Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A ticket for a concert is ... .

A) a concert tickets

C) a ticket of concert

B) a concert ticket

D) a concerts ticket

E) concert of ticket

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A magazine about computers is ... .

A) a magazine computer

C) a magazine of computers

B) a computer magazines

D) a computer of magazines

E) a computer magazine

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A girl who is seven years old is ... .

A) a seven-year-old girl

C) seven-year-old girl

B) a seven-years-old girl

D) a seven-year-old girls

E) seven of year old girl

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Chocolate made with milk is ... .

A) a chocolate milk

C) a chocolate of milk

B) a milk of chocolate

D) milk chocolate

E) milk with chocolate

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A hotel in central London is ... .

  1. a London central hotel

  2. a central London hotel

  3. a hotel in the centre of London

  4. a London hotel central

  5. London central hotel

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The results of your examinations are your ... .

A) results of examinations

C) examinations results

B) examinations result

D) examinations of results

E) the results examination

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The carpet in the dining room is ... .

A) the dining room carpet

C) the carpet of dining room

B) a dining rooms carpet

D) dining rooms carpet

E) a carpet in the dining room

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A question that has two parts is ... .

A) a two-part questions

C) a two-parts question

B) two-parts question

D) a question with two parts

E) a two-part question

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A scandal involving a football club is ... .

  1. a football club scandals

  2. a football club scandal

  3. football a club scandal

  4. the scandal in a football club

  5. a football scandal club

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Photographs taken on your holiday are your ... .

A) holiday photographs

C) a holiday photograph

B) photographs of holiday

D) holiday with photographs

E) a holiday of photographs

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A shop where flowers are sold is … .

A) a flowers shop

C) a flower shop

B) a shop’s flower

D) a shop flower

E) flower shop

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A brush for cleaning teeth is … .

A) a brush-tooth

C) a tooth’s-brush

B) a teeth-brush

D) tooth a brush

E) a tooth-brush

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A case where books are kept is … .

A) a bookcase

C) book’s case

B) a casebook

D) a bookscase

E) a books’ case

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A person who works in a travel agency is … .

A) a travel’s agent

C) an agent of travel’s

B) agent of travel

D) a travel of agent

E) a travel agent

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The news which is communicated on First Channel is … .

A) First News Channel

C) Channel First News

B) First Channel News

D) News First Channel

E) News of First Channel

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

An illness which destroys the body’s ability to fight infection is … . (in Russian “СПИД”)

  1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

  2. Acquired Deficiency Immune Syndrome

  3. Syndrome Acquired Deficiency Immune

  4. Acquired Immune Syndrome Deficiency

  5. Deficiency Immune Acquired Syndrome

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A tree such as a fir or an artificial tree, which people bring into their homes in Christmas and decorate with bright lights and coloured balls is …

A) A tree of Christmas

C) A Christmas tree

B) A Christmas’s tree

D) A tree of Christmas’

E) A Christmas trees

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A place where the exchange between kinds of money used in different countries is taken place is … .

A) Exchange of Currency

C) Currency of Exchange

B) Exchange Currency

D) Currencies’ Exchange

E) Currency Exchange

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Chewing-gum that can be blown into bubbles out of the mouth is … .

A) bubbles’ gum

C) gum of bubble

B) bubble gum

D) gum’s bubble

E) bubble of gum

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A person whose job is to play and introduce pop music on the radio or in a disco is … . (abbr. DJ)

A) jockey of disc

C) disc jockey

B) jockey disc

D) disc’s jockey

E) jockey’s disc

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A headline in a newspaper is  .

A) a headline of newspaper

C) newspaper a headline

B) a headline newspapers

D) newspapers headline

E) a newspaper headline

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Insurance for a car is  .

A) insurance car

C) car insurance

B) car of insurance

D) insurance of car

E) car insurances

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The wheel of a bicycle is  .

A) a bicycle wheel

C) a wheel of bicycle

B) a wheel bicycle

D) a wheel for bicycle

E) a bicycle wheels

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A cloth for drying dishes is  .

A) a cloth dish

C) a cloth of dish

B) a dish of cloth

D) a dish cloth

E) a dishes cloths

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A train which carries goods is  .

A) a train good

C) a good train

B) a train goods

D) a train for goods

E) a goods train

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A test to detect drugs is  .

A) a test drugs

C) a test for drugs

B) a drugs test

D) a drug tests

E) a tests of drugs

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A film lasting two hours is  .

A) a two-hour of film

C) a two-hour film

B) a film two-hours

D) a two-hours films

E) a film of two-hours


March 21 is the holiday of Navruz. In cities, towns and villages people of Uzbekistan celebrate Navruz, the eastern New Year, which is a holiday that celebrates the awakening if nature, and promotes friendship, fraternity and cultural .iiul historical traditions. Navruz is also a holiday of mercy and absolution. On this day people forgive one another their old offences and visit lonely and disabled, people trying to do whatever they can for those who need their care.Families with many children and pensioners receive gifts and allowances. Navruz is also a holiday of youth, beauty and creativity. The streets, squares and parks of the towns and cities are beautifully decorated and full of music, songs and laughter. Dozens of professional ensembles demonstrate their skills.Women cook a wide variety of delicious foods such as palov, shashlik, naryn, khasyp and manty. The choice of cakes, sweetmeats, jam and fruit is unbelievable. But the king of all these holiday dishes is sumalak, a high-calorie stew of germinated wheat, the making of which is a compul­sory element in the Navruz festival. Usually the women of the neighbourhood take part in the cooking. Only the best of cooks are entrusted with the important task of making sumalak. Jokes, songs and fun accompany the process of cooking. Sumalak is boiled for more than 24 hours in big cauldrons, the bottoms of which are covered with washed river stones and nuts. According to custom, those who get a stone when the dish is served in plates or cups will be fortunate in the coming year and their dreams will come true. While the women are cooking sumalak, the men of the neighbourhood are often cooking halim, another traditional dish. It is made by boiling milk, veal, sheep, wheat and flour in a cauldron. It is also boiled for 24 hours. When it's hot, it is very tasty.

Comprehension Questions

What is Navruz?

How do people celebrate Navruz?

When was celebrating Navruz prohibited?

What foods are associated with Navruz?


1. Ingliz tilida otlarda faqat ikkita kelishik bor:

a) Bosh (umumiy) kelishik (the Common Case);

b) Qaratqich kelishigi (the Possessive Case).
2. Umumiy kelishikdagi otlarning hech qanday qo‘shimchasi bo‘lmaydi,predlog bilan kelmaganda ularning boshqa so‘zlar bilan munosabati gapdagi o‘rniga qarab belgilanadi. Ot kesimdan oldin kelsa, gapning egasi bo‘ladi, predlogsiz ot kesimdan keyin kelsa gapda to‘ldiruvchi bo‘lib keladi:

The student recognized the teacher Talaba o‘qituvchini tanidi.

The teacher recognized the student. O‘qituvchi talabani tanidi.

The teacher showed the students a diagram. O‘qituvchi talabalarga diagramma ko‘rsatdi.
3. Qaratqich kelishigi otga ‘s (apostrofl i s qo‘shimchasi ) qo‘shish bilan yasaladi. Bu qo‘shimcha ko‘plik qo‘shimchasi sga o‘xshab [s], [z], [iz] deb talaffuz qilinadi:

the girl’s hat

Jack’s friend

the horse’s leg

qizning shlapasi

Jekning do‘sti

otning oyog‘i

4. Qaratqich kelishigi ko‘plikdagi otlardan keyin faqat apostrof belgisini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:
the boys’ books bolalarning kitoblari

the workers’ tools ishchilarning asboblari

Agar otning ko‘plikdagi shakli -s qo‘shimchasi qo‘shmasdan, o‘zak o‘zgarishi bilan yasalgan bo‘lsa, uning qaratqich kelishikdagi shakli –s qo‘shimchasini qo‘shish bilan yasaladi.

the children’s toys bolalarning o‘yinchoqlari

the workmen’s tools ishchilarning asboblari
5. Qo‘shma so‘zlarga qaratqich kelishigi qo‘shimchasi oxirgi so‘zga qo‘shiladi:
the commander-in-chief’s order bosh qo‘mondonning buyrug‘i

my brother-in-law’s library qayin og‘amning kutubxonasi
6. Buyumning egasi (xo‘jayini) ikki yoki undan ortiq kishi bo‘lsa, qaratqich kelishigi qo‘shimchasi oxirgi otga qo‘shiladi:

Peter and Helen’s fl at is large. Piter va Helenning kvartirasi katta.
7. Qaratqich kelishigi qo‘shimchasini olgan ot boshqa otdan oldin kelib, o‘zidan keyin kelgan otning aniqlovchisi bo‘ladi:

the student’s library studentning kutubxonasi

the children’s mother bolalarning onasi

Kate’s friends Keytning dugonalari
8. Agar otning boshqa aniqlovchisi bo‘lsa, qaratqich kelishigidagi ot o‘sha aniqlovchilardan oldin keladi:
the student’s new dictionary studentning yangi lug‘ati

Kate’s best friends Keytning eng yaxshi dugonalari
9. Qaratqich kelishigidagi otdan keyin kelgan ot artikl bilan ishlatilmaydi, chunki qaratqich kelishigidagi ot o‘zidan keyin kelgan otning ko‘r satkichidir.

The children’s mother, the student’s dictionary misollaridagi artikl qaratqich kelishigidagi otlarga qarashli, ulardan keyin kelgan otlarga emas.
10. Egalikni ifodalash uchun qaratqich kelishigidagi ot bilan bir qatorda of predlogi ham ishlatiladi:

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Nonushta kunning birinchi ovqati.

11. Ko‘pincha ko‘plikdagi otlar qaratqich kelishigida of predlogi bilan ishlatiladi:

Where have you put the tools of the workers?

Ishchilarning asboblarini qaerga qo‘ydingiz?
12. Ikkita qaratqich kelishigi (egalik) qo‘shimchasi olgan ot kam dankam holatda oldinma-keyin keladi, ikkinchisi ko‘pincha of predlogi bilan almashtiriladi:

He is my sister’s husband’s father — o‘rnida — He is the father of my sister’s husband deb ishlatiladi.

13. Bitta yaxlit ma’noni bildirgan so‘zlar kelganda, qo‘shimcha oxirgi so‘zga qo‘shiladi:

My elder brother Peter’s son is very ill. Mening katta akam Piterning o‘g‘li juda kasal (og‘ir kasal).

Yuqoridagi vaziyatda of predlogini ishlatish afzal.

The son of my elder brother Peter is very ill.
14. house — uy, offi ce — idora, shop — do‘kon kabi so‘zlar ko‘pincha qaratqich kelishigi (egalik) qo‘shimchasi olgan otdan keyin tushib qoladi:

I dined at my friend’s (=my friend’s house). Men do‘stimnikida ovqatlandim.

She went to the baker’s (the baker’s shop). U novvoynikiga ketdi.
15. Jonli otlardan tashqari quyidagi otlar ham qaratqich kelishigi (egalik) qo‘shimchasini oladi:

a) vaqt va masofani ifodalovchi otlar:

He had a month’s holiday last summer. O‘tgan yozda u bir oylik ta’tilga chiqdi.

He lives at a kilometre’s distance from here. U bu yerdan bir kilometr masofada yashaydi.

b) mamlakat, shahar, kemalarni ifodalovchi otlar:

London is England’s greatest scientific and cultural centre.

London Angliyaning eng katta ilmiy va madaniy markazi.

London’s theatres are the best in the world.

Londonning teatrlari dunyodagi eng yaxshi teatrlardir.

Russia has the world’s largest deposits of oil.

Rossiyada dunyodagi eng katta neft konlari bor.

The ship’s crew stood on deck. Kema komandasi palubada turar di.

c) ba’zi payt ravishlari ham egalik qo‘shimchasini oladi:

today’s newspaper bugungi gazeta

yesterday’s conversation kechagi suhbat

d) ba’zi qotib qolgan (o‘zgarmas) iboralarda egalik qoshimchasi ishlatiladi:

for order’s sake tartib uchun

for old acquaintance’s sake eski tanishlik haqqi

at a stone’s throw bir qadam
EX 67 Join the (or three) nouns. Sometimes you have to use -'s or -s'; and sometimes you have to use ... of ... .

  1. the owner / that car ...the owner of that car

  2. the mother / Ann ...Ann’s mother

  3. the jacket / that man …

  4. the top / the page …

  5. the daughter / Charles …

  6. the cause / the problem …

  7. the newspaper / yesterday …

  8. the birthday / my father …

  9. the name / this street …

  10. the toys / the children …

  11. the new manager / the company …

  12. the result / the football match …

  13. the garden / our neighbours …

  14. the ground floor / the building …

  15. the children / Don and Mary …

  16. the economic policy / the government …

  17. the husband / Catherine …

  18. the husband / the woman talking to Mary …

  19. the car / the parents / Mike …

  20. the wedding / the friend / Helen …

EX 67(1) What is another way of saying these things? Use -'s.
1 a hat for a woman ...a woman's hat

2 a name for a boy …………

3 clothes for children ………

4 a school for girls ……………

5 a nest for a bird ……………

6 a magazine for women …………

EX 68 Read each sentence and write a new sentence beginning with the underlined words.

  1. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.

...Tomorrow's meeting has been cancelled.

  1. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.

Last ………………………………………………………... .

  1. The only cinema in the town has closed down.

The ………………………………………………………... .

  1. Exports from Britain to the United States have fallen recently. ………………………………………………... .

  2. Tourism is the main industry in the region. ……... .


  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Nick / the text-book.

A) Nick the text-books.

C) The text-books of Nick.

B) Nicks' text-book.

D) Nick's text-book.

E) The Nick's text-book.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the roof / the house

A) the roof of the house

C) the roof's house

B) the house's roof

D) roof's house

E) house's roof

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the rabbits / the cage

A) the rabbit's cage

C) the rabbits' cage

B) the cage the rabbits

D) rabbit's the cage

E) the cage of the rabbit's

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The Smiths / the car

A) the Smiths' car

C) the cars of the Smiths

B) the Smiths's car

D) Smiths' the car

E) the car of the Smiths's

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

our dog / a new kennel

A) our dogs' new kennel

C) our dogs' new kennels

B) a new dog's kennel

D) new kennels of our dog

E) our dog's new kennel

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

a bird / a nest

A) a nest of birds

C) nest's bird

B) a bird's nest

D) the bird of nest

E) the nest's of bird

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

those men / the umbrellas

A) the umbrella of those men

C) that man's umbrella

B) those men' umbrellas

D) those men's umbrellas

E) the umbrellas of these men

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Tom and Alice / the car

A) Tom and Alice's car

C) The cars of Tom and Alice

B) Tom's and Alice's car

D) Tom's and Alice car

E) Tom and Alices' car

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

King Charles II / the portrait

  1. the portraits of King Charles II

  2. King's Charles II portrait

  3. King Charles the Second's portrait

  4. King Charles' the Second portrait

  5. King Charles the Second portrait’s

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

My parents / the friends

A) the parents of my friend

C) the friends of my parents'

B) my parent's friends

D) my parents' friend

E) my parents' friends

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the title / the novel I lent you yesterday

  1. the title of the novel I lent you yesterday

  2. the novel’s I lent you yesterday title

  3. the novel’s title I lent you yesterday

  4. the novels’ title I lent you yesterday

  5. the title I lent you of the novel yesterday

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

these women / the bags

A) the bag of these women

C) these women’s bags

B) the bags of these woman

D) these womens’ bags

E) those women’s bags

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the walls / the room

A) the wall’s of the room

C) the room’s walls

B) the walls of the room

D) the rooms’ walls

E) the room of the wall

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the child / a toy

A) the childs’ toy

C) the toy’s of the child

B) the toy of the child’s

D) the child’s toy

E) the child’s toys

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

my brother / new flat

A) my brother’s flat new

C) the new flat’s of my brother

B) my brother’s new flat

D) the new flat of my brothers’

E) my brothers’ new flat

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the coach / the football team

  1. the coach of the football’s team

  2. football coach team

  3. the coach of the football team

  4. football coaches’ team

  5. the coach of the team’s football

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

last week / a magazine

  1. last weeks’ magazine

  2. the magazines of the last week

  3. the magazines’ last week

  4. last week’s magazines

  5. last week’s magazine

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the skates / those women / sons

  1. the skates of those women’s sons

  2. the skates of those womens’ sons

  3. the women of those sons’ skates

  4. the sons’ of women’s skates

  5. the skates’ of those women’s sons

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

the novel / the famous writer

  1. the famous writers’ novel

  2. the novel of famous writers

  3. the writer of famous novel

  4. the famous novel’s writer

  5. the famous writer’s novel

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

our neighbours / daughters

  1. our neighbour’s daughters

  2. our neighbours’ daughter

  3. the neighbours of daughters

  4. our neighbours’ daughters

  5. the daughters of neighbour

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 has improved enormously.

  1. David guitar’s playing

  2. The playing of David’s guitar

  3. David’s guitar playing

  4. The David’s guitar play

  5. The guitar playing of Davids

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

They left their homes because of  .

  1. the airport’s extension

  2. the extension’s of airport

  3. the airports’ extension

  4. extension of the airport’s

  5. the extension of the airport

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 was ahead of schedule.

  1. The road’s of completion

  2. The completion of the road

  3. The completion’s of road

  4. The road’s completion

  5. The road’s of completions

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

At the supermarket, I found I’d brought  .

  1. last week’s shopping list

  2. last weeks’ shopping list

  3. the shopping last week’s list

  4. the list of shopping last week

  5. the shopping list of last week

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Wool from a lamb is  .

A) lamb wool

C) lamb’s wool

B) wool of lamb

D) lamb of wool

E) lambs’ wool

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The uniform worn by a nurse is  .

A) an uniform of nurse

C) a uniform of nurse’s

B) a nurses’ uniform

D) a nurse’s uniform

E) a nurse uniform

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The voice of a man is  .

A) a voice of mans

C) a voice of man’s

B) voice a man

D) a mans’ voice

E) a man’s voice

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

It’s  .

  1. the responsibility of the firm who built the houses

  2. the firm who built the houses’ responsibility

  3. the responsibility of the firm’s who built the houses

  4. the firms’ responsibility, who built houses

  5. the responsibility of houses, who built the firm

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

That isn’t much use, it’s  .

A) last years’ calendar

C) last year’s calendar

B) calendar’s of last year

D) last calendar of years

E) the calendar of last year

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I was shocked by  .

A) the Alice’s opinion

C) the opinion of Alice

B) Alices’ opinion

D) the opinion of Alice’s

E) Alice’s opinion


  1. 1. We have fine teams at our school and many kinds of competitions take place there.

2. Of all outdoor games I prefer football, especially those matches which are played at the Pakhtakor Stadium.

3. I never miss a single match played by “Pakhtakor”, for I’m a “Pakhtakor” fan.

4. Sport makes people strong, healthy and gay, and I like it very much.

  1. I go in for water sports. Of all outdoor games I prefer volleyball. Of all indoor games I like chess best. My sister goes to the school gym three times a week. She couldn’t go to the gym yesterday as she had many lessons. My friend Nick has his training every other day. He is good at fencing. But I don’t like to watch fencing competitions. I’m fond of watching football matches. I never miss a single match played by my favourite team.

  1. If you want to keep fit, you must go in for one kind of sport or another. Sport is an essential part of my daily life. Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises to the radio. Almost every day I do some training. In summer I go swimming and rowing. I usually spend my winter holidays in the country where I ski, skate or toboggan. I also go in for track-and-field athletics. All my friends go in for different kinds of sports, such as water sports, gymnastics with or without apparatus, fencing, wrestling, boxing, etc. We have fine teams at our school and all kinds of competitions take place there. Of all outdoor games I prefer football, especially those matches which are played at the Pakhtakor Stadium. I never miss a single match played by “Pakhtakor”, for I’m a “Pakhtakor” fan. Sport makes people strong, healthy and gay, and I like it very much.

  1. Joke

A very stout woman was very fond of skating. Once she went down to a lake to spend a few hours on the ice. Very soon she had a bad fall. And as she was very heavy and stout she was unable to get up. She sat on the ice looking sad. A young man came skating up to her and helped her to rise.

“Is it your first time on the ice?” he asked.

“No,” she answered. “It’s not my first but it will be my last, thank you.”

  1. Joke

A fisherman was sitting for three hours trying to catch a fish. He was tired and hungry, but he couldn’t catch anything. He was about to leave the place when a woman and her small son came along. “Oh,” cried the boy, “do let me see you catch a fish!” The mother got angry with her boy and, turning to the fisherman, said, “Now, you don’t catch a fish for him until he says ‘please’.”

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