Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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Put in there is/was or it is/was

A) It was windy. but

There was a cold wind.

C) It was wind. but

There was a cold windy.

B) There was windy. but

It was a cold wind.

D) There was wind. but

It was a cold windy.

E) It was windy. but

There was a cold windy.

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

I can’t contact Nina.  something wrong with her phone.

A) It must be

C) There must been

B) There must be

D) There is must be

E) It’s must be

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 an honour that Professor Bolt is attending the conference.

A) It is

C) There are

B) There is

D) It was

E) There was

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 waiting for me outside .

A) Sam is it

C) Sam there is

B) Sam it is

D) There is Sam

E) Sam is

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 a small stream running at the bottom of the garden.

A) It is

C) It was

B) There were

D) There was

E) It were

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

When I opened the fridge  only a bottle of milk, some eggs and butter.

A) there were

C) there are

B) it is

D) it was

E) there was

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

When I opened fridge  only some eggs, a bottle of milk and butter.

A) there was

C) it is

B) it was

D) there were

E) it were

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 secret that the President wants to have a second term of office.

A) There’s no

C) It’s no

B) There’s not

D) It isn’t no

E) It’s not

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 too many people trying to get into the football stadium.

A) It is

C) There was

B) There were

D) It were

E) It was

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 dark clouds overhead.

A) It is

C) It were

B) There was

D) It was

E) There were

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 seems to be little evidence to suggest that the recent wage rises have pushed up the rate of inflation.

A) It

C) There is

B) There

D) It is

E) There are

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

He said that  his intention to open a second shop as soon as he had the money.

A) it was

C) there is

B) there was

D) it is

E) there were

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

We’re completely lost!  only one thing to do now, and that’s to go back and start again.

A) It

C) There is

B) There

D) It is

E) There was

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

The Foreign Minister said, ‘ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.’

A) There was

C) There is

B) It

D) It is

E) There

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 hard to believe that Peter is already three years old.

A) There be

C) There

B) It is

D) There is

E) It

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

Although  a cold wind blowing,  may be that the snow won’t come until the morning.

A) it is / there

C) it is / there is

B) there / it

D) there / it is

E) there is / it

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

We’d been waiting for over an hour, and  a relief when Max eventually appeared at the door.

A) there was

C) there

B) it

D) it was

E) it is

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

I heard a noise from the kitchen, but when I opened the door  no one in the room.

A) there were

C) there was

B) it was

D) it were

E) there is

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

We thought  a good idea to put on warmer clothes before we went out into the snow.

A) there were

C) it were

B) it was

D) there was

E) it is

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

There will one day be permanent settlements on the Moon.  no dispute about that.

A) It was

C) It is

B) There were

D) It were

E) There is

  1. Put in there is/was or it is/was

 something strange about the way he smiled.

A) There was

C) It were

B) It was

D) There were

E) It is


Colon [:]

Colons are not used very often in informal writing. A colon is used:

to introduce a list (often after ‘for example’, ‘namely’, ‘i.e.’, ‘as follows’)

She had three brothers: Joy, Steve, Tony.

If there is a fire, do the following: ring the alarm, close all windows and leave the building.

If the items following the colon are long or contain commas they are separated from each other with semicolon (;).

to introduce an independent part of a sentence with explains the main part or follows from it

The doctor ran to his bed: his heart had stopped.

Kay went white and bit her lip: she was furious.

We have made a difficult decision: the company will close.

There is only one important question: how did this happen?

esp. in the USA following the greeting in a business letter
Dear Customer:

Dear Mr. Stein:


Khorezm has a very long history;only a few civilizations could be compared with it. Hundred years before the Great Silk Road appeared, ancient Khorezm had had links with Europe and the East, with Siberia and southern civilizations. It is the cradle of three civilizations formed in Uzbekistan.

Fairy-tale like, Khiva has managed to retain its exotic image as an Oriental town. In the center of Khiva is Ichon- Qala, the old city where all the monuments of architecture are located. Among them are the Kunya-Ark Citadel and the Tosh-Khovli Palace, residence of the Khan, which has been

preserved intact along with its ornate gates. Ichon-Qala displays the simplicity and splendor of medieval architectural forms with delicate woodcarvings and intricate ornamentation. The silhouettes of its towering minarets, hemmed in by flat roofed houses and the fortress. Powerful clay walls, give a clear idea of a typical Central Asian feudal city.

Billed as an «open air museum», Khiva is more than 2500 years old with a population about 40 000 people. It is located on the Kyzylkum desert, 450 km from Bukhara. Khiva is made up of madrassahs, mosques and minarets such as the tall and beautiful Islam-Khoja minaret. In fact, it has the most minarets of any Asian city, the most remarkable being the Kalta-Minor minaret (1835). Ichon Qala Tash Khauli Kalta Minor

This fat, turquoise-tiled Kalta Minor Minaret, built in XIX century, looks like it was originally meant to be far taller. The Juma Mosque and its 218 ornate carved wooden columns is another of Khiva’s main attractions.

The stately tomb of Pakhlavan Makhmud is visited by thousands of people each year. Pakhlavan Makhmud (1247-1325) was a furrier, athlete, poet and sage. In the 19th century, Khiva Khans made him a patron saint of the Kungrad Dynasty. Pakhlavan Makhmud’s tomb was rebuilt in the 19th century and then requisitioned in 1913 by the Khan of that time as the family mausoleum. Another great benefactor of Khiva was Asandiar Khan’s military leader and father-in-law, Islam Khoja. Visits to St.

Petersburg and Paris filled Islam’s mind with the wonders of technology. He built a cotton mill, a hospital and Khiva’s first Khoja minaret, which linked the city with

the outside world by telegraph. The majestic 45 meter Islam Khoja minaret

can be seen from everywhere in the city. It has 118 steps and commands a

sweeping view of the desert.

Citadel Kunya Ark abuts the western wall of Ichon-Qala. This castle was a

center around which the city of the last Khiva Khans developed. The decoration of the entrance, reception hall and mosque is wonderful, with walls covered with glazed tiles and doors with delicate woodcarvings.

Walking around Khiva, one gets the sense of living thousands of years ago. It has a deep religious Pakhlavan Makhmud’s Tomb Islam Khoja’s Minaret Kunya Ark Reception Hall significance to Muslims from all over the world and is the pride of Uzbekistan, the Khorezm region in particular. Khiva is truly one of the rarest pearls of this world.


1. One olmoshi olmosh-ot bo‘lib keladi.
2. One gapda ega bo‘lib kelib, noma’lum shaxsni bildiradi:

One never knows what his answer may be. Uning javobi qanday bo‘lishini hech kim hech qachon bilmaydi.

One should be careful when crossing the street. Ko‘chani kesib o‘tayotganda odam ehtiyot bo‘lishi kerak.
3. One ega bo‘lib kelganida ko‘pincha must, should, ought, can, may modal fe’llari bilan ishlatiladi:

One must observe…. …rioya qilish kerak.

One should take into consideration… …hisobga olish kerak.

One can find… …topa oladi.
4. One qaratqich kelishigi qo‘shimchasini ham olishi mumkin-one’s:

One must always keep one’s word. Odam har doim o‘z so‘zida tu rishi kerak.

5. Oldin ishlatilgan birlikdagi otni qayta noaniq artikl bilan ishlatish mumkin bo‘lganda, o‘sha ot o‘rnida one ishlatiladi:

I haven’t got a dictionary. I must buy one. Mening lug‘atim yo‘q. Men lug‘at sotib olishim kerak.

6. Oldin ishlatilgan birlikdagi otni qayta aniq artikl bilan ishlatish mumkin bo‘lganda, ajratuvshi aniqlovchisi bo‘lganda, o‘sha ot o‘rnida the one ishlatiladi:

This book is more interesting than the one we read last week.

Bu kitob o‘tgan hafta o‘qiganimizga qaraganda qiziqroq.
7. Oldin ishlatilgan sifatdan keyin kelgan donalab sanaladigan ot qayta takrorlanganda o‘sha ot o‘rnida one ishlatiladi. Birlikdagi ot o‘rnida one, ko‘plikdagi ot o‘rnida ones ishlatamiz:

This is a black pencil and that is red one. Bu qora qalam, unisi qizil.

These cases are too small; we need some bigger ones.

Bu qutilar juda kichkina; bizga kattaroqlari kerak.

Izoh: Oldin gapirilgan sifatdan keyin keladigan donalab sanalmaydigan ot qayta ishlatilmaydi, hech narsa bilan almashtirilmaydi, faqat sifatning o‘zi keladi:

I prefer cold milk to hot. Men qaynoq sutdan sovuq sutni afzal bilaman.

8. Oldin gapirilgan va this, that, which, another, the other olmoshlaridan keyin takrorlanishi mumkin bo‘lgan ot o‘rnida one ishlatiladi:

This wireless set is better than that one. Bu radiopriyomnik unisiga qaraganda yaxshiroq.

I don’t like this pen. Give me another one. Menga bu ruchka yoqmadi. Boshqasini bering.

Here are two books. Which one would you like? Mana ikkita kitob. Qaysi birini yoq tirasiz?

Yuqoridagi olmoshlardan keyin one ishlatilmasligi ham mumkin:

This wireless set is better than that.

I don’t like this pen. Give me another.

Here are two books. Which would you like?

9. Ko‘plikdagi ot o‘rnida whichdan keyin ones ishlatiladi:

Here are some books. Which ones would you like? Mana bir nechta kitob. Qaysilarini yoqtirasiz?

10. These va those olmoshlaridan keyin ones ishlatilmaydi:

These wireless sets are better than those. Bu radiopriyomniklar ularga qaraganda yaxshiroq.

11. Otherdan keyin ones ishlatilmaydi; ko‘plikdagi ot o‘rnida others ishlatiladi:

I like this pen, but I don’t like the others. Menga bu ruchka yoqadi, boshqalari yoqmaydi.

12. One ba’zan the fi rst, the next, the last so‘zlaridan keyin ham ishlatilishi mumkin:

January is the fi rst month of the year, and December is the last one. Yanvar yilning birinchi oyi, dekabr esa oxirgisi.

13. My, his, her, our, your, their egalik olmoshlaridan keyin one ishlatilmaydi,

buning o‘rnida mine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs egalik olmosh- otlari ishlatiladi:

This isn’t my pencil, mine is blue. Bu mening qalamim emas, meniki ko‘k.
14. One qaratqich kelishigi qo‘shimchasi bilan kelgan otdan keyin ishlatilmaydi:

My fountain pen isn’t very good. Kate’s is much better.

Mening avtoruchkam juda yaxshi emas. Keytniki ancha yaxshi.
Some more examples:
I haven’t got a dictionary. I must buy one. (=a dictionary)

Менинг луғатим йўқ. Мен луғат сотиб олишим зарур.

This book is more interesting than the one we read [red] last week.

Бу китоб, биз ўтган ҳафтада ўқиган анависига қараганда қизиқарлироқ.

This is a black pencil and that is a red one.

Бу қора қалам, анависи эса қизилдир.

These cases are too small, we need some bigger ones.

Бу қутилар ҳаддан ташқари кичкина, бизга каттароқ қутилар керак.

This radio set is better than that one.

Бу радиопрменик анависига қараганда яхшироқ.

I don’t like this pen. Give me another one.

Менга бу ручка ёқмаяпти. Менга бошқасини беринг.
Here are two books. Which one would you like?

Мана иккита китоб. Қайси бирини ҳоҳлайсиз

These books are better than those.

(infrm) These books are better than those ones.

Бу китоблар анавиларига қараганда яхшироқ.
February is the second month of the year and December is the last one.

Февраль – йилнинг биринчи ойи, декабрь эса охиргисидир.

This isn’t my pencil, mine is blue.

Бу менинг қаламим эмас, меники ҳаворангдир.

but (infrm) This isn’t my pencil, my one is blue.
My pen isn’t very good. Kate’s is much better.

Менинг ручкам яхши эмас. Катяники анча яхшироқ.

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