Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Van Reenen, J. 1966 Dental Features of a Low-Caries Primitive Population. Journal of Dental Research 45(3, Supplement):703-713. DENTAL CARIES, [JRNL]
van Rippen, Bene 1917 Pre-Columbian Operative Dentistry of the Indians of Middle and South America. Dental Cosmos 59:861-873. DENTISTRY, OPERATIVE, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG3-Dentistry history & ARME]
van Rippen, Bene 1917-1918 Mutilations and Decorations of Teeth Among the Indians of North, Central, and South America. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 13:219-242. DENTAL DECORATION, DENTAL MUTILATION, [LSG3-Teeth mutilation of & ARME]
van Rippen, Bene 1918 Practices and Customs of the African Natives Involving Dental Procedures. [Letter]. American Anthropologist 20(4):461-463. DENTISTRY, PRACTICE, CUSTOM, AFRICA, LETTER, [JRNL]
van Rippen, Bene 1918 Practices and Customs of the African Natives Involving Dental Procedures. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 13:1-23. DENTISTRY, PRACTICE, CUSTOM, AFRICA, [ARME]
VanStan, Ina 1972 The Wrappings from a Child Mummy from Ancon, Peru. Nawpa Pacha 9:87-112. MUMMIES, PERU, CHILD, WRAPPING, [JRNL]
Van Valen, Leigh 1972 Comment on "Tooth Wear and Culture: A Survey of Tooth Functions Among Some Prehistoric Populations." [See Stephen Molnar, 1972.]. Current Anthropology 13(5):520-521. DENTITION, DENTAL WEAR, CULTURE, [JRNL]
Van Vark, G. N. 1970 Some Statistical Procedures for the Investigation of Prehistoric Human Skeletal Material. Groningen, The Netherlands: Rijksuniversiteit to Groningen. REMAINS, SKELETAL, PREHISTORIC, STATISTICAL PROCEDURES FOR THE INVESTIGATION, [RATHBUN-&-BUIKSTRA-1984:135]
Van Vark, G. N. 1974 The Investigation of Human Cremated Skeletal Material by Multivariate Statistical Methods I. Methodology. OSSA 1:63-95. CREMATION, REMAINS, SKELETAL, CREMATED, MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS, [JRNL]
Van Vark, G. N. 1975 The Investigation of Human Cremated Skeletal Material by Multivariate Statistical Methods, II. Measures. OSSA 2:47-68. CREMATION, REMAINS, SKELETAL, CREMATED, MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS, [JRNL]
Van Vark, G. N. 1976 A Critical Evaluation of the Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods to the Study of Human Populations from Their Skeletal Remains. [English with French and German Abstracts]. HOMO 27:94-114. DEMOGRAPHY, MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS, [JRNL]
Van Vark, G. N., and W. Schaafsma 1992 Advances in the Quantitative Analysis of Skeletal Morphology. In: Shelley R. Saunders, and M. Anne Katzenberg, eds. Skeletal Biology of Past Peoples: Research Methods. New York: Wiley-Liss, pp. 225-257. SKELETAL BIOLOGY, RESEARCH METHOD, SKELETAL MORPHOLOGY, [BOOK]
Van Wagenen, K. M. 1991 Comparison of Survivorship in Two Prehistoric Populations Employing the Kaplan-Meier Product Limit Method. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:177-178. SURVIVORSHIP, PREHISTORIC POPULATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Van Wagenen, K. M. 1992 An Assessment of the Relationship of Skeletal Fractures with Mortuary Population Size, Time Period and Geographic Region. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:166. SKELETAL FRACTURE, MORTUARY POPULATION SIZE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Van Wagenen, K. M., and R. G. Wilkinson 1990 Skeletal Evidence of Sex-Specific Interpersonal Violence in a Great Lakes Prehistoric Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):311. TRAUMA, INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE, PREHISTORIC, GREAT LAKES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Van Wagoner, R. S., and T. H. Chun 1974 Facial Paralysis Carved in Alaskan Native Masks. Alaska Medicine 16(6):123-125. PARALYSIS, FACIAL, MASKS, ALASKA, [NDX-Eskimos-16-05-02305]
Van Wersch, H. J. 1954 Scurvy as a Skeletal Disease. Utrecht: Dekker and Van de Vegt. SCURVY, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:233]
Vara López, R. 1949 La Craniectomía a Través de los Siglos. Discurso Leido en el Curso 1949-1950. Valladolid: Editorial Sever-Cuesta. TREPHINATION, [ETXEBERRIA-NPT:35 & CRAN]
Vardanian, S. A. 1978 [Phytotherapy of Bronchial Asthma in Medieval Armenian Medicine.]. [Russian]. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 50(4):133-136. ASTHMA, BRONCHIAL, PHYTOTHERAPY, MEDIEVAL, ARMENIA, [NDX-Medicine primitive history-19-11-08642]
Varela de Montes, J. 1844-1845 Ensayo de Antropolgía ó sea Historia Fisiólogia del Hombre en sus Relaciones con las Ciencias Sociales y Especialmente con la Patológia y la Higiene. Madrid. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, [LSG1-Anthropology]
Varga, I., and Antónia Marcsik 1975 Paleopathological Characterization of the Skeletons of an Avar Series (Kunszállás-Fülöpjakab). Acta Biologica Szegediensis 21:181-192. REMAINS, SKELETAL, AVAR, [MARCSIK-NPT]
Vargas Castelazo, Manuel 1954-1955 La Patología y la Medicina entre los Mexicas. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14(Part 1):119-143. MEDICAL HISTORY, PATHOLOGY, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Vargas Guadarrama, Luis A. 1971 Estudio de los Restos de un Sujeto con Grilletes Encontrado en la Plaza de San Pablo, Ciudad de México. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1969, 2(Séptima Epoca):67-99. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FEMALE, ADULT, ENSHACKLED, OSTEOPOROSIS, [JRNL]
Vargas Guadarrama, Luis A. 1978 Presentación Cronológica de la Bibliografía de Descubrimiento de la Leishmaniasis del Humano. Salud Pública de México 20:493-501. BIBLIOGRAPHY, LEISHMANIASIS, [CWHM-1980-105-#0823]
Vargas Guadarrama, Luis A. 1981 The National Academy of Medicine (Mexico) History of Medicine Project. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Detroit, Michigan, 22 April 1981, pp. D3-D4. HISTORY OF MEDICINE PROJECT, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICINE (MEXICO), ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Vargas Guadarrama, Luis A. 1984 La Alimentación de los Mayas Antiguos. In: Alfredo López Austin, and Carlos Viesca Treviño, eds. Historia General de la Medicina en México. Tomo I: México Antiguo. México, D.F.: Academia Nacional de Medicina, U.N.A.M., pp. 273-282. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ANCIENT, MAYA, [PPNL-1986-55:18]
Vargas Guadarrama, Luis A. 1990 Old and New Transition and Nutrition in Mexico. In: Alan C. Swedlund, and George A. Armelagos, eds. Disease in Populations in Transition: Anthropological and Epidemiological Perspectives. New York: Bergin and Garvey, pp. 145-160. ANTHROPOLOGY, DISEASE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, TRANSITIONAL POPULATION, NUTRITION, [HOMO-1994-45(SUPPL):S81 & MELVYL]
Vargas Guadarrama, Luis A., and L. E. Casillas 1988 Modernization and Disease in Mexico. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):283. DISEASE, MODERNIZATION, MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Vargiu, R., Alfredo Coppa, and Michael L. Blakey 1993 L'Ipoplasia dello Smalto dei Denti nelle Necropoli di Campovalano di Campli (Teramo) e di San Marzano (Salerno). [Italian with English Abstract]. Antropologia Contemporanea 16(1-4):345-350. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, ITALY, TERAMO AND SALERNO, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(3):227]
Varich, Laura, Mini Pathria, Donald Resnick, Jorg Hodler, David Bruser, Enrique Bosch, Debra Trudell, and Rose A. Tyson 1993 Patterns of Central Acetabular Osteophytosis in Osteoarthritis of the Hip. Investigative Radiology 28(12):1120-1127. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, HIP, CENTRAL ACETABULAR OSTEOPHYTOSIS, [JRNL]
Varley, T., et al. 1971 Dental Caries in Children of Immigrants in Liverpool. British Dental Journal 130:27-29. DENTAL CARIES, CHILDREN, IMMIGRANTS, LIVERPOOL, [ARME]
Varney, Tamara L. 1994 Middle Ear Disease in an Ontario Prehistoric Ossuary Population. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 17. EAR, MIDDLE EAR DISEASE, OSSUARY POPULATION, PREHISTORIC, ONTARIO, POSTER, [JRNL]
Varney, Tamara L., and Susan Pfeiffer 1995 The People of the Hind Site. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:12.]. Ontario Archaeology 59:96-108. BURIAL, NON-CREMATED, AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTAL HEALTH, TUMOR-LIKE LESION, ONTARIO, HIND SITE, [PPNL-1996-94:12]
Varrela, Juha 1990 Effects of Attritive Diet on Craniofacial Morphology: A Cephalometric Analysis of a Finnish Skull Sample. European Journal of Orthodontics 12:219-223. DIET, FACIAL MORPHOLOGY, [CWHM-1991-148-#0553-#1680A-#2304]
Varrela, Juha 1990 Occurrence of Malocclusion in Attritive Environment: A Study of a Skull Sample from Southwest Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 98(3):242-247. DENTAL MALOCCLUSION, FINLAND, [NDX-1990-31-15-19446 & ROBERTS-CHAR-NPT:188]
Varrela, Juha, and T. M. Varrela 1991 Dental Studies of a Finnish Skeletal Material: A Paleopathologic Approach. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 96(7):283-290. DENTITION, FINLAND, [CWHM-1992-152-#0698]
Varrela, T. M. 1991 Prevalence and Distribution of Dental Caries in a Late Medieval Population in Finland. Archives of Oral Biology 36(8):553-559. DENTAL CARIES, MEDIEVAL, FINLAND, [CWHM-1992-154-#0696]
Varrela, T. M., et al. 1995 The Relation Between Tooth Eruption and Alveolar Crest Height in a Human Skeletal Sample. Archives of Oral Biology 40(3):175-180. DENTITION, TOOTH ERUPTION AND ALVEOLAR CREST HEIGHT, RELATION BETWEEN, [CWHM-1995-168-#0922]
Vasey, D. E. 1991 Population, Agriculture, and Famine: Iceland, 1784-1785. [For abstract, see Abstracts in Anthropology, 1993, 27(1):#3245.]. Human Ecology 19(3):323-350. POPULATION, AGRICULTURE, FAMINE, ICELAND 1784-1785. [ABSTRACTS-IN-ANTHROPOLOGY-27(1)-#3245]
Vasic, M. M. 1932 Preistorijska Vinca. Belgrade: University of Belgrade. VINCA, PREHISTORIC, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:277]
Vasic, M. M. n.d. Diary of Excavation of Vinca. [Manuscript, 1920-1930 (?)]. Beograd: Narodni Muzejd. VINCA, BURIALS, BALKANS, EXCAVATION DIARY, MANUSCRIPT, [ZIVANOVIC-1982:277]
Vasold, M. 1991 Pest, Not und Schwere Plagen: Seuchen und Epidemien von Mittelalter bis Heute. München: C. H. Beck-Verlag. [See review by A. Bopp, 1993.]. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, PLAGUE, LEPROSY, SMALLPOX, CHOLERA, [HOMO-1993-43:304]
Vassai, P. A. 1956 La Physio-Pathologie dans le Panthéon ┼gyptien: Les Dieux Bès et Phtah, le Nain et l'Embryon. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 7(Série):168-181. EGYPT, [CRAN & WIEN-KW]
Vasulu, T. S. 1993 The Origin and Antiquity of Syphilis (Treponematosis) in Southeast Asia. Human Evolution 8(4):229-233. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, ANTIQUITY, ASIA, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):120]
Vasulu, T. S. 1994 On the Origin and Antiquity of Treponematosis: An Appraisal--Asia. In: Olivier Dutour, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? Toulon: Centre Archéologique du Var. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, ANTIQUITY, ASIA, [AJPA-1996-100:55]
Vaught, Mary E., and Robert B. Pickering 1994 Egyptian Mummies, Medicine, and Paleopathology. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, p. 18. MUMMIES, EGYPT, MEDICINE AND PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Vauluz, V. P. 1965 Evolution of Maxillofacial Complex. España Odontológica 24:409. MAXILLOFACIAL COMPLEX, EVOLUTION, [ARME]
Vayda, Andrew P. 1970 On the Nutritional Value of Cannibalism. American Anthropologist 72(6):1462-1463. CANNIBALISM, NUTRITIONAL VALUE, [JRNL]
Veau, V. 1931 Division Palatine: Anatomie, Chirurgie, Phonetique. Paris. PALATE, PALATINE DIVISION, ANATOMY, SURGERY, PHONETIC, [CRAN]
Veblen, Thomas T. 1977 Native Population Decline in Totonicapán, Guatemala. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 67(4):484-499. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, TOTONICAP┴N, GUATEMALA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:269]
Védrènes, A. 1885 De la Trépanation du Crâne chez les Indigènes de l'Aures (Algerie) (province de Constantine). Revue de Chirurgie (Paris) 5:817,907,974. TREPHINATION, ALGERIA, [CRAN]
Védrènes, A. 1886 Note sur la Trépanation du Crâne dans la Principauté du Monténégro. Revue d'Anthropologie (Paris) 15:648-657. TREPHINATION, MONT┼N┼GRO, [JRNL]
Vehik, Susan C. 1989 Problems and Potential in Plains Indian Demography. In: Gregory R. Campbell, ed. Plains Indian Historical Demography and Health. Plains Anthropologist 34(124, Part 2, Memoir 23):115-125. DEMOGRAPHY, HEALTH, GREAT PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Veith, Ilza 1980 The History of Medicine Dolls and Foot-Binding in China. Clio Medica 14:255-267. FOOT, BOUND FEET, CHINA, ABNORMALITY, MEDICINE DOLL, [CWHM-1981-107-#0579]
Veith, Ilza 1982 The Medical World of King Tutenkhamon. [For comment see, Janet H. Johnson, 1984.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 41:18.]. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 26(1):98-106. [Note: Actually Volume 25(1):98-106, but the journal contains a misprint.]. TUTANKHAMON, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Veith, Ilza 1994 The Gifts of Civilization: Germs and Genocide in Hawai'i. By O. A. Bushnell. 1993. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 68(4):722-723. CAPTAIN COOK, TABOOS, NATIVE PHYSICIANS, REVIEW OF, BUSHNELL; O. A., 1993, [JRNL]
Velandia, A. L. 1993 Influencia Española en la Enfermería Colombiana. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 1(2):129-150. INFIRMARY, COLOMBIA, SPANISH INFLUENCE, [CWHM-1994-161-#1107]
Velegrakis, George, Charalambos Skoulakis, John Bizakis, John Segas, and Emmanuel Helidonis 1993 Otorhinolaryngological Diseases in the Minoan Era. [Historical Article]. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 107(10):879-882. DISEASE, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICAL DISEASE, MINOAN ERA, HISTORICAL ARTICLE, [JRNL]
Vélez López, Lizardo 1940 La Cirugía del Cráneo en los Vasos del Perú Precolombino. Boletín del Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado," Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, Año 4, 12:105-112. TREPHINATION, POTTERY REPRESENTATION, PERU, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):706]
Velo, Joseph 1984 Ocher as Medicine: A Suggestion for the Interpretation of the Archaeological Record. Current Anthropology 25(5):674. MEDICINE, OCHER, [JRNL]
Velo, Joseph 1987 Ocher as Medicine: A Suggestion for the Interpretation of the Archaeological Record. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):210. MEDICINE, OCHER, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Venanzi, Franco M., and Franco Rollo 1990 Mummy RNA Lasts Longer. [Letter]. Nature (London) 343(6253):25-26. MUMMIES, RNA, LETTER, [JRNL]
Vencl, Slavomil 1991 Interprétation des Blessures Causées par les Armes au Mésolithique. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 95(1):219-228. WOUND, MESOLITHIC, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT & PETERSON-EARL-SYRACUSE-UNIV]
Vera, J. Villaroel 1981 Momias Chinchorro de Preparación Complicada del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso: 3,290 y 3,060 A.C. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso 14:5-17. MUMMIES, CHILE, PERU, CHINCHORRO MUMMIFICATION, [CHUNGARA-1986-16-17:375 & ARRIAZA-1995:172 & MELVYL]
Verano, John W. 1980 Congenital Absence of the Third Molar in Prehistoric California Indians. Los Angeles: California: The University of California, Los Angeles. [Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles]. DENTITION, MOLAR, ABSENCE, CONGENITAL, PREHISTORIC, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN, [BOOK]
Verano, John W. 1986 A Mass Burial of Mutilated Individuals at Pacatnamu. In: Christopher B. Donnan, and Guillermo A. Cock, eds. The Pacatnamu Papers, Volume 1. Los Angeles: University of California, Museum of Cultural History, pp. 117-138. MUTILATION, BURIAL, MASS, PACATNAMU, PERU, [JRNL]
Verano, John W. 1987 Cranial Microvariation at Pacatnamu: A Study of Cemetery Population Variability. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms. [Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles]. DISSERTATION, CRANIOLOGY, PACATNAMU, PERU, [VERANO-GRANT:23]
Verano, John W. 1990 The Moche: Profile of an Ancient Peruvian People. National Museum of Natural History Anthropological Notes 12(1):1-3,14-15. MOCHE, DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, PERU, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:024 & VERANO-GRANT:23]
Verano, John W. 1991 Human Skeletal Remains from Chotuna. In: Christopher B. Donnan, ed. Excavations at Chotuna and Chornancap, Lambayeque Valley Peru. Los Angeles: University of California, Museum of Cultural History. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CHOTUNA, PERU, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:024]
Verano, John W. 1991 Physical Characteristics and Skeletal Biology of the Moche. In: Christopher B. Donnan, and Guillermo A. Cock, eds. The Pacatnamu Papers, Volume 2. Los Angeles: University of California, Museum of Cultural History. BIOLOGY, SKELETAL, MOCHE, PERU, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:024]
Verano, John W. 1992 Prehistoric Disease and Demography in the Andes. In: John W. Verano, and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 15-24. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, ANDES, [BOOK]
Verano, John W. 1995 Where Do They Rest? The Treatment of Human Offerings and Trophies in Ancient Peru. In: Tom D. Dillehay, ed. Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12-13 October 1991. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 189-227. MORTUARY PRACTICE, ANDEAN, SACRAFICE AND TROPHY, HUMAN, [BOOK]
Verano, John W. n.d. A Cache of 48 Trophy Heads from Cerro Carapo, Peru. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Chicago, Illinois, 1989. SKULL, TROPHY HEAD, CERRO CARAPO, PERU, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:226]
Verano, John W. n.d. Human Skeletal Remains from Tomb 1, Sipán. [Manuscript submitted to University of Mainz for volume (in preparation) on Tomb 1, Sipán.]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TOMB 1, SIPAN, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:226]
Verano, John W., and Alana Cordy-Collins 1986 H1M1: A Late Intermediate Period Mortuary Structure at Pacatnamu. In: Christopher B. Donnan, and Guillermo A. Cock, eds. The Pacatnamu Papers, Volume 1. Los Angeles: University of California, Museum of Cultural History, pp. 85-94. MORTUARY STRUCTURE, PACATNAMU, PERU, [JRNL]
Verano, John W., and Michael J. DeNiro 1993 Locals or Foreigners? Morphological, Biometric, and Isotopic Approaches to the Question of Group Affinity in Human Skeletal Remains Recovered from Unusual Archaeological Contexts. In: Mary K. Sandford, ed. Investigations of Ancient Human Tissue: Chemical Analyses in Anthropology. Langhorne, Pennsylvania: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 361-386. TISSUE, HUMAN, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, GROUP AFFINITY DETERMINATION, [BOOK]
Verano, John W., Michael J. DeNiro, and Henry Ajie 1988 Locals or Foreigners? Morphological, Biometric, and Chemical Approaches to the Question of Group Affinity in Human Skeletal Remains Recovered from Unusual Archaeological Contexts. [Abstract]. In: Mary K. Sandford, convener. Section 4: Trace Element Analysis--Implications for Paleopathological Research. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 22-23 March 1988, p. 9. REMAINS, SKELETAL, GROUP AFFINITY, MORPHOLOGY, BIOMETRY, CHEMISTRY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Verano, John W., and Douglas H. Ubelaker 1991 Health and Disease in the Pre-Columbian World. In: Herman J. Viola, and Carolyn Margolis, eds. Seeds of Change: A Quincentennial Commemoration. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 209-223. HEALTH, DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, [BOOK & VERANO-GRANT:23]
Verano, John W., and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. 1992 Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [See reviews by Woodrow Borah, 1993; Leslie E. Eisenberg, 1993; Alan H. Goodman, 1994; Susan Kent, 1994; Timothy K. Pertula, 1995; Jerome C. Rose, 1993; Kenneth M. Weiss, 1993; Tim D. White, 1994; Michael R. Zimmerman, 1994]. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Verano, John W., and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds. 1994 Disease and Demography in the Americas. Paperback Edition. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [See reviews by Woodrow Borah, 1993; Leslie E. Eisenberg, 1993; Alan H. Goodman, 1994; Susan Kent, 1994; Timothy K. Pertula, 1995; Jerome C. Rose, 1993; Kenneth M. Weiss, 1993; Tim D. White, 1994; Michael R. Zimmerman, 1994]. DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, [SMITHSONIAN-NEW-TITLES-SPRING-1994:22]
Verano, John W., J. Urcid, B. S. Byrd, and B. Frohlich 1993 Documentation of Human Skeletal Remains Subject to Repatriation: A View from the Mall. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:201. REPATRIATION, DOCUMENTATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Verano, John W., and J. M. Williams 1992 Head Injury and Surgical Intervention in Pre-Columbian Peru. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 14:167. SKULL, SURGERY, INJURY, PRECOLUMBIAN, PERU, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Ver Berkmoes, R. 1991 Dignity at Last. American Medical News, 1991(14 January):29-33. REPATRIATION, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:035]
Verbov, Julian L. 1983 Mummified Skin--an Exercise in Preservation. [Reminiscence]. International Journal of Dermatology 22(1):46-60. MUMMIES, MUMMIFIED SKIN, PRESERVATION, [JRNL]
Verbov, Julian L. 1990 Biblical Leprosy--a Comedy of Errors. [Letter]. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 83(2):127-128. LEPROSY, BIBLICAL, LETTER, [JRNL]
Vercoutter, Jean, Ginette Billy, H. Brabant, Jean Dastugue, and Jean-Claude Verger-Pratoucy 1976 Mirgissa III: Les Necropoles de Mirgissa. Deuxieme Partie. Etudes Anthropologiques. Etudes Archeologiques. Paris: Generale des Relations Culturelles, Scientifiques et Techniques. CEMETERY, MIRGISSA, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Vereshchagin, N. K. ed, 1980 The Magadan Baby Mammoth, Collection of Articles. Academy of Sciences USSR, Section of Chemical-Technological and Biological Sciences. Comm. for the Study of Mammoths and Mammoth Fauna. Leningrad: "Nauka." MAMMOTH, [PPNL-1981-33:15]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1894 Un Cráneo de Indígena Boliviano. Actes de la Société Scientifique du Chili, Santiago de Chile 4:18-34. CRANIOLOGY, BOLIVIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):706]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1894 Cráneos de Indígenas Bolivianos. Actes de la Société Scientifique du Chili, Santiago de Chile 4:231-250. CRANIOLOGY, BOLIVIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143:706 & ZAGREB-1988:150]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1894 Tres Cráneos de Indígenas Bolivianos. Actes de la Société Scientifique du Chili, Santiago de Chile 4:71-91. CRANIOLOGY, BOLIVIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):706]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1895 Un Cráneo Sifilítico de Indígena Boliviano. Actes de la Société Scientifique du Chili, Santiago de Chile 5:92-95. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SKULL, BOLIVIA, [ARME]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1895 Cráneos de Indígenas Bolivianos. In: Congreso Científico Jeneral Chileno de 1894. Santiago de Chile, pp. 11-30. CRANIOLOGY, BOLIVIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):706]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1901 Nuevas Mediciones en Trece Cráneos Antiguos de Aimaráes. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 5:125-136. CRANIOLOGY, BOLIVIA, [BUR-AM-ETHNOL-1950-143(6):707]
Vergara Flores, Luis 1905 Cráneos de Paredes Gruesas. (Nuevas Investigaciones de 63 Cráneos de Quillagua y Algunos de la Costa.). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 9:172-190. CRANIOLOGY, [ZAGREB-1988:150]
Verger-Pratoucy, Jean-Claude 1966 [Prehistoric Tooth Retentions. (Apropos of a Case of Double Retention.)]. [French]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 9:457-469. DENTITION, IMPACTED, HISTORY, [NDX-Tooth impacted history-08-02-05059 & ARME]
Verger-Pratoucy, Jean-Claude 1967 Ancienneté de Certaines Maladies du Système Dentaire. [The Antiquity of Some Diseases of the Teeth.]. [French]. Actualités Odont-Stomatologiques (Paris) 80:501-508. DENTAL DISEASE, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Dentistry-09-02-03358 & ARME]
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