Ab (ā before consonants)

stō, stare, stetī, stātus/a/um

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stō, stare, stetī, stātus/a/um = to stand

[stable, static, station, statue, status, stasis, aerostat, aerostatic, amyostasia, ananastasia, anastasis, antidisestablishmentarian, apostasy, apostate, armistice, arrest, arrester, arteriostasis, assisit, astasia, astasia, astatic, bacteriostasis, bacteriostat, barostat, biostabilizer, biostasis, biostatistics, biostitute, circumstance, circumstantial, consist, constable, constabulary, constancy, constant, constituency, constituent, constitute, constitution, constrastive, contrast, contrastively, desisted, destination, destine, destiny, destitute, destitution, distance, distant, ecstatic, electrohemostasis, enterostasis, equidistant, establish, establishment, establishmentarian, estate, exist, existence, existent, existentialism, extant, frigostable, fungistasis, fungistat, galactostasis, geodesist, gyrostabilizer, heliostat, hemostasis, hemostat, homeostasis, homoiostasis, humidistat, hydrostat, hydrostatic, hypostasis, iconostasis, inconsistency, inconsistent, inconstancy, inconstant, inconstantly, insist, insistence, insistent, insistently, in situ, instability, instance, instant, instantaneous, instantaneously, instantly, instate, instatement, institute, institution, institutional, institutionally, interstice, interstitial, interstitially, irresistibility, irresistible, irresistibleness, isostasy, kinestasis, lexicostatistic, lymphostasis, menostasia, menostasis, metastasis, meteoresistant, metrostasis, microstat, misstatement, mycostasis, obstacle, obstinacy, obstinancy, obstinate, obstinately, omnidistance, ophthalmostasis, persist, persistence, persistency, persistent, phlebostasis, pluriresistent, preexist, preexistence, presbystasis, proctostasis, prostate, prostitute, prostitution, pyrostat, reconstituent, reconstitute, reinstate, reinstatement, resist, resistance, resistant, resistantly, resistible, resistibly, resistive, resistless, resistlessly, resistlessness, rest, restate, restitute, restitution, restive, restively, rheostat, schistasis, siderostat, solstice, stability, stabilize, stabilizer, stable, stably, stage, staged, staging, stagnant, staid, stamen, stamina, staminal, staminate, stance, stanchion, stanza, stasiphobia, stasophilous, state, stateliness, stately, statement, static, station, stationary, stationer, stationery, statistical, statistically, statistician, statistics, statoblast, statoscope, statuary, statue, statuesque, statuette, stature, status, status quo, statute, statutory, staunch, subsist, subsistence, subsistent, substance, substantial, substantiate, substantially, substantiation, substantival, substantive, substantively, substitute, substitution, substitutional, substitutive, superstition, superstitious, thermistor, thermoresistance, thermoresistant, thermostable, thermostasis, thermostat, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, unconstitutional, unconstitutionally, understate, understatement, unstable, unstably, venostasis]

strātum, strātī N = sheet, covering, bedspread

[consternation, prostrate, prostration, strata (plural), straticulate, straticulation, stratification, stratified, stratiform, stratiformis, stratify, stratigrapher, stratigraphy, stratigraphic, stratigrapher, stratigraphist, stratosphere, stratocirrus, stratocumulus, stratopause, stratoscope, stratosphere, stratospheric, stratospherically, stratotype, stratous, stratovolcano, stratum (singular), strata (plural), stratus, stray, strayer, street, substratosphere, substratum , substratal, substrative]

strēnuē [adverb] = strenuously, hard


strepitus, strepitūs M = noise, clattering

[obstreperous, obstreperously, obstreperousness, streperous, strepitant, strepitous, strepitus]

stringō, stringere, strīnxī, strictus/a/um = draw (a sword), pull

[astrict, astriction, astrictive, astrictively, astringe, astringency, astringent, astringently, boa constrictors, constrain, constrainable, constrainedly, constrainer, constraining, constraining order, constrainingly, constraint, constrict, constriction, constrictor, constringency, constringent, distrain, distrainable, distraint, distress, distressful, distressfully, distressing, distressingly, district, obstriction, obstriction, perstringent, prestige, pupilloconstriction, restrain, restrainable, restrainedly, restrainedness, restrainer, restraint, restrict, restriction, restrictively, restrictivre, strain, strainer, strait, straiten, straitly, strand, strangle, strangulate, stress, stressful, strict, striction, strictly, strictness, stricture, stricture, string, stringency, stringent, stringently, technostress]

stupeō, stupēre, stupuī = to be amazed, gape

[stupefacient, stupefaction, stupefactive, stupefy, stupemania, stupendous, stupid, stupidity, stupor, stuporous]

suāvis, suāvis, suāve = sweet, delightful

[assuage, assuagement, assuager, dissuade, dissuader, dissuasion, dissuasive, dissuasively, dissuasiveness, persuadable, persuadableness, persuadably, persuade, persuaded, persuader, persuading, persuasible, persuasion, persuasive, persuasively, persuasiveness, suade, suasion, suave, suavely, suaviloquent, suaviloquence, suavity]

sub = under, beneath; up to; [of time] towards; under (preposition + accusative, or more frequently the ablative)

[The prefix sub- often becomes suc- before c: succumb; The prefix sub- often becomes suf- before f: suffuse; The prefix sub- often becomes sug- before g: suggest; The prefix sub- often becomes sum- before m: sumptuous; The prefix sub- often becomes sup- before p: suppression; The prefix sub- often becomes sur- before r: surrogate; The prefix, sub- is often simplified to su- before sp. Before c, p, and t; it is sometimes formed into sus-; as seen in suspect, suspend, suspicion, suspension, et al...; subaquatic, subaquatics, subaqueous, subarctic, subatomic, subaudition, subboreal, subcelestial, subcellar, subclavian, subcompact, subconscious, subcontinent, subcontract, subcutaneous, subcutical, subcuticula, subcuticular, subcutis, subdermal, subdivide, subdivision, subdorsal, subduction, subdue, subepiglottic, subglossal, subject, subjection, subjective, subjectivity, subjugate, subjunctive, sublet, sublimate, sublime, subliminal, sublingua, sublingual, sublingually, sublunar, submarine, submariner, submation, submerge, submergence, submergible, submerse, submersible, submersion, submicroscopic, submission, submissive, submit, subnormal, suboral, suborbital, subordinate, subordination, subphylum, subscribe, subscriber, subscript, subscription, subsequence, subsequent, subservience, subservient, subside, subsidence, subsidiary, subsidize, subsidy, subsist, subsistence, subsistent, subsoil, subsonic, substance, substandard, substantial, substantiate, substantially, substantiation, substantive, substellar, substitute, substitution, substitutional, substrata, substratosphere, substratum, substructure, subsurface, subtenant, subterfuge, subterraneal, subterranean, subterraneous, subtle, subtlety, subtonic, subtotal, subtract, subtraction, subtractive, subtrahend, subtropic, subtropical, suburban, suburbanite, suburbanly, subversion, subversive, successfully, successfulness, succession, succinct, succor, suffer, suffice, sufficient, suffix, suffocate, suffrage, summon, supplement, supplicate, supply, support, suppose, suppress, surrendered, surreptitious]

subitō = suddenly [for derivatives, see sub]

Subūra, Subūrae F = Subura (a section of Rome off the Forum, known for its night life)

succurrō, succurrere, succurrī, succursūrus/a/um = to help (+ the dative case)

[concourse, concur, concurrent, corral, corridor, courier, course, currency, current, curricula (plural), curricular, curriculum (singular), curriculum vitae (c.v.), cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, discursive, excursion, extracurricular, incur, incursion, intercourse, occur, occurrence, precursor, recourse, recur, recurrence, recurrent, succor, succour, telecourse, thermocurrent, xenocurrency]

----, suī, sibi, sē, sē = himself, herself, itself, themselves (3rd person reflexive pronoun – BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL)

sum, esse, fuī, futūrus/a/um = to be, to exist

[presence, present, presentation, presentative, presentable, presentee, presentor, presentment, essence, essential, future, futuristic, futurity, futurology, futurism, absence, absence, quintessence, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentialize, absence, absent, absentee, absenteeism, absente febre; abs. feb. = “While or when fever is absent.” , absenter, absente reo; abs. re. = “With the defendant absent.”, absently, absentminded, absentmindedly, absentmindedness, disinterest, disinterestedly, disinterestedness, essence, essential, essentialist, essentially, essentialness, essentiate, extraessential, in absentia, interesting, interestingly, misrepresent, misrepresentation, misrepresenter, omnipresence, omnipresent, omnipresently, presence, present, presentable, presentably, presentation, presentation, presently, presentment, quatressential, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentialize, represent, representation, representative, representatively, unessential, unessentially]

summus, summa, summum = highest, greatest (amount/degree of)

[summit, summation, sum, consummate, consummation, summary]

summā celeritāte = with the greatest speed (an ablative of manner)

sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptus/a/um = to take (up), put on

[absumption, assume, assuming, assumpsit, assumption, assumptionist, assumptious, assumptive, coempt, coemption, consume, consumer, consumerism, consummate, consummation, consumptibility, consumptible, consumption, consumptive, , emporium, caveat emptor = “let the buyer beware”; example, exemplary, exemplification, exemplifier, exemplify, exempli gratia; e.g., exempt, exemption, impromptu, inconsumptible, irredeemable, macroconsumer, peremptorily, peremptory, preempt, premptive, presume, presumption, presumptive, presumptuous, presumptuously, prompt, ransom, ransomable, redeem, redeemable, redeemer, redemption, resume, resumption, resumptive, sample, sampler, sampling, subsume, subsumption, sumption, sumptuary, sumptuous, unassuming, unexampled]

super + acc. = above, over

[inexsuperable, insuperable, insuperability, insuperableness, superable, superabound, superabounding, superabundance, superabundant, superadd, superalimentation, superalloy, superannuate, superannuated, superannuation, superb, superbia, superbly, superbug, supercalender, supercargo, supercarpal, supercelestial, supercentenarian, super-, entenarian, supercharge, supercharged, supercharger, supercilia, superciliary, supercilious, superciliously, superciliousness, supercilium, supercluster, superclusters, superego, supererogate, supererogatory, superficial, superfluity, superfluous, supergalaxy, superglottal, superhuman, superimpose, superimposition, superimposition, superincumbent, superintendent, superior, superiority, superjet, superlactation, superlative, superman, supernal, supernatural, supernaturalism, supernormal, supernova, supernumerary, superovulation, superparasite, superparasitism, superphysical, superpower, supersaturate, superscribe, superscript, supersede, superseding, supersensible, supersensitive, supersonic, supersonics, superstition, superstitious, superstructure, supervention, supervise, supervision, supervisor, supraglottal, supraglottic, supraglottic, suprahepatic, supralabial, supraliminal, supranasal, supraorbital, suprascapular, supremacist, supremacy, suprematism, supreme, supremely, supreme, surbase, surcharge, surface, surmise, surname, surpass, surplus, surprint, surprise, surrealism, surround, surtax, surveillance, survey, survive]

superbus, superba, superbum = proud, haughty [superb, superbia, superbly]

superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus = to overcome, surpass; beat (super, superlative, insuperable)

suprā + acc. = above, on top

[inexsuperable, insuperable, insuperability, insuperableness, superable, superabound, superabounding, superabundance, superabundant, superadd, superalimentation, superalloy, superannuate, superannuated, superannuation, superb, superbia, superbly, superbug, supercalender, supercargo, supercarpal, supercelestial, supercentenarian, super-, entenarian, supercharge, supercharged, supercharger, supercilia, superciliary, supercilious, superciliously, superciliousness, supercilium, supercluster, superclusters, superego, supererogate, supererogatory, superficial, superfluity, superfluous, supergalaxy, superglottal, superhuman, superimpose, superimposition, superimposition, superincumbent, superintendent, superior, superiority, superjet, superlactation, superlative, superman, supernal, supernatural, supernaturalism, supernormal, supernova, supernumerary, superovulation, superparasite, superparasitism, superphysical, superpower, supersaturate, superscribe, superscript, supersede, superseding, supersensible, supersensitive, supersonic, supersonics, superstition, superstitious, superstructure, supervention, supervise, supervision, supervisor, supraglottal, supraglottic, supraglottic, suprahepatic, supralabial, supraliminal, supranasal, supraorbital, suprascapular, supremacist, supremacy, suprematism, supreme, supremely, supreme, surbase, surcharge, surface, surmise, surname, surpass, surplus, surprint, surprise, surrealism, surround, surtax, surveillance, survey, survive]

suprēmus, suprēma, suprēmum = last, highest

[inexsuperable, insuperable, insuperability, insuperableness, superable, superabound, superabounding, superabundance, superabundant, superadd, superalimentation, superalloy, superannuate, superannuated, superannuation, superb, superbia, superbly, superbug, supercalender, supercargo, supercarpal, supercelestial, supercentenarian, super-, entenarian, supercharge, supercharged, supercharger, supercilia, superciliary, supercilious, superciliously, superciliousness, supercilium, supercluster, superclusters, superego, supererogate, supererogatory, superficial, superfluity, superfluous, supergalaxy, superglottal, superhuman, superimpose, superimposition, superimposition, superincumbent, superintendent, superior, superiority, superjet, superlactation, superlative, superman, supernal, supernatural, supernaturalism, supernormal, supernova, supernumerary, superovulation, superparasite, superparasitism, superphysical, superpower, supersaturate, superscribe, superscript, supersede, superseding, supersensible, supersensitive, supersonic, supersonics, superstition, superstitious, superstructure, supervention, supervise, supervision, supervisor, supraglottal, supraglottic, supraglottic, suprahepatic, supralabial, supraliminal, supranasal, supraorbital, suprascapular, supremacist, supremacy, suprematism, supreme, supremely, supreme, surbase, surcharge, surface, surmise, surname, surpass, surplus, surprint, surprise, surrealism, surround, surtax, surveillance, survey, survive]

surgō, surgere, surrexī, surrectus/a/um = to rise, get up

[assurgent, counterinsurgency, insurge, insurgence, insurgence, insurgency, insurgency, insurgent, insurrection, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, outsurge, resurge, resurgence, resurgent, resurrect, resurrection, resurrectionary, surge]

suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptus/a/um = to undertake, begin

[accept, acceptable, acceptance, accipe hoc, accipiter, anticipant, anticipate, anticipation, anticipatory, apperceive, apperception, apperceptive, cable, caitiff, capability, capable, capacious, capacitor, capacity, capstan, capsule, caption, captious, captivate, captivation, captive, captivity, captor, capture, case, casement, cash, cashier, catch, cater, caterer, chase, conceit, conceited, conceivable, conceivably, conceive, concept, conception, conceptive, deceit, deceitful, deceivable, deceive, deception, deceptive, emancipate, encapsulate, except, exception, exceptionable, exceptional, forceps, imperceptible, imperception, imperceptive, incapable, incapacitate, incapacitation, incapacity, inception, inceptive, incipiency, incipient, inconceivable, intercept, interception, interceptor, misconception, municipal, municipality, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupy, participant, participation, participle, perceivable, perceive, percept, perceptible, perception, perceptive, photoperception, piscicapturist, preceptress, preconceive, preconception, preoccupation, preoccupied, prince, principle, purchasable, purchase, receipt, receivable, receive, receptacle, reception, receptionist, receptive, receptor, recipe, Rx, recipient, recover, recoverable, recovery, recuperate, recuperation, recuperative, susceptibility, susceptible, unacceptable, unexceptionable, unprincipled, viviperception]

suspicor, suspicārī, suspicātus sum = to suspect

[aspect, audiospectogram, auspices, auspicious, cacospectamania, chronospecies, circumspect, conspicuous, despicable, despise, despite, ecospecies, especial, espionage, expect, expectancy, extrospection, haruspex, haruspicate, inauspicious, inspect, inspection, introspect, introspective, perspective, perspicacious, perspicacity, perspicuous, prospect, prospective, prospectus, respect, respective, respite, retrospect, special, species, specification, specify, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacles, spectacular, spectator, specter, spectral, spectroheliograph, spectrology, spectrometer, spectrophobia, spectrum, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculator, spy, suspect, suspicion, suspicious]

suus, sua, suum = his own, her own, its own; their own (pl)

[sui generic, sui juris, suicide, suicidal, suigenderism, suimate]

tabellārius, tabellāriī M = courier

[tab, table, tablature, tablet, table (verb), tableau, tableau curtain, table d’hôte, table full, table talk, table tennis, tabloid, tabula rasa (“clean slate”), tabular, tabulate, tabulation, tabulator]

taberna, tabernae F = shop [tavern, tabernacle, tabernacular, taverner, trabeated, trabeate, trabecula, trabecular, trabeculate]

tabulātum, tabulātī N = story, floor

[tab, table, tablature, tablet, table (verb), tableau, tableau curtain, table d’hôte, table full, table talk, table tennis, tabloid, tabula rasa (“clean slate”), tabular, tabulate, tabulation, tabulator]

taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitus/a/um = to be quiet

[reticence, reticent, tacenda, tacet, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity]

Tacē = Be quiet!

tacitus/a/um = quiet, silent

[reticence, reticent, tacenda, tacet, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity]

tacitē = silently

taedet, taedēre, taeduit, taesum est + ACCUSATIVE of the person bored + GENITIVE of the thing/person that is boring + infinitive = it bores

mē taedet ludī = I am bored of school or school bores me

[tedium, tedious]

tālia, tālium N. pl. = such things [talesman]

tālis, tāle = such [talesman]

tālus, tālī M. = knucklebone; die, dice (pl.) [talus, tali]

tam = so [used with adjectives and adverbs]
tam (adj./adverb)...quam (adj./adverb) = as (adj./adverb)... as (adj./adverb)

tamen = however, but [postpositive]

tamquam = just as if

tandem = at last, at length, finally


tangō, tangere, tetigī, tactus/a/um = to touch

[anticontagious, atactilia, attain, attainable, attainder, attainment, attaint, attaintment, contact, contactual, contagion, contagiously, contagious, contain, contaminate, contamination, contiguous, contiguousness, contingency, contingent, contingently, dermotactile, disintegrate, disintegrated, disintegration, disintegrity, distaste, distasteful, distastefully, entire, entirety, intact, intangibility, intangible, intangibly, integer, integral, integrally, integrate, integration, integrity, redintegrate, redintegration, surtax, tact, tactful, tactfully, tactfulness, tactile, tactile hypoesthesia, tactility, tactilogy, taction, tactometer, tactor, tactual, tangent, tangential, tangentially, tangibility, tangible, tangibly, tango, tangoreceptor, task, taste, tasteful, tastefully, tasteless, tasteless, tastelessness, taster, tastily, tasty, tax, taxable, taxably, taxation, teletactor, thermointegrator, thermotactic, thigmotactic, traumatotactic, zygotactic]

tantum = only, so much [tantamount]

tantus, a, um = so great, such a big, so loud


tardus, tarda, tardum = slow

[aquitard, retard, retardant, retardation, retarder, tardamente, tardigrade, tardiloquent, tardiloquence, tardiloquy, tardily, tardiness, tardo, tardy, tarrier, tarry]

taurus, taurī M = bull

[Minotaur, taurian, tauricide, Taurids, tauriform, taurine, taurobolium, tauroboly, taurocephalous, tauroctony, tauroesque, taurokathapsia, taurolatry, tauromachy, tauromachia, tauromachian, tauromorphic, tauromorphous, taurophobia, Taurus]

tellūs, tellūris F. = land, earth

[tel (noun), tellurium, Tellus = Goddess of the Earth, tellurian, tellurion]

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