Multi Donor Facility - PH Mindanao Reconstruction & Development: To improve social and economic recovery in targeted conflict-affected communities of Mindanao through activities which promote confidence-building, peace and demand-driven governance. Approval completed on 22 December 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P157966. US$ 7.0 (PHMF). Consultants will be required. Mindanao Land Foundation Tel: 63823051200, E-mail: Dam Vertido , Contact: Damaso Vertido, Executive Director; Bangsamoro Development Agency Tel: 63-906-8137258, E-mail:, Contact: Mohammad Shuaib Yacob, Executive Director; Community and Family Services International Tel: (63-2) 556-1618, E-mail:, Contact: Steve Muncy, Executive Director; International Labour Organization Tel: 6325809900, E-mail:, Contact: Ruth Georget, Programme Officer.