrandt   Gen. 10
born 10. 10. 1878 d. 1924 (Died in Sitka)
        m. Belle Todd 06. 09. 1899    born     d.
        c.    Arthur Leibbrandt    born 1901    d. 1906 (approximate dates)

10B)  Benjamin Franklin Leibbrandt   Gen. 10
born 10. 08. 1883 d. 08. 16. 1979
        m. Lillian Kushnick            born 03. 21. 1902    

10C)  James Arnold Leibrant   Gen. 10 
born 06. 16. 1885 d. 11. 13. 1968
       m. Leila Mattie Short            born     d.
        c.  James Harold Leibrant     born 08. 02. 1909    d. 1966 (=11A)
             Clara Fern Leibrant          born 08. 28. 1911   
       m. Alice May Foster 12. 27. 1922    born 08. 08. 1905   
       c.  William James Leibrant    born     10. 11. 1923    d. 05. 07. 1945
            Jeanne Katherine Leibrant    born 03. 06. 1925    d.
            Patrick Arnold Leibrant        born 06. 19. 1931    d.(=11B)
            Jerry Foster Leibrant         born 02. 24. 1933    d. (=11C)
        m. Dorothea Potter     born     d. 1961

10D)  Lewis Leonard Leibrant  Gen. 10 
        Born July 04, 1892 in Sumas, Whatcom County, Washington
        Died May 13, 1976 in Ferndale, Whatcom co. Washington.
Lewis Leonard altered his original Württemberg family name Leibbrandt to Leibrant,
probably due to distrust of Germans in the USA during the 2nd world war.
        m. Verna Mae Walmer    09. 21. 1920    born 02. 16. 1903    d. 1997
        c. Lelia Irene Leibrant    born 06. 28. 1921    d.
            Kenneth Leroy Leibrant    born 03. 19. 1923         d. 07. 01. 1980 (=11D)
            Clara Lucille Leibrant        born 09. 27. 1924       
            Donald Richard Leibrant   born 04. 28. 1926         (=11E)
            Luelle May Leibrant         born   03. 17. 1929       
            Charles Raymond Leibrant    born 03. 17. 1929    (=11F)
            Anna Maria Leibrant            born     10. 07. 1932 
            Vernon Eugene Leibrant       born 10. 29. 1934     (=11G)
            John Willfred Leibrant           born 04. 23. 1936    (=11H)
            Mary Louise Leibrant            born 03. 25. 1943   
            Emily Ruth Leibrant               born 02. 02. 1949    

 10E)  Tom Leibbrandt   Gen. 10

d. 1930 
        c.  Caram Leibbrandt    born        
             Russell     Leibbrandt    born         

10F)  Claud Charles Leibbrandt   Gen. 10
born 11. 26. 1883 d. 1980
        m. Grace Lillian Beatty    06. 20. 1911    born 01. 01. 1891/1893?    d. 1950
        c. Thelma Gertrude Leibbrandt    born 07. 31. 1912
        m. Florence Madiville (previous husbands name) 1940

10G)  John Franklin Leibrant   Gen. 10
born 01. 28. 1895 d. 04. 24. 1966
        m. Ivy Whimsett     1929    born         d. 1946

10H)  Charles Albert Leibbrandt   Gen. 10 
born 10. 21. 1901 d. 07. 12. 1983
        m. Thelma Gallaher    09. 24. 1932    born 1908    d. 09. ??. 1935
        m.  Elizabeth Helen Clark    10. 10. 1942    born 12. 02. 1909    d. 05. 22. 1989
        c.   Rodney Denny Leibbrandt    born 07. 03. 1945     (=11-I)

11A)  James Harold Leibrant Gen. 11
born 08. 02. 1909
      m. Laura
        c. Anna Bernice Leibrant    born 1936 d.

11B)  Patrick Arnold Leibrant  Gen. 11 
born 06. 19. 1931
        m.    Janet Darrene Comstock    03. 13. 1953    born 02. 03. 1935   
        c.     James Arnold Leibrant     born 09. 21. 1953     (=12A)
                William James Leibrant    born 03. 29. 1956    (=12B)
                Marla Kay Leibrant         born 08. 29. 1960   
                Fredrick Lewis Leibrant   born 12. 09. 1963    (=12C)

11C)  Jerry Foster Leibrant  Gen. 11 
born 02. 24. 1933
     m. Joanne Gail Campbell    10. 30. 1959    born 08. 02. 1936    
        c. Alice Melonie Leibrant    born 12. 30. 1960    
            Gail Ann Leibrant            born 04. 20. 1966    
        m. Sommai        08. ??. 1979    b,     
        c.  Tanya Leibrant     born 09. 15. 1983    

11D)  Kenneth Leroy Leibrant Gen. 11
born     03. 19. 1923    d. 07. 01. 1980  in Bellingham, Whatcom Co, Washington.
   m.    Susan Lola Federspeil    8. 18. 1946     born 06. 05. 1928    
    c.     Lola Louise Leibrant    born 06. 27. 1947    
            Gerald Lee Leibrant    born 07. 27. 1948     (=12D)
            Douglas Raymond Leibrant    born     10. 27. 1951     (=12D)
            Robert Kenneth Leibrant    born 11. 24. 1953        (=12F)
            Della Arlene Leibrant    born     05. 31. 1955    

11E)  Donald Richard Leibrant  Gen. 11 
born 04. 28. 1926
       m. Virginia Darlyne Joy            born 07. 11. 1930   
        c. Helen Elaine Leibrant    born 03. 19. 1948
        m.  Welda Julia Woods  11. 20. 1948    born 11. 20. 1932    d. 04. 19. 1988
        c.  Thelma Lucille Leibrant     born 09. 27. 1949    
             Debra Estelle Leibrant      born 10. 17. 1956    
             Donald Richard Leibrant   born 01. 02. 1960     (=12G)
        m. Freda Coad 1989

11F)  Charles Raymond Leibrant   Gen. 11 
born 07. 19. 1930
        m. Wanda May Williams    08. 28. 1954    born 08. 28. 1935    
        c.  Lyle Allen Leibrant    born 05. 23. 1955    d. (=12H)
            Eugene Andrew Leibrant    born 10. 30. 1956    (=12I)
            Steven Lee Leibrant    born 01. 14. 1958    (=12J)
            Carrie Lee Leibrant    born 07. 10. 1960    
        m. Avonne Clair Knisley 10. 08. 1983    born 01. 17. 1935    

11G)  Vernon Eugene Leibrant   Gen. 11
born 10. 29. 1934
        m. Karen Ilene Redelps    06. 05. 1961    born 01. 03. 1942
        c.  Kim Kari Leibrant    born 01. 12. 1962
             Nicki Nita Leibrant   born 03. 02. 1963

11H)  John Willfred Leibrant   Gen. 11
born 04. 23. 1936
        m. Muriel May Rasmussen    07. 12. 1957    born 12. 19. 1939
        c. Monty Verdon Leibrant    born 01. 30. 1959  (=12K)
            Belva May Leibrant         born 05. 22. 1961

11-I)  Rodney Denny Leibbrandt   Gen. 11
born 07. 03. 1945
        m. Laura Gaile Kennedy    06. 20. 1970    born 09. 07. 1949   
        m.  Irene Gail Patton         05. 03. 1979     born 11. 16. 1955   
        c.   Janeen Marie Leibbrandt    born 12. 01. 1979   
        m. Delores Jane Cazier    12. 20. 1987    born 03. 25. 1947    

12A)  James Arnold Leibrant   Gen. 12 
born 09. 21. 1953
    m. Susan Wiser    born 1955    d. 1983

12B)  William James Leibrant  Gen. 12 
born 03. 29. 1956
        m. Susan Anne Ames    1974    born 1956   
        c.  William Robert Leibrant     born     09. 15. 1975    

12C)  Fredrick Lewis Leibrant Gen. 12
born 12. 09. 1963

        Patrick Lewis McCreight   

born 04. 13. 1983 d. (Association unknown)

12D)   Gerald Lee Leibrant   Gen. 12
born 07. 27. 1948
      m. Sheryl Anderson    04. 01. 1968    born    
        c.  Daniel Alan Leibrant    born 09. 17. 1968   
        m. Becky Jo Baker (truncated from Norwegian name) 1973    born 02. 21. 1953   
        c. Colleen Lorraine Leibrant    born 12. 29. 1975    d. 03. 12. 1978
            Joshua Ruben Leibrant        born 11. 16. 1977   
            Josephine Elizabeth Leibrant    born 07. 26. 1979   
            Micah Levi Leibrant (Leibbrand)    born 08. 30. 1980     (=13A)

12E)  Douglas Raymond Leibrant   Gen. 12
born 10. 27. 1951
       m. Sylvia Logan     1971    born    
        c.   Tracy Lynn Leibrant    born 08. 07. 1974   
        m. Debbie Griffith    09. 21. 1978    born     

12F)  Robert Kenneth Leibrant   Gen. 12
born 11. 24. 1953
       m. Holly Beth Murphy    12. 30. 1977    born      
        c. Rachel Emma Leibrant    born 06. 20. 1978   
            Nathan Lewis Leibrant    born 05. 03. 1980    

12G)  Donald Richard Leibrant   Gen. 12
born 01. 02. 1960
        m. Melanie Ann Lemar 08. 02. 1981    born 02. 23. 1960   
        c.  Danielle Nicole Leibrant    born 02. 10. 1985    

12H)  Lyle Allen Leibrant   Gen. 12
born 05. 23. 1955
        m. Cindy Aloha Zettle    08. 29. 1975    born 08. 27. 1957
        c. Andy Joseph Leibrant    born 07. 25. 1980
           Cody Allen Leibrant        born 02. 01. 1985

12I)  Eugene Andrew Leibrant    Gen. 12
born 10. 30. 1956
       m. Jaleen Kay Moser    06. 23. 1979    born 06. 12. 1960
        c.  Tyler Andrew Leibrant    born 02. 01. 1985

12J)  Steven Lee Leibrant  Gen. 12 
born 01. 14. 1958
       m. Serena Marie Sager    05. 14. 1983    born 04. 24. 1963
        c.  Sheena Lee Leibrant    born 03. 28. 1985
            Shalynn Marie Leibrand    born 04. 03. 87

12K)  Monty Verdon Leibrant    Gen. 12
born 01. 30. 1959
       m. Sande Marie Taylor    08. 04. 1979    born 11. 08. 1959
        c.  Monica Lynn Leibrant          born 06. 19. 1980 (=13B)
            Chris Allen Leibrant        born 11. 04. 1982 (=13C)

13A)  Micah Levi Leibbrand    Gen.13    http://geocities.com/mleibbrand
Born August 30, 1980.
Micah Levi altered his family name Leibrant back to the original Württemberg family name Leibbrand.

13B)   Monica Lynn Leibrant    Gen.13 monica.leibrant@gmail.com
        Born 06. 19. 1980
        B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2002.

13C) Chris Allen Leibrant Gen.13
Born 11. 04. 1982


(9) Christian Leibbrand     Gen. 5

    In Kleiningersheim
    Geb. 11. 02. 1721
    †   07. 001. 1778.
    I oo  21. 054. 1744 Regina Hepting
    II oo 1771 Barbara verw. Münz
        David Jonathan   (AA)     (geb. 29. 09. 1765)  ( †  12. 09.1845 in Amsterdam)

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