1 Opening of the meeting 3
2 Incoming LSs 3
2.1 Presentation of Tiphon activities 7
3 R99 remaining issues 8
3.1 Geran issues 11
4 R4 issues (ex R00 issues) 13
4.1 Registration procedure 14
4.2 Call Flows 18
4.3 Other R00 issues 21
5 Results of the drafting groups 22
5.1 VHE/OSA drafting group 22
5.2 Global Text Telephony 24
5.3 Push services 25
5.4 QoS drafting group 25
5.5 LCS drafting group 28
5.6 Split Architecture drafting group 29
6 Presentation of the Work Plan 29
7 Conclusion 29
8 Annexes 30
8.1 Tdocs not handled 30
8.2 Tdocs not to be handled 31
9 Executive summaryies 32
9.1 Executive summary (tdocs sorted by the order they appear in these minutes) 32
9.2 Executive summary (tdocs sorted by tdoc number) 53