Ministry of labour invalids and social affairs

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4.1. Beneficiary

- People exposed to natural, economic, social and other risks; priotize to beneficiary being elderly, children with special circumstances, children under 6 and severely disabled people.

- Related agencies in social assistance field from central to local level.

4.2. Scope

- Focusing on 3 basic components which is regular social assistance, emergency social assistance and social care services.

- The scope of implementation: nation-wide, priotize for communes, districts with extremely difficult socio-economic condition, ethnic minority region.

4.3. Duration: 2016-2030


1. Communications, awareness raising, approach reform in relation to the social assistance

1.1. Awareness raising, approach reform in relation to the social assistance

a) Studying on development and unification of the perceptions on social assistance, include:

- Social assistance

Social assistance includes formal policies, schemes of the State as well as informal support schemes of communities based upon various relationships ranging from families, communities, membership of organizations, sharing of social responsibilities, charity and humanity of individuals, organizations through different types of support ( either cash or in kind) in order to help the poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged people like elderly people, children, people with disabilities, women in pregnancy, women in care of young children, especially vulnerable people with difficulty in life, achieving a minimum living standard and toward improving the quality of life, integrating into community and ensuring social stability and equality.

Social assistance is a component of the social protection system, in function of supporting to the social beneficiaries for mitigating risks and development. Depends on conditions, typology of the nations and level of economy – social development, every nation regulates the target groups of social assistance policies, for example, the elderly people, children, women in pregnancy, women in care of young children, based on this, there are different definitions or perceptions of social assistance, for example:

For the objectives of development, the social assistance policies aim at the groups of children under 7 years old or under 4 years old.

For the objectives of equality, the social assistance policies direct at the pregnant women, women in care of young children.

For the objectives of justice, the social assistance policies aim at the elderly people at a determinate age, without categorizing of incomes, or using the method of income deduction with those have income.

For the objectives of social welfare, the social assistance policies direct to the vulnerable, disadvantaged groups like children with extremely difficult circumstances, lone elderly people having no supporter, people with severe disabilities having no working capacity, people suffering from natural disasters risks, economic risks, social risks and other types of risks.

The goal of the policy is to combine the support of the State with the support of families and communities, enhancing the capacity of all social assistance beneficiaries to response to risks and achieve the minimum living standard, poor people can overcome poverty, children are guaranteed to have access to the nutrition, health care, education services, promoting the equality of professional opportunity and incomes for pregnant women, childbirth or women raising young children, enhancing the social status for the elderly.

Social assistance definition as indicated above includes the activities of social care free of charges, which is fostering people with special difficulties in the base of public social protection (State) and non – public (Private sector) centers and social works services free of charge. The concept mentioned also covers also social care services or social work service with fees for social groups in need, especially in urban areas.

- Social assistance beneficiaries

The social assistance beneficiaries are individuals in need of protection and and care for the objectives of equality, justice, development and social welfare such as the elderly, people with mental illness, people with disabilities, children under 7 years old or under 4 years old years old, women in pregnancy, childbirth or raising young children, especially, people with special difficult circumstances having no self-served capacity like lone elderly having no supporter, orphaned and abandoned children having no source of nutrition, people with severe disabilities, people with mental illness having no working capacity, and other disadvantaged people.

- Cash transfer policies

Monthly cash transfer for social assistance beneficiaries, those in need of protection and care and other disadvantaged people prescribed by law. Cash tranfer policy was used instead of social assistance policies. The actual social assistance policy is essentially monthly cash transfer policy to individuals those being in special difficult circumstances, in accompany by some other policies like health insurance (health insuarance card, funeral cost support). However, since the health insurance law was promulgated, the budget for health insurance card has accounted in support to buy health insurance card , is not accounted in social assistance. Educational support mainly is fees exception or reduction, support to specialized education institutions for children with disabilities nd inclusive education, in this case the support budget is accounted for the causes of education. So essentially, the budget for social assistance often includes only two items are monthly cash transfer and funeral costs allowance; so it can be renamed the social assistance into social assistance in cash and in short cash transfer assistance.

- Social care

Social Care has two interpretations in the narrow and in a broad sense:

In a narrow sense, social care is nurturing and caring the individuals with special difficult circumstances, in need of the support of the state and communities in social protection establishments, child support establishments, social housing, social facilities (generally called social care estabilishments or social assistance estabilishments).

In a broad sense, social care is delivering social care services, nurturing services and other social care services in the social protection facility, child support establishments, social housing, social work center and social facilities (generally called social care estabilishments or social assistance estabilishments) to people those being in in special difficult circumstances, in need of the support of the state and communities and other individuals that need to access to social care sevices according to the market mecchanism.

- Social care centers /social assistance centers

Social care center or social assistance center includes general center nurturing and care for different types of beneficiaries, nurturing and care estabilishments for the elderly people, nurturing and care estabilishments for people with disabilities, nurturing and care estabilishments for people with mental illness, nurturing and care estabilishments for children, counseling psychosocial treatment facility, social housing, social work centers and other social assistance estabilishments

However, using of the term social care estabilishment or social assistance estabilishment is depending on the context, but the inner nature of two these terms e same. The use of the term social care establishments or social assistance estabilisshments instead of the term social protection establishments were used in Decree No. 68/2008 / ND-CP is necessary to ensure the determination of both the meaning and connotation and consistency later.

- Social assistance services

Social assistance services are support services to the social assistance beneficiaries in general to access to the policies, cash allowance program, emergency support, and other social care services.

- Social care services

Social care services is a part of social assistance services include care and nurturing services and other care services provided by social care estabilishments and communities.

Today, there are about 21 social care services and groups of social care services that are implementated in many countries, and more a half of which is children protection services.

- Social care policies

Social care policies are regulations of the government agencies that are competent to make the policies, support regimes, subjects of support, procedures to implement the social assistance policies.

b) Defining the role, position, relationship beetwen social assistance and economic policy and social welfare policy.

-Reforming in syncronization social assistance and social protection

Estabilish the social assistance policies like a final web of social welfare in order to cover all of social assistance beneficiaries. By this way, the more social assistance beneficiaries will be covered , not only the disadvantaged people in objectives of social welfare but also those have below incomes, and people need to be protected and cared for the objectives of justice, equality and development (pregnant women, elderly people, children under 7 years old, people with disabilities)

Reforming the retirement policies in according to the progress of development and in consistent with the principle of “contribute-receive” . With the retirement regime, it should be seperated the principle of contribution – receive . In case of the incomes from pension based on contributions in the past cannnot ensure the minimum living standard, individuals can receive the cash transfer called as social pension. According to the experiecies of other countries, almost of developing countries implement this regime, in order to ensure the justice, equality in distribution of the national product, this regime should not be applicated when the CPI in growth, the minimum pension increases, the pension accummulated in the past will be increased, and this will be taken from the budget of the State, except of the case in this pension accummulated from contribution before is taken from the old – age insurance fund, that was used the idle past to invest in business. Contempraneously, expanding the subjects of the social insurance, and disocupation insurance with the obbligatory regime as well as spontaneous regime, encouraging workers to partecipate in spontaneous social insurance and occupation insurance.

Diversifying forms of life insurance, insurance for children, in order to increase the savings fund for facing the probably risks in cicle of life.

- Social assistance reform in relation to social welfare.

Social welfare is the foundtion of social policies and life quality improvement, especially, the policies of education, health, housing, water, environment, information. The social welfare policies are improved will delight the burden for the social assistance policies. Social welfare policies are oriented to the welfare for all citizens for the objectives of “ wealthy for people, strong nation, society of justice , democratic and civilization”. So that, the progress of the social assistance policies development should be in harmony with the social welfare policies.

Basically, the State implement the social welfare policies in according to the market mecchanism, but there should be strategies that focus on individuals or families those being below living standard, poor families and social assistance beneficiaries. For example, house for low – income people with mecchanism of repaid in many years and opportunity of receiving loans with preferential interest rates; improvement of infrastructure of education, health at all levels, especially, local level and district level, in order to deduct transport costs for people. When some groups of people don’t be able to access the social welfare policies, the State has social assistance policy to ensure the minumum living standard for them.

- Reforming the social assistance policies in relation to social policies.

The social assistance policy is a part of the social policies, therefore, reforming the social assistance policies sould be in harmony and syncronization with the current social policies, especially, policy for Merits, ethnic minority people, poverty reduction policy, ensuring the stability and justice for the distribution of total national product, by this way, all of people can be gained from the archievements of the economic – social development.

- Reforming the social assistance policies in relation to economic policies

The economic policies with the objectives of promoting the economic development, quickly and in stability, estabilishing the foundation for implementing the social policies and social assistanec policies. However, economic policy must be in harmony with different groups of interest, especially, group of poverty, group of low – income, limitating disadvantage of professional opportunity and income for group of low – income and group of poverty caused by economic policies. The State should eliminate some policies that bring the benefits to the poor and low – income people less than to the rich, like gasoline price offset policy, electricity price offset policy. At the same time, it should be studied to eliminate some social assistance policies that are temporary response characteristic, less effective like support policies for electricity, subsidies, freight subsidies in uplands, this resource should be devoted to cash transfer policy, for its proactive response characteristic to cycle life risks factors, and taking into account ethnic, region, gaps offset by reform of the social assistance policies.

c) Social assistance policy development approach on lifecycle basis, enhanced ability to cope with the different kinds of risks

Social assistance policy is a component of the social protection policies, thereby, approach of social assistance development according to life cycle will guarantee the unification, harmony with the other social welfare policies, especially, social insurance policy, medical insurance policy and unemployment insurance.

The lifecycle approach shows 5 crucial periods of human life: (i) early childhood (ii) school age, (iii) youth, (iv) working age, (v) old age and through life there are many factors of risks like deasease, accidence, disabilties likely to occur.

There are two ways to respond to the risks, the first, is passive response, means that the policies are made for responding to the risks were successed, and the second, proactive response, means that the policies made for preventing the risks, by this way, the floors of the social protection will be able to reduce the risks in the event of occurance, especially, social assistance floor. The life-cycle approach is the second, proactive response to the cycle risks. However, the transformation from cash transfer with coverage of about 3% poppulation to cash transfer with coverage about 20% popolation require a substantial financing resouces and proper action plan.

Beside lifecycle approach to design the cash transfer policy, it should be approached to the rights to ensure security of people by enhancing ability to deal with risks, especially natural disasters risks in large scale.

1.2. Communications, promoting policies implementation

One of the reasons cause the limitation of policies implementation is awareness including awareness of all levels, related agencies, people in communities and beneficiary himself/herself. Hence, the perfection of policies is made in contemporary with communication. The target group of communication includes government’s agencies, families, society and beneficiary himself, the state should allocate fund for communication made by competent agencies from the central to local levels with specific solutions:

- Regulating on responsibilities of related authorities like regularly implementing activities of education and communications about social assistance policies in communities. Specific responsibilities are in following:

+ All of agencies, organizations or units in limitation of responsibilities and power, have to educate and communicate about social assistance policies.

+ People’s committees at all levels have to implement education, communication about social assistance to people in communities.

+ Agencies of mass media have to organize time, quantity of informations on education and communication about social assistance on radios or television: contents and position on the stamp, on - line.

- Contents of education and communication include: rights and responsibilities, duties of the social assistance beneficiaries, and responsibilities of families, state and communities in protection and care of social assistance beneficiaries. Perspectives, guidelines of Party, policies, laws of the State about social assistance. Measures and solutions to support beneficiaries. Typical individuals overcoming difficulties and other related contents.

- Education implemented by:

+ Establishing contents, forms and channel of general education and communication with focused contents, informations channel for each type of communication target groups. Developing categories specific in newspapers, website, television about laws of the State, activities of the social assistance, informations on efficient models to all of people.

+ Activities on raising awareness of communities, society about social assistance policies development, changing the way of seeing from humanity to sharing on social responsibilities based upon needs and human rights. By the way, promoting social responsibilities of individuals, families, communities and state with disadvantaged members of communities.

+ Promoting communication and education about laws on social assistance to all related levels of agencies, organizations and communities, based on that, promoting the propaganda for the education, law on social assistance sector, organizations and people, thereby enhancing the sense of responsibility for the policies and legal implementation for social assistance beneficiaries.

+ Enhancing guidelines to implement the current policies and especially recent promulgated policies. It should develop the manuals of guidelines on implementation of policies in compact format, pocket able, easy to use.

+ Set up the multidirectional channels to receive and feedback of comments from communities related to laws, policies and implementation of the social assistance policies.

+ Complimenting agencies, organizations, families and individuals those have excellent achievement in protection and care for social protection beneficiaries and the social assistance beneficiaries who have achievements in education, work and social activities.

+ Punishments and administrative sanction. In the case of damage occurred, need to compensate and inspect for criminal liability to agencies, organizations, individuals violate to SA regulation, infringe upon rights and benefit of social protection beneficiary, depending on nature and seriousness of violation. 

To implement these solution above, the State should have support policies to organizations, media agencies in activities of communications to raise awareness of communities and social assistance beneficiaries about policies, laws related to rights, responsibilities of the beneficiaries.

2. Completing social assistance policies and social allowance

2.1. Study, develop, request for the promulgation of the Law on social assistance, including: social assistance policies (cash transfer), emergency assistance , social care services, social work profession, other social assistance policies for the ethnic minority, poor students and other people in difficulties.

2.2. Increasing the coverage, raising level of allowance for the elderly.

a) In the period 2016-2020

* Beneficiaries

- Continuing implementation of cash transfer for the elderly above 80 years old having no pension, number of beneficiaries in 2014 is about 1.350.226 people, and will be increased estimated around 1% every year.

- Continuing implementation of cash transfer (social pension) to the lone Merits, categorized as poor households, without source of nurture, the number of this beneficiaries group in 2014 is 207.421 people, and it will be increased estimated around 0,5% every year.

- Expanding group of the elderly people ranging from 75 to 79 , who are ethnic minority people in uplands, middle lands, islands, without pension, allowance, or subsidies, the number of this group beneficiaries in 2016 is about 150 thousands of people and every year it will be increased estimated around 1%.

- Continuing implementation of funeral support policy when the beneficiaries pass away, the number of this group estimated will pass away about 1% of total elderly beneficiaries.

* Level of subsidies

- Level of subsidies for the elderly above 80 years old (or called social pension) is 270.000 VND/month.

- Level of subsidies for the lonely elder people is 540.000 VND/month (multiply for 2 for the elderly above 80+).

- Level of subsidies for the elderly in range of 75-79 years old is 270.000VND/month.

- Level of the funeral cost support is increased by 25 times more than the standard social allowance (increased by 5 times more than the Decree136).

Expected beneficiaries and budget for social allowance policies for the elderly (2016-2020)

(Unit: 1.000 people and billions of VND)







Elderly 80+ (1000)







Budget (billion VND)







Lonely elderly (1000)







Budget (billion VND)







Elderly 75-79 (1000)







Budget (billion VND)







Total beneficiaries (1000)







Total budget (billion VND)







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