Social care policy is an important part of social assistance, however awareness of this field is limited, mainly focuses on developing local network social protection/social assistance nurture and care of the elderly beneficiaries, people with disabilities, children in especially difficult circumstances, since 2010 began developing a new social center, so the policy design, implementation exists much longer. The general trend of international social care 2 important areas, such as providing social care/social work in social care facilities/providers social assistance and social care/social work in the community. Foster care in social care facilities as the last measure when the beneficiaries have no conditions to live in the community. From that perspective, the improvement of social care policy in the coming period should focus on some key issues the following:
- Study and formulate and promulgate legal documents concerning the establishment and operation of social work centers at provincial level, ensuring legitimacy and create favourable conditions for the social work center current provincial Assembly activities. Continue to study and complete the professional standards of social workers, social work and social work staff members who work in the social care facilities and the community.
- Study and formulate and promulgate legal documents on the list of social care services (or social assistance), the standard provides social care services and rely on the service standards to build cost norms provide social care services. Norm cost of providing social care services, must be accurately and fully as the basis for the state to cover the costs of social care services for social care facilities, ensuring the equality in the process of providing social care services. To study and formulate and promulgate legal documents on mechanisms to pay the cost of providing services in accordance with the norms issued by the State for local providers of social care services in public and non-public, ensure fairness and transparency.
- Improve and innovate social care policy development system provides social work services, Social Policy; including both public and private; develop social work/social assistance/social policy services at local social assistance/social policy and the community; building and scaling up care of disadvantaged people in the community; encourage the participation of the private sector to implement the model of care the elderly, orphans, the disabled and providing social work/social policy services.
- Research and develop the social assistance local network planning project, including the base of social protection and social work centers current, based on identified needs beneficiaries, ensure the distribution rationally social care facilities and meet the needs of the group social helper beneficiaries in the regions, priority support for regional economic and social difficulties and create sufficient incentives strong non-public sector form the basis social assistance/social policy and provide social policy/social work services; pay particular attention to the foster and care facilities for the psychotics, elderly.
Instruct the localities to develop the networks of social care institutions in line with the needs of each beneficiary group; For the localities with developed socio-economic conditions and dense population such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, they should be directed at the development of social care facilities such specialized care facilities elderly, care facilities, people with disabilities, child care facilities, care facilities, mental person. For local economic and social conditions are difficult, the population at the base in order to build social care synthetic multiple beneficiaries; However on the basis of psychiatric care still needs regional planning to improve the quality and efficiency of providing social care services.
- Convert mechanism of social care policy towards the care and nurturing of social assistance beneficiaries in the community is main, the foster care in social care facilities is only the last option, especially among children. Since the nurture and care at the social assistance/social care facilities is very expensive, must invest in building facilities and equipment, the cost of maintaining the management apparatus and social care workers. According to available research, investment funds have a place to nurture and take care of a social subjects in base social assistance/social care facilities can subsidize 7 social subjects in the community at social assistance equal to the monthly food allowance social assistance care facility; on the other hand, the group of children with Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of children in institutions social assistance/social policy also lower than the same age children being cared for in the community and to integrate into the community when children to adulthood more difficult as well. From the fact that for the beneficiary groups of social assistance particularly difficult policy needs allowance equal to the allowance at the base social assistance/social policy to restrict them to live in the premises focus nurturing, volunteers live in the community or choosing alternative forms of care consistent with policy and subsidies for foster care recipient matching.
- Strengthen the development of systems providing social care services throughout the country, especially providers of social care/social work in the community; need to establish policies and mechanisms to encourage development providing social care/social work in the community for the elderly, the disabled, orphans, abandoned children and children in especially difficult circumstances and beneficiaries of social assistance is different from other forms of flexible efficient (long-term care, respite care, hourly care, case management, service connections, referrals, assessing the damage trade, consulting, counselling, psychotherapy, especially psychotherapy for people with mental disorders).
- Continue implementing the project of developing social work profession (Scheme 32), from the creation of the legal framework, mechanisms, policies and staff development professional social work and social work staff to sell professional (care workers), development of the system of social work services; create a mechanism for the independent practice of social workers in the provision of professional social work in community service and development centers of social work in the private residential sector. In the period 2016-2030, social work is the bridge/the means to implement social security policies/social assistance, putting social security policies/social assistance to life.
- Continue implementing the scheme and help the mind and body based on mental disorders community (Decision 1215); Child care programs have particularly difficult circumstances rely on community (Decision 647); Elderly program, the program of action for persons with disabilities.
5. Improvement of organization and management (functions, tasks, human resources)
- Reviewing the mandates of ministries and organizations involved social assistance, ensuring the management of beneficiaries social assistance into a lead agency is the MOLISA and minimize clue research issued a policy proposal social assistance
The study proposed policy issued social assistance in recent times by many different authorities such as the Ministry of Health (policy medical assistance as grant and support on health insurance, medical care, orthopaedic Apparel rehabilitation), Ministry of education and Training (support policies on education for ethnic minority students reside in areas with special difficulties, poor students, students in boarding schools) , Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development (policy support animal breeds, plant when damaged by natural disasters, epidemics, policy support when moving house money home by erosion risks and immigrants planned), ethnic Committee (nomination policy students from ethnic minorities in the universities and colleges, freight subsidy policy, subsidies, support lighting kerosene money where no grid), Ministry of Industry and trade (policy support for consumer electricity bills for poor households). The innovation policy in the coming period should social assistance unified focal beneficiaries management, reduce support policies anonymous situation, and requires long-term strategy of social assistance policies. In case you need a policy nature social assistance duration, there must be unity between research institutions policy proposals with the beneficiaries management agencies to ensure social assistance systems, synchronous. In the long term leave policies topical term help that integrates into existing social assistance policies.
- Consolidate and strengthen the organization and the staff of social assistance workers at all levels, especially communal staff, team of collaborators. Management capacity and organizational capacity policy implementation at all levels, through training activities, training, priority for local (commune) for communal level is directly social assistance access to beneficiaries; This level needs to have a sufficient number of staff required and professional activities to enhance the effectiveness of social assistance.
6. Innovation of mobilization, allocation and use of resources, investment
The next phase should specify the budget, planning is based on the number of beneficiaries, policies to allocate budget based on population not only to allocate local budgets. Should promote multi-resource mobilization, budget priorities for implementation of subsidy policy, mobilizing other sources for the implementation of programs and projects. There also should be integrated into socio-economic programs such as poverty reduction, employment, programs of socio-economic development in the extremely hard for more resources for the implementation of policies. Specific solutions:
- Improve allocation norms ensuring social spending above the current regulations to suit the situation of socio-economic development of the country. To cover 100% of the beneficiaries, the allocation norms have increased from 1.3-1.5 times, because there are so many expenses under social security, social allowances is just another expense which . Compared to social security spending with other spending limits as culture, sports, defence, the social security spending is too low.
- Complete the process of drafting, approving and allocating budgets to social security sector with the participation of central and MOLISA local; ensure transparency in finance. Overcome the current limitations of the estimation process, approve and allocate budgets to social security need to modify the process and needs the coordination of agencies (MOLISA and Finance, Planning), the drafting, approval and allocation of social assistance expenditure budget to meet actual needs. The participation, coordination should be institutionalized in legal documents.
- Research and divide the ratio of social assistance budget in social security expenditure items. To ensure transparency and ensure sufficient expenditure, it is necessary to divide a reasonable rate for social assistance. In the expenditure, ensure that the society have many different expenses, but social assistance is the most important item, it should be allocated with a reasonable rate. This ratio depends on (i) the number of beneficiaries (ii) the assistance level for each category; (iii) the number of beneficiaries increased annually; (iv) the total budget for social security and the annual growth rate due to economic growth. Practically, the minimum should be 50%.
- Amend the contents of form system, make estimation, allocation and settlement of local budgets in line with the current policy regimes. Supplement items of expenditures of monthly social assistance in the community.
- Develop the mechanisms to mobilize resources from the community to supplement the shortage of the policy implementation process. In the context the state budget for social security spending remains low, it is necessary to push up the mobilization of multiple resources, budget prioritized for social assistance policy implementation, resources mobilized from the community for the implementation of other matters of social security.
7. Improve the M&E system for the implementation of SA policy
The monitoring and evaluation of SA policy implementation is a key content in the process of reforming SA policies and principles. For the upcoming period, need to complete in the aspects of:
Set up a comprehensive system of indicator, information and reporting at each level and conduct a cogent data collecting system to be used as inputs for reliable reporting. Warning indicators for authorities at different level to better understand quality and efficiency of policy implementation and measuring the progress of policy system. Indicators include: (i) coverage, including comparing rate the number of beneficiary in total population; (ii) impact indicator (comparing the supporting level with the average living standard; (iii) financial indicator (comparing total expenditure on SA with GDP and State budget or Government expenditure)
Reform the implementing methods, monitoring and targeting. The simple procedures, clear decentralization for local government. Unify the targeting process from communal level in a comprehensive manner. Commune is the administrative agencies with responsibility of targeting beneficiary, district and provincial level will be the agencies responsible for monitoring the mobilization of implementing resources. The process of targeting beneficiary need to ensure the consensus among community. Gradually complete the procedures of case filing applying high technology instead of manual technique. The completion of monitoring procedures require the capacity enhancing for staffs at local level, provide professional training course, especially invest in facilities (computer) for district, commune.
Promote the involvement of people in policy-making and organization process, especially in targeting, assisting to ensure the transparency in organization; need to announce publicly the list of beneficiary as well as people not entitled to social benefit to generate consensus among people.
Remain the reporting system in reliable and completed manner. Need to set forth the monthly, quarterly and annual reporting mechanism at communal/town level to district/county level; reporting mechanism quarterly, every 6 months at district/county level with provincial/city level; reporting mechanism every 6 months at provincial/city level with central level.
Gradually apply high technology in cases management and transfer to beneficiary, enhance the efficiency in management, eliminate the errors in implementing SA policy
1. Strengthen the leadership of Communist Party, authorities at all level toward social assistance.
2. Reform the administrative procedure toward a time-saving manner, coompletely decentralize at local level. Unify the process of targeting, cases management from communal level.
4. Promote the socialization in social assistance to diversify the resources for implementing Programmes.
5. Strengthen international cooperation in SA field; take use of financial and technical support for the implementation of Master Plan.
Budget for implementation has been allocated from State budget refering the current level of decentralization and mobilized from national/international organizations, individuals in accordance to Government Law. Every year, given the objectives, tasks of Master Plan, ministries and agencies at central and local level will develop the estimated budget and send to competent authority under Law on State budget regulation.
Budget for implementation of SA policies has been allocated from State budget under decentralization of State budget Law. Budget for implementation of Master Plan has been allocated in regular estimated budget of minitries and local government in accordance to current decentralization scheme and approved decision.
Encourage the participation of organisations and individuals in assisting social benefited people by providing funds for social organizations to implement programmes, schemes as in general direction from Government and social services provision for elderly people through self-balance mechanism.
MOLISA in collaboration with other ministries: MPI, MOF and other related ministries, People Committee at provincial level, cities to develop the action plan and coordinate activities of MPSAR; training to improve staff capacity; synthesis and periodically report to Prime Minister; organize preliminary and final implementation of MPSAR.
MPI takes the lead, in collaboration with MOF, MOLISA and related ministries to mobilize funds from official development assistant (ODA) for the implementation of MPSAR, integrate objectives, indicators for MPSAR and plan for annual socio-economic plan at central level.
MOF takes the lead, in collarboration with MPI to allocate budget for MPSAR implementation in annual estimated budget of central and local government agencies in accordance with the State Budget Law; monitor, guide, examine, inspect budget using purposes for the implementation of MPSAR.
People Committee at provincial level, cities at provincial level organize the implementation of MPSAR at local level, formulate and organize the work plan in line with programmes and plan for socio-economic development at local level; integrate the effective implementing of MPSAR with other related programmes in region; proactively in allocate budget, resources for the implementation of MPSAR; regularly inspect and report the progess of implementation refering to prevailing regulation.
The Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front and other related organizations involved in functional scope and taks participate in the implementation of MPSAR.
Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs
1 Source: SPD 2014
2 Source: General Report on regular social assistance by Institute of Labor Science and Social Affairs
3 Source: Social Protection Department
4 MOLISA, Report on the implementation of social assistance policies to social protection beneficiaries in 2012.
5 Source: Social Protection Department
6 Source: SPD 2015
7 Source: Survey of SPD in 2015
8 Source: Institute of Labor Science and Social Affairs 2015 (Sudden Assistance Report)