1. Introduction 16
1.1. Context and purpose of the evaluation 16
1.1.1. Context of the evaluation 16
1.1.2. Objectives of the assignment 17
1.1.3. The evaluation team 17
2. Methodology 19
2.1. The elaboration of the four evaluation questions 19
2.2. Process of responding to the four evaluation questions, based on the data collection in the field 21
2.3. Sample of cases that have been visited 23
2.4. Constraints faced during the execution and limitation of this evaluation assignment 25
3.1. The HIV/AIDS context in which the CFAs are operating 28
3.2. Description of the HIV/AIDS policy of the five Co-Financing Agencies 32
4. Assessment of the Evaluation questions 38
4.1. To what extent did the CFAs respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and build up competence to cope with HIV/AIDS? 38
4.1.1. State of affairs in relation to policy development and policy implementation 38
4.1.2. Assessment of achievements 58
4.2 To what extent and how successfully did each CFA perform in enabling the different counterparts to contribute to the fight against HIV/AIDS and to cope with the HIV/AIDS epidemic? 64
4.2.1. State of affairs in relation to the three judgement criteria 65
4.2.2. Assessment of the achievements 76
4.3. What has been the counterparts’ contribution (AIDS-focussed organisations) to the fight against HIV/AIDS ? 81
4.3.1. State of affairs in relation to the three intervention strategies of the CFAs 82
4.3.2. Assessment of the achievements 94
4.4. To what extent did the counterparts (generalist organisations) cope with HIV/AIDS ? 100
4.4.1. State of affairs in relation to the three judgement criteria 101
4.4.2. Assessment of the achievements 109
5. Conclusions 115
5.1. Conclusions on CFA’s HIV/AIDS competence (EQ 1) 115
5.2. Conclusions on the partnership relation (EQ 2) 118
5.3. Conclusions on the performance of the HIV/AIDS focussed organisations in Southern Africa and India (EQ 3) 120
5.4. Conclusions on the performance of generalist development organisations (EQ 4) 121
5.5. Conclusions on the overall evaluation question 122
6. Recommendations 124
6.1. Increase HIV/AIDS competence within the CFAs 124
6.2 Establishing real partnerships 125
6.3. More collaboration at different levels 125
6.4. Implementing the donor guidelines for Workplace policy and looking for local solutions 126
6.5. HIV/AIDS focussed organisations versus generalist organisations 127
6.6 Increase focus on gender 128
7. Annexes 130