Meslek Etiği: Çeşitli meslek alanlarının yanında eğitim-öğretim - yönetim ve denetim alanlarını iceren kuramsal ve örnek olaya dayalı incemeler.
Meslek Etiği
Çeşitli meslek alanlarının yanında eğitim-öğretim - yönetim ve denetim alanlarını iceren kuramsal ve örnek olaya dayalı incemeler.
Seçmeli I
Örgütsel Davranış: Örgüt kavramı, örgütlerde bireysel davranış, motivasyon kuramları, örgütlerde gruplar, güç ve politikalar, liderler, örgütsel yapı, etkili iletişim sürecini gerçekleştirme, etkili karar verme süreci, örgütsel değişme ve gelişmenin incelenmesi ve tartışılması.
Seçmeli IV
Örgüt İmajları: Örgüt imajları: makine imajı, organizma imajı, beyin olarak orgüt imajı, kültür olarak örgüt, politik sistem olarak örgüt, ruhların hapishanesi olarak örgüt, akış ve dönüşüm olarak örgüt vb. Örgütsel imajlar ve örgüt yönetimi, imaj ve paradigm ilişkileri, örgüt imajı araştırmaları ve uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi.
Seçmeli II
Uluslararası Eğitim Politikaları Analizi: Eğitim ve politika ilişkisi. Eğitim politikalarını belirleyen ve uygulayan kurum ve kuruluşların işlev ve görevleri. Eğitim politikalarını etkileyen çeşitli etmenler. Eğitim politikalarının uygulanma sorunları. Avrupa Birliği'nin tarihsel gelişimi, AB'ye üye ülkeler ve beklentileri, AB Gelişme Planı, Kopenhag kriterleri, AB Ülkelerinin Türkiye'ye bakış açıları ve yaklaşımları, AB Eğitim Politikaları, gelişmeler ve sonuçları, Karşılaştırmalı AB eğitim uygulamaları ve reformları.
Eğitim Yönetiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar
Dünya eğitim yönetimi ile okul kavramına ilişkin gelişmeler ve yaklaşımlarının (geleneksel ve alternatif) incelenmesi ve eğitim ile okul geliştirici projelerin geliştirilmesi.
Eğitim Mevzuatı Analizi
Eğitim, eğitim yönetimi ve denetimi mevzuatı incelenmesi, tartışılması ve geliştirilmesi.
Yönetimde Stres
Sağlıklı düşünme ve davranışları engelleyebilecek kaynaklarının tanıtılması, stres ile verimlilik arasındaki ilişkilerinin incelenmesi, iş ortamında stresle başa çıkmanın stratejilerini tartışılması ve geliştirilmesi.
Eğitim Yönetimi Ve Denetimi Araştırmaları
Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi alanında yapılan araştırmaların, araştırma konusu, amacı, önemi, kullanıllanılan yöntem, elde edilen bulgular ve geliştirilen öneriler açısından incelenmesi.
Çağdaş Türk Eğitim Sisteminin Sorunları
Milli Eğitim Şura Kararları, kalkınma planları ve çeşitli yayınlarda belirlenen sorunlar incelenmekte, tartışılmakta ve bunlardan günümüzde de önemini sürdüren temel sorunlar seçilerek ayrıntılı olarak incelenmesi ve çözüm olabilecek yaklaşımların tartışılması.
Liderliğin anlam ve kapsamı, liderlik kuramlarının tarihsel gelişimi, özellik yaklaşımları, davranışsal liderlik kuramları, durumsal liderlik kuramları, çağdaş liderlik kuramları, öğretimsel liderlik, liderlik biçimleri, karar verme ve okul müdürleri, okul müdürlerinin liderlik rolleri, etkili eğitim liderlerinin davranışsal özelliklerinin incelenmesi ve tartışılması.
Eğitimde Fırsat Eşitliği
Ulusal mevzuatta eğitim hakkı ve fırsat eşitliği, uluslar arası mevzuatta ve sözleşmelerde eğitim hakkı ve fırsat eşitliği, BM çocuk hakları sözleşmeleri, eğitim dışı kalmış çocuklar, risk altındaki çocuklar, bakıma muhtaç çocuklar, hükümet politikaları ve projeler.
Fınancıal Management
Financial Management Basic principles and analytical techniques relating to corporate financial management. Topics include overall financial analysis, planning, and control; sources and uses of funds; capital; operational and financial leverages; working capital management; inventory and portfolio management; long-term investment decisions; timing of financial policy. This course is part of the graduate core.
Corporate International Finance
Corporate International Finance From the perspective of corporate financial management, exchange rate and balance of payments theory; the international financial system; international capital markets and institutions; role of international capital flow in economic development; international cash flow management.
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis Evaluation techniques of financial statements. Application of analytical methods to serve financial management needs such as ratio analysis, percentage analysis and preparing common size statements, cash flow analysis, fund flow analysis and new techniques and interpretations of results.
Investments Security markets; various types of investment securities; recognised accepted tests of safety, income, and marketability; management of portfolios; techniques for analysis and interpretation of corporate reports.
Theories of Final Decision Making
This course is intended to introduce new doctoral students to the foundations of financial decision making, including some mathematical foundations. In addition, students will be introduced to basic empirical research skills and resources in Finance.
Financial Markets and Instruments
This course covers the basics of financial instruments and the markets in which these instruments trade. The course consists of two sections with similar structures: fixed income securities and derivative securities. Each section begins with a set of concepts, introduced through a reading notes with a problem set at the end. Then, each section moves to applications. In the applications, case studies are used to introduce advanced securities and institutional features of the markets in which these securities trade. The common theme among these cases is how these securities accomplish risk transfer. The cases all require the student to analyze a new security. The students therefore develop a general framework for analyzing new financial instruments.
Monetary Theory and Policies
The course is concerned with the effects of monetary institutions such as Central Bank and policy actions on economic variables (such as inflation and interest rates) that are of importance to individuals and firms. Monetary Policy is considered by many to be of critical importance to the economy. The class will consist of three parts. In the first part, we will study money and related variables such as inflation and interest rates. The second part of the course examines monetary policy. Once we understand the relationships between money, interest rates, and inflation, we can ask what the optimal interest rate policy is, and how to implement it. The third part of the course examines interesting monetary episodes in the US and across the world.
Global Financial Management
The objective of this course is to provide the principles of asset valuation and financing in competitive global financial markets. The course is organized around the three main ideas in Finance: The time value of money, Diversification and risk, Arbitrage and hedging. The time value of money is a basic determinant in the valuation of assets such as bonds, stocks, futures, and options. The classes on diversification and risk provide a thorough grounding in the trade off between risk and return given by modern portfolio theory. In discussing arbitrage and hedging, we demonstrate how to hedge market risk, interest rate risk, and foreign exchange risk. This involves using futures and options.
Graduation Project
The graduation project must be original and revel the student's ability in investigation and analysis and have a practical application in the world of their profession. The project should be on a subject decided upon both by advisor and student. It should be defended by the candidate in front of jury. It is graded on success or fail basis.
Graduation Project Seminar
The score of operations management cases about operation management will be discussed. Also student presentation and analysis will be covered.
Sağlık Tanılaması
Bu derste öğrencinin; birey, aile ve toplumun sağlık gereksinimlerini belirleyen subjektif ve nesnel değerlendirme yöntemlerini öğrenmesi, yaşamın farklı evrelerinde normal fizyolojik ve sık görülen patolojik göstergeleri tanılama ve değerlendirme becerilerini kazanması amaçlanmaktadır.
Hemşirelikte Kavram Ve Kuram
Bu derste öğrencinin; hemşirelikte temel kavram ve ilkeler, hemşirelik kuram ve kuramcılar, hemşirelik süreci, uygulamada kullanılan modeller hakkında bilgi edinmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Hemşirelikte Araştırma
Bu ders hemşirelikte araştırma önceliklerini belirleme, klinik araştırma yöntemlerini uygulama ve değerlendirme konusunda bilgileri içerir. Öğrenci bir araştırma makalesini kritik değerlendirme becerisi kazanır.
Ulusal ve uluslararası makalelerin incelenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve sunumun hazırlanarak başarılı bir şekilde sunum yapılmasını içerir.
Bitirme Projesi
Öğrencinin, danışman öğretim üyesinin danışmanlığında, ilgi alanına göre hemşirelik alanı ile ilgili bir konuyu dönem projesi olarak seçme, literatür tarama, veri toplama, verileri analiz edebilme ve değerlendirebilme , sonuçlarını yazılı olarak sunmaya yönelik olarak bilimsel çalışmayı içerir.
Advanced System Simulation
Simulation, difference between simulation and other optimisation techniques, parameters and constants used in simulation, simulation methodology, simulation techniques, probability distributions commonly used in simulation and some applications by using computerised simulation packages.
Advanced Ergonomics
Ergonomics and its importance in human-machine systems, designing the best combination of human-machine systems, human antropometry, learning curve, environmental conditions in a plant, calculation of rest times.
Project management process, phases of a project, procurement, project planning and scheduling, critical path and critical activities, project control, PERT approach, time/cost trade-off, project organisation, controlling, risk management, examining the project.
Advanced Human Resource Management
Human capital concept; people, productivity and the quality of working life; evaluation of human resource management; analysing and designing jobs; determining human resource requirement; recruiting; screening and selecting employees; staffing; orienting and training employees; identifying and developing management talent; appraising employee performance; managing careers; compensation management; assessing the costs and benefits of personnel activities; international dimensions of human resource management. human resource information system
Critical Practice
The main objective of this post-graduate course is to contribute to the critical enhancement of a chosen creative practice, based on the premise that for a creative practice to be optimally relevant to its time and place, the practitioner needs sound levels of both conceptual and technical skills. The course will be student-driven and it will therefore require rigorous engagement on the part of students. The students will be introduced to some key contemporary ideas, asked to research them in relation to their practice, and to present their findings for group discussion and review. Students will be encouraged to research and develop their own design ideas to be both conceptually and technically relevant in the broader socio-cultural and political context.
Thinking in Practice
The main objective of this post-graduate course is to contribute to the critical enhancement of a chosen creative practice, based on the premise that for creative practice to be optimally relevant to its time and place the practitioner needs sound levels of both conceptual and technical skill. The course is student-driven and therefore requires rigorous engagement on the part of students. Some key contemporary ideas are introduced. Students research these in relation to their own practice and present their findings for group discussion and review. Students are encouraged to develop their own design philosophies to be both conceptually and technically relevant in the broader socio-cultural and political contexts.
Management Information Systems
This course will establish the role of information systems in organisations and how they relate to organisational objectives and organisational structure. Basic concepts, covered in depth in subsequent courses, are introduced: the systems point of view and organisation, information flows, and the nature of information systems. Students will gain a knowledge of the basic techniques and skills in representing system structure.
Data Communication Systems & Networking
This course will introduce the student to the concepts and terminology of data communications, network design, and distributed information systems. Equipment, protocols and transmission alternatives will be discussed. The communications environment and regulatory issues are also introduced.
Advanced Programming
Properties of algorithmic languages, scope of variables, binding time subroutines and co- routines. Data abstraction, exception handling and concurrent processing. Programming and scripting languages will be discussed and examples will be drawn from the pool of languages available in today's computer software industry.
This course introduces strategies for developing information system applications and presents the development life cycle as a basic concept in managing applications. The life cycle phases leading to the determination of requirements and the development of a general logical design are studied. Theoretical concepts are applied in the development and implementation of an operational system from its logical design. The process of planning for change is described and the post-implementation or feedback phase of the life cycle of systems development is reviewed.
Advanced Database Management Systems
This course introduces students to the powerful features of Oracle database management systems. Students learn how to create and manipulate objects and store, retrieve, and manipulate data. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: retrieve, insert, update and delete records; control data and user access; use SQL and PL/SQL; and handle blocks, cursors and runtime errors.
Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence This course will continue the mathematical development of algorithms in AI and machine learning from Programming Languages. Prerequisites are multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, and programming experience. The lectures will not follow any particular textbook, but there will be many handouts and suggested readings. Grading will be based on class participation and two substantial course projects