A historical Perspective During the Reign of

Shitsu njo ude wo irechigai, hachitsu no hizumi ga irimi dareta

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Shitsu njo ude wo irechigai, hachitsu no hizumi ga irimi dareta.
He saw ahead of him about 50 or so men engaged in battle. What type of character are these men presenting by arguing? There should be no idea of victory or defeat just the battle.
Later on Yoshi saw Ryuchusho on a balcony in another enclosure readying him for another departure and was just gazing into space. Two other people standing by had the feeling something was coming down because of his departure. Many soldiers faced this type of thing especially these types of ominous feelings because of battle. When one faced the enemy there was no thinking. He would be successful or die trying. He cannot care how many are there to fight all he needs to know is that they will fall under my weapons until all are gone.
Next we find three other important people Risei, Buntatsu and Shikidai. They all three were standing together in there splendid garb. They were ready to enter the fracas but were wondering who to take on that was not already wounded. On the battlefield flags were flying everywhere. By law it was require that certain flags be used during battle and none could be switched.
Yoshi and Sakucho two fine soldiers were holding there own magnificently. Even though they both had their disagreements they fought side by side as if they were brothers. The person they thought in charge of flags was also doing a good job. Even when it came to hand to hand combat both were excellent in the arena also. They were considered gentlemen elite both men with weapons or without on foot or on horseback always exemplified a certain scary quietude. Another soldier named Ryutaijin rode up under the gate flag to enter the battle or lead.
Risei and Buntatsu in that same instant came suddenly from the balcony. Before Ryuchusho left he was receiving something for the emperor along with the other two. Ryuchusho received an award of some kind while Risei and Buntatsu received an important posting somewhere. The flagmen were following the trio as they left as part of an escort.

All looked splendid in their battle wear and weapons. Ryuchusho was given several gifts of silver and fine silk thread for his uniform. On the scene came two government officials .......

Toward the right of this group near the gate flag another bell began to ring. A bundle was hanging on the gate. It was a bundle full of spears. Yoshi set out on his horse to retrieve the package. The new day sun was burning off the morning frost when he rode off. On his helmet was blue-green tassel. Plum blossoms were in bloom and their fragrance was everywhere. He used these blossoms to pack his minor wound. The front and back of his amour had a figure of his guardian spirit on it and was all sewn together with purple like thread. His shoes of yellow leather stood out quite brightly.
Kawanigi his bows name his only true possession with a quiver of chisel head arrows. How many would he need he did not know. Ryuchusho awaited him on a red horse on the horizon. The two were learning more of officers and men each day. To be a good master one must have a good grasp of the term Bugei.
There is a saying from southern China, which states. One must concern oneself with the law not the letters. Your Emperor has asked that you fight again. Your goal is no prize this time you fight for your emperor. They both left to prepare. In the meanwhile others doing combat with weapons held high. Sakucho charged his opponent with a big battle-ax. Yoshi took off after his challenge also. In the middle of the parade ground stood a man named Shikiden around him lay bodies Yoshi thought some acts have their limits.
- Yuki tsutomo modoritsu -

- Modoritsu yuki tsutomo -
Four arms pass each other eight put into confusion
Shitsu no ude wa irechigai, hachi no hizumigari ga irimi dareta
Fifty people were engaged in battle and who decides victory or defeat? On the balcony over looking the grounds Ryuchusho was again preparing for departure.
Some thought the camp was being watched as everyone all day had felt certain premonitions.

Risei, Buntatsu, and Shikidai stood together and all looked splendid in their battle dress. Buntatsu asked the others, which do you think is best? Flags were being hurried around and changed as the day wore on. By the law flags had to be in certain positions and could not be divided or split. Yoshi and Sakucho who thru their deeds were meritorious and eventful they had disputes but they soldiers first and formost. Both men always showed an unnatural quietude when working. Another soldier came by the name Ryutaijin with his group below the gate flag to join the battle group. He it was heard that he admired and respected everybody until it came for someone to tell him what to do. It was he who liked to lead rather that follow. This could cause problems Yoshi thought.

Both men on that day reviewed there officers and men as part of a command. Sakucho and Yoshi bowed in accession and accepted the articles of he job. Spear and sword, bow and arrow were laid out plus suits of amour and helmets. In addition brocade kimonos were given as additional presents because of their elevated status.
Ryuchusho and the other two who accompanied him stood and watched as this special unit was formed. The soldiers were not thinking of victory or defeat as the drums beat loudly and the flags were raised to inaugurate their new positions. Ryuchusho was wearing his Daisho (Big & Small sword or Katana & Wakizashi).
This day was very important for both, actually all three if you include Ryuchusho. Their drinking bout had just ended and Ryuchusho stood on his horse facing the setting sun his goodbyes said and on his way to a homeward bound journey. He was standing tall with this new appointment. He thought the other two would be a wedge in his getting his but he was wrong. He wonders if the two will see the two red flowers he left adorning the gate flag and what they will think. In addition (Ryuchusho's horse is red) a symbolic gesture of his thanks and of being good soldiers.

Many sight seerers came to see the retinue off as they were all good people. It was a pleasure to see him riding of majestically into the sunset. All his servants that were they’re helping him temporarily were on their knees in supplication bowing and saying prayers and he said “I was born in Peking in Daimei Prefecture and had a chance to witness this event of these three people it will be something I will never forget". On the parade ground before and after the contest I was there and it was pleasing to see such three proud warrior’s together working for a common cause. Upon returning home they’re much to write about on the valor of these three and the interesting things I learned as a Busho Bujutsu Shugyosha.

Atarashii no Monogatari:
- Eiyoko no Kotaiji Busho no osae keri to Seikobushi -
(Eiyoko's Subjugation of the Great Tiger thru the use

Kobushi-Ho technique defensive kicks and righteous fist techniques)
Lets look at the day all this all happened the then ensuing journey and subjugation of a great tiger Yokaku Province. One day after a visitor was walking in the street he was looking for food and water. That same day around noontime he was walking around still looking for food and water. Busho was on a journey but not in this village. He chose a house that served both sake and food. On the restaurants front entrance the flag or banner read "Takeout Food" and on it also the sign had (5) Chinese ideograms written. [Sanwan nishite okawokoezu] or three bad teacups rising.
Busho suddenly came across a situation did not set well the proprietor was serving sake quickly but no one was around. Strange he thought. When he came there was three cups of sake served, and one set of chopsticks, one saucer and one plate and again he looked around. He was invited in by the landlord to sit and eat.
Then along came some friends Yoshi and Sakucho who were on their way back to their mansions. Since the contest Yoshi had become broke as he spent all of his money.
His health had improved since the contest as it took much out of him. Yoshi sat and ate and talked of his battles. He would always stop here and talk with friends. Sakucho's spirit was high and he also had no regrets. They all talked about whom they met and competed with, mistakes they made, and the good things in life to come.

Then came a long awaited beneficial rain and as it did they talked with the village chief Rio Sen Haku. There sake cups were filled to the brim. Busho saw this and drank up also in good spirits. Another man Genhokai drank his sake also before it got cold. He also then asked the landlord if had any boiled beef, and to bring some more sake. He joined the others as they seemed to enjoy his company also.

So the landlord cut off 3 or 4 pounds of boiled beef for his guests to eat.

After the landlord had cut off the meat he disappeared. There was however already 2 1/2 pounds of meat already cut up for serving. All they needed was one more food bowl. Busho was commenting on the fine sake they serve at this roadhouse.

After Busho drank up he called for more sake to be served for everybody, slowly insinuating himself in their sphere. However Busho was impatient as the landlord left before and had not returned. He finally came out and asked Busho why he was pounding on the table that way. Busho said he had just returned from a long journey and he was hungry and thirst. He also told the landlord that the meat was already cut why have you not served it yet?
He said that he is almost finished cutting the rest of the other 3 1/2 pounds of meat and it will served shortly. Please be patient. Then Busho said sarcastically I am out of sake dear me. Innkeeper why are you not serving more sake? The banner on the outside said food and drink. There are other guests besides me that want to eat and drink. Busho liked the taste of this sake as it the best in the country. When good friends get together this is the type of sake they drink. The innkeeper thought of his shop and his outside banner and thought of changing it.

Although the idea of the first three being free was good for business but when you get people in here like I had two months this guy e might think they did and try to drink free all night. Nah he dismissed the thought.

Usually he gets people in here who have traveled and are not hungry but have three cups and spend the night then move on. But this group is different. Busho smiled as he knew what the innkeeper was thinking and said ahh narahodo "I see"". If the first three are free and I drink them what if I want to toast more friends. Well, the innkeeper stated ante up more silver. Yes, I have and I want to have more sake to toast my friendship with Toheiko. I also would like to have the honor of toasting my other friend Shutsumon To. He wanted everyone to have success and say a prayer so that the rest of journey is rewarding. Soon after this he slipped and fell of his chair.
His silver spilled out also after he fell. He got back up looked at the innkeeper then his money the innkeeper said nothing and served him and his friends and kept quiet. Busho this time slowed down on his sake.
But Busho kept putting money up and everyone kept drinking and eating. The innkeeper was shocked at Busho's manners though. Most who came to his inn were polite. But Busho was polite but not quite so. Finally after he passed out he would be up later to see how much he had to pay and to take hangover medicine. Toward the end of this drinking bout others had told him of the bad things he said and he pondered why he would do that. He thought maybe someone put something in his drink to make him sleep but the innkeeper was not available to answer his questions. So right away he started with three cups again. He started snacking on the left over meat. The innkeeper had just recut three more pounds of boiled meat for new customers. But Busho had already started on this display that was designed for others so started again eating and drinking again all over.
His rationale was that this inn's fine food and sake pleased his palate. He brought more money to assure the innkeeper that he was going to pay for his next onslaught. He shouted Oi Teishu "Hey Innkeeper" here is more money don't worry. The price I have here should be enough for the drink and meat. He said thank you I see it fine enjoy yourself.

Now back to the continuing story of the elusive tiger. Moreover, to get where the tiger was one would need information about the local area from its villagers, travelers etc. Once more than sitting or incident of a killing took place officials were quick to get a wanted poster out for the offending animal. This was done.

All at once a performer came up and stated look what was just posted. A very large tiger was on the loose and this tended to dampen everyone’s spirit. Everyone was saying this tiger must be stopped he starts killing people. No one will be safe. There must be something or someone who has a plan to kill this beast someone with courage to rid us of this curse. Up until now the government had it plans they were reviewing to do just that rid the area of this big cat.
The innkeeper shot his head hope this does not hurt my business as it could others. He shook his head in dismay all ways something. Busho set out as did Keiyoku for another village 4 or 5 Ri away below the mountain pass. As he passed thru the way there were many large trees in the area and their trunks were huge and bright white. Above them there was a sign with two characters stating notice: As of late there has been a large tiger that has been manifesting itself in this area. Several people have already been injured or killed by this animal. It was further put out that during the times indicated it was best villagers avoid this area 9-11AM, 11-1PM, 1-3PM. During the times indicated people were warned and restricted from this area without express governmental permission.
Bushi saw this and laughed. The innkeepers were all worried about their businesses and people were even afraid to go out and drink or eat. Those who were lodged there stayed indoors. Later that day the weather turned dark and it look stormy. Busho was unaffected he drank sake like there was no tomorrow. About halfway toward his destination the ground started to rumble near a mountain shrine.
Before that happened a message with official seal was received from the local government office. On the title page it stated NOTICE in big red letters. Busho was standing by when this arrived and it was being posted.
NOTICE: By the local Yokoku Prefecture
As of late there have been several manifestations of a large tiger and people are in danger of injury if this area is passed thru without sufficient escort. Two village mayors drew up a map of the area and drew lines to show where the tiger was last. As of this date the tiger had

yet to be captured. Passerbies were always stopping at the prefectural office wanting to validate this poster. What were people stupid? People in this are were also required to register or traversing this area with the local prefectural office. Your lives are in danger and every safeguard should be taken. All people of this area please head this notice.


After Busho read all of this he sat out after the tiger and waited in the prime spot where it was last seen. After seeing nothing after a time he went back to the sake shop to mull over a plan. The innkeepers thought that a man made of straw should be made as bait and then wait for the tiger and kill it. Soon after this a fire broke out and burned most of the village. Busho had to leave this area and look for another to settle into while formulating a plan. Busho was armed at this point and was wary of the area. As he looked over his shoulder he saw the suns shadow going below the horizon. It was the month of October and was getting cold out. The evenings were getting shorter because of seasonal change. Busho by himself as he grumbled he moved on.

At this same time the tiger was ready to out hunting. The tiger wanted food but knew man was out there stalking him so he lost his nerve until the hunger became so great that he needed sustenance. Busho and tiger were both treading softly in order not to make any noise while on the hunt. They both went and one felt a tingling sensation.

Off to his right was a tree with an outer bark covering of a blue hue. Busho leaned to rest on the bole of this tree. Suddenly on his right something tugged at his sleeve. The wind started to pick at him and all of a sudden he caught in a squall as l rain came down in torrents.

The wind blew so violently that all of the smaller tree's in the forest were uprooted and torn free and blown away.
As quickly as the squall came it went and left destruction in its wake. From the east another wind came and cleaned things up. The in the distance a large tiger came on the scene and began to prance about.
Busho upon seeing this called out to the tiger "yayatsu" Hey there he shouted. The tiger’s eyes of the deepest green observed him as he called out to him. Busho sprang at the moment and grasped the tiger much to his surprise. As this was happening Busho was on the tigers back. Busho was looking for a weak point on the tiger that he could attack. The man on the tigers back was relentless the tiger tried to shake him but to no avail.
The tiger came down with his forefeet on the ground and shook with all his might to shake this intruder. The tiger’s strength equaled that Busho’s.
The tiger then leaped and twisted in mid-air to get a grip on his attacker. With the tiger partially subdued Busho asked the tiger why he was doing what he was doing. The tiger stated he was looking for food and water to survive. The beast then stamped both feet until he earth shook. Then he stopped and suddenly jumped in to the air and as did Busho kept his grip and struck the beast a blow. After that Busho looked to heaven for guidance. With so much sake in him he broke out in a cold sweat but the cool wind dried him off.
The tiger bellowed with rage as Busho struck him again. In the same area the two man and tiger turned to meet again both put on a good front by standing their ground and Busho by keeping the tiger in plane sight. Busho has both hands in a defensive position and brandished his whole body. He was using the powers of the old fist way. From this attitude he attacked again using a bunting form. The power from this strike shook all the leaves off of the shrubs.
Busho looked the tiger straight in the pupils of his eyes and showed no fear. Then with his Bo he aimed it right toward the tiger. With that done he gave the tiger an order. The tiger’s eyes were fixed on Busho and his body was a rod of steel. The tiger waited and this upset Busho in that he thought maybe the tiger knew what he was thinking. The tiger and the man finally faced each other off. Busho then put the Bo aside and attacked with the left first then right then the left. These three strikes failed to subdue the tiger. The tiger with his own art failed to subdue the man. Busho with his Ki had felled several trees with his Bo. Again he attacked with his Bo and cleared a big area for more room to fight. When he was finished nothing was left standing. The tiger bellowed loudly.
The tiger started to dance again in hopes of confusing his opponent. Busho in one breath and in ten steps flew at the tiger with amazing speed. The tiger jumped back and landed on his forefeet with a resounding thump and was enough to shake Busho.
Busho again put his Bo aside marshaled his strength grabbed a handful of the tigers skin and stuck again at the tiger using variegated hand strikes. The tiger back off and bellowed in pain. Busho thought the tiger had been struck a terminal blow. He thought again then made his peace with his maker and jumped up and kicked the tiger right in the forehead.
The tiger groaned and his body and head looked like yellow mush. The tiger retreated to its cave and Busho gave pursuit and fought the animal in its lair. The tiger was pawing to free itself but could get no grip. The tiger strength was waning. Busho with his left hand rebuked the tiger. And with his right hand he grabbed the tiger and with his left he made the hammer fist and struck with such shear force........

With fist & knuckles and using his whole strength he struck anywhere from 5 to 60 times with no affect. From the tiger’s ears, eyes, mouth blood was flowing heavily. The tiger’s breath was labored. All this happened by Busho's hand. In the surrounding area it was seen that the Bo felled many trees. Many thought this place a major battleground. The tiger finally expired.

(This story is the 22nd rendition of the guest Busho

who killed the tiger with a hand blow)
Now a new tale of common folk from a Shinto carving which depicts two different translations, of the Suikoden and the subjugation of a tiger and its termination by Busho. The cries of the tiger were heard all over the land. Some mourned the tigers passing. Others danced and laughed. Afterwards Busho bloodied stepped out into the mist. The tiger with its teeth and claws fought and looked carefully for openings. Busho did the same. Busho then grabbed the tiger behind the ears and forced its face into the ground with much grief. This move confused the tiger it was Busho's strength that attributed to the tigers demise. Busho's strength was hidden something the tiger did not count on. Busho struck once in the tiger’s forehead with such force that the tigers legs flew out and tried to escape. Busho dragged the tiger through the mud. By then Busho had pushed the tiger into its lair. This is where Busho took and terminated the tiger.
The other translation is that Busho took the tiger into his lair and struck him once with the hammer fist in the forehead. This was thought to be a bad move on his part. Another one was that he struck the tiger 6 to 60 times, which bewildered the tiger. Blood spurted out of the tiger’s ears. Others think Busho used other body strikes. The tiger finally died exhausted. His body remembered the arts well and this was the only thing that saved Busho's life. This was a fight of life and death between man and animal. The tigers skin made many brocade bags. The extermination of this tiger is contained in one volume. The following is another version:
The tale of headwinds and righteous madness to look
To touch 1,000 miles of dark clouds on an evening afterglow with thick underbrush hung all around
People immersed in a cool mist under w wide blue sky
In a moment they listen to a voice which reverberated like thunder
Yo Mountain seems to fly away with the mind and heart of a king
The head rises only to jump and dance fangs move rigorously
The flutter of deer in the brush their genus run and hide
To cleanse a Manchu river is political and bulky sake not yet ready people sober up
On a rising hill sitting alone appearing busy they finally meet
High and low two people look for a tiger who is staving off hunger and thirst
One left one strike to the wicked beast
Cause the tiger to come out of his mountain lair only to be struck down
A substitute person to go after the tiger that engages humans on the rock and leaves them
He used the Hiwano and Toko Hiho way to make the fall
Teeth and claws try to scratch and resist is put into its lair to perform
The Kobushi fist and leg rains like controlled anger to a point of being equal with the animal

Lonely separation of both hands, which in the end were scarlet, dyed with blood

Thru the blood rain of the Shorin Man pride ensues
Hair was scattered in all directions from the Tiger

1,000 pounds of energy and the strength it took to subdue to lighten the load

Far away eight delighted faces were drawn to this


The wild grass contains the blood of victory
A hand is brandished in the sunlight did this

happen he asks himself?

The rest of this tiger it appears was divided up and given out as meat and souvenirs. Busho’s hardened fists and kicking techniques were reminiscent of his war strikes. His body was still pumping adrenaline he was slowly regulating his breathing to calm his body.

Even though there were trees taken out by his Bo staff there were many which were taken out by his hand and foot strikes. These were a few other excerpts taken from the Suikoden. These insights open up areas of strangeness most have not ever heard about or let alone seen.

Overall, Kobushi-Jutsu within these stories was taken to different heights. Another instance of another individual named Riki taking out a tiger to protect his aging mother with the Plum strike and Iron Hand Strike. He killed four tigers this way.
Riki no shi Tora Taiji

[The following story is of Riki and the subjugation of four tigers]
One day Riki had trapped four wandering tigers. He happened onto these tigers by accident when he wandered into their hunting grounds. He saw them and hid to formulate a plan. He was going to entice them into a trap or sorts.
He heard noises one day in the woods of a beast howling so he quietly walked to the area where he thought the noise was coming from. He saw animal footprints leading into the forest. With this in mind he walked farther and came upon a clearing where there was blood everywhere his beard started to bristle. Then with a small short sword he started stalking the two smaller tigers.
The two smaller one charged Riki with fangs and claws bared. One suddenly stood up on his hind legs while the other one crept forward. He then lured them into a cave and stabbed them to death. Two more were lurking in the area but evaded capture but were being watched for by Riki.
Suddenly from nowhere a tiger appeared and came charging at Riki tooth and nail saw him then turned and left but then returned suddenly with a huge female tiger. This beast was equal to or bigger than the one Busho killed and it was hungry by the look in its eyes. Riki discarded the smaller common knife for a Wakizashi. Then the big female tiger went into the mouth of a cave followed by its tail. Riki caught up with it and cut off its tail. Behind him the third tiger was creeping slowly upon him.
Riki irregardless of this went into the mouth of the cave to retrieve the tiger’s tail. Riki was thrusting his sword into the tiger into the dark again and again. In doing this the tiger’s anus was pierced and she began to bleed profusely.
This was successful because of Riki’s brute strength and his superior handling of the Wakizashi. The tiger took several severe blows to the stomach. This tiger was dead. With this done Riki was dancing around the mountain area.
Before the tiger died though it was in such pain that it bellowed for a long time Riki knew though that it was in its death throes. When Riki was done dancing it all of a sudden started to rain with such ferocity that it worried him in that he thought the gods were angry. The wind blew for hours. The legends say that the dragon created the clouds and the tiger was the wind. So when one dies the other weeps. e HHe kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

By rights once the storm ended the skies became clear and the stars were out. It’s like all the carnage was washed away. There was then another tiger that was still dancing around this befuddled Riki. This tiger had white eyebrows. This tiger Riki thought has power of some kind. Riki then leaped toward the great beast and assumed a right fierce posture with the small knife.

The big tiger nodded as if in approval of this posture and welcomed his adversary and the knife used for piercing. The tiger then struck but missed and failed to hit its mark. Riki then rose and cut horizontally across the tiger’s frame. With two swipes the tiger throat was cut. The tiger took 5 or 6 more strikes to the body. Then a landslide occurred and the earth opened. Rocks came tumbling from the hillside to fill the hole were the tiger was.

Riki had killed four tigers with a small knife and a Wakizashi with such ferocity that it scared people to look at him.

Though all that carnage he assumed the spirit of the tiger. As was expected Riki was very tired after this battle he was known as Shishu Taisei. He then slept for days. Then after he woke up the female tiger’s ashes were gathered up and put into a white cloth for burial. With that done behind a small shrine he dug a small hole and buried the ashes and said a prayer with a tear.

This is the 42nd rendition of this story. Some say it is counterfeit and that Riki was just a highway robber. But still he killed four tiger as the historical records say.

Atarashii no Monogatari:
Kyobudai no adauchi- Kobushi-Jutsu ya Bujutsu

no tsuka (u) kigusuri yasei mankei wo utsu

Another legend of Busho who trained in

Kobushi-Jutsu and the attack of druggist
Who was this housemaster Seimankei? They said he was a rich man who lived on the second floor of an inn. Someone ran to another man at the inn who happened to be Busho.
They wanted Busho to take a look in the attic for some reason. From inside the attic were noises so they looked into a crevice to what they could see. The found a bloodied head. Two women nearby were frantic. They found a cloth to cover the bloodied head then stored it until the authorities could come. Busho felt intense grief over this for some reason. In his right hand he held a lantern and looked further until he came upon a woman’s head. Both Seimankei and Busho were spooked. Oh my they both said. Both thought they would be implicated in something so they flew up stairs and looked for escape.
They did not want to go down, as there were too many people in the area. Seimankei became scared and tired from the flight. It was all he could do to stand up. They found a house of one of the female performers and tried to stay there.
But they knew what had happened and were reluctant to let them stay. Seimankei and Busho were amazed at their attitude. So with determination they left their house in search of shelter.
In a thoughtless act Busho danced around in abandon while Seikankei was fretting. Busho as he danced began to grab his tanto then stopped dead in the street. Seimankei knew this was a deadly weapon and that Busho was up to something. It took courage not to yell that just then Seimankei attacked Busho for what reason no one knows. Seimankei attacked him with a Kobushi fist to the chest. Busho as big as he was deftly dodged the blow.
Busho grabbed him with a left hand grip on his right shoulder and forcing him down on the ground readying a right hand strike to the side of the head.
Suddenly, Seimankei attacked with a left back circle kick and yelled to Busho go to hell! Seimankei was like a vengeful ghost that drove Busho away.
Busho’s gut instinct told him to run and get out of the area before someone finds out what’s been done. As he ran he tripped or another one of performers heads and fell to the floor onto the congealed blood. He felt sharp pains everywhere and became dizzy in all the excitement. People by this time were everywhere all falling over everything in panic.
Busho sat down immediately to ponder his predicament. He attempted to relocate the harlot’s head somewhere else out of the way but his hands would not move. He attempted to leave by the window. It was locked but with one swipe of his tanto his remedied that. At this point he looked like a man half dead half-alive. There was another individual half alive that was readying to escape and sound an alarm, but he had that one pinned down with his other hand then was forced to remove his head to keep him quiet.
He had bound up the other heads into one package to dispose of later. All of a sudden a soldier showed up and tried to enter the area that Busho occupied. By this time he was gone. As the soldier entered he saw the carnage, the heads lined up ritual fashion to the gods and drank a cups of sake for purification.
This awed the soldier. Busho after this it was said became a priest as penance for what he had seen and done. Since no one came forward seeking vengeance, the authorities thought it was ritual suicide and left it at that.
A priest had came and offered prayers of supplication for their souls. Their remains were burned to set their souls free. This is the 25th rendition of this tale. They indicated that there were (9) sets of remains burned that day in what appeared to be a mass suicide. Busho was later captured and his own sacrificed. He was a master of Kenjutsu and a fine teacher.

Shion had said four prayers toward this man as the circumstances dictated as it was said he was Busho’s brother-in law.

They were comrade in arms for many years before this and enjoyed talking of the martial arts spear, sword and staff. This man Shion had quite a bit influence inside the palace as a martial arts advisor. A lot of Shion’s influence and current position was due to Busho. Next are some more tales about Busho before his demise.
Atarashii no Monogatari:
This next tale involves Busho, Tamakin Oayumi, and O Shidoriashi. Shion and Busho entered a shop one day and came upon an argument in progress over some spilt sake. There was talk of ownership of a bowl of rice and (3) cups of sake. The servant was granted the rice bowl but no the sake. After that Busho had drunk the (3) cups and then suddenly stood up. The servant saw this and became confused as he thought his life was in peril. Busho then kicked over the table. He thought oh well it was not the fault of the servant and he was hungry so he let it go. The season was July and the intense heat made everyone edgy or irritable. The heat hung on like a wet blanket. Then a cool breeze came thru to cool things off a bit. They began to relax and enjoy themselves temporarily.
About 2.4 miles away was another sake shop, where it was reputed to have excellent sake there was a big red banner, which advertised this. The weather was brisk and the trees with their fragrances were in the air and it was a good day to travel.

The traveled till they found the shop that dealt in raw sake, Busho stood in the doorway reading the shops signboard. This was the place he mused to himself. This was a special shop. People came a long way for three cups of this sake. A servant came and took their order. Busho was poured three cups first then his comrades. However, the servant tripped and fell on his rump and ran out.

A man named Beishohachi ran after him. Two more people after this also left. So did Busho and his troup. They went looking for another sake shop to drink three more cups of se locally and went in search of this shop to drink.
Shoin watched Busho drink but it appeared that Busho was not drunk. Busho then slipped out for while to explore. Busho's group when he left was by this time about 10% drunk. Evidently they decided that their friend Busho was like the wind blowing here and there. The figured thought that he would stumble back here, as this was the last place he was at before he disappeared.
Nearby a servant was talking using his hands a lot to describe something. The group decided to leave and search for Busho. They came upon split in the road and took a path, which led them to another sake shop. They normally did not like to go to places that were to far apart. Two of the group finally succumbed and passed out due to the sake. Busho came upon another place with only one person inside who had the appearance of a giant a Deva Guardian one often sees at certain temples.
He left there and went outside and came upon an area with two trees. A man wearing a white garment sifting in chair holding his hands in a strange way occupied one. The other was empty so Busho took up residence there for while said the man as if talking to no one.
Some said Busho was like the birds in the tree never staying hidden just flitting around to and fro.
Do you understand the man said to no one in particular?

Another servant come along and was trying to tell Busho of something important however, Busho thought this place to be perfect for resting and dismissed the servant. Busho was thinking I have walked up to 10 miles how much sake did I accumulate? Oh well he thought in the summer this was a favorite pastime for people especially now under a tree with the breeze blowing. He relaxed in a not so proper manner with his kimono open enjoying the cool breeze.

There was more sake to finish he knew so he went on. Actually he had not drunk that much and most of his manner was acting or pretense. Being this way seemed strange but he could keep his eye on things. Maybe Busho was not as addle with liquor as one would think. But Busho thought this place perfect and decided to stay there.

In the summer time when it was hot it was a popular pastime to sit in the breeze and drink sake. Actually Busho was not drunk he acted that way to keep people away and yet be able to survey the area for danger. The he saw an acquaintance near a shop and started talking with him. This fellow had too much to drink and slipped and fell. About 50 steps a way was the place Busho was seeking. Under the eaves where he was standing was a big sign in large Kanji letters that stated the places name "KAYOFUGETSU" and sported a large green entrance into which Busho entered.

The group had gone to another place with signs gilded in gold brocade, which stated:
Sui ura ken kon & Ko chu meicho

The first one states come in and drink all you

want. The second one states there are enough

jars inside to last one month

Also advertised on the shops outer wall was that we also serve sliced meat. There were directions once one entered this place showing where everything was almost like serve your self. The other sign stated that steamed bean jam buns were also on sale. In the middle of the shop lined up were 6 big jars of sake. On one table were 7 or 8 half full cups of sake not yet to be consumed. Near the sake jars was a partition with a desk for a manager to sit. On the other of this partition sat many women waiting to serve their customers.
Some of these women were entertaining by singing a variety of poems. Busho upon entering the shop and getting the lay of the land sort to speak thru bleary eyes was looking for someone. On the other side of the counter he sat down on a straw mat and watched the ongoing show. One woman was eyeing Busho carefully. They both exchanged glances. In the shop a waitress was serving six or seven other customers as Busho waited to be served.
Busho stood up and struck the counter top with his hand very loudly to get some service. There was one lady serving and others were just sitting around what is going on here he thinks a man needs some refreshment he shouts innkeeper where is the innkeeper!

The waitress looked frantically for the business manager. How much sake does he want she wonders. The manager tells him there is a little space left to serve him where would he like to drink. The manager told the waiter to move some of the girls in the corner somewhere else to make room for Busho. Busho sniffed and smelled and thought he may get lucky. There scent made him relax. He thought maybe a good idea maybe a bad idea, but how much can I see after drinking and trying to look thru bleary eyes. At the counter now was the owner’s wife watching all of this.

The innkeeper’s wife thinks to herself what does she have here a sleepy warrior and a lone girl with her sake almost gone. This always happens when she leaves here sake unattended someone always takes it. The waiter brought here another full warm jug of sake. Busho saw this and started to drink his sake. They were thinking of another guest there also and they thought of him as a rascal crossed everyone’s mind. After he left everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they had heard he was a troublemaker. The counter manager and his wife, the waiters and waitress all relaxed. This did not stop everyone form drinking but eventually more drunkenness occurred. There was a saying in this shop "Tsukeyo, tsukeyo to peretsute iru yatsu desu hara" Those who watch others and take advantage of them while impaired are themselves impaired. These types are far and few between but when they come beware.
The women who everyone was talking about resumed here drinking. The owner’s help resumed their duties. They brought Busho another jar of sake very quickly and departed.

Busho drank and said to whoever was listening lets all drink up. Then he said to the girl he you young one! Some words are like a hallow reed some have substance some do not. The women hear this and continue to drink. Yet she did not notice this but she did hear the plum fall this interested Busho. Things that are noticeable go unnoticed but things that are unnoticeable get noticed.

The rascal they were talking about wherever he went trouble followed. This person Hoko or Gaikyo had a reputed bad attitude. Busho had to be careful what he said in order to not provoke something. Busho heard himself inwardly say disregard this guy and sit and have fun.
The manager was talking to this guy and saying lets not blow this into something else to where the authorities get involved. The woman came to the counter and said that this was her companion she would vouch for him. He has been a fool in the past and is a fool now. However, there maybe good out this. Actually he will not do anything, as I am the manager. Busho asked him as did several other people if you’re the manager why does this type of thing continue to happen?
If you cannot control these people someone will.

Fools, the women told them that this one has no woman and Busho has no worries of death. The woman at the counter said angrily said how could I control these people that come and go so often. Busho in his earth toned clothes and palor went unnoticed. Busho once outside took stock of his finances. While doing this he fell asleep on his horse. He was almost out of money and thought of selling something he owned to get money to drink. Well in any case Busho had his self-asteem and his skills.

Busho single handedly had taken care of many situations with just these hands. Busho came back inside and paused by the counter and ordered more sake. The women knowing Busho's situation took the jug of sake back. Busho bypassed the counter in pursuit of his sake. He jumped and his sake within arms length. With his hands with one big jerk seized his prize and he laughed as he counted out loud how much just captured. As other people came to help the owner get his sake back they attacked Busho, but with one punch and one kick his pursuers were down. Three more came and Busho dipped three more times and drank.

Two of the attackers fell to the floor due to Busho's onslaught. Several people ran out in fear. They all stated look at that man and they did and Busho said that’s right it was me. Busho decided to leave because he knew he drew to much attention to himself and ran to the streets dancing and in doing so knocked several people down.

Another man came named Shomonshin who had heard all the commotion, and up until this point had done nothing but observe. He jumped up and kicked his chair out of the way another man was thrown aside because of the force of the movement. This is absurd he thought Busho is a good man. After Busho left Somonshin had said that there were two roads into this place and two roads back. He will return to make amends I am sure.
Shomonshin was a big man and he knew many people as was a good judge of such. He never made mistakes.

But this lone woman in this place after he looked into her eyes saw such raw power, spirit and such immense beauty that he was so awed. He wondered and then knew why things happen as they do now.

In another instance Shomonshin stated that he had seen Busho in action with three others and he knew

Busho was as stout as a tiger and had excellent Martial

Arts skills and was also a good judge of people. Shomonshin wondered why Busho was being so unmindful of his situation. Why would Busho strike without provocation? Busho had delivered two terrific bone strikes when he struck he did so quickly all were awed. He hit one man so hard that he revolved on his feet several times. When Shomonshin saw this he also was in awe and also took flight, which was a first for him. Busho was preparing to strike while standing on one leg in a crane stance.
A strike to Busho’s abdomen was also tried but the double hand strike was blocked. Then the onslaught stopped. Busho then prepared a right foot strike. His opponent charged into this kick but moved to late and was struck and knocked onto his back. Once down Busho executed a kick to the chest then on one knee he executed a bone strike to the body several times pummeling his opponent. It was quite a spectacle to see this type of action involving Kobushi-Ho and its use of empty hand strikes.
One instance he used a hook punch then twisting in mid-air and coming down with a left kick to the body. From this position he then kicked with a right foot then twisting as before repeated the first left foot technique then into another fist technique.

The two techniques Busho used were involved what was called the Jade Ring Striking Step, and the Flying Bird Kick. These two were common techniques used by Busho as they were the most reliable. What Shomonshi lacked in hand and foot techniques he gained in spiritual attitude.

28th Rendition of Shorin ga futabi

mosho no ha tonari, Busho ga Dai Saki

shite Shomonshi wo naguru yori

(Busho’s victory over Shomonshi using

two popular Kobushi-Ho techniques)
Atarashii no Monogatari:

Ryubikyo futatsu wa zenki no sho
In the third chapter we talked of the Suikoden and its references to Kobushi-Ho and in Chapter four we talk of the three trials of Busho and the defeat of Shomonshi thru the use of two Kobushi-Ho techniques.
They also talk about Busho’s known rebellion and subsequent flight afterwards and his ability to avoid capture. Busho’s unsavory attitude was due to attacks and probably was unforeseen until he received several blows, which may have altered his physical personality. Then after that he also received a powerful stomach kick. After that Shomonshi turned to face Busho and almost had him with one strike but slipped and fell and took a kick in the face, which was his downfall.
Now lets move onto “Bubishi no Kobushi-Ho” and its techniques. The one most common was the “Tokiryu or Flying Dragon Technique”. These techniques remained secret for a long but eventually they were disclosed to avoid being lost forever. This technique though was a complicated one that took time and much spiritual energy to learn. Its timing had to be perfect. It was used on groups of attackers and was based on the old laws of Kobushi-Ho that is why there is a need for is explanation in order to fully its concepts and uses.

Most of these people who used these techniques were government employees out of work and they lived by selling medicines and teaching on the side they taught healing first and foremost and then self defense. They plied their skills wisely and taught a very pure form of their martial arts, which were once secret. This custom was followed thru the years.

For example Bujutsu Shihan “O-Jo” was a famous martial artist and skilled teacher also had a son known as Togun no Shihan “O-Jo”. Everyone knew O-Jo Shihan and everyone asked do you have a son and he would proclaim loudly yes I do here he is and would parade his son around for all to see and know that he would be my successor.
Often people would say who is that man? Everyone that knew him would say he is a Kobushi-Ho gentleman of the highest caliber. His work with the Bo staff was remarkable and often performed while he sold medicine. He preferred to be known as a medicine vendor first and foremost.
Why would a Bugeisha of his background sell medicine? All responded to help heal and make mankind better they would say. Before he did this though it was said that medicine never played a part in his life why now? Well since he has been dispossessed as a teacher he had to make a living now his primary function is healing with a secondary function in life as a teacher of fine arts.
He helped many who were incarcerated in prison as many said you help only the rich why not the needy and so he did. His life was devoted to helping where ever he could in hospitals, prisons, people infirmed at home etc.
He also helped oust a big jailer who was against helping prisoners because they were all vermin mot men vermin. Well “O-Jo” changed all of that and got this guy out of office and got someone in his position who had two sides two his coin rather than just one.

Again Bushi held up a large string of money for future purchases and were he got it was anybody's guess. So he ordered more Sake. This evidently was a drinking feast or bout of some sort. Again 5 or 6 more cups were served. The way ordered again was less that polite. This was the preferred style of the day as someone said during the bout. After awhile he had to be helped to his feet to go to the bathroom as he was really drunk as was everyone else. He became careless and his friends did not want him to get sick.

He does not need us he needs a nurse then a quarrel broke out which the innkeeper stifled. Others said he does not know what he doing he will be okay. After hearing this Busho became very irritable. Oi Teishi (Hey Innkepper) I am drinking here okay and I am paying you handsomely. But after awhile money or no the innkeeper could call the local constable and I would be in a pickle I think. After this bout the innkeeper had to shut down. But before that Busho gave the innkeeper a swift kick. The innkeeper took chase with his pipe to hit him but even with all that drink Busho outrun him. The innkeeper then took a loss. The innkeeper thought of where he could have gone so he was so infuriated that he drank 5 or 6 cups of his own sake while he sat and thought about this incident. He kept on drinking until he had 18 cups of his own sake not bad he said.

Busho as he was called was also known by another name Busho wa Yojimbo or Busho the bodyguard. How was he able to drink so much thought the innkeeper and then vanished into thin air? Oh well he laughed and said. Three cups on the hill story was a pleasure to present or was it? Humph Pshaw as the author wrote.
The innkeeper hung Busho's staff up as a reminder for all to see. Now Busho was elsewhere thinking how can I make this right and patch this whole affair up. Busho also wondered where all the rest of the guests went he thought inwardly. The price of sake and food was okay and really cheap so where could they have gone? I received them all with kindness and drink to. Now as Keiyoku put it he was a kind man we need to put our heads together and try to find him and thank him for his generosity.

Later that night a bunch of new people came in with a very large man in tow and it was told these were wolf hunters out stalking their quarry. They were on a time line here to get their quarry by a certain date. Later the next day it was caught and killed. On top of the mountain where this happened it is said the fox goddess lived. On this mountain was a pass where travelers had to traverse in order to get from one province to another. They usually came in great numbers and always passed by the innkeepers shop. Many stopped for festivities, some for prayers, other for hunting and others just drinking. They came at all times during the night at the hour of the snake (9-11AM), the horse (11AM-1PM), and the sheep (1-3PM). These were the peak traffic hours were allowed to pass with safety.

For all others and safety then was a risk, the hour of the Tiger (3-5AM), Rabbit (5-7AM), Monkey (3-5PM), and the Bird 5-7PM), The Dog (7-9PM), The Pig (9-11PM). During some of the indicated times they were one-person journeys but most were in groups. Everyone had to wait until their group was ready before embarking. So they ate, drank, and rested and waited for the next announcement to move on.

At the present from the hour of the sheep up until the hour of the monkey most had to wait as there were people coming over or coming back thru the pass. It was asked that with the long wait that all the guests please be patient and respect your fellow travelers. Some were identified as being less than friendly and these were to be avoided at all costs in order to prevent conflicts. While waiting most were entertained by a group, which just returned earlier and were telling tales of what they had seen.

Now as it happened Busho the Yojimbo were laughing and nickering at the lot to themselves. They all thought which prefecture does he come from with no manners laughing at us? They were all talking about the new tiger story and wondering about the person telling it who would want to tell such a story to scare people.
During the time of “O-Jo” much infighting was going on between provinces. Only one soldier was standing between peace and chaos. The soldiers were trained not only in military bearing and strategy but the martial arts, which was their mainstay, which kept them alive and spiritually motivated.

One day when fighting broke out military commanders came on site to review their soldiers. This was the first time these commanders saw battle. But a divine will drove them to victory and the danger they faced was ignored. This was the same way O-Jo taught his arts. The big jailer for some reason was against all this idea of a common defense using martial techniques geared with spirituality. Today the present okay but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Many labeled him as a defeatist and with people like him it would be hard to congeal the forces at hand with any kind of unity. He talks big as many had seen but was unable to perform to meet any standards.
O-Jo knew what his destiny was after he got out of service and the jailer with common sense should also know what his destiny was. His lack of caring and mistreatment of prisoners should have warned him of his demise. He should have found a new calling. Maybe his actions were mis-aligned or misguided he needed a good teacher and maybe never had one at the outset of his career.
Others of the day came from all over with a variety of backgrounds other than martial arts and or military arts and they genuinely wanted to learn something new. Most of the then day martial artists were wanderers who performed in shows in different villages in order to survive especially the Bo staff experts. They normally performed for 100 days before either moving on or staying and teaching as O-Jo did. These types of incidents were many and the make or break attitudes were taking their toll on the practitioner. The big jailer was one of the few that the toll was heaviest on.
But a plot was uncovered which was the jailers undoing. It was not proven either way what he was or was not doing but the government had evidence against him for some kind of dissent or rebellion.
He tried defending himself stating that he was an unwitting innocent in a plot he knew nothing about. According to officials who knew his status as an out of work jailer because of unusual circumstances he was the first they looked at for dissidents. Your current station in life dictated how you survived.
If he had dedicated his life to helping others and made good on his past deeds he might have been overlooked as being repentant and may have survived. Many a mother has sent her sons to the gallows on pip dream chases.
If the bond between mother and son is good and the bond is military or martial related with good intent and forethought then he may have a chance to prove himself and survive. But to send ones son out to do senseless acts of courage or bravado is pointless.

Many were like the jailer who had parents who wanted them to do good but followed the wrong causes or role models and were left adrift, jailed or worse yet executed.

This brings us to Enanfu no Keiryokushi Chu no Odanna. He was a proprietor of a big house and business. He also was out of government service and his place was not the best but he did what he could for his family and the people who followed him. Military people still came to him to learn the Yari, Bo, or Te techniques and to see the many demonstrations that ensue on his grounds.
This was a place were it was lawful to bear use/practice weapons and their associated techniques openly in a place where people came to let go and learn. Where else could they have such freedom? Not many chances like this place came along!

O Shihan wa hisoka no Enanfu no

nogare ku Monryu wa Shikasan de

agare yori

(The kings master teacher Enanfu

and his secrets of the (9) Dragon

Crest Style)

Atarashii no Monogatari:
Sono futatsu no rei (Bujutsu Shihan Richu)

Two illustrations by Master Teacher Richu
Historically it was known that two people were known to have worn stylish martial clothing to include really big hats. Two people Hanyo and Shirashu who it appears both had long red lock of hair hanging down from their underneath their tall hats.

Below the hat one of the covers or hats they wore was a dark colored turban affair with a button of sorts in the middle. An egg colored ribbon also adorned this hat. The actual clothes looked as they were draped over the body from the neck down made of some kind of damask silk pattern weave. The overcoat was made of the same material only it was plum colored and tied off at the waist with a gold cord.

To go with this were blue & white striped leggings that the legs were wrapped in to show they led a rustic life. This type of dress was used for people who crossed the mountain passes. Heavy sandals were also required spares in case one wares out.
The pelvis and arm areas were copper colored as was their scabbards, which held their tanto, wakizashi, and Katana. Only military could have weapons colored with cinnabar.
The apprentices of the mountain fortresses were everywhere watching people come and go. I believe these were intelligence gatherers. They wore the cinnabar colors. Also these fortresses dealt in exchanging money for goods and vice versa. As history states there was one fortress on Soka Yama it was a solitary isolated place and the mountain pass barricaded.
Picture in your mind what Enanfu might see as he looks up toward the mountain. The master teacher wanted to travel to this place to see what it was like as he had seen many scenic pictorials of this area drawn and in person. It was difficult to gain entrance as it was well protected and a self-governed prefecture.
Next to O Jo stood two other people Shishin and Hocha who were near a famous teahouse making small talk looked around a while and left. They were all talking about the self-governing prefecture and many others standing around listening asked the same question where is this place? Also in the area were several government people asking the same question. The only answer they got was that the prefecture these people lived in was called Tokei. In this area there was a famous Shihan named Odo San. Whenever he was around there many wanting to meet and talk with him about the martial arts.
Everyone asked who is he and how do we meet him? At that moment a very tall man with a long stride and a military bearing walked by. On his shaven head was a tattoo of a Chinese character "Monji" or a reverse swastika. Someone said that's him!

On his back was a hat used to cover his head when it was hot. On his body was a uniform of sorts made of a dark ' green damask, which formed a kind of war coat. Around his loins he wore the office of a Bunbu (Man of both the Pen and the Sword) and was threaded into the belt in Kanji. On his he wore takazunegawa and on these four figures were sewn. Then he also wore elaborate shoe covers. His face was round and he had big ears, which were pierced with some sort of earring. He also sported a large beard.

His body was straight as bamboo. He looked well over (6) feet tall some say and all solid muscle.
There also rumors of the two men above Shishin and Hocha. The Shihan was looking for Shishin and another man named Teikatsu. He wanted to show them something they had asked him to research for them earlier. Suddenly Shishin shows up. The two got together then waiting for Teikatsu to talk of the task the Shihan had for them.
While they were talking, a third man shows up and starts talking. The other two Shihan and Shishin thought what bad manners this man has and asks “who are you by the way”?
The man states that he is Teikatsu from Keiyaku Prefecture. My sir name is Chi and my given name is Tatsu. And you are who? This is the Shihan we asked the questions to and I am Shishin and this is Odo Shihan. Shishin evidently was at one time a teacher for the Tokyo Palace Guard of 80,000. Odo san stated he was from the self-governing prefecture. My teacher was Rotatsu who taught Shikasan no Ku Mon Ryu (Nine Dragon Crest Style). The young man said I see and bowed.
Upon hearing this he glared at Shishin. Shishin said he had heard of Shihan's name and his reputation. But this good virtue vanished as quickly as it arrived. I heard you once had a match with the young master Eanfu Keiyakushi Chu no Wakadanna why then was it not accepted. The Shihan did not answer, as he knew of the young master and his somewhat jaded reputation in unarmed combat.

The shopkeeper seeing the tension in the air served tea and thanked everyone for stopping at his shop and everyone replied in kind. The two people talking with the Shihan left to go walk around and site see. There were many people walking around this area.

They both looked at each other and said now what? Shishin and his group plowed thru the others to see what everyone was looking at. He spotted many people he thought he knew. He was specifically looking for staff handler’s men of martial expertise that he knew. He knew they were in this area to look for a certain hard to find salve to use on their hands to prevent blistering and form calluses.
Shishin new most of the medicine dealers here and was actively searching for them. He knew though that if he could not find him that his acquaintance would be at the teashop they left at 3:00 PM. During this time they waited there while a martial arts contest or demonstration was ongoing and awaiting the arrival of a known master named Dakosho.
Shishin saw him and gave a shout hey! Master Richu long time no see how are you? What are you doing in this place? Richu was with another young master having tea during a break. Shishin suggested they go to the tea house to join Ojo Shihan. Shishin asked Richu were they were selling the salve they were looking to buy.
Richu told him and Shishin was shocked at the price. Some people had tried it Richu stated but it did not work as advertised.
Teikatsu now who was a sort of foreseer of things thought something was about to happen and advised everyone.

Just then another pair of foot steps was heard and it was Rotatsu coming to see what was going on as he approached from their left. Another man was shouting at the performers what's going on here! Evidently a man they knew Roteikatsu was just thrown out of a match physically by other opponent got up and fled. Richu looked up at this happening from were he was standing and stopped short of interfering as a precaution. He was not going to judge this as he reserved his opinions/interventions for serious matters. Instead of interfering he laughed and moved on.

2nd Rendition of the story of

Shishin from Kaan Prefecture

and his travels with Richu,

Ojo Shihan etc.

Atarashii no Monogatari:
Sono San Rei Bujutsu Shihan Setsuei (Stories about the Bujutsu Master Teacher Setsuei)
One day a man named Ritachi was at a shop drinking sake. He spent the night in a local inn and enjoyed the entertainment. During the course of the next day four other men showed up Ritachi observed their arrival.

These men by name were Soko, Rishun, Doi and Domo they were evidently escorts for a larger group to come later so from one of the groups came Rishun and out of politeness gave all of them including Ritachi more sake. They all then pledged to stay the night. They were looking for more people to help them escort higher people with payment in gold. But the people they wanted were coming and going so quickly that they missed them and left the area before they could be approached with this idea.

Soko kept scratching his head in amazement how this could happen. Time was running out and they needed more escorts to get the gold they were promised. So the group decides to split up and look for these guys one more time.

They finally all arrived at the foot of a mountain at a place called Keiyoryo and this place was situated in a strategic place near Kosho.

The three people just before noon stopped at a fine spot for a rest and food. It was a smoke filled place and they thought they saw who they were looking for but because of the smoke they were not sure. They finally melted in with the rest of the folks around and decided to have a good time. Soko though pushed his way thru the crowd and came upon two people sparring one using a spear the other using a staff along with them a salve merchant was also trying to sell his wares. Soko and his escorts watched the ensuing match with interest.

Upon seeing this match Soko was getting antsy for some reason. Soko was getting or feeling a sense of foreboding from one of the participants. The way he moved as if he was connected to the earth somehow.

One must have in art back then a certain developed sixth sense and good body durability and the ones that do good shine forever. A body being fairly durable can sustain many traumas and still be functional. A body can sustain cuts and bruises that is now where these salve merchants come in to make money on the unwitting. Some say there were salves back that did work and then there was a majority that did not.
During matches like the above they merchants were plentiful. There were others also selling a variety of herbs which were hawked to cure a number of ailments to these staunch martial artists and sold to others with the understanding that they would help them become good martial artists if that was their calling.

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