The _parties whose holdings remain to be demarcated, 'after the expiry of 'the period, will be intimat~d to 'be present ~t the' site on the prescribed date to complete the demarcation, failing to do so it will' be, carried out by this Department and the cost of the boundary"-marks increased by_ 25% thereof will be recovered from them.
All ,persons having any right" interest or -claim over properties in Ponda, and Sanguem Talukas in the abovementioned Villages, or are to act for persons so interested, are hereby 'called upon to ,appear personal!)" or ,bY,.;~~lwrised""-, agent bef?t:e_ the survey party in charge 'of Cad~trar SUrvey in the area', to state the nature of their interest in the land And partic,ulars of their claim supported by docwnentary evidence.
. Panaji,16th Oc~ober, '1969. -The Director, V. N. K'dkarni.
(2nd time)
In ,pursu~-ce of the order of qollector of Goa, it is hereby made ,kriown to all -concerned that on 18th November of 1;he year in course;: at 11 a. m., public auction wl1l be held
-m the 'of Mamiatdar, Salcete'Taluka before ,the Co~'nrittee appointed as per Soonion 98 of Regime for the coneession of Government lands, in force, approved"by-pecree , No: 3'60,2 dated 24...1-1-J.'91-7 for the lease of Government plot 'known·-'as «Chandona, Bata ",or Udiechem 'Mand,a»-;$~t~~,.ted at Mijorda, compriSirig-' the area of 2552 'sq. ,m'et-t'" ; right >to the -usufruct, for, the period of one year renewable 'li,n eq'u{ttperio'ds up to 3 y~ars on the,m·arrting bid of Rs. 300/
·under'·tlie' geneval ana special conditions regard1ng lease. The 'reap'ective fHe is ava:llabie in the respective OfIfice for the information of public.
, .'
Directorate of LaIid Survey, Goa, 27th October, .'1969. ~ Th.'e D1rectQr, V. N. Kulkarni.
Mainlotdor's Office ot 1I.~dez Tolu,,"
S. S. Rao, Ma-mlatdar:
At the request of the Municipality, of. Barde2j, ¥apusa I .hereby make it· known that as the tithes 'and deposits 'kept'as security' for the execution ,of work of construction of a shed -east of Municipal Market at Mapusa, 'Carried out by the con·
'tractor .Shri Rajaram Subraia Porobo, resident of Aldona, are to be refuij,ded to him, all :tlie interested parUEi.$ --_are itereby invited to approach thl~' office, 'Withlri'apenQ(f:\lJ;.30 days, from the date of ,publicll.tion .c:if. this' 'notice .. fii·'the':Qo..; 'vernmeIit Gazette"with any complaints as' regards, to--non-payment of salaries, materials or any other indemnifications ,to whi~h they 'are eqtitled in accordance with para -Q: 10lf the
,O~ intere'~sados ,s~o, 'outrossi~, avisados a-estarem. presenteno local do seus predios durante 0 levantamento da planta. e fornecerem os seguint~s elementos: '
a) Nome ou nomes dos predios.
b) Natureza e qualida'le das culturas.
c) Nomes, residencia, filiagao e profissAoi;dos proprieUi.w,
rios. ' '
d) Nomes, residencia, profissao do rendeiros, cultivadores. ou exploradores.
e) Foros OU quaisquer outros encargos da mesma natu-. reza que oneram 0 predio.
I) Sistema de irtigagao natural e artificial. g)-A~lica~o dOs ptedio~, u:t:banos.
h) Natureza das questoes e litigios sobre a posse ou propriedade dos pre~ios. ,
i) poc~ento de' posse ou propried,ade. sua Inscri!;ao e descrigao na Conservat6ria' e ~,Matriz Predial.
Os interessa~os que d~ixarem de demarcar as suas proprie-. dades durante este penodo serao intimados a c6mparecer no local dos seus predios _em data a designar para completarem a mesma com a advert~ncia de que deixando de 0f~er sera a mesma leVada a efeito por esta Reparti!;Ao, que deles cobrara. 0 custo dos marcos acrescido de 25 por cento•.
Todas as pessoas que tenham qualquer direito "interesse
-ou reclama~o a fazer'a respeito de propriedade:'sitas nos. concelhos" de Quepem"'J~, Canacona. nas aldeias" acima men. cionadas, sao convidados a comparecer por s1 ou por seu representante legal na sede da brigada a cargo do cadastro. dessa area a fim de declarar a natureza dos seus interesses no ter~eno e detalhes das reclama!;oes mediante prova-documental.
Panagi, 16 de Outubro de 1969. -0 Director, V. N. Kul-· kami.
(2.a vez)
De order do Collector de Goa se faz publico que no (101-a
.18 de Novembro do corrente ano, pelas 11 horas', proceder-se-:a na Reparti~ao de ~amlatdar do Concelho de Salcete, perante a comissao 'a que se refere 0 Artigo 98.° do Regime para con~ cessao dos terrenos em vigor, aprovado pelo Decreto n.o 3602.. de 2:4 de 'Novembro de 100.7, ao arrendamen-to em hasta publica do terreno do Estado den.omlnado «Chandoua Bata ou,Udiechem Manda», situado em Majorda. da-area de 2552 m'\ com direito ao ,usufruto por periodo de urn ~ano renovavel por i~uais periodos ate 3 anos, sendo a base "de licita~aoRps. 300/-, mediante as condi~oes gerais e especiais'referentes ao. arrendamento...0 respectivo processo encon-trawSe na respectiva Repart~!;ao para conheciItiento dos interessados;
Diiec!;ao dos Serv-igos de Agl'imensura, em Goa, 27 de Outubro de 1969. -0 Director, V. N. KuZkarni.
Repartiqao de Mamlatdar do Concelho de Bordi.
,. Edital
s. s. Rao, Mamlatdar:
Faz-se saber, a solicitac;;ao da Camara Municipal de Bard~s.... qu~ tendo de serem restituidos '3.0 empreiteiro' lR.!ajaran). Subraia Porobo, residente em Aldona, os decimos e dep6sitosreservados para a garantia da obra' de constru!;ao do abrigo ao nascente· do·, Mercado Municipal de Mapu!;a.,:sao-, por este ~onvidados todos -os interessados a virem apreseritar nesta Reparti~ao, no prazo de 30 dias a'contar da data da publica!;aodeste no Boletim Oficial, quaisquer reclamagijes por falta de pagament-o de jornais, materiais e outras indemniza!;3es a que se julguem::com direito, nos'termos do ,§ tl..o do artigo 60.0-' da Let das Empreitadas em vigor.
. .
Mapuga, 17 de Outubro de '1969.-.0 Mamlatdar, S. S. RM_ .301
30T.H; OCTOBER, 1969 (KARTIKA 8, 1891)
Home Department .'A'
~(jlice [)eportlnent
. Action~;Notice
. It is h~re9y~botified th~t, an auctipn ~ale,Of wireiess storage batterIes. motor cycles, ,motor, ~-cars, motor cycle and motor ear spare' parts, bicycles and bicycle spare. parts, sPrings, batteries. tyres and tubes, torches lanterns, ~atp.irig v~ssels, toilet articles. mess articles, .furniture, ',eots, footw~at; -elec~ trieal goods and other sundry articles will be held. before the Committee at the Police Headquarters, Pauaji' at :10.00 a. m. 25-1il-~969. •... . i' .:.
More particulars -will 'b,~-avai"lable from tHe ofifice',,_,6.f the Inspector General"of POlice, 'Panaji. ,
. The above arti'Cles·_for. inspection lOll any working
day betweE'Jl 10.00 ,a. m.'·-~d ,5.30-p. 'm. at the F:0lice Head-qu.arters, Pan,aji. "
Aruon Bhagat, fusp~~.tor Ge~e'ral' of '-Polic,e.
Panaji, !2.2nd ·OctoDer, 1.S69.
.Com.~d() d.a Polr"ia
'~Aviso . ~
Faz-se .publi~.o que ,havera um3;:h~_sta publica 'para a""'ve,zida. de ba~as'para telegrafia 's-em' fio's, -m'.otocic:1etas, aut,om6veis, sobreis8.leiites de m.ot.ocicleta 'e"automovel;.':·'bicicletas;,e·' scbres~ salentoo/ molas; -'baterli;ts, pneits_--fj ,tubos~fccWs',-lantern:as~ ute:ri~ Sil'ios-para:-barihc, artig.os deLtoiIete,--artges de -messe,"mob1+ ",' liario, .-camas:'·'cal~c.. ', material-' eiectrico '. e" outros' artigos,.
, as 10 h.oras de 25 de N ovembro de :19-69, no Comando, da-oPe',", Hcia em Panagi,:com "a assistencia da Cemissac nomeada;'para esse ,fim. " "..' . , '-', " Para mais informaQoes .os interessados padera.o dirigir-Se a Repartis;Ae de,,, ~pecter: Geral da Pelicia., -em:Panagi; Os, aij:~g~~,~ci~!3-r~feridcs< p'qder~'O.Aer )nspecciqnadcs' ;em "'qualqu~~)::dia, utJl, _entre,:as:10 :e,J,,!.:?O hera,s, ne__ 9cmando,~d~ Pelicia, em Panagi." '. <'~ 'j;.;
A~-!3hagat,,-I~speptor 9:~ral, AA :Fq~icia.
~aria:g'i. ,2~ de '-Outulirb'-de' :~969;-':'
~",.. ~,"'
; i~
state·Transpol"tAuthcirlty.. " ~.
.!;:, 'J ,,>
. Resolution'
"i . ,;':'<;!
v.. The foliowing ,;reSOIUtio~:'~t:akeI'l} 'by', (the ,'St_ate Tta:h$port Authority, at its meetfug -lield' on,..2li-l:Q-:W69; -'lis 'Jfe~eby, pu-..,. blished for the informati.on .of members"cf public in geireral .and .of taxi~·cperatcrs in·,partlcular: 'IQ-'
Wh~reas it: is one .of the,-,'CQriditicn~ ;of':th~: pe~it-/'of-::-ilie
'indIvidual conlract carraage sanctioned' by the ~tate ·Transport Autherity that the said Permit he~_ders shall get the Motor! Cabs and" 'authorickshaws fixed \vith meters if se required by the State 'l'ransport' Autherity;
And whereas the State Transpert Autherity lin its 'meeting held en 24-1...119-88 had: taken -a decisicn te attach a conditien ,to all the contract 'can-iage permits-~ssued bercre'that date and to be issued thereafter that the -Motor cabs and auto-' ~rickshaws sho,uld be _:Bltted with meters duly ,tested by the competent, autherity by the 'i1'5th August, 1968, after which, under nc 'Gircurristances, -taxi-cab or auto;-.!'lckshaw _shall be all.owed -to -ply.:yvit~Otit stich, meters. '
And, whereas all the permit _hclders Qf the 'centract carriere h~tve givEm wrltte;n undEwtakings that they ,are_ agreeable
t.o have"tlie meters',fixed to their taJQls by 28th February,
1969. -, ';' ,,(,. "
. Now-the State Trans'p~rt: Authcrity in: pursuance of "the ,pcwers conferred by sub":section (2)·,-'ef secticn 5l1i, .of' the Metor VehicIf:$; Act, ',1~19,' and,'-:jts decisiqn Tcgardw,g'-~he fixati.on .of meters teo_the ~n.otor' cabs and auto':riclmhaws, .taken by it in, ~~,.rjletttJ!~_g ~~ld on ~4-1-f968 hereby, J'ac;.olves that the 'motor cabs and" autc-rickshaws--jn the District of Gea, shculd _be fitteq-with any ,one .o~ _tJ:le folle:WiD$"-' types of meters as_ r~ce~Jnend~~ ~Y :tll,e plr~cto~ of: T:ransporL
":<'(3) -(1) The -letters" anc(:fighra<;-'shown in t,he -slots shan 'be or -a size,which-the Director-of ~ransport Off1cer'c;cnSiders -te be reaSonable and shall be $.0 pl~ced:-as to' be easily'read
,by the 'hirer. ' "')'. ',.
(ii) ,All letters and figures' n~qtiired tc'be ~hown on meter and gear-bo~es 'shall' be .of suqI_l'size~ fornf~'aIld cclpur,' as would -rer(del' them clearly legible.
(4) The flags of a meter Shan be .of ,iSu'itable strength and shall bear the werds «Fer,Hire» In t;he white letters .of plafJn blOCK typ'e' ~t leasr-.50 mjlliniet~rs"Jin 'height-an,d of-:proper'tioI;iat¢' 'thickness" ,on, a, red'~_c,Olo~red gro;unds_,se that :they may'be e-aJSily read:fJ;'.om a dis"tan_ce:'~ The ~a:rm_,or .leyer ,which catrle-s-the :ilag shall be .of such lengttr'tIiat'when-;lt i.<;' kept vertical' the :lower ,edge of the, flag is' aJ)6ve 'the_ ~I1ighest.part of the "meter;' . ' , ' ' ,
... '" '[I(;.I:, ,;.., I
(5)LThe mechanism' of ,m~ters -sh~lI be'"sc'_:-designed that,,-:?
'·'(a), '(1)': the _\yords «FoZ< 'Hire» -'are ,iildicated' m', Vie".-apprcpriate -slot when -the flag: arn;:t-is ve-rUGal.' " . -,
(ii) the, word «Hir~d» :is' incHcated whe~-"t'he arm 'I1a-s h_een depressed', t.hrough 180-'>,: and the' time' 'arid' dista'nce" 'gearing ar~__ fu"',e4gagern:ent. ,~:.. "'_': . j
-, (:Iii) the-,wotd ,~:~Stop:pe,d'», is'~ihdktited .whe~:_-·:tlie :aih( is
art,es'ted in:a hcI-izonbd, position, .it, 2700~ _ ,;t~' -':,:' ,. ,-' :;... (b)' the flag arm ~'an~ot n.ormally remain in ~y ,pr;sition .other-than the three pcsitie~-s mentic~ed in item .(a) abo-v:e.
. (Q)-'tlle' 'fare_~,b~< th,~,','_tl~ne ceaSes:' _te', ',be r~cerded~'when" the
flag 'is___iri, t,he ,';:StopPed;;:-,pesiti.ol.l. ':.'-,-:,,', , ,__ ,'_ . '(d;; 'th~"~'f~~~ by:,dmt~~~tr' i~.,~~~~orded· e~. 'the 'meier; if the taXii-cab js 'driven with the'flag'jn-,the «stopped» posftien.
ie, (e) _t~e;J~e recorded is nqtr.,.obsc;ured wl1en, the ,flag is "in t~e '«E:ir~,d» yosi_tie:n."or,{s,_posit~en.: '~'_;::' ".: ; (fJ' it, 1s .not. 'pessible,' (1) 'te<_ move: the; fra:g~back ' the «Hired» pOsition to,«Fer Hire»:position (11) 't-fl~ .frem:<<'Stopped»',_peSitlen",:,te «Hire'd»-",position~ ::, :,;_ :'.': "
. (gJ when th~ft;'garml"i'alsedio aveitlcitl;posltl6"n(i;e. the «For "-Hi:re»' positi.on_),'-the, previ.ouS! ~ec,Ord e,f fare;, is 'clearoo and the varaous mechanisms are';-bfcught ~to the-ini~
the dial t,he amcunt .of fare calculated by time and/er by , (i)'rthe' mechanisrrr:-fer-'irecordirtg' time and -diStance' cannet distance ,in kilometers and (ii')':te ha:v'e ;al"f1agi,;:"the"positipn~ J;le'::~ngaged~,er :disengag:ed ,eXcept;by, the ncrmal sequence-
.of.the qag,.sh.owU._ug ,whether 'Or" net :t:pei'metei-~ is --in "_action :oper.a.t!-.on 'of: the flag' arm, referred tc -,in"clause: (·a), and' (f>t-(i.e. «Hired» .or «For 'HirE» .or «Stopped»).:;: ";': )';-" and t,:;'"" ,>
(j) the operatiQh 'C)~1tiei s_hu·tter ,of~'ol:>sC!_u.Hng the 'fare syn¥ (3) 'Meters,:submi\~-ed)fi;rr;a._ FOpgh;.,·,te$t may be opened for chronises with the engaging imit'CilSengaging of the time interJor examinations' deemed -necessarY-.
(6) Every meter'shaifhe so cbiist'ructed that it gives audible fItted ·In such posltlon and ill sucll manner as may be approved warning by means of a suitable bell or gang whenever the by the executive off.icer of -the State Transport Authority,. driver moves the lever whichrecording mecha~ having regard to the design ,of, the m9tor cab. It shall normally n,ism. ,:. ,. :be. fixed on the left side of the dr:ivers seat, with the face or
.,~0m,~t :~~~§;t.18"n;ri11ime~rs~,~t'.the-botto~;t_o 1~~1~et~ 'aff.iXed·th~t uo part of'tp,e, cable etc;-can be reac:h~d by ai;t at th~,tpp;;, ' i,t' ",-" ",-: ' ", unauth9vlzed -{lerson. ' (Q)-,When' the gear-'whtch-oper~tes the:-distance'recQrding , '(3) A:'meter'or its gear-box shail ~'othbe fitted to a ,cab 'th~
apparatus is not contained in the ma;in part of the ,ma'Ch:lne, ff ·t· . f f h . .
, the:: caSe· or -cO-yer enClos!ng' it. shal)-'be:,so made, that -It''''rilay e_ elV lye Clrcum erence o·.t e wheel of whi'ch,is dift:erent from be se~ed: either, by', ~the';fu.set"or·,:wired;·~·:typ.e'oti,:seaIr.i.~'~ r ~: that'ltor which the meter has I:>6.en: <},esigned, ,geared;and tested.
"-,--(0) AIr Iileter,_"cable,;_:,'c()riti~bf:lon:{~Sh:a~Lbe"~o;'iri'8.(fe-as:to (4LTh~,-~ffeFtive Ci~cu~fei'~nc~' of the wheel '-by ~hich ~ 'b~.capable of'bemi;' sealed ~b:y'm~ans'-ol--inS'et;Qr_wired':oii'l~d~ meter 'is"'driveJi'-shall not be .'mortf"than"{5% 'of -and--not less seals to prevent improper removal. > .': " !,' ,'" . thap. the measurement_ showu:' on the plate.-atta:ched" tc)"!the
(8) The mech~nisirt· 4riving: --the distance' 'record~~ gear~g meter under sub-clall:;>e ,.(9) of, caluse ,.1.
of meters shall be fitted nqt.,tq the~-dz:iving"-wh~ls :o~-,a-,cab -'11-(5) Every cab reqUi4"ed to be fitted ,with meter sha:ll have but to the non-driving ,. wheels of the.__chassis gear",box: ~a ligqt so fixed as t-o illuminate the meter at night 'when the attached to the _cap. ~_?~? ds in running position.
(9) (a) A Pl~C~ of,. suitable size and patt~, sl)aU b~ 5. Sealing of meter fitting after test.-After a meter isattached to..the meter or its gear-box in such '8. manD.'er that :', ~ed,J:cab and before the -cab -is let or plyed for hire, it it cannot" be. remd'Ve-d Wlthout eit1!er removing the seals shall be taken to tjte Inspeotor of Motor-Vehicles, who shan affixed by the" testing institution or opening the' meter or -.. ,.. exami-ne the meter as to t,he correctness of fittings and 'submit the'gear-box. The'plate shall bear raised or sunKen, words .of it to a practical road test .of about 10 kilometers and a time figures denoting the measurement of the effective circum-teSt of not less thanv l!~f as hour,., If the meter is found to be ference of the wheel by which the meter will be drtvell ,and corre~t, '~ts __fit,~ings to the' -cab shaH be sealed by-such Inspector ,by Whi-ch its action and accuracy_ may. be'" tested. ' ' in such ~~nner that they ,can-not be removed or fampered with
(b) _The measurements shown 'On the plate,shall be:{n. Q.Ccor-~ W,lthout removing_ the seals.~ danc'e 'with the -circumference of the wheellS"'qf miIiimum size' 6. Meter and its-seals and marks-not to be tampered with.,approved for ,the cab and nor~al1y attach~d there~Q. (11) No person> shall break or in any way tamper with any seals .or,marks placE;:d on the meter, or, with intent to deceive.. . Explanatiot1-: The effective circumference of the cab wheel tamper wIth a meter. to which the -meter transmission gearing is -,attached and' by
(2) No meter: shall.,be" altered withQut the wvitten permissionwhich" the meter is driven is 'the distance Which the cai) move, of the DirectQr of'Transport. .
forward for one complete revolution of the wheel and may
be measured by making a mark on the type of the :wheel 1. Cab fitted with a defective meter not to be used ~(1) No where it touches the ground and pushing tne .cab'-iil a meter which is in any way defective m~x be id.tted to 'any cab-.straight line until this mark -is again -in contact 'With the and no cab, ,which is fitteg, with a: d~iect~ve' meter shall be'
ground the cab being in' its normal workmg cdnditton and
used in any public pla:ce. " , two passengers. .. '.
(~) Upon service of a notice issued4)y' ,an Inspector of Motor ; 2. Further test of meters of approved_,_type, (ai 'A mei'er . VehIcles .on the owner of any cal{. prohibiting the use ofmeter
of type sp~,cified herem above 'Shall before, being fitt~(l to a fitted to -it, -the -meter shall_ at once be removed' and the cab· motor cab be sent to such,,: techn'ic~l in:stitution as _may-:-be . shall be immediately withdrawn from set.;\rice. 'approved by the State_Transport Authority-in this, behalf or
(b) fpr a rough te~t whether the meters accurately reg-lster's 'clmete~ shall be made except by :atime-rand distan'ce',""and also for exrunination a'S ,regards its maker or repairer authorised by, and -registered with the
external appearance, general action and~confirinity With the.
off}ce of the Director of Transport.
type of meter ispecifid above be,fore an executive officer not:
'below the rank of Inspector ,pf MQtor Vehicles of the Direc(,2) Any pers~m,;.applying for ~bei_ng authorised ~nd registered
'torate 'Of' Transport as may be, specified by the State Transa$ a"maker.or repairer und~r sub-clause (1) 'shall satisfy
port Authority .from tiuudi> time: the Dit~ct?r of Ti-anspot't~ that-' .:;...
(2) Every meter -in use 'Sbal'I' be submitted, (a) fQr test at (1) ,the appUc;mt-ls of good character and of _gOOd bu'sisuch techn:ical institution as may ,he speoified --under sl!bness repute; ~ -clause (\1) of (b) for a.--rough test before -an executive officer
(1) ,the applicant's financial position ·is sound;specified in",sub-clause (1) at least once in every'12 months (Hi) the appUcant maintains'an effJ.6fenf'staff and suitaand also whenever -its seals"are removed for any rep'a-irs'pr
ble' equ!~pIl).ent at h'is premises and has a ,_suff-icient
supply of spare part for;.the repair-of, meters j (3) If after ,test and examination, the met,er is found, to be (tv) the applicant is generally,a fit and proper person to·suitable it shall be sealed at the:techniCali-nstitutiori or ,before , undert'ake-the repair or adjustment of taxi meters_
"'an executive .officer, as the ctlse --may be, as specified under ,':-sub-clause,(1), in ,such a mann~r ~hat its interior parts cannot
Such person shall also agree that the ,premiSes where -thebe reached without breaking-,the' seal. ,,1 work of repairs or adjustment of meters ,is to-be carried on
5. Meth-Od of test. ---' (1)-(a.} Arrangements shall b"e. made ,shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by officers' at such technic,~l dnstitutions' as may b&'speciflied Under subof _,the Directorate of Transport arid that he sh~li notify to,
..clause__ .(·l) of' clausej'2_,f-or,>,th:e 'a_ction"of the:--meter 19: be the DireotQr of ,Transport if -the situation of the premises is-.:d_ernonstrated, by-a person:, familiar, with its _constl"l,lctiou,-'and -at,-any time changed~ 'ltech~-ica1 detaJ}s, and :after;"such 'dem()ristratioI!{i-t~;-' person
(3) The Director of Transport or such other officer as ..,~?,l?n:x-i!t}~g,',~e".~e~e~ ~!tal~ '_' ~1;l,PP~Y>: .!o/',:~t_!~8.flt'-R7;l.~ ~:r, a may be authorised by the State Transport Authorlty in this,
, mdtor-, cab 1ftte4_With, such meter or to whiclL one,of such behalf, ~ay,_ in h1s discretion, suspend or can¢el the regls'meters siIbmitte'd :may be _fitled, 'or ' "~, : -,..
!' . -' tra~pIlt;oJ a'maker or repairer if it is proved that such person
(b) Arrangements shalf be made at tile Of.fice~O:D;tJi~.:pl'l'eC-'~ is unable, to comply or has not complied with _the require. torate. of .rransport fQr .a· rogghtest whe.ther~~", ~ters
ments set-out in a'-sub~claus~ (2) or if the ,business is-not
f ·'!reg:ls-~er fi¢~_~d',distat,lc~:~ ,aISO"fQr;~am~tion
carried on to the satisfact1(ui--of the Director .of Tmnsport 'or , B.S-. regardsAts,_,external appeal"ance,',general-act,~on..and; ~onfiJ;":such other o,ff.:icer. authorised -by th~ s.-T.,A.'; as ,~the 'cas,e'. may'"i,vith" the -typ"e of 'niet:er :speCi-ffied -~~F~in,-l:!b.o:v~: ~~,~.~~~~,: -,:~~.
may be~
(.21, Every person SUb~litting -met~~-'6r ah. :approv~d: i~~~'as , ::specified in this ResolutfiQn,shall be_required'to-,give ap;.:assli-~'.-o' Panaji, '28th. 'October, 1969.---Dr•• Franc'isco Leao PintQ;.
• , Se'cretary; . State Transport Authority, .Government of Goa, .
< '~J~IlC,e_
.theinstrument, confirms wU-h',the relev.ant,approved specimen available with the Directorate of Transport. ,--Daman ,and Diu. " --, <
Finance lRevenug) De'parfment
Taluk.,Reve~.ue Recovery Court of Bicholim
Notice is--h'eteby published that on thriteenth of ~9vemb~ ·of the year" nineteen hundred sixty nine at 11 a. m;, "'a publiC, auction will Be neld at the residence of Shri Krishna Yesh';..
want Farab at Mayem-o.rdovado of Bicholim Taltika' for"the sale of the. following items: -.:.1-} Material of th~ premises, namely «Janqui iNiwas» pelCmging to the accused, said Parab. cons:Lsting of building-st stones, mangalol'e tiles ,and wooden i'ooLamounting -iIi l;upees ten thousand only. 2) One '~rans.sistor portable radio having three bands _fore\gn make,: national, amounting to rupees two hundred only; '3) One p~tromax of make, Germany no. 826 ,amounting to rupeeS :sixty; approximately, in fiscal PJ;9ceedings filed-ag~nst the -said Parab for the recovery of '«ren,t which is to 15e p~iti to the
Custodian of Evacuee Property lowa.rds the properties dqscribed in Sectors I, II and III of-Mayem Village for the year ~967, amounting to Rs. seventeen thous,and nine hundred and ninety three, besides legal charges of the suit. ~
The abovementioned articles will be hang.ed over to the bidder who. offers the highest bid making the mentioned in the records duly signed. . ,., , '.'
The said items have been d~posited at present with the said Parab' who -is bOUIi.d to show at the time of auction to the interested parties.
Revenue Recovery Court of Bicholim, 25th October, 1969.
Seen. -The
~udge of
Departamento de finantas. IReceita)
,"" . .... ""1.\,
Juizo Fiscal do Concelho de Bicholim
Pelo Juiz ;,F~cal :do Concelho de Bichol1m se 5hA.·de.
':I}. ..hbras, na residencia' do Shr! Krisna Yeshwant Parab, resldente em, Ord6 Vadd6:de_ 'Maem
de Bfcholtin, dos seguintes artigos.'~'l) Material da casa.~ cfenominada «Janqui Nivas», pe:rtencente ao dito executado ' Parab que consiste em pedrrus, telha~; de man,galor'e, e :madeiramell, valor' apr,Oximado de Rps. 10.000/~;-2): Urn. aparelho de_ radio da marca-~«National poi1~ble> de _tr~s,-bandaS foreig:p. do valor "aproximado de Rps. 200f"-j ~3) Urn' Petromax d8. marca Germany"n.Q 826 do·~alor·aprOximado d-e'·Rps. 60/-; penhorados nos autos d~-execucao fiscal que a Fai~da Na-" cional move contra 0 ·dito Krishna Parab, para have; a divida -,. de «rent notl,paid the Custodian ,fo.r 'properties in the I, II and<-III Sectors 'of Maem_,Evacuee Property do 1967, na importa.qcia de Rps. 17.993/-, alem de putros acr~scimos legais nos termos da lei. Serao entregues a que maior lango oferecer 0 mesmo" sera constatado e a;sinado.
Os referi90~ artigos.:acham:com-·O.·,referido ~arab que tern a 'obrigacao de os apresentar aos interessados na altura
JuizO' Fiscal em Bicholim,-25 de Outubro Escrivao, 8ripada V'isnum Naique Alornencar. Viisto. -0 Juiz F-iscal; G. K. VaZavi.
Revenue Department
Notice is herebY':~ii~kii to the publIC that on'behalf of the ·President of In.dia public' auctions will be held under the .provisi'Qns of D.egisl(!tiv:e Order no. U14 dated.....l.:12-:19124 as
amended' by Legislative Order No. 669 dated 18~7-l19-33, in the Office of the I?irector of Fisheries, Panaji.
1) On 17th and '18th November, 1969. from 110 a. m. to -3 p. m. -of the localitIes of fishing stakes specified in Schedule I appended hereto, and
2) On '19th and 20th November 1&69, fr()m 110 a. 'm. to 3 p. m. -lOf th·e localities of fishing stakes specified in Schedule II appended hereto.
3;) On 5th December, '1969, from 10 a. m. to 13 p. m. (If . the localities lOf fishing stakes specified in Schooule ITl appended hereto. '
The auctions will be subject to the fonowing terms and . '-conditions:
.1) These aTlCtion will b~~fo,r the lease -of~ the l~caliti~S of fishing stakes /for ,a period of three years;
. -'). ,
2:) The-auctio~ is subject to confirmation by Government; ..3 >. The _annua). .ren.tal, fi~~d _on,_the. ~asis of the successful bid will be payable for each of the three years of the :lease perilod;'"
4) The lease holders are not allowed. to transfer ,their rights to others without the prior san'e-tion in writing . from, the Government;
5)-OnJy -'such 'nets, as'·, would 'fulfill the conditions '--laid down In the notice issued by the office of the Captai:rt .of Ports, Panaji, dated 4th, June, :1948 and published .in the Government Gazette _.No. 25, Series III dated ·17t:r. june, 1948, with .me-shes as specified in the Government Order no. 4t>39 dated 8th April ,1948, shall~,.?e, 6perat~d on the stakes. ';' ..,---~_'.' -.
6) For n'on-payment of the rental in--accordance with the terins"Qf"pal'a'Q or artiCle 2: of the 'stakes regulations alllended,-by Legislative Ord:er No. '669 'dat~d 18th July, 1933, the leas~' 18 subject to annulment.
7) The lessee"shall'operate the stakes regularly,' failing which -he will be subject to a fine of Rs. 5V-; .~~·15/and· 50/:: for the first, second 'and third time, 'f,espectively, and ~is, l,ease maY.be_terminated. ,'. -. __ !: ..
8) The_lessee is~also subject., to aU the other provisions of tne stake regulations in foTce.
9) TJle lessee against whom the previous dues-are outstanding:.,will be all~:wed to p~rti-cipate In tll.e auction only atfter clearing those ,dues. The decisJon of the
~-Director of' Fisheries in t1).is behalf shaH ·b.e fin-al.
10) The. bidders '.will have to deposit a sum 0'1 Its. 100/prior to the start 'Of the auction.. -The amount thus _;,deposited wtIl be 'refunded to those other ,;thail: the
'" successful bidders. .
!liJ.) In -case the successful bidder does not pay 50%-of the' <;tnnual rental with ~2 days after the 'confirmation !Of the auction is cohimunicated· to him, the bip-de!. will lose the rights oh the stalres and the 'amount deposited by