Ministry of labour invalids and social affairs

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To ensure the resources for implementing policies for the period 2006-2014, Government has provided support of 486,225 tons of rice and 7,370 billion dong to provinces. Additionally, the provinces themselves have mobilized millions VND from local budget, community and donors in the region4.

Table 2. Emergency support in cash and in kind from Government in the period 2006-20145


Support in rice from State budget (ton)

Support in cash from State budget (billion VND)































The emergency relief for people/household suffering from natural disaster with the 4 on-the-spot motto: human resources on-spot, means on-spot, logistics on-spot, leadership on-spot which basically meet the requirement of ensuring the welfare for people in difficulty. In the trend of transforming to the market mechanisms, international integration, the emergency social assistance have achieved some remarkable change in perceptions in term of planning and implementing with 2 basic functions to stabilizing life and support for development.

The social assistance policy is institutionalized by Constitution, Law, Decree and related legal documents as the legal basis to implement the direct support for individual and household at risk in life. The dossier procedure to ensure the accuracy and transparency in beneficiary targeting has met the requirements and promptly on time.

Also, the budget spending on emergency social assistance have been assured by the State budget and partly mobilized from voluntary contribution (charity), individual, national and international organizations. That contribution has reflected the roles and responsibility of Government agencies and also the community.

However, the statistical procedure has been potentially duplicated due to the process of cases filing been implemented by a number of agencies, one beneficiary has been received a number of different allowance from a number of different policies, leading to resources wasting (time, effort) of social staff. Some regulation on the eligible criteria remain ambiguous, leading to difficulty in targeting beneficiary as well as providing support for individuals, households encountering unforeseen risks. Lack of criteria to identify level of damage. The emergency allowance is low, and incompatible with the need of individual, household to eliminate risks and stable lives; inappropriate, not ensure the equality in the same group of beneficiary as there is no criteria to differentiate the level of damage.

Moreover, the social issues raising from the developmental process require the adjustment of the emergency social assistance policies to correspond with the instant reaction for instance the policies to support women and children exposed to violence, abuse; social policy to support return people from Cambodia; and other policies implemented by local governments.

  1. Social protection centers and social care services

Up to now, Vietnam has 402 social protection centers, in which 213 is public, 189 is non-public units, with 14,500 officers (36 people/1 unit).

The roles of social protection centers are: to nurture, take care of social protection beneficiary; activities for rehabilitating, occupational therapy; assist people in self-managed activities, culture, sports and other activities suitable with the particular age and health of each groups; organize or coordinate with culture units to provide vocational training, oriented programmes to assist people comprehensively develop of physical, intellectual and personality; support people to stable life, provide social work services for individual and household.

Given reports from local government, the total number of people being nurtured, cared at social protection centers is 41.434 people (103 people/1 unit), in which 11,365 children, 4,723 elderly people, 8,218 severely disabled people, 10,438 mental illness people, 1,421 HIV/AIDS infected people and 5,269 other types of beneficiary

Table 3. Quantity of beneficiary being cared, nurtured at social protection centers by region in 20146



Beneficiary (person)


Orphaned children, abandoned children

Elderly people

Disabled people

Mental illness people

HIV/AIDS infected people











Mountainous North East









Mountainous North West









Red River Delta









North Central Coast









South Central Coast


















South East









Mekong Delta








The network of general social protection centers

Currently, Vietnam has 134 social protection centers that provide care and nurture for 16,898 beneficiaries (126 people/1 unit), with 2,789 officers (average 21 people/1 unit), , in which 3,834 being children; 2,458 elderly people; 2,321 disabled people; 4,906 mental illness people; 214 HIV/AIDS infected people.

The general social protection centers have been distributed in 8 regions: Mountainous North East (14 centers), mountainous North West (6 centers), Red River Delta (29 centers), North Central Coast (18 centers), South Central Coast (13 centers), High land (8 centers), South East (26 centers), Mekong Delta (20 centers).

The network of elder people social protection centers

There are 13 social protection centers that provide care for 4,723 elderly people (363 beneficiary/1 unit) nation-wide, with 443 officers (average 34 officers/1 unit), in which 08 centers being public units and 05 centers being non-public. Those centers have distributed in 4 regions: Red River Delta (3 centers), North Central Coast (1 center), South Central Coast (7 centers) and Mekong Delta (2 centers).

The network of PWD social protection centers

There are 27 social protection centers that provide care for 8,218 disabled people (304 officers/1 unit), with 546 officers (20 people/1center), in which 14 centers are public and 13 are non-public; that centers have distributed by 5 regions: mountainous North East (1 center), Red River Delta (6 centers), South Central Coast (04 centers), High land (6 centers), South East (10 centers). The social protection centers provide a wide range of care for disabled people such are: nurture, health care, rehabilitation, occupational therapy and vocational training, culture, sport, etc.

The network of mental illness people social protection centers

Vietnam has 26 social protection centers that provide care for 10,348 mental illness people (359 people/1 unit), with 6,500 officers (250 people/1 unit) and distribute by 8 regions: North East (3 centers), North West (1 center), Red River Delta (8 centers), North Central Coast (4 centers), South Central Coast (3 centers), High land (1 center), South East (3 centers), Mekong Delta (3 centers).

The network of children social protection centers

There are 159 social protection centers nation-wide that provide care for 11,781 children (74 children/1 center) with 4,356 officers (27 people/1 center), in which 82 are public units and 77 are non-public units and distribute in 8 regions: mountainous North East (8 centers), mountainous North West (2 centers), Red River Delta (8 centers), North Central Coast (17 centers), South Central Coast (27 centers), High land (10 centers), South East (64 centers), Mekong Delta (20 centers).

The network of social work centers

Up to 9/2015, 37 cities, provinces in Vietnam has been developed, approved and deployed the Master Plan for social work centers establishment. Total number of staffs in social work centers is 778 officers (21 people/1 center) in which 546 people are female, equivalent to 70.18%.

The social protections centers target to the people in need of social assistance, including: elderly, disabled people, HIV/AIDS-infected people, orphaned children, abandoned children; patients at hospital, clients at court, students at school, reformatory school; household (poor, divorced, seperated family, family exposed to violence, children neglect) and residential area of poverty, under-development.

Every year, there are thousands turns of beneficiary been provided different types of services, for instance: counsel, mental health assessment, classification, social services connection, inter-hospital transfer, consultation service provision, counseling, psychotherapy, crisis intervention, education, mediation, advocacy, support vulnerable people to access social services, community development; training, professional training in social work, vocational training, employment and livelihood support.

Most of the social work centers are lately formed, except for some providing services at place for beneficiaries in need were operated efficiently (Quang Ninh, Da Nang, Thai Nguyen), the remaining centers are just focused on fostering beneficiaries without providing other services.

5. General assessment on social protection centers

In the past, the public and non-public social protection centers have been established to meet the certain needs of nurturing and caring beneficiaries nation-wide. Most of centers have tried to adapt nuturing and caring standard. However, the physical and spiritual lives of social beneficiaries remains struggling due to inappropriate level of support. The social protection centers now just focus on nurturing beneficiary at centers, not yet at community.

The network of social protection centers is not distributed equally by regions, not associated with poppulation and beneficiary size; the developmental process is spontaneous, does not adhere to overall plan and long-term vision. The facility is degraded, lack of rehabilitation equipment; not associate to the environment and facility standards according to Decree 68.

The social staff at social protection centers are inadequated in term of quantity and capacity: lack of scientific skill and caring methods, not satisfy the quality standard.

The resources mobilization from community is limited, around 5.2% of social protection centers have not received support in cash and in kind from community7. So as the material and spiritual lives of beneficiaries got a lot of difficulty.

The non-public social protection centers are spontatenous and lack of strong management and actively support from Government

The reality illustrates the need of strong tranformation to community-based social protection centers, combine with other social services to adapt the different requirements of beneficiary at community. Minimize the concentrated-centers to enhance efficiency of social service provision

6. Other social support policies

Funeral cost allowance

Funeral cost allowance is for people enjoying the monthly social benefits with the support is 20 times the standard supporting level. The funeral cost allowance is relatively low and not meet the actual demand of beneficiary.

Health care and health insurance card provision

According to Insurance Law and guiding documents, children under 6 years old, social beneficiary, people from poor households, near poor households, ethnic minority, students from poor household will receive health insurance card, which will be used for payment of health check or health treatment. In the total of 17-18 million people are currently entitled to receive health insurance card, the number of social protection beneficiary is 2.643 million people. The expenditure to support for purchasing health insurance card for social beneficiary group and other groupS under Insurance Law is up to 18,000 billion VND.

Even though Government policy to provide health support for children under 6, people belongs to poor household, people belongs to near poor household and ethnic minority residing in extremely difficult areas is favorable step toward the target of universalizing health insurance, accessing the high quality and efficient health care services remains a challenge. People holding health insurance card dont have to pay any fee or only 5% of the cost. However, the programme covered drug list is limited and the treatment process requires a combination of drugs outside the covered list. As a consequence, people with health insurance card still have to pay a large amount exceeding the ability of poor and near poor household. Besides, the travel, accomodation and caring expense are also a big deal to patient and carer, hence accessing to high quality health services is a barrier to a group of poor people, people residing in difficult socio-economic area; children having severe disease in extremely difficult family dont have any supporting policy as children with congenital heart disease and other serious disease. This issue need more research to design more appropriate supporting policy.

  • Tuition fee exemption, learning expense support policy for pupils, students.

According to some articles in Decree 49/2010/ND-CP, dated 14/05/2015 prescribed the regulation for tuition fee exemption and learning expense support and mechanism on tuition fee collecting and using to public schools from year 2010/2011 to 2014/2015 as following: pre-school children, primary school pupils, pupils, students with special circumstances or residing in difficult socio-economic area (mountainous and is island area) will be exempt from tuition fee

  • The policy to provide scholarship and support lunch for children, pupil, student having special circumstances

As prescribed in Decision No 239/QD-TTg date 09/02/2010 on approval the Master Plan on universalizing pre-school level for children under 5 in the period 2010-2015; Decision No 2123/QD-TTg dated 22/11/2010 of Prime Minister on approval of Master Plan on education development for ethnic minority in the period 2010-2015, children under 5 at pre-school having parents permanently working at border, mountainous, island area and communes with extremely difficult socio-economic condition; double orphaned children without relatives or disabled children belongs to household with difficult socio-economic condition; children having parents from poort households will social allowance of 120,000 VND/month (9 months/1 year) to maintain lunches at school; children with special circumstances at public pre-school receive tuition fee reduction to increase the attendance rate of children.

According to Decision 82/2006/QD-TTg dated 14/04/2006 of Prime Ministe, Joint Circular No 43/TTLT-BTC-BGD&DT, dated 2/5/2007 of MOF and MOET, Joint Circular No 119/2009/TTLT-BTC-BGD&DT, dated 29/5/1999 of MOF and MOET, Decision 85/2010/QD-TTg dated 21/12/2010 on some policies to support for day-boarding and ethnic minority students: ethnic minority students are granted scholarships equivalent to 80% of mimum living standard and day-boarding students are received 40% of mimum living standard with no more than 9 months/school year/student; housing support: day-boarding students are allowed to stay in dorms; students not staying in dorms receive 10% of minimum living standard with no more than 9 months/school year/student.

As regulated in Decision 12/2012/QD-TTg dated 24/01/2013, high school students at extremely difficult socio-economic areas will be assisted an amount of 40% of minimum living standard/month with no more than 9 months/year, students not staying in dorms receive 10% of minimum living standard with no more than 9 months/school year/student.

The State also has specific policies for disabled children including inclusive, semi-inclusive, special and gifted education. Other than the education supporting policies, Government also provide free vocational training for disabled children, children over 13 years old being social assistance beneficiary, ethnic minority students at dorms and vocational trainings for young people at rural areas.

In general, the policies on education assistance are comprehensive, high coverage, sufficient supporting level, however, in short-term, the system expose several unsystematic, incapable issues to children who does not belong to ethnic minority group but living in extremely difficult socio-economic areas. In the same place of residence, children from ethnic minority groups are entitled to education supporting policy, while Kinh and Hoa children are not. The rate of children enjoying tuition fee reduction and education support (scholarships, lunch support, accomodation renting support...) is 30%, benefited children mainly are ethnic minority children, children belongs to poor household; however, in the extremely difficult socio-ecnomic area, this rate is 60%. Eventhough this groups of students are exempted from tuition fee, they still have to pay other expenses.

As stipulated in prevailing documents, Government has changed the mechanism from tuition fee exemption to education compensation for pre-school and public highschool that serve the eligible students/pupils based upon their actual number of students and the value of tuition fee. Compensation method is applicable to students being children of national devotees, target beneficiary of suppor policies that attend pre-school and non-public school using tuition fee of public schools within the area as a standard. The transfer of cash equivalent to reduced/exempted tuition fee is delivered to target beneficiaries at public professional and higher education institutions so that they pay to such institutions; children from pre-school and high school being either poor, orphaned or living in extremely difficult socio-economic areas are provided with the direct schooling aids support of 70,000VND/student/month for purchasing books and learning tools according to actual learning time and no more than 9 months/school year. This conditional cash transfer have been applied successfully at some countries, particularly developed countries to boost the school attendance rate.

  • The electric subsidy for poor households, social protection households

  1. According to Decision No 28/2014/QD-TTg dated 7/4/2014 of Prime Minister, poor households will be supported by 30kW refering to level 1 current electricity retail price (equivalent to 40,000-45,000 VND/month)

  2. Social protection households including: households are currently entitled to social assistance policy, not being poor, less than 50kW of electricity consumption per month; households having social assistance beneficiary and ethnic minority living in area not having electricity grid; the subsidy is equivalent to 30kW refering to level 1 current electricity retail price (around 40,000-45,000 VND/month). This policy comes into effect from 15/12/2014 (as stipulated in Decision 60/2014/QD-TTg dated 30/10/2014).

7. Social assistance implemented agencies

7.1 Responsibility of implemented agencies

- MOLISA is responsible for Government management with the task to deploy research, develop strategy, programmes, formulate long term plan and annual plan, projects and schemes to support social protection beneficiary; projects on law, legislation and legal documents regarding to Law on social protection and poverty reduction; policy; M&E criteria on social protection beneficiary and poverty reduction; planning the network of social protection centers; direct, guide, examine and organize the implementation of Government regulation and MOLISA on SP beneficiary; update,cases filing; summerize and periodically and irregularly report on assigned fields.

- MOF is responsible for budget planning, approve and allocate the annual budget for other ministries to implement State management task in SA field, especially to programmes and projects that requires a sufficient budget. At the same time, MOF has responsibility to promulgate particular Circular to guide the implementation of policy, spending, usage of State budget.

- MOH is responsible to implement the State function in health, including Preventive health, health examine, health treatment, rehabilitation; medical examine, forensic, forensic psychiatry; traditional medicine; reproductive health; medical equipment; medicine; cosmetics, food safety, health insurance; poppulation and family planning; state management in public services under State and Ministry management.

- MARD (housing support policy for immigrant households); MOC (housing support policy for poor people and low income people); MOIT ( electricity subsidy policy for poor and SP households) in collaboration with MOLISA to implement the related policies.

- Vietnam Father’s Front is an alliance of political, voluntary union of political organizations and excellent individual in all classes, social classes, ethnic minority group, religions and overseas Vietnamese. Some social unions such as Women association, Farmer association, Veterans Association, Agen Orange Victims Association are actively participate in SA programmes, especially emergency SA programmes.

- The top level of management at provinces/districts is People’s Committee and also the Departments in charge of Government management at provincial level in particular fields for instance Department/Division of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs; Department/Division of Education and Training, Department/Division of Health, Department/Division of Agriculture and rural development, Department/Division of Construction, Department/Division of Industry and Trade and unions, association at provincial and district level. These organisations are specilized agencies of PC, in charge of State managing and dealing the particular issues of each section in the region; directly guided in speciality, profession and organisational structure of ministries at central level.

- The organisation structure at communal level is similar as at district level. PC at communal level is the highest level of administration. Instead of having division specilized at each sectors, officers will be liable for those tasks.

7.2. Operation

The operation of policy implementation is taken seriously, especially in targeting beneficiary. The procedures of targeting beneficiary have been conducted steps by steps as prescribed in guiding documents from central to local level.

The process of targeting beneficiary is gradually completed, transparent with the involvement of different administrative levels, people, ministries to enhance the efficiency of commitment and implementation of SA policies, most of monthly benefit receivers are applicable. However, the issues of “leakage” and “incorrect” beneficiary still remain. Given findings from research on the implementation of SA policies, the issue of “leakage” (inclusive error) accounting for 14-16% and “missing” (exclusive error) is noticeable, however, there is no sufficient evidences to this group of beneficiary.

The monthly social transfer is delivered by officers in charge of labour – invalids and social affairs at district and communal level. Some concerns have been raised about the risk of money loss or late payment due to the fact that social officers have to perform the task of managing beneficiary and delivering transfer at the same time. Currently, in some provinces, the transfer delivery task is assigned to Post office.

The mechanism of getting feedbacks and complaints is based on regulation and general procedure in accordance to the Law on Complaints and Denunciations. Applying the method to clearly explain the beneficiary on the legal documents of Government (if misinterpretation), strictly tackling the violation of regulation, correct and ensure the rights of beneficiary (in case of officer fault). Officers at lowest level carry the task of receiving mails, direct feedbacks from beneficiary and responding to those complaints.

The prevailing mechanism is formalistic. People have little opportunities to reflect their opinions, questions about policies to authorized agencies. The reason is there is no receiving-responding channel on policy and the type of responding is rigid (response in writing only).

8. Financing mobilization and resources allocation

The State budget will be supported for deficit provinces to implement SA policies. The surplus provinces, that revenue is higher than expense, need the balance the spending on social assistance. However, it is necessary to formulate the estimated revenue- spending budget. The State budget is allocated to annual estimated budget of provinces referring to regulation in Law on State budget.

As calculated by international consultancy team (UNDP), the Government spending on SA accounts for 0.38% - 0.51% GDP. Spending on social assistance programmes including cash transfer from MOLISA programmes (0.3% GDP) and monthly transfer from MOET programmes (0.2% GDP). The SA programmes including electricity subsidy, emergency assistance (measures to minimize the damage from natural disasters), Tet holiday subsidy and lunches at school, together with 9 regular SA programmes designed on life-cycle basis. On SA programmes list, the expenditure for 9 regular SA programmes accounts for 0.17% of GDP, the remaining 0.34% GDP is distributed for other SA programmes such as emergency SA, electricity subsidy, Tet holiday subsidy and lunches support for students.

9. Overall assessment on social assistance

9.1 Strength

a) Perceptions, viewpoints of Communist Party and State on SA under the new approach that in line with Socialist-oriented market economy

During the renovation process, shifting to Socialist-oriented market economy, international integration in our country, the Party's standpoints on social assistance are increasingly clear, consistent with the viewpoint of attaching growth with implementation of social progress and justice. For years, the Party and State has concerned to develop and implement social policies in general, ensuring social security (including social assistance) in particular, consider this as both an objective and momentum for sustainable development, political - social stability, representing the good nature of our regime. Particularly, Resolution No. 15/NQ-TW dated 01/6/2012 of the Central Executive Board XI on some issues on social policy during 2012-2020 emphasized the very basic points of view, including:

- Ensure that social security is a regular and important task of the Party, the State and the entire political system and society.

- Social security system should be diversified, comprehensive, taking into account shared between the State, society and the people, between population groups in a generation and between generations; ensuring sustainability and fairness.

- Social security policy must be consistent with the level of socio-economic development and mobilization capacity, balance the country's resources in each period; preferably with particularly difficult circumstances, the poor and ethnic minorities.

- The State plays a key role in the implementation of social security policies; promote socialization, to encourage organizations, businesses and people involved; and creating conditions for people to improve their self-assurance security.

- Strengthen international cooperation for additional resources, experience in the development and implementation of social security policies.

Resolution No. 15/NQ-TW also affirmed the necessity to continue to innovate social security, including social assistance. That system should be built under the new approach, on the basis of ensuring human rights; systematic coherent than, in a multi-layer, flexible way and can support each other; forming social security system based on a unified standard is determined according to the subsistence minimum requirements and addressing the multidimensional causes to ensure the prevention, mitigation and overcoming social risks for everyone, towards universal coverage. This is the ideology of progress, humanism on social assistance.

b) Social assistance in Vietnam is in the progress of developing, completing to be in line with the specific conditions of the country, step by step approaching to the global development trend, is highly agreed and valued by people

- The legal system of social assistance increasingly full, reflecting the strong commitment in implementing the goals of the State social assistance institutionalized from the highest form of the Constitution, to the law (Law on Children Protection and Care, Disability Law, Elder Law, Education Law, Health Insurance Law), decrees and other legal documents relevant. Policies and laws social assistance always be supplemented and amended in line with economic development - social, state budget capacity and the development of the beneficiaries to be social assistance. Policy review results showed that more than 10 laws and codes; 7 Ordinances and more than 30 decrees, decisions of the Government; 40 Circulars, joint circular directive documents and other content directly or with relevant provisions directly to social assistance.

- Social assistance focuses on three main components, namely cash assistance, urgent assistance and development institutions of social assistance and care for beneficiaries with special circumstances (Children with special circumstances, the lonely elderly and helpless, people with severe disabilities).

- Social assistance designed for the objectives covered most of the groups according to the life cycle to prevent, minimize and overcome these risks, shocks people throughout their lives such as help children from students under 16 years of age (health insurance free for children under 6 years of age; monthly social allowance for children under age 16 have no source of support); Disability assistance (monthly cash assistance, job search assistance, medical care), support low-income (housing development programs for students, employees); Elderly assistance (cash assistance, health insurance, funeral costs).

- Social assistance gradually meet the basic needs of the beneficiaries in terms of income, nurturing, education, health care, rehabilitation, vocational guidance and vocational training to better ensure the rights of beneficiaries . Overall social assistance formed social safety nets widely, mix, capable of covering many beneficiaries in many different classes.

- Social assistance basically reflects the specific factors of region (areas with special difficulties, border and island areas as far as policies and programs to support high school students); support for the poor (health insurance support, production support, support for electricity), ethnic minorities (supported vocational training for ethnic minority students).

- System Services social assistance growing better meet beneficiaries demand for care social assistance. Facilities, conditions of the foster care system establishments social assistance public service and non-public investment continued to upgrade, create conditions to improve and enhance the quality of services and care Beneficiaries. Modes of operation of many facilities are improved, strengthening the connection with the community, the family in the provision of services for beneficiaries social assistance community-based direction. Staff, social workers be strengthened, some localities have set up a team of collaborators in social work; training, training in social work profession should be more concerned had advanced a step on service quality.

c) In the context of the global economic recession and constraint State budget, the State should prioritizes the investment for social protection, social assistance

- The total annual budget allocated for local government increased to ensure the desired funding for the implementation of current social assistance is 0.5% of GDP.

- Some localities are able to balance the budget has increased the budget for the initiative on the basis of adjusted social assistance raises monthly allowance for those above the national average standard.

- At the same time, social policy in order to mobilize resources for the implementation social assistance society tend to expand (about 25% - 30%), especially care for the beneficiaries based on the community, the professional development social work in recent years.

d) Positive impact of social assistance on beneficiaries

- Social assistance beneficiaries are expanded. Before 2000 only 3 groups: (i) the lonely elderly, (ii) persons with serious disabilities, (iii) orphans, abandoned children. Since 2000-2007, social assistance extended to 7 groups, and from 2007 to present, for 9 groups of beneficiaries. The number of beneficiaries of regular cash assistance has increased rapidly. In 2005, there are about 416 thousand subsidy beneficiaries (accounting for 50% of social subsidy beneficiaries with difficult circumstances), by the end of 2015 there were more than 2,643 million beneficiaries of social subsidy, increased almost 6.5 times compared to 2005.

- The social assistance level is constantly rising. Standard rate allowance is adjusted continuously over the years: in 2000, the subsidy is 45,000/month, came in 2006 to 65,000 VND/person/month, rising to 120,000 in 2007/month, 2010 increased to 180,000 VND/month and 2013 is 270,000 VND/month, up 6 times compared to 2000.

- Many social assistance models are successful in assisting children, the disabled, the elderly. Together with the subsidy policy, the current support and local government, the unions, society has many social programs, humanitarian and charitable assistance beneficiaries such as social protection programs rehabilitation based on the community; Operation Smile program; special education program, inclusive; funds support war victims.

- Policy effectiveness has a direct impact, positively on the lives of the beneficiaries, helps beneficiaries settle and integrate better into the community to develop. Social assistance has contributed significantly to the livelihood security for the majority of beneficiaries of social assistance, to help them increase their social status within the family and community. 2015 survey results showed that 57.18% of revenues 35.14% elderly and disabled revenues from social subsidy. This data shows that regular social assistance community have an important role and have a major impact on the lives of beneficiaries social subsidy.

e) The State Administration of social assistance from the central to local levels is more effective

- The system of social assistance organization, management apparatus from the central to local levels has been consolidated and positive in operation, achieving practical results.

- The steering and administration, organizations can implement an assignment social assistance, clear hierarchy, and coordination, tighter collaboration and community responsibility in issuing policies, guidelines, published Recreational resources, inspection, monitoring and evaluation, especially at the local, local level, to overcome difficulties, obstacles, promptly handling errors, distortions and generate new.

- In particular, at the local, local level (districts, communes and villages) has focused on directing the implementation of key tasks such as annual check, holding the beneficiaries to be social assistance localities; Working identify beneficiaries and determine beneficiaries guide social assistance democratic, open and transparent, representative mobilized many agencies, associations and unions to participate; boosting and diversifying the forms of resource mobilization; improve the efficiency of the implementation of policies and programs social assistance; advocacy to raise awareness; monitoring and evaluation. Some provinces have actively conditional adjustment assistance through the provincial budget and mobilize social resources is higher than the national standard.

- Promote the role of the leadership of party committees, the management, organization and implementation of the government to mobilize social resources, especially the active participation of the National Front, the business organization economic, and social organization of the people, creating synergy for the implementation social assistance.

9.2. Limitations and weaknesses

First, the general perception of social security, in particular by granting social assistance policymakers not comprehensive, systematic and long-term, strategic, social security has not set development/social assistance par with economic development. Awareness of local, basis on the work still incomplete social assistance and improve accountability in the implementation.

Second, the design approach of social assistance policies slow to reform, not to keep changing the real situation and development trend of social assistance of the world in the process of integration, the new focus to overcome the risks for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable in case I usually have at risk in a market economy, the impact of the crisis, economic recession, natural disasters, climate change, epidemic rather than the prevention of disease; social assistance policies rely heavily on state subsidies, not directed at the solution to enhance self-rising capacity to overcome difficulties of the people, lack of incentive policies and mechanisms accordingly, unified management of resources mobilized from individuals, businesses and community participation of social assistance.

Third, social assistance is not comprehensive, not ensure long-term goals, not set social assistance on a par with economic development.

Fourth, the coordination between the ministries and central agencies has not been regular, tight, particularly in policy development, the sharing of information and the test and evaluation results of the implementation of policies and programs the social assistance will be slow to promulgate documents guiding the implementation of the policy as well as supplements and amendments promptly when necessary.

Fifth, the propagation and dissemination of legal information on social assistance is limited; no movement into a mass movement regularly participate in activities of social assistance should not promote maximum power and mobilize social resources and implement targeted state social aid.

Sixth, operating the direction of social assistance implementation is inadequate. Slow promulgate documents guiding the implementation of policies as well as additional, timely amendments where necessary. The coordination between the ministries and central agencies have not been regular, tight, particularly in policy development, the sharing of information and the test and evaluation results of the implementation of policies, programs social assistance. The steering in some specific localities and closely yet. Slow to review the implementation of policies and programs should social assistance lack the basis for adjusting to suit reality.

Saturday, the propagation and dissemination of information social assistance legislation is limited; no movement into a mass movement regularly participate in activities social assistance should not promote maximum power and mobilize social resources and the State implement social assistance goals.

Eighth, investment resources for social assistance is still lacking; allocation mechanisms are inappropriate. The activeness in mobilizing socialization is not high. Localities still rely on the balance and support of the Central Government.


1. International experience

1.1. Swedish and the UK experience

Social welfare model of Sweden has been built on the basis of "democratic society" since the 1930s. Swedish social security relies on tax and donation, which is the “employment-friendly” model to ensure jobs for everyone. In 1999, the Government of Sweden has implemented the strategy to modernize social protection with four basic goals including "To create jobs to increase income, then the jobs creating income ".

It can be said that since the 90s, social welfare system of Sweden has almost went towards "democratic society", which is primarily based on principles of compensation for income loss, income assurance, labor productivity encouragement, employment increase and unemployment reduction. Nowadays, forms of social welfare applied in this country are mainly: pension insurance for the elderly; social assistance; unemployment insurance; care policy for single mothers; leave mode and childcare.

Since 1601 Poor Relief Act of the United Kingdom has been set up with a mission to provide local tax for sick care services, poor people, and the homeless. In the '20s, law on health insurance was launched (in 1911) and followed by law on social insurance to rebuild the social service system after World War II.

In England, structure of contribution to the social security fund is divided into five groups, namely: business owners and employees, self-employed persons, volunteers who protect the rights of some benefit, the self-employers on their profits, employers who give their employees car fuel or private car use. Social welfare system in the UK include pension insurance, transfers for parents and their children, allowances for sickness and loss of working capacity, unemployment insurance and transfers for those who are seeking employment.

Both Sweden and the UK have developed social security system with wide range, large budget, and universality for all citizens. All people are entitled to the same social benefits. Sweden and the UK have spent half the budget expenditure on social security while some middle-income countries invest about 14% of GDP in this system.

The main goal of social security is gender equality, universality, employment (highest percentage of labor participation in market) and social equity.

Social protection includes social transfers, social security, minimum wage, care and assistance for the elderly, the disabled, children and disadvantaged citizens (drug addiction, immigrants, single women ....).

Social protection/social assistance is designed based on lifecycle approach to all citizens including all beneficiaries (universal). All people are entitled to receive universal benefits which are a cash allowance at the first assistance level to ensure equality and equity for everyone. This level is not large so that people (including people with disabilities) highly motivate for labor force participation, make contribution to social insurance funds to receive good pension at the age of retirement. At the same time, the involvement of labor would help people get income, avoid falling into target units of current assistance and contribute to economic development of the country. However, social assistance, social care is not leveling, which depends on demands of the beneficiaries. Each target group with different circumstances will have various kinds of additional assistance to ensure equity.

  • Social Insurance include: Basic allowance / basic pension - universal for all seniors, regardless of wealth and taken from tax; sector pension under contribution-receiving mechanism, taken from the social insurance fund; additional pension: return from investments; Elderly people with disabilities: additional grants for the disabled

  • Allowance for the disabled people: Basic Allowance - universal for all people with disabilities regardless of income and wealth; persons with disabilities participating in labor market: support through tax reduction depending on the ability of labor determined by income assessment that aimed at encouraging people to participate in the labor market.

  • The aim of allowance for families and children is to support mothers to mitigate difficulties of the family, facilitate participation in the labor market, to help the economic development of the whole community; to support children with opportunities to become good citizens contributing to society as adults; universal allowance for all families on the basis of number of children. Support for families having parents working: Families with children, whose parents have to work to get more support, especially support mothers through tax deduction, assistance for people working less than the poverty line through tax reduction and benefits of 2-3 thousand pounds/year.

  • Social Care Services

  1. All individuals are entitled to the care service. Level, price for social care services are regulated by the Government. Local authorities are responsible for providing these services such as facilities support for people with disabilities as strollers, wheelchairs etc. They must be responsible for redesigning cars, housing relevant to disabled people; creating rehabilitation units for people with severe disabilities; the elderly care centers; crèches, kindergartens; housing assistance, appropriate housing reparation money ...

  2. Individuals in need of care register to local government and will be tested, evaluated identified needs, financial checks. Funds to social care payment mainly come from local budgets, citizens’ contribution by income level. The higher income they earn the larger money they contribute. The local authorities make contracts with private sector and private service providers.

  3. Individuals have choices of units, organizations providing services. Local authorities will personally behalf to purchase services from private companies, or transfer money to beneficiaries to purchase service by themselves. For high-income individuals, the government will help them in counseling, selection of appropriate care in terms of price and quality assurance.

- Social work: In the UK, social work centers have additional functions of beneficiary evaluation and classification based on specified criteria although both public and private social work centers are covered by the State under the beneficiaries, form of contracted service providers.

(i) Personally social care staff: In Sweden there are 1.3 million carers in the total population of 9.7 million which means that there is a care assistant to help others in every 5 people. Most of them age from 45-65 years old. They perform as spiritual care, transportation, purchasing, cleaning, laundry, medication, bathing and economic support.

(ii) In the UK there are 45,700 social workers in the community; a person may have to provide services to 33 people and the state pays for them privately to provide this service.

(iii) There are about 6 million people who don’t get paid in family care system, informal care support. Their responsibility is to care their relatives, but in next 10-15 years it will be no longer informal support because young people tend to live separately earlier. Older people will have to take care by themselves or choose hospitals, nursing center.

(iv) The State regulate through taxation policies so local support policies are often more difficult. Local tax authorities and state ones have some differences which leads high income earners to pay tax in both agencies.

1.2. The experience of Federal Republic of Germany

Republic of Germany supports to receivers of social insurance whose income level is lower than minimum living standard by providing them with an additional cash transfer to raise their income level up to minimum living standard;

1.3. The experience of Brazil

In Brazil, since 2003, cash transfer is granted to children whose household income is lower than 30$/month with benefit level of 7.5$/child and maximum 3 children/household provided that such children are sent for school and the household pays for medical care and treatment. Brazil also introduces universal cash transfer for elderly people aged over 65 (i.e. social pension, equivalent to the minimum pension of 130$/month) and another cash transfer for people with disability that are not elderly people, enjoying income lower than ¼ of minimum wage. In the latter case, the value of transfer is equivalent to the minimum wage, i.e. 130$/month.

    1. The experience of Mexico

The conditional cash transfer to children and poor household in Mexico with the condition of school enrolment and health care and treatment. The benefit level is based on age and school level, equivalent to around 20-30% of household income.

    1. The experience of Ecuador

Ecuador’s experience is conditional cash stipend to poor and low income household in return of school enrolment rate for children 6-16 of over 91% and a regular fortnight health check for children aged under 6 and pregnant women. The value of transfer is 15$/household/month.

1.6. The experience of Sri Lanka

In 2005, Srilanka launched a program of cash transfer for all children aged 0-15, elder people over 60, and people with severe disability. The transfer is granted at household level with the value of 4$/person/month and maximum 16$/household/month.

1.7. The experience of South Africa

South Africa’s cash transfers for children, elderly people, including older male aged over 65 and older female aged over 60, people with severe disability having no means or low income level (using proxy means test method). The benefit levels range from 30$/month for children, 90$/month for fostered child, 130$/month for people with disability, and also 130$/month for other beneficiaries that need special attention.

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