17 Saviénen Avraham, íre anes tyastaina, *yance Ísac, ar i nér ye acámie i vandar náne yácala *ernóna yondorya, 18 ómu náne quétina senna: "Ya naiva estaina 'erdelya' tuluva ter Ísac." 19 Mal intyanes i polle Eru orta se yando qualinillon, ar emmanen é camneses talo.
20 Ente, saviénen Ísac aistane Yácov ar Ésau pa i nati yar tulumner.
21 Saviénen Yácov, íre anes hare qualmenna, aistane yúyo yondoron Yósefo ar *tyerne nírala vandilyo inganna.
22 Saviénen Yósef, hare mettaryanna, carampe pa manen Israelindi lelyumner ettenna, ar antanes canwa pa axoryar.
17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, sacrificed Isaac, and the man who had received the promises was sacrificing his only-born son, 18 though [it] was said to him: "[That] which will be called 'your seed' will come through Isaac." 19 But he supposed that God could raise him also [or, even] from the dead, and figuratively [emmanen, by a picture] he indeed received him from there.
20 Furthermore, by faith Isaak blessed Jacob and Esau concerning the things that were to come.
21 By faith Jacob, near to his death, blessed both of Joseph's sons and worshiped leaning on the top of his staff.
22By faith Joseph, near to his end, spoke about how the sons of Israel would go out, and he gave a command about his bones. 23 Saviénen Móses náne nurtaina ter astor nelde lo ontaryat apa náve nóna, pan cennelte i lapseo vanie ar uar runcer i arano canwallo. 24 Saviénen Móses, apa túles vienna, váquente náve estaina Fárao selyeo yondo, 25 cílala perpere ulco as Eruo lie or samie alasse mi úcare ter lúme, 26 an nontes i *naityale Hristova mirwa epe Mirrandoro harmar, an yentes ompa i antienna i *paityaléva. 27 Saviénen oantes Mirrandorello, mal ú ruciéno i aranello, and an anes voronda ve qui cennes i *Alacénima. 28 Saviénen carnes i Lahtie ar i *palastie i serceva, pustien i *Nancarindo appiello minnónaltar.
30 Saviénen Yerico rambar lantaner apa anelte péline ter auri otso. 31 Saviénen Ráhav i
*imbacinde ua qualle as i uar *canwacimye, pan camnes i larmor rainesse.
23 By faith Moses was hidden for [ter, through] three months by his parents [dual] after he was born, since they saw the beauty of the baby and did not fear the command of the king. 24 By faith Moses, after he came to manhood, refused to be called Pharao's daughter's son, 25 choosing to suffer evil with God's people above having joy in sin for a time, 26 for he counted the shame of Christ more precious than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked forward to the giving of the reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt, but without fearing the king, and he was faithful as if he saw the Invisible One. 28 By faith he made [/arranged, undertook] the Passover and the splashing of the blood, to stop the Destroyer from touching their firstborn.
30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell after they were encircled for [ter, through] seven days. 31 By faith Rahab the harlot did not die with [those] that were not obedient, since she received hte spies in peace. 32 Ar mana amba quetuvan? An lúme ni-loituva qui nyarin pa Ireon, Varac, Samson, Yefta, Lavir ar yando Samuel ar i Erutercánor, 33 ye saviénen turuner araniéli, carner failie, camner vandali, pustaner raurolion antor, 34 tamper ruiveo túre, úşer macillion maicallon, milya sómallo náner cárine polde; anelte canye ohtasse, vintanelte ettelie hosseli. 35 Nisseli *nancamner qualiniltar *enortiénen, mal exeli náner ñwalyaine pan ualte merne lehtie *nanwerenen, an mernelte came arya *enortie. 36 Exeli camner yaiweli ar ripiéli, é amba la tai, nútelínen ar mandolínen. 37 Anelte nance sarnelínen, anelte tyastaine, anelte saraine mir rantali, quallelte nála nance macillínen, tompeltexer helmalínen mámaron ar nyéniron, íre anelte mauresse, şangiesse, perpérala ulca lengie. 38 Anelte acca mani mar sinan. Vantanelte mi erumeli ar rottoli ar eccali cemeno.
39 Ananta ilye queni sine, ómu camnelte *vettie pa savielta, uar ñente i vando *amaquatie. 40An Eru apacenne arya nat elven; sie únelte cárine ilvane oa vello.
32And what more am I to say? For time will fail me if I tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephta, David and also Samuel and the Prophets, 33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, did justice, received promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34blocked the power of fire, escaped from the blades of swords, from a weak state were made strong; they were bold in war, they scattered foreign armies. 35 Some women received back their dead by resurrection, but others were tormented since they did not want a release by ransom, for they wanted to receive a better resurrection. 36 Others received scorns and lashings, indeed more than those, bonds and prisons. 37They were slain with stones, they were tested, they were sawn into peaces, they died being slain with swords, they covered themselves with skins of sheep and goats, while they were in need, in tribulation, suffering evil behavior. 38 They were too good for this world. They wandered in deserts and caves and holes in [the] earth.
39And yet all these people, though they received a witness about their faith, did not receive the fulfillment of the promise. 40 For God foresaw a better thing for us; thus they were not made perfect away [/apart] from us.