Third Local Governance Support Project (LGSP 3): To strengthen Union Parishads to become accountable and responsive, supported by an efficient and transparent intergovernmental fiscal system to Union Parishads. Identification completed on 13 May 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 350.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Local Government Division (LGD), Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (M; Government of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project: The Project Development Objective of this project is “to strengthen Government of Bangladesh’s capacity to deliver reliable weather, water and climate information services and improve access to such services by priority sectors and communities.” This will be done by strengthening hydro-meteorological monitoring and forecasting, and service delivery related to water, agriculture and multi-hazard disaster risk management early warning systems at the national level while laying the foundation for strengthening resilience at the regional level. Approval completed on 3 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P150220. US$ 113.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Bangladesh Meteorology Department (BMD) Tel: 88-02-9135742, E-mail:, Contact: Shamsuddin Ahmed, Deputy Director.