Having collected all the material (= After he had collected all the material), he was able to
write a full report on th work of the comission.
Barcha materiallarni to‘plagach (= U barcha materiallarni to‘plagandan keyin), komissiya ishi haqida to‘liq hisobot yoza oldi.
Izoh: Ushbu hol uchun Perfect Participle bilan bir qatorda after predlogi bilan kel gan
Simple Gerund ham ishlatilishi mumkin:
Having collected all the material… = After collecting all the material…
Ikkita bevosita oldinma-ketin sodir bo‘lgan ish-harakat bo‘lsa va bir ish-harakatni ikkinchisidan oldin sodir bo‘lganini ta’kidlash zarurati bo‘lmasa Perfect Participle emas Present Participle ishlatiladi va bu ibo ralarga to‘g‘ri keladigan ergash gaplarda fe’l Simple zamonlarda ishlatiladi:
Arriving at the station (=When we arrived at the station) we went straight to the booking office.
(Taqqoslang: We arrived at the station and went straight to the booking office).
Stansiyaga yetib kelib (= Biz stansiyaga yetib kelganimizda), to‘g‘ri kassaga bordik.
Receiving the telegram (When he received the telegram), he rang up the director.
(Taqqoslang: He received the telegram and rang up the director.)
Telegrammani olib (Telegrammani olganida) u direktorga qo‘ng‘iroq qildi.
Izoh: Yuqoridagi holat uchun sifatdosh bilan birgalikda ko‘pincha on predlogi bilan
kelgan Simple Gerund ishlatiladi:
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