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Valorisation / Exploitation of results

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For its valorization activities, ISMO/MN relies on the IP pools at U. Paris 11 or CNRS superieur / Higher education

LAC/DSSNO is involved in communication activities. Anne Débarre is the chair of a club named club COLOQ in the French branch of the Europeen Optical Society (Société Française d’Optique). The “Club COLOQ” promotes the interactions between scientists, professional, industrialists and young scientists in the field of lasers, quantum optics and more generally laser-matter interactions. The Club organizes a conference (COLOQ) every two years that offers a major opportunity to present hot topics and new progresses in optics and photonics. Every 4 years a large conference including other components of research in optics and photonics is held.

Lac/DSSNO gives lectures in nanosciences (carbon nanotubes) at the Université of Technologie de Troyes. / Organisation

LAC/DSSNO is part of the LAC, a purely CNRS laboratory. It thus benefits for all the shared staff and facilities existing in the LAC, and administratively depends on CNRS.

Its research activities are mainly funded by research grants. Over the period, 1 CnanoIDF and 1 Triangle de la Physique contracts have been obtained. One EU contract is currently running.

4.1.17Partenaire 17/ Partner 17 : Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris (LGEP) UMR 8507 et innovation / Research and innovation

The LGEP (meaning Laboratory of Electrical Engineering of Paris) was created in 1968 and became in January 1998 a Mixed Unit of Research CNRS-Supélec (UMR 8507) with an administrative co-supervision of UPMC Paris 6 and Paris-Sud 11 Universities. It depends on the Scientific Institute of Engineering and systems Sciences of CNRS. Its scientific scope is broad and covers the diversity of ‘Electrical Engineering. It gathers ca. 100 people, half of them PhD or postdoctoral students. It is structured around two major departments: MADELEC (Materials and Devices for Electronics; Head D. Mencaraglia), and MOCOSEM (Modeling & control of electromagnetic systems; Head A. Razek).

LGEP/Nano gathers 7 scientists and 2 research engineers from the MADELEC department which activity relies with the nanoscale, and more particularly with topics covered by the flagship project "NanoPhotonics"

  • Nanocharacterization for photovoltaics

  • SiGe nanodots inclusion in Si solar cells for conversion efficiency improvment

  • Interface nanostucturation for heterogeneous integration of mismatched III-V compounds on standard Si wafers: Application to low-cost high-efficiency multispectral solar cells

  • Study of hot electron nanobolometers made from high Tc superconductors for terahertz imaging

  • Instrumentation and metrology: Development of instrumentation for wide-range local electrical measurements (resistance, capacitance) at nanometer scale by AFM-derived techniques.

Evaluation: The LGEP was evaluated by AERES in 2008. The MADELEC department was quoted A+

Excerpt of the report: "Équipe très dynamique et très productive ayant acquis une reconnaissance internationale; nombreuses collaborations nationales et internationales; existence de plates-formes de mesures originales (reconnues sur le plan mondial) pilotées par l’équipe; implication forte dans le transfert notamment au sein de l’Institut Carnot."

High profile scientists:

KLEIDER, Jean-Paul (H = 16, 1040 citations); CNRS, DR

Distinctions: "Grand Prix de l’électronique du Général Ferrié", Innovative materials for electronics and optronics devices (2006)

Major publications (IF>7): 1 JACS, 1 PRL

Research activities: LGEP/Nano issued 116 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 4 patents. Among those publications: 1 JACS, 1 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

13 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 6 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 7 hold a temporary position. 2 HdR were obtained during that period at LGEP/Nano.

Scientists from LGEP/Nano gave ca. 10 invited lectures at national and international conferences during the last 5 years (A partial list is given in 7.2)

LGEP/Nano teams keep active numerous collaborations (10 current collaborations within the Campus Paris-Saclay many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, ca. 10 collaborations with research French labs or international labs)

Equipments: LGEP/Nano main activities deal with the fabrication and electrical study of new materials. Hence its equipment spreads from (nano)fabrication to local electrical analysis

Synthesis: Hollow cathode DC sputtering of oxides, Electron beam evaporation of metals, Thermal annealing furnace, Rapid thermal annealing; Ion beam milling by microwave plasma, Ultrasonic bonding, Substrate scriber (micrometre resolution).

Spectroscopy: XPS/AES

Analysis: Diamond probe and Optical interferometric profilometers

Microscopy: Veeco MultiMode AFM, Agilent PicoPlus AFM, Veeco Enviroscope AFM, WITec Micro-Raman/Micro-photoluminescence/AFM/SNOM equipment

Electrical measurements: platform based on photocurrent and admittance spectroscopies techniques for semiconductors devices diagnoses, cryogenic benches for electrical transport measurements in the 77-475 K temperature range.

Modelling: Microwave simulation software (Sonnet®), Electromagnetic simulation software (CST Microwave Studio), Laboratory-owned codes

Besides, LGEP/Nano is partner with the IEED Photovoltaics. Other teams from LGEP are deeply involved in the LASIPS LabEx project, since LGEP is one of the central labs in that LabEx. / Exploitation of results

LGEP/Nano has issued 4 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). 1 of them is already licensed to Concept Scientific Instruments: the Resiscope issued from that patent is now commercialized by ScienTec. Besides, 9 direct contracts have been signed or are still alive between the LGEP/Nano teams and industrial companies (including Alcatel Thales III-V Lab, CNES, Schneider Electric...).

As mentioned above, one product from LGEP/Nano (the Resiscope which allows local electrical analysis of materials) is already on the market.

For all its valorization activities, LGEP/Nano relies on the IP pool at Supelec. superieur / Higher education

Some LGEP/Nano scientists are involved in higher education, mainly within the SupElec engineering school.

• PhD level: 6 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director

• Master Level: Practical tutorials on AFM are given at the Master NanoSciences at U. Paris XI, together with courses at Master STITS

• UnderGrad level: numerous courses and practicals are given for Supelec students, together with Evry and Cachan technology Institutes / Organisation

LGEP/Nano is a consortium from LGEP intended to join the NanoSaclay LabEx. All concerned scientists belong to LGEP and thus benefits from its shared facilities and administration, together with a direct link with SupElec students. LGEP has a strong commitment to applied issues and is used to collaborate with industrial companies. It relies on its funding on direct industrial contracts together with more classical academic fundings.

Within the last 5 years, LGEP/Nano got 12 funded projects with ANR, 3 with the RTRA Triangle de la Physique, 4 EU contracts. 5 of those contracts involve different industrial partners

4.1.18Partenaire 18/ Partner 18 : SOLEIL/Division des Sciences de la Matière et innovation / Research and innovation

SOLEIL is the French national synchrotron facility, a multidisciplinary instrument and a research facility. SOLEIL thus has a double vocation: to make the highest-performing experimental facilities in the world available to its users, and to develop cutting-edge internal scientific research activity around the synchrotron beam. Both activities are organized around its 26 beamlines, each of them managed scientifically and technically by a beamline scientist, and 3 transverse programs.

Several beamline scientists from 7 beamlines, which activity is clearly belonging to the nanosciences domain are willing to join the NanoSaclay LabEx. Their activity can be grouped in three distinct scientific teams gathered in the SOLEIL/Nano lab which is presented here.:

  • Surfaces, Interfaces and NanoSystems (lines CASSIOPEE, TEMPO, ANTARES)

  • Physics, Chemistry, Condensed Matter(lines DEIMOS, SEXTANTS, HERMES)

  • Physics, Chemistry, Soft Matter (line SIRIUS)

SOLEIL/Nano gathers 13 researchers, 2 research engineers, 3 PhD students and 4 postdoctoral fellows.

Evaluation: SOLEIL will be evaluated in January 2011. SOLEIL is regularly evaluated (twice a year) through its international Scientific Advisory Committee, who pointed out the unique performances already achieved and the excellent scientific output.

High profile scientists:

SACCHI, Maurizzio, (H = 24, 1946 citations); Soleil, SEXTANTS line

Major publications (IF>7):
ASENSIO, MC (H = 26, 2064 citations); Soleil, ANTARES line

Major publications (IF>7):
SIROTTI, Fausto (H = 19, 1226 citations); Soleil, TEMPO line

Major publications (IF>7): 1 PRL, 1 ACS Nano

Other assessment points : 4 papers cited more than 50 times
BERTRAN, François (H = 13, 515 citations); Soleil, CASSIOPEE line

Distinction: CNRS Bronze Medal (1994).

Major publications (IF>7): 3 PRL

Research activities: SOLEIL/Nano issued 161 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 39 patents. Among those publications: 1 Nature Mater., 1 Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 1 NanoLett., 1 ACS Nano., 8 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

5 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 2 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 3 hold a temporary position.

Scientists from SOLEIL/Nano are often invited at national and international conferences, including for delivering keynote lectures. (A partial list is given in 7.2)

SOLEIL/Nano teams mainly rely on collaborations for their scientific activity, in accordance with their mission. Since the creation of RTRA "Triangle de la Physique", about 17 proposals have been funded with SOLEIL teams as coordinator or participant

Equipments: SOLEIL/Nano gathers 7 beamlines which are all currently studying condensed and soft matter at the nanoscale. Their equipment is world-class spectroscopy apparatuses, among which:

  • Spin-resolved photoemission setup on CASSIOPEE

  • X-PEEM (Xray PhotoEmitted Electron Microscopy) and STXM (Scanning Transmission Microscopy) on HERMES

  • soft x-ray scattering (elastic, inelastic, coherent) on SEXTANTS, UHV cryo-magnet allowing going at 7T and with a temperature range of 1.5-370K, equipped with several preparation chambers with in situ UVC facilities: STM, Auger analyzer, LEED diffractometer, glove box, on DEIMOS

  • grazing incidence x-ray techniques at fixed energy or in anomalous / resonant conditions: GIXD, GISAXS, GIDAFS, ReflEXAFS for hard surfaces and soft surfaces, on SIRIUS superieur / Higher education

SOLEIL/Nano scientists belong to a synchrotron facility which mission is hosting scientists from all over the world. They are thus weekly involved in higher education, and communication activities towards the society and young students. However, some of them manage to participate in education activities

• PhD level: 4 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director

• Master Level: participation to the creation of a European postgraduate formation "NanoMat" and practicals at U. Paris VI; creation of a postdoctoral European formation on X-Ray Microscopy

• UnderGrad level: regular participation in the HERCULES Practicals and Lecture; / Organisation

Soleil is a private society, shared by the CNRS (72%) and the CEA (28%). Its CEO (M. Van Der Rest) accounts on the Board of Directors (Pr. B. Girard). An advisory Scientific Committee (SAC) meets twice a year and gives advices on scientific directions and experimental issues. Two program lines (sources and accelerators, Experiments) are supported by the supporting staff (Technical, computing, administration).

The teams are thus funded by SOLEIL for their in-house and hosting activities, by commonly apply for external funding for their own research programs. Within the last 5 years, 1 ANR project, 2 with the CnanoIdF, 3 with the RTRA Triangle de la Physique were funded.

4.1.19Partenaire 19/ Partner 19 : ONERA et innovation / Research and innovation

ONERA (Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales) is the French national aerospace research center. It is a public research establishment, with eight major facilities in France and about 2,000 employees, including 1,500 scientists, engineers and technicians.

ONERA was originally created by the French government in 1946, and assigned six key missions:

  • Direct and conduct aeronautical research

  • Support the commercialization of this research by national and European industry

  • Construct and operate the associated experimental facilities

  • Supply industry with high-level technical analyses and other services.

  • Perform technical analyses for the government

  • Train researchers and engineers

ONERA/Nano gathers three different teams from two different locations in the Paris area:

  • The Laboratory for Studying Microstructures (LEM; local head A. Loiseau) located at Châtillon, which defines and manages fundamental researches on structural, thermodynamic, electronic and mechanical properties of condensed matter such as metallic alloys. Both theoretical and experimental tools and approaches are multiscale, integrating the atomistic level to the macroscopic one. Its research activity in Nanoscience is mainly focused on synthesis, structural and physical properties of nanotubes and graphene and also on size effects of metallic nanoalloys. The LEM is a joint laboratory between CNRS and ONERA (UMR 104)

  • The "Physics, Instrumentation and Sensing" Department (DMPH; local head B. Attal-Trétout) located near Ecole Polytechnique on the Paris-Saclay Campus. Its activity is dedicated to the development of instruments and measurements in fields such as reactive flows, electrical propulsion and atmospheric environment. A part of the work in the department is devoted to the study of new sensors such as nanotubes/graphene gas sensors that may be used in the aircraft environment and to the development of instrumentation of original optical spectroscopies.

  • The Applied and Theoretical Optics Department Parisian antenna (DOTA; local head R. Haidar), located near Ecole Polytechnique on the Paris-Saclay Campus, which addresses the fundamental properties of plasmonic nanostructures, and their potential for technological breakthrough and innovation in the field of infrared optical detection. The DOTA antenna at Palaiseau is a joint laboratory between ONERA and Ecole Polytechnique.

ONERA/Nano gathers 14 researchers, 11 PhD students and 5 postdoctoral fellows.
Evaluation: ONERA is not evaluated by AERES, except the LEM. Its last evaluation was conducted in 2006 by CNRS.

High profile scientists:

LOISEAU, Annick (H = 40, >7500 citations); ONERA; DR

Distinctions: CNRS Silver Medal (2006); Ancel Prize from French Physics Society (SFP, 1999); Grand Prix from French Science Academy (1988).

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 2 Nature, , 1 rev. Modern Phys., 1 Nature Mater., 1 Adv. Phys., 1 JACS, 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 3 NanoLett., 7 PRL

Other assessment points: Co-direction of the French Research Network on Carbon Nanotubes (1998-2003) and Director of the French and International Research Networks on Nanotubes (2004 – 2008) and Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes (2009-..); Member of the Scientific Council of MPPU (CNRS), IESC and SFP; president of the SFP Condensed Matter Division (2003-2007); Member of various ANR and CNRS Evaluation Panels.

DUCASTELLE, François (H = 35, >4300 citations); ONERA; Emeritus Advisor at ONERA

Distinctions: Sainte Claire Deville Medal from French Metallurgy society (1992); F. Robin Prize from French Physics Society (2000).

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Mater., 2 ACS Nano, 10 PRL

Other assessment points: Former Research director at ONERA, former Deputy Director of LEM

ROSENCHER, Emmanuel (H = 35, >4300 citations); ONERA; DR

Distinctions: Foucault Prize from SFP (1991); Montgolfier Prize from l'Industrie Nationale (2000); Arnulf-Françon Prize from French Optics Society (2001); France Telecom Prize from French Sciences Academy (2010)

Major publications (IF>7): 2 Nature, 1 Nature Phys., 1 PRL

Other assessment points: Thomson Best Patent Price (1997); Officer of the French National Order of Merit (2009); Fellow of Institute of Physics, Optical Society of America, IEEE

AMARA, Hakim (H = 7, > 200 citations); ONERA, eq CR2

Major publications (IF>7): 1PRL, 1 NanoLett., 3 ACS Nano

Other assessments points: secretary of the GDR and GDR-I Graphene and Nanotubes
ATTAL-TRETOUT, Brigitte (H >10, > 400 citations); ONERA; DR

Distinctions: Foucault Prize from SFP (1994); Chevalier of the Légion d’honneur (2009)

Major Publications (IF >7): 3 PRL

Other assessment points: deputy scientific director of the Department DMPH (ONERA); member of the scientific council of CNES (2004-2006), of the C’NanoIdF board of the thematic axis EMQ, of an ANR evaluation panel, member of various evaluation committees.
HAIDAR, Riad (H>8, >250 citations); ONERA; MR

Distinctions: INPI Award for innovation initiatives in 2009

Major Publications (IF>7): 1 Nature, 1 PRL

Other assessments points: Professor ‘Chargé de cours’ at the Ecole Polytechnique (2010), member of the thematic board on photonic of the RTRA Triangle de la Physique, of the commission division 30 of University Paris 13, of IGPD board of the EPS

Research activities: ONERA/Nano issued 120 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 8 patents. Among those publications: 1 Rev. Modern Phys., 1 Nature Mater., 1 Nature Phys, 1 Nature Photonics, 2 ACS Nano, 2 NanoLett., 1 JACS, 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 2 PRL, 1 Adv. Phys. (see 7.2 for details)

14 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 10 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 4 hold a temporary position. 1 HdR was obtained during that period at ONERA/Nano.

Scientists from ONERA/Nano gave more than 50 invited lectures at national and international conferences during the last 5 years. (A partial list is given in 7.2)

ONERA/Nano teams have numerous collaborations, both with teams within the Campus Paris-Saclay, and with research French labs, together with international labs

Equipments: ONERA/Nano is a multidisciplinary consortium which addresses many aspects of modern nanosciences: synthesis of nano-objects (mainly nanotubes, plasmonic nanostructures…), study of their electrical and optical properties, modelling of their growth. As such, it holds a full set of scientific tools and facilities for designing, synthesizing and studying matter at the nanoscale.

Synthesis: Experimental set-up for the synthesis of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) by electric arc; synthesis of BN and C-doped SWNT by laser vaporization; Access to a clean room.

Analysis: Test bench for CNT; Chemical sorting platform for purifying and sorting CNT by density gradient

Microscopy: TEM-STEM equipped with a monochromator;

Optical measurements: FTIR, infrared ellipsometer, spectrally-resolved photoconductivity at various temperatures and under vacuum, UV Photoconductivity; micro-photoluminescence bench (4K to AT), gas sensing plateform working at variable temperature,

Opto-electronic analysis of devices: cryogenics and vacuum tests, study of detection performances in any spectral range from visible to far IR, study of optical emission
Besides, ONERA/Nano is coordinator of the LENA EquipEx project, which intends to gather the resources needed for the design, creation, characterization and technology transfer of photonic micro-systems based on the innovative properties of nanomaterials. The LENA equipex also includes an innovative SME/Start-up part and a student/student-engineer training part project. / Exploitation of results

ONERA/Nano has issued 8 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2) and 3 others are under examination. 2 of them are already licensed to Phasics, and 2 others are currently exploited by the SubLambda Startup. Licenses patent agreements have also been signed with IXSEA, SAGEM, Thales Avionics. Besides, several contracts have been signed or are still alive between the ONERA/Nano teams and industrial companies (including Sofradir, ATE, FastLite, Phasics, IXSEA, SAGEM).

1 startup, Sub-Lambda, was issued from ONERA/Nano within the last ten years. Besides the VISIO Laboratory was awarded the Innovation Trophy of INPI (French national institute for intellectual property) in 2009

For all its valorization activities, ONERA/Nano relies on the IP pool at ONERA superieur / Higher education

As research engineers, ONERA scientists are not directly involved in regular teaching activities. Nevertheless, some of them are active in that field

• PhD level: 4 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director

• Master Level: 4 - 6 Ph.D. students per year are trained in the field of nanosciences (nanotubes, graphene, nanoparticles) and in the field of nanotechnologies applied to photonics, non linear optics, gas sensing… Thematic research schools in the field of nanoscience are regularly co-organized or leaded by ONERA/Nano scientists at an international level : nanotubes (2003, 2006) graphene (2010). Numerous courses are given by ONERA/Nano scientists at thematic Schools.

• UnderGrad level: a laboratory dedicated to students from higher education institutes (IOGS, Ecole Polytechnique) gives them practical training in the opto-electronic properties of semi-conductor devices. Numerous courses of solid state physics and optics are given for students at Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, IOGS, L3 level at university.

• Textbooks: Annick Loiseau is one of the authors of the textbook series ‘Les Nanosciences’ edited by M. Lahmani, C. Dupas and P. Houdy (Edition Belin) and has contributed to the series ‘Université de tous les savoirs’ (Editions Odile Jacob, 2000). She has also edited with P. Launois, P. Petit, S. Roche and J.-P. Salvetat a text-book ‘Understanding carbon nanotubes: from basics to application’ (Springer, 2006). Raul Arenal and Annick Loiseau have contributed to a text book on BN nanotubes (Springer, 2009). Emmanuel Rosencher is the author (with Borge Vinter) of “Optoelectronics” (Cambridge University Press). Riad Haidar (with Fabrice Pardo) is currently writing a text-book for a practical introduction to plasmonics. Riad Haidar is involved in a text-book on opto-electronics for space devices. François Ducastelle is the author of ‘Order and Phase Stability in Alloys (North Holland 1991). / Organisation

ONERA/Nano is a multidisciplinary consortium from different departments at ONERA, organized, since more than ten years, as an internal federative research network, who has initiated development of emerging fields in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, leaded by A. Loiseau. In this framework, the different teams involved benefit from shared facilities and shared knowledges, for developping common scientific activities both at fundamental and technological levels. Within ten years, they have acquired a robust common knowledge and know-how in Nanosciences and identified their potential for different applications interesting the aeronautic sector. Researches were first focused on carbon nanotubes and derivative structures. These activities are closely sustained by fruitful cooperations with CNRS and universities, at national and international levels, mainly via the GDR and GDR-I on graphene and nanotubes, coordinated by the ONERA/Nano team, LEM. More recently, research activities have also been developed on nanostructured materials for their potential for short term applications in optoelectronics. Thanks to this initiative, which led in 2007 to the creation of the ‘VISIO laboratory’, ONERA/Nano has gained in designing and making nanostructured devices dedicated research protocols have been defined in order to translate their optical and electrical properties into „practical‰ parameters that can be used directly by the designer. This idea is also the basis of the EQUIPEX LENA, submitted by ONERA/Nano.

The ‘Laboratory for Studying Microstructures’ Department (LEM) is one of the pioneering labs in France for its research on nanotubes. Since 15 years, researches are conducted for understanding and modeling growth of nanotubes, synthesizing different kinds of single wall nanotubes and determining their structural, electronic and optical properties.

The "Physics, Instrumentation and Sensing" Department (DMPH) has 5 research units, 3 of which are involved into the application of nano object to sensing, through the development of new techniques or instruments. DMPH has a long term experience in instrumentation in the field of electrical propulsion, atmospheric environment and acceleration measurements in micro-gravity, and their application to space vehicles for major purchasing agencies, both military (the DGA) and civil (CNES in particular). DMPH has exploited its expertise for developing original in situ laser-based diagnostics of the synthesis of single wall nanotubes, instrumenting micro-photoluminescence set up in the UV range dedicated to the study of large gap nanostructures and to evaluate the feasibility of new highly sensitive gas sensors.
The ‘theoretical and applied optics’ Department (DOTA) is one of the major players in optronics in France. It has 8 research units, two of which are involved in the LENA equipex. The DOTA deals with blue sky and finalized research, upstream of industry and for major purchasing agencies, both military (the DGA) and civil (CNES in particular). It has a firm grasp of the whole of the optical instrument chain, from the source to processing. The DOTA has been involved for ten years or so in research and development into compact (integrable) and on-board systems for opto-electronics. It is in this context that the potential of nanotechnologies for photonics was identified and that work is currently being done on the properties of nanostructures and nanomaterials.

For its projects, the DOTA relies a great deal on the world of university and institutional research, for whom it plays the role of "technologies maturer". Its knowledge of military and civil needs and its preferred partner status with the large industrial groups means it can orientate fundamental research toward applications, and facilitate technology transfers (creation of the small companies Leosphère and Phasics, patent transfers to Keopsys, etc.).

ONERA/Nano teams are essentially relying institutional resarch, both from local, national and international agencies together with industrial partners. Within the last 5 years, 7 contracts with ANR, 2 with the CnanoIdF, 2 with the RTRA Triangle de la Physique, 3 EU contracts, 1 Carnot, 4 with DGA were obtained.

4.1.20Partenaire 20/ Partner 20 : Institut D'Alembert (IdA) FR3242/IFR121 et innovation / Research and innovation

The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan), a prestigious public institution of higher education and research founded in 1912, is one of the major French Grandes Écoles, which are considered the pinnacle of French higher education. Within this school, the d'Alembert Institute defines and manages research projects involving fundamental or applied issues pertaining to molecular photonics. Applications are promoted by the sharing of a common knowledge and know-how substrate in the area of light-emitter interactions and range from information technologies to biotechnologies.

The Cachan/Nano consortium will gather 5 different teams, coming from 3 distinct laboratories of the D'Alembert Institute (one of the teams also belonging to Ecole Centrale Paris):

  • The LPQM (Quantum and Molecular Photonics Laboratory; UMR 8537) focusing on molecular photonics and nano-optics applied to biotechnologies and telecommunications and on quantum information processing relying on single emitter in the solid state (single color center in diamond)

  • The PPSM (Supramolecular and Macromolecular Photophysics and Photochemistry; UMR 8531) whose research areas deal with the synthesis and characterization of photo-stimulable multifunctional molecules and materials displaying specific properties in various domains: nonlinear optics, photochromism, fluorescence, molecular or ionic recognition.

  • The LBPA (Laboratory of Biology and Applied Pharmacology; UMR 8113) is involved in structural and functional studies of supramolecular complex functions related to gene expression. Biological objects under study include HIV integrase, bacterial pathogens and high level DNA chromatin condensation and organisation. LBPA is also instrumental in the development of novel biosensors and biochips.

The Cachan/Nano consortium will mainly contribute to the flagship project "NanoPhotonics" through (i) the use of diamond nanoparticles containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers for super-resolution imaging; (ii) the fabrication of nanoparticles of organic molecules; (iii) the mastery of coherence effects in the amplified near field at the plasmon resonance of interacting and spatially ordered metal nanostructures; (iv) the fundamental study of energy transfer processes in hybrid compounds at the nanometre scale; (v) the dynamic analysis of macromolecular assembly. (vi) the development of highly sensitive biosensors and bioimagery techniques.

The Cachan/Nano consortium will consist of 12 researchers (including 8 teaching ones), 4 research engineers, 12 PhD students and 5 postdoctoral fellows. It is noteworthy that 1 Excellence Chair was awarded to the Cachan/Nano consortium in 2009 (Chair RTRA “Triangle de la Physique” for Jörg Wrachtrup, 3rd Physikalische Institut, Universität Stuttgart) as well as a chair of excellence of the ANR (to Pr. Andrew Travers, LMB Cambridge UK) to work with Malcolm Buckle.

Evaluation: The 3 laboratories were evaluated separately in 2009 by AERES. One of them (LPQM was quoted A+), the two others were quoted A. Also in 2009, Institut d’Alembert itself was quoted A+.

Excerpt of the report: LBPA (A): Overall excellent and innovative technological expertise. Excellent capacity to attract funding.
High profile scientists:

TREUSSART, François (H = 17, 913 citations); ENS Cachan; PR

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 1 ACS Nano, 1 Phys. Rev. Lett

Other assessment points: Innovation Prize from U. Paris XI (2010); awarded the PES since 2009; Awarded the "Prime d’Encadrement Doctorale et de Recherche " from 2006 to 2009
DELEPORTE, Emmanuelle (H = 10, 427 citations); PR; ENS Cachan; Head of Physics Department

Other assessment points: Awarded the PEDR "Prime d’Encadrement Doctorale et de Recherche " since 2008
LAURET, Jean-Sébastien (H = 11, 434 citations); ENS Cachan; Assistant PR

Distinctions: IUPAP Young Author Best Paper Award (ICPS2002)

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Mater., 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 2 PRL

Other assessment points: awarded the PES since 2010;
BUCKLE, Malcolm (H = 22, 1260 citations); CNRS; DR2

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Struct. Mol. Biol., 3 PNAS, 2 EMBO J.; 6 Nucleic Acid Res.
JULIEN-RABANT, Carine (H = 6, 133 citations); ENS Cachan; Assistant PR

Distinctions: Von Humboldt Fellow (Germany), 2005

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 1 PRL

LEH, Hervé (H= 17, 963 citations); CNRS; IR

Major publications (IF>7):1 P.N.A.S, 2 J. Biol. Chem, 3 Nucl. Acid. Res.
LERAY, Isabelle (H =16, 1500 citations); CNRS; CR

Distinctions: Claude Dufour Prize (Prospective Organic Chemistry, ENSCP, 2009)

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Coord. Chem. Rev.

METIVIER, Rémi (H = 11, 757 citations); CNRS; CR

Major publications (IF>7): 1 JACS, 1 Adv. Mater. , 1 PRL.

NAKATANI, Keitaro (H = 31, 3445 citations); ENS Cachan; PR; Head of PPSM

Distinctions: CNRS Bronze Medal (1999)

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 1 Chem. Rev., 6 JACS, 5 Adv. Mater. , 4 Adv.Funct. Mater., 1 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

Other assessment points: Awarded the PEDR "Prime d’Encadrement Doctorale et de Recherche " since 2000

PALPANT, Bruno (H=14, 939 citations); Ecole Centrale Paris; PR

Major publications (IF>7): 1 PRL

Other assessment points: Awarded the PEDR from 2002 to 2010

Research activities: Cachan/Nano issued 166 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 2 patents. Among those publications: 1 Science, 1 Nature Mater., 1 Nature Struct. Mol. Biol., 1 ACS Nano, 1 Adv. Mater., 4 Nucleic Acid Res, 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 5 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

13 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 10 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 3 hold a temporary position. 2 HdR were obtained during that period at Cachan/Nano.

Scientists from Cachan/Nano gave ca. 20 invited lectures at national and international conferences, from 2006 to 2010. (A partial list is given in 7.2), most of them for presenting results gathered within fruitful local and international collaborations.

Equipments: Cachan/Nano's activity scope is quite large, from organic synthesis to biological analysis, from local optical addressing to bio-imaging with photoluminescent nanoparticles.

Synthesis: fully equipped organic synthesis laboratory; Clean room for the elaboration of polymer components, Microfluidic setup, Chemical Vapor Deposition setup.

Spectroscopy: Conventional optical spectroscopy, time resolved spectroscopy, nano/picosecond photolysis, Dynamic Light Scattering, DSC

Analysis: Maldi-TOF mass spectrometer, NMR, DNA footprinting fragment analysis, TGA/DSC

Microscopy: 5 scanning confocal +2 widefield microscope setups in single-photon counting regime; 2 AFM

Optical measurements: Nano and picosecond lasers with transient absorption and luminescence measurement set-up, Fluorescence lifetime imaging (femtosecond laser), Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and SPR imagery, Angle resolved photoluminescence, and photoluminescence excitation experiments, Ultrafast pump/probe experiment (10-300K); Amplified pump-probe femtosecond laser set-up for ultrafast transient optical spectroscopy of materials, SHG setup

Cachan/Nano is partner of the C2M EquiPex project: "High-rate high-resolution wide field transient one- and two-photon spectroscopy imaging set-up". Besides, Cachan/Nano will be the coordinator of the project "NanoCTC", which will be proposed to the ANR call "NanoBiotechnologies" ("Investissements d'avenir Recherche" program). This project involves 8 partners, three of which taking part to NanoSaclay project (P. Bergonzo team at CEA-LIST, Niko Hildebrandt team at IEF, and F. Treussart at IdA-ENS Cachan as the coordinator). It will be dedicated to the use of photoluminescent nanoparticles (Quantum Dots and nanodiamonds) for the identification of circulating tumoral cells, in the prospect of early diagnosis of metastasis. / Exploitation of results

Cachan/Nano has issued 2 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). 2 direct contracts have been signed or are still alive between the Cachan/Nano teams and Arkema and Mempile).

Cachan/Nano is partner in the C’Nano IdF 2009 Research Valorisation Project “SILTEN” (Source d’Ions Légers pour le Traitement et l’Etude de Nanostructures), in cooperation with Dafiné Ravelesona and Claude Chappert (IEF). This project was awarded as one of the Innovation Prize of University Paris-Sud 11. In the last 5 years, partners in the Cachan/Nano pool was or is also involve in more than 5 other ANR research projects with industrial partners (Thalès, Genewave, Bruker, Silantes: programs DETEX, MICROFLUID, FLUOSENSIL, FLAIR, Ultra Bright BioChips)

For all its valorization activities, Cachan/Nano relies on the IP pool at ENS Cachan and at CNRS Regional Office (Délégation Ile-de-France Est). superieur / Higher education

Many of Cachan/Nano scientists are professors or assistant professors and are thus deeply involved in higher education.

• PhD level: 6 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director.

• Master Level: many of us are currently teaching at Master level, within the following Master Courses in partnership with U. Paris 11: NanoSciences, "Optics, Matter, Plasmas", Chemistry. Also, we are involved in the Maser Course “Dispositifs Quantiques” (U. Paris 7). B. Palpant is co-responsible of the Physics and Application graduate level in Ecole Centrale Paris. Many of us are also teaching in the International Erasmus Mundus Master Monabiphot (for which ENS Cachan is the leading partner), and the International Erasmus Mundus Master SerpChem in partnership with U. Paris 11.

• UnderGrad level: E. Deleporte is Head of the Physics department at ENS Cachan. Hence numerous scientists at Cachan/Nano teach at ENS Cachan, from lessons to practicals. Courses are also given at CNAM and Ecole Centrale Paris. Several advanced experimental setups were designed for those practicals within Cachan/Nano labs.

  • Other commitments connected to teaching: K. Nakatani is a member of "programm commission" (establishing syllabus) for high schools and Grandes Ecoles Prep' Schools, and E. Deleporte and K. Nakatani acted previously as members of jury of "Agrégation" recruitment examination in Physical Sciences. / Organisation

Cachan/Nano is a consortium from the D'Alembert Institute as ENS Cachan. Although each team is responsible for its scientific activities and funding, all benefit from the shared facilities (including a clean room and scientific equipment platforms).

Each team already demonstrated excellence in basic sciences together with a strong commitment to applied issues. All are very active in fund raising, both from local, national and international agencies together with industrial partners. Within the last 5 years, 16 contracts were granted from ANR, 9 from the C'nanoIdF, 2 with the RTRA Triangle de la Physique, 5 from EU.

Each laboratory of D’Alembert Institute will share between different LabEx projects (LASIPS and PALM for LPQM, LERMIT for LBPA, CHARMMM for PPSM). Along with the “intrinsic” interdisciplarity of D’Alembert Institute, this situation will favor the connections between these different communities, and D’Alembert Institute can be one major nodes between nanosciences and the various disciplines.

4.1.21Partenaire 21/ Partner 21 : Ecole Centrale Paris et innovation / Research and innovation

ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS is one of the major french engineering schools. Its Research Centre research is totally integrated into the educational program of the school, in order to ensure study-through-research for engineering students, give them access to inductive pedagogies in the labs, open the school to the outside world. The research laboratories of the school have the principal vocation of transferring basic knowledge to the professional sectors in order to permit or facilitate the solving of concrete, and usually industrial, problems. They have thus a strong commitment to applied research.

ECP/Nano gathers three different teams from the ECP Research Centre, each of them belonging to a distinct laboratory:

The Nano Group (Head S. Volz) belongs to the Energetics and Combustion Lab (EM2C, a CNRS lab UPR288) devoted to production and use of energies of all kinds. Research is organised around three major areas: combustion, out-of-balance plasmas, and physics of transfers. The Nano Group is a theory group which works on phonon transport and electromagnetic issues in nanostructures

The Magnetoelectric Materials and Systems group (Head B. Dkhil) belongs to the Physical Properties of Materials and Modelling Laboratory (SPMS, a joint lab with CNRS-UMR 8580), which studies innovative materials for energy, electroactive components, pharmaceutical applications and hydrogen technologies. The MMS groups precisely studies ferroelectric and multiferroic properties of thin films, nanowires and nanoparticles.

The Nanotubes and Nano/Microcomposites group (Head J. Bai) is part of the Mechanics, Structures and Materials Laboratory (MSSMat, a joint lab with CNRS, UMR 8579), which is studying the Mechanical behaviour of structures at widely different scales, from the kilometre (earthquake engineering) to the nanometre (carbon nanotube-reinforced composites), based on a multidisciplinary approach emphasising both experimentation and intensive computation. The NNM group is focusing on in-situ diagnostic of early-stage growth of nanomaterials, and their relationships with structure and properties of those nano-objects.

All 3 teams intend to join the NanoSaclay LabEx to emphasize and anchor their positioning in the Nanosciences field and enhance their collaborations with other "nano" teams.

ECP/Nano gathers 8 researchers (including 5 teaching researchers), 2 research engineers, 12 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral fellows.
Evaluation: The 3 teams from ECP/Nano were evaluated by AERES in 2008 and 2009. All of them were quoted A+

Excerpt of the report: For MMS team "Le bilan scientifique de cette équipe est très satisfaisant, comme l’attestent : le nombre et la qualité de publications de très haut niveau international, les collaborations avec des équipes internationales qui sont parmi les meilleures dans ces domaines de recherche, le nombre très conséquent de conférences invitées, le soutien de cette thématique par plusieurs contrats (ANR), les contrats industriels et la coopération forte avec Thalès, l’implication dans les réseaux et programmes européens". 

High profile scientists: 3 scientists from ECP/Nano have a h-index >20

VOLZ, Sébastien (H = 13, 465 citations); CNRS; DR2

Distinctions: CNRS Bronze Medal (2004).

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Phot, 1 Adv. Mat, 3 PRL

Other assessment points: Best Scientific Paper Award (ICT 2009)

DKHIL, Brahim (H = 23, > 1300 citations); ECP; Assistant Pr

Major publications (IF>7): 2 NanoLett., 9 PRL

Other assessment points: 63 Publications between 2006-2010

BAI, Jinbo (H = 22, > 1800 citations); CNRS; DR2

Distinctions: Jean Rist Prize Medal from SF2M

Major publications (IF>7): 4 Adv. Mater., 1 Adv. Funct. Mater.

Other assessment points: 3 Patents, Cover Picture of Carbon (May 2010)

Research activities: ECP/Nano issued 194 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 3 patents. Among those publications: 1 Nature Photon., 2 NanoLett., 3 Adv. Mater., 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 12 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

11 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 3 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 8 hold a temporary position. 1 HdR was obtained during that period at ECP/Nano.

Scientists from ECP/Nano gave more than 30 invited lectures at national and international conferences from 2006 to 2010. (A partial list is given in 7.2)

Equipments: ECP/Nano teams are mainly relying on in-house equipment to study matter at the nanoscale. Among those:

X-ray diffractometers (2 rotating anode of 18kW) allowing high resolution measurements from 6K till 1500K, under external electric field, under controlled atmosphere


CVD facilities for CNT synthesis

Thermally controlled AFM

Besides, ECP/Nano is partner within the TEMPOS project to improve its equipment with a Transmission Electron Microscope allowing in situ measurements under electric field, temperature and stress. / Exploitation of results

ECP/Nano has issued 3 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). Besides, several contracts have been signed or are still alive between the ECP/Nano teams and industrial companies (including Thalès Electron Device, Shlumberger, ).

1 startup, AgoraEnergy was issued from ECP/Nano in 2009; It intends to recover energy from the pressure applied when walking.

S. Volz is the leader of the joint lab created between ECP and Thalès RT.

For all its valorization activities, ECP/Nano relies on the IP pool at ECP. superieur / Higher education

ECP/Nano scientists are involved in higher education activities.

• PhD level: 4 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director

• Master Level: courses are given by ECP/Nano Scientists at Masters "NanoSciences" (U. Paris XI);

• UnderGrad level: Nanotechnology, Physics, Polymer materials courses at ECP / Organisation

All three teams at ECP/Nano belong to ECP Research Centre and benefit from its shared facilities, both scientific and administrative. One of them (Nano group) has just started in 2010 and is expected to grow in the next future. All are relying on ECP, CNRS, U. Paris XI and funding agencies to fuel their scientific activities. Within the last 5 years, 9 ANR projects and 1 Carnot project were obtained. 2 of those contracts involve industrial partners (EADS, Porcher, Schappe, IFTH, ACXYS, ST)

4.1.22Partenaire 22/ Partner 22 : Institut Lavoisier-Franklin de Versailles (ILF) IFR2483 et innovation / Research and innovation

The Institut Lavoisier-Franklin is a Federative Research Institute composed with one Chemistry laboratory (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, joint lab with CNRS, UMR 8180) and one Physics Institute (Gemac, Groupe d’études de la matière Condensée or Condensed Matter Group; joint lab with CNRS, UMR8635), IFR 2483.

The INSTITUT LAVOISIER is one of the 35 laboratories at U. Versailles St Quentin (UVSQ). It is a joint lab between UVSQ and CNRS (UMR 8180) and is affiliated to the Sciences et Technologies de Versailles “Ecole Doctorale” (headed by C. Larpent). It contains 6 research groups, 4 of them active in Inorganic chemistry (materials, surfaces and interfaces), the 2 others more active in organic chemistry (synthesis, catalysis). Among them, the group "Porous Solids" (UVSQ/PS; Head C. Serre) intends to join the NanoSaclay LabEx. The UVSQ/ILV group has gained international recognition for its pioneering work on Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), under the supervision of Pr G. Férey. Now headed by Dr C. Serre, it focuses its activities on developing a global approach of the synthesis of MOFs and using them as multifunctionnal materials. In particular, the "Porous Solids" group (denoted PS) has recently started a fruitful collaboration with P. Couvreur's team at U. Paris XI on using MOFs as carriers for drug delivery. This collaboration will be a cornerstone of one of the flagship projects within NanoSaclay.

The GEMAC (Condensed Matter Group; joint lab with CNRS, UMR8635) was created in 2006 from two former laboratories at UVSQ: "Optics and Magnetism" and "Physics of Solids and Crystallogenesis". It is mainly a Materials Physics Lab, with particular emphasis on Optical, Magnetic and Electronic properties. It is based on 5 groups dealing with (1) commutable molecular solids, (2) low-dimension magnetic solids, (3) new semiconductors for non-linear optics, (4) diamond for electronics and (5) optics at the nanoscale. That latter group, "Optics at the NanoScale" group (UVSQ/Gemac; Head J-P Hermier) (denoted ONS) will join the NanoSaclay LabEx.

The UVSQ/ONS group focuses on the detailed characterization of classical and quantum properties of nanoemitters at the single emitter level. The team also developed original methods in the field of single photon sources coupled to plasmonic nanostructures, and in the characterization of the optical near field properties of plasmonic structures. It will be involved in the "Photonics" flagship project.

UVSQ/ILF gathers 3 teaching researchers, 3 researchers, 1 research engineer, 5 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral fellows.

Evaluation: The UVSQ/PS team was evaluated by AERES in 2009 and quoted A+ while the UVSQ/ONS group was evaluated in 2008 and quoted A.

High profile scientists:

SERRE, Christian (H = 38, >5500 citations); CNRS; DR2

Distinctions: CNRS Bronze Medal (2009). FP7 ERC starting grant (2008)

Major publications (IF>7):42 publications, including 2 Science, 1 Nature Mater., 1 Chem. Soc. Rev., 1 Acc. Chem. Soc., 1 Acs Nano, 1 PRL, 15 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 17 JACS, 3 Adv. Mater., 1 Adv. Funct. Mater.

Other assessment points: 118 publications (40 Years old)

HERMIER, Jean-Pierre (H = 11, >560 citations); UVSQ; PR

Distinctions: Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Mater., 4 PRL.

HORCAJADA, Patricia (H=10, > 400 citations); CNRS ; CR2

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Mater., 1 Adv. Mater., 3 Angew. Chem., 6 JACS

Research activities:

UVSQ/PS issued 76 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 10 patents. Among those publications: 1 Science, 1 Nature Mater., 1 Chem. Soc. Rev., 1 Acs Nano, 12 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 11 JACS, 3 Adv. Mater., 1 Adv. Funct. Mater., 1 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

3 PhD theses and 1 HDR have been obtained within the same period at UVSQ/PS.

Scientists from UVSQ/PS gave ca. 20 invited lectures at national and international conferences from 2007. (A partial list is given in 7.2)

UVSQ/PS teams have numerous collaborations (2 current collaborations within the Campus Paris-Saclay within distinct laboratories, many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, ca. 10 collaborations with research French labs and more than 15 international active collaborations)

UVSQ/ONS issued 19 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010. Among those publications: 1 Nature Mater., 2 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

4 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period at UVSQ/ONS.

UVSQ/ONS regularly collaborate with scientific teams from the Paris area (U. Paris VI, ENS, ESPCI), from other French regions (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, University of Besançon) or foreign labs (U. Lecce, Italy)


UVSQ/PS main activities deal with the synthesis and study of inorganic solids. Hence its equipment concentrates on synthesis and analysis tools for MOFs. UVSQ/ONS main activities deal with the characterization of classical and quantum properties of nanoemitters at the single emitter level.

Synthesis: 2 microwave-assisted synthesis reactors, 150 hydrothermal autoclaves, electrochemistry synthesis, ovens.

Spectroscopy: light absorption, liquid and solid state NMR (4 spectrometers)

Analysis: X-Ray diffraction (2 single crystals, 4 powder diffractometers including one thermodiffraction and one high-throughput XY apparatus suitable for combinatorial synthesis; 3 X-Ray surface analysis instruments, one mass spectrometer, 3 TGA, several analytical and semi-preparative HPLC, 4 adsorption apparatus including one high pressure (20 bars) instruments

Microscopy: 1 SEM, 2 SNOMs, 4 confocal microscopes.

Besides, UVSQ/PS is partner within the EquipEx C2M project, to obtain a high resolution X-Ray powder diffractometer (lynx-eye type detector) equipped with a temperature chamber in order to collect XRPD in temperature or under controlled atmosphere (NO, O2 or moisture…) This will be devoted to the assessment of the hydrothermal stability of porous solids or their behavior under pressure of gases of interest.

Optics: 1 Ti-sapphire laser + cavity dumper, 1 Argon/Krypton ion laser, 3 pulsed laser diodes, 2 counting photons modules. / Exploitation of results

UVSQ/PS has issued 10 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). Besides, two direct contracts have been signed between the UVSQ/PS teams and Michelin and Renault. Several funded projects also involve industrial companies (Total, BASF, Institut Français du Pétrole, Michelin,..)

For all its valorization activities, UVSQ/PS relies on the IP pool at UVSQ and CNRS.

The technology transfer department of UVSQ, composed by two IP legal advisers, a European Project Manager, three financial managers and a director, aims at promoting the work of the researchers and facilitating partnerships with economic and institutional partners.

The technology transfer department provides administrative, legal and financial support to UVSQ’ laboratories for answering the calls for proposal, whether local, national, european or international. It is in charge of the drafting and negotiations of different types of agreements (consortium, collaboration, NDA, MTA, service transaction, hosting agreement, which concern researchers or companies,…), the administrative and financial management of the funds such agreements generate, and the management of the patent portfolio (presently, around 30 patents, two-third of such patent applications having been filed during the last 3 years, which indicates an increasing activity). The department also participates to strategic transverse projects by making legal studies and proposing adequate solutions.

In 2009, the technology transfer department of UVSQ dealt with around hundred agreements, which together generated 8 million €. It has participated to the creation of a public-private laboratory with INTEL, French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) and GENCI in the field of High Performance Computing and to the hosting of three companies in UVSQ’s premises.

Our university, renowned for its works in the domain of environment and sustainable development and benefiting from the support and experience of its European Project Manager, is the only French university member of the European Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community, which addresses in priority the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Furthermore, during the last two years, the department provide legal and administrative support for the creation of two foundations (known in French law as “fondation partenariale”) in which our university is a fondating member, which demonstrates our partnership with the industrial world: Fondaterra (Initial allocation: 1,4 million €, Partners: EDF, GDF-SUEZ, VINCI CONSTRUCTION) and Mov’eoTEC (Initial allocation: 2 million €, Partners: RENAULT, PSA, VALEO, SAFRAN, IFP, INRETS, CETIM, ESIGELEC, ESTACA).

The department is a member of the Ile-de-France incubator, Incuballiance, which helps our innovating concepts to become high potential development companies and this support would be enhanced by the creation of a SATT on the Saclay Campus (Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technology – Technology Transfer Increasing Company) in the framework of the “Investissements d’Avenir” : such SATT would aim at developing the maturation of research projects and increasing the technology transfer from the academic to the industrial world, especially to the Small and Medium Enterprises. This new offer would complete the supports proposed by the department, which aims at providing to its members all the tools for the successful development of their research, including technology transfer.

The technology transfer department of UVSQ is therefore the contact point for the implementation of the research projects, their protection and exploitation. superieur / Higher education

UVSQ/ILF gathers CNRS scientists and teaching researchers (1 Pr, 2 assistant Pr). They are all involved in higher education.

• PhD level: two of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director

• Master Level: courses are given by UVSQ/ILF Scientists at Masters "NanoSciences" (U. Paris XI), "Optics, from Science to Technology" (U Paris XI), "Lasers, Matter and Nanosciences" (U. Bordeaux)

• UnderGrad level: several standard teaching modules (solid state physics, recent experiments in quantum physics, experimental modules, laser and photonics) are given by UVSQ/ILF Scientists. / Organisation

UVSQ/PS is the only team from the INSTITUT LAVOISIER while UVSQ/ONS is part of the GEMAC and currently relies on the shared resources brought by GEMAC, together with many external funding resources. Both intend to participate in the NanoSaclay LabEx. Both teams are currently relying on the shared resources brought by their Institute, together with many external funding resources. Within the last 5 years, 8 ANR contracts, 4 CNano-IdF projects, 3 EU contracts including an ERC starting Grant were obtained by the scientists at UVSQ/PS.

4.1.23Partenaire 23/ Partner 23: INRIA Saclay Research Center et innovation / Research and innovation

The Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique is one of the major french research organisms in informatics. It runs 8 research centres in France, with more than 3000 scientists. Its research activities are organized in 5 main domains: (i) Applied mathematics, modeling and simulation; (ii) Algorithms, computing, softwares and architectures; (iii) Networks and systems, distributed calculus; (iv) Perception, cognition, interaction (v) STIC for life sciences and environment issues

The team ALCHEMY is a joint INRIA-LRI (CNRS and University of Paris XI) team created in fall 2003 as a result of the merger of the former INRIA group A3 on compilation, and the Paris XI University/CNRS group Architecture on processor architecture. ALCHEMY stands for Architectures, Languages and Compilers to Harness the End of Moore Years, meaning both the complex but traditional processor architectures implemented using the current photolithographic processes, and novel architecture/language paradigms compatible with future and alternative technologies. ALCHEMY will bring to the NanoSaclay LabEx its expertise in high-performance computing systems, in heterogeneous multi-cores, the interface between accelerators and the rest of the system, in the design of general-purpose computing systems, the application scope that such systems should target, and thus which should be primarily targeted by these accelerators. We also bring expertise in digital, and hybrid digital-analog, accelerators based on neural networks

ALCHEMY is composed of 1 researcher, 1 PhD student and 1 postdoctoral fellow.

Evaluation: The INRIA Saclay research Centre was evaluated by AERES in 2009, and quoted A+. No individual grades were given for teams.

High profile scientists:

TEMAM, Olivier (H = 22, 1498 citations); INRIA; DR

Major publications: in our domain, the best publications are usually conferences more than journals. A selected list is given in Annex.

Research activities: In the particular domain of activity of ALCHEMY, the best works are more often issued through conferences papers than classical publication in reviewed journals. ALCHEMY issued more than 15 of such communications within the last 5 years (see 7.2 for details)

2 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period (both new doctors already hold a permanent position). 3 PhD theses are still under way.

ALCHEMY, although a small group, has numerous collaborations including 3 with "nano" teams within the Campus Paris-Saclay many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, and 6 different active links with foreign labs.

Equipments: ALCHEMY's equipment is computing servers for simulation. / Exploitation of results

ALCHEMY has issued 1 patent during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). It also holds 2 contracts with ST Microelectronics and HP. 3 of its funded projects (all EU projects) involve industrial partners.

ALCHEMY participated to the creation of the start-up Splitted Desktop on low-power (fanless) consumer electronics systems. For all its valorization activities, ALCHEMY relies on the IP pool at INRIA. superieur / Higher education

O. Temam has been giving a course on computing architecture at Ecole Polytechnique since 2002 / Organisation

ALCHEMY is a small team from the INRIA Saclay Research Centre. It decided to join the NanoSaclay LabEx, while all other teams from INRIA@Saclay will join the Digiteo LabEx.

4.1.24Partenaire 24/ Partner 24: Thales Research and Technology et innovation / Research and innovation

Thales is a world leader in mission-critical information systems for defence and security, aerospace and transportation. Innovation has always been embedded in Thales’s corporate culture and continues to drive the growth of the business today. It pervades every aspect of the company’s activities, from R&D to marketing and sales, from business processes to employee relations. To develop the technologies it needs, Thales research teams work extensively with the academic community, and most TRT laboratories are therefore located on university campuses. In France, the Thales corporate research laboratory is on the campus of the École Polytechnique, one of the country’s most prestigious engineering schools.

TRT/Nano gathers three teams from the TRT centre at Palaiseau which intend to join the NanoSaclay LabEx:

  • Thales-NanoCarb (Head P. Legagneux), a mixed team CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-Thales,

  • Thales-NanoPhotonics (Head A. DeRossi)

  • Thales-NanoElec (Head F. Nguyen Van Dau), a joint laboratory with CNRS (UMPhy)

Together, those 3 teams intend to bring their expertise to the flagship projects "Quantum and Spin Nanoelectronics" and "Nanophotonics"

TRT/Nano gathers 11 permanent scientists (called research engineers at Thales), 6 PhD students and 2 postdoctoral fellows.

Evaluation: Industrial research labs are not evaluated by AERES. However, owing to the data given below, a quotation by AERES would more likely be at least A

High profile scientists:

NGUYEN VAN DAU, Frédéric (H = 18, > 5400 citations); THALES; Head of CNRS-Thales Physics Lab

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature Mater, 2 PRL, 1 Adv. Mater.

Other assessment points: 17 inventions leading to more than 50 patents
DE ROSSI, Alfredo (H = 16, > 800 citations); THALES;

Major publications (IF>7): 2 Nature Photon, 3 PRL.

Other assessment points: 10 patents
LEGAGNEUX, Pierre (H = 21, > 1800 citations); THALES; Co-head of Thales-nanoCarb

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature, 3 Nanoletters.

Research activities: TRT/Nano issued 275 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 18 patents. Among those publications: 1 Science, 3 Nature Mater., 3 Nature Phys, 2 Nature Photon., 1 Nature Nanotech., 1 Nature Comm. 6 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

15 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, all new doctors already hold a permanent position..

Scientists from TRT/Nano co-signed more than 230 invited lectures at national and international conferences from 2006 to 2010. (A partial list is given in 7.2)

TRT/Nano teams have numerous collaborations (16 current collaborations within the Campus Paris-Saclay within distinct laboratories, many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, ca. 25 collaborations with research French labs and more than 20 international active collaborations)
Equipments: TRT/Nano is able both to fabricate nanomaterials and to study their properties, electrical, magnetic or optical at the nanoscale.

Synthesis: Experimental set-up for Carbon nanotube growth. Dynamic air-brush machine for nanomaterial deposition on large surfaces; Sputtering and pulsed laser deposition tools; Nanomaterials dispersion (CNTs, Graphene, Nanowires); optical lithography tools

Analysis: Test bench for gas sensing and humidity sensing at temperatures from –80°C to 300°C

Microscopy: Field emission microscope, allows to characterize individual vertical nanowires; near field microscopies

Electromagnetic measurements: magneto-transport measurements (DC and HF); magnetometry (SQUID and AGFM); Point probe tests bench; UHV setups to test electrically or optically driven electron sources

Thales TRT is partner of the following Equipex projects: Tempos, Micro Tomo X3D. Thales TRT is also associated to the IRT Systemix project, in particular through the Nanotechnologies and nanosystems key technology (actions nanocomputing and nanosensors). / Exploitation of results

TRT/Nano has issued 18 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). Some of them are co-owned by THALES and CNRS. As part of THALES, TRT/Nano does not sign direct contracts with other industrial companies. However, several projects funded by agencies involve collaborations with other industrial partners, including EADS, Selex (Italy) and various SMEs.

For all its valorization activities, TRT/Nano relies on the IP pool at Thales TRT. superieur / Higher education

Some TRT/Nano scientists are involved in higher education.

• Master Level: courses within the Master NanoSciences at U. Paris XI

• UnderGrad level: regular teaching within various engineering schools (Ecole Polytechnique, IOGS, INSA Lyon…

• Nano events: After the 2007 Physics Nobel Prize awarded to Albert Fert, the CNRS/Thales Physics lab became strongly involved in several actions towards the “grand public”. It ranges from interviews to the press to numerous conferences in high schools. We would highlight here the exhibition on spintronics organized at the Palais de la Découverte in collaboration with the network Cnano-IdF during 3 months in 2008-2009. / Organisation

Thales Research and Technology (TRT) Traditionally described as “professional electronics”, the Thales Group’s businesses are primarily dedicated to critical information systems for aerospace, defence and security applications. Information systems and infrastructures are deemed critical if they provide essential services for people’s lives and underpin a country's economic and political machinery. Thales commits a very significant proportion of its revenues to research and development (R&D), hinging largely on the decentralised nature of operations, with 20,000 staff based at >80 units in the Group's top ten countries of operation. Upstream research at the central laboratories, managed by TRT, accounts for 3% of total R&D and employs 220 full-time staff, and some 40 doctoral students and 50 outside scientists. TRT has four research entities in France, UK, Netherlands and Singapore, and laboratories managed jointly by corporate research and Group subsidiaries and a network of research departments in operating units. The Physics Research Group is an international leader in nanoelectronics, nonlinear optics and laser technology..

The teams at TRT/Nano strongly rely on academic projects to fuel their basic research activities: Within the last 5 years, more than 20 contracts, including 11 with ANR, 12 EU contracts.

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