EX 322 Translate into Uzbek and learn by heart. Work Here are some common words and expressions we use in everyday conversation to talk about the work we do, leaving work, being out of work and looking for a job.
The work we do
What do you do? What (sort of) work do you do? What do you do for a living?
Where do you work? asks about your employer as well as the place where you work.
I’m a nurse. I work for a finance company as an accountant. I work at/in the supermarket.
I’ve got a part-time job two days a week. (The opposite of part-time is full-time)
I got a temporary job at the local garage until April. (The opposite of temporary is permanent)
Casualwork is not regular or fixed: I do a bit of casual work as a receptionist.
If we know a person we might ask: How’s work (going)? How’s your job (going)?