12.3 References
Booth, H., Simpson, L., Ling, M., Mohammed, O., Brown, C., Garcia, K. & Walpole, M. (2012). Lessons learned from carrying out ecosystem assessments: Experiences from members of the Sub-Global Assessment Network. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge
Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de España. (2014). Comunicación y Educación. Retrieved September 2014 from http://www.ecomilenio.es/comunicacion
Hesselink, F.J. (2007), Communication, Education and Public Awareness, a toolkit for the Convention on Biological Convention, Montreal www.cepatoolkit.org
TEEB. (2013). Guidance Manual for TEEB Country Studies. Version 1.0.
UK National Ecosystem Assessment. (2014). The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on: Synthesis of the Key Findings. UNEP-WCMC, LWEC, UK.
UNEP (2007) Global Environment Outlook 4. London: Earthscan Publications.
UNEP (2008) IEA Training Manual: A training manual integrated environmental assessment and reporting, UNEP and IISD www.unep.org/ieacp/iea/training/manual/
Section VI Strengthening Capacities in the Science - Policy interface
This section deals with capacity building under the fourth function of IPBES, Identify and prioritize capacity building needs for improving the science-policy interface at appropriate levels, and provide, call for and facilitate access to the necessary resources for addressing the highest priority needs directly relating to its activities. Assessments are often viewed as vehicles for developing capacity at different scales (e.g. learning through doing).
This section draws upon the work of the Task Force for Capacity Building and sets out the opportunities available to build capacity through IPBES and elements which assessment practitioners working at national and local scales might like to consider when planning an assessment.
Chapter 13 Identifying and addressing Capacity Building Needs through Assessments
Coordinating Authors: Ivar Baste,
Authors: Jerry Harrison, Sebsebe Demissew, Floyd Homer, Prudence Galega, Rob Hendriks, Nina Vik
13.1 The capacity building function of in IPBES
Capacity building is a fundamental element of IPBES’ work. It is committed to improving human, institutional and technical capacities for the informed and effective implementation and use of assessments, for the development and use of policy support tools and methodologies, and for improving access to necessary data, information and knowledge. It aims not only to enable experts and institutions to contribute to and benefit from IPBES’ own deliverables, but also to more generally improve the science-policy interface. Its efforts are geared towards fully integrating capacity building into the implementation of the work programme, as well as to enhancing the enabling environment for its implementation. Capacity building is supported and facilitated through the IPBES Trust Fund, and in addition IPBES will catalyse support for capacity building through its matchmaking facility. This facility aims at matching priority capacity building needs related to its activities with financial and technical resources.
13.2 Issues, concepts and definitions of key terms
13.2.1 Capacity building in IPBES
The focus of capacity building in IPBES is set out in the resolution establishing IPBES11 (UNEP 2012). The IPBES programme of work 2014-2018 identifies two capacity building deliverables, which address the following issues:
Priority capacity building needs to implement the Platform’s work programme are matched with resources through catalyzing financial and other in kind support. Priority capacity building needs will be identified based on submissions from member states and observers, and through the scoping of Platform deliverables (including the various assessments). The Platform is also mandated to provide a “forum” with conventional and potential sources of funding which amongst other things would advise the Plenary on the identification of priority capacity-building needs and the acceptance of financial and in- kind support. The forum would also oversee a web-based “matchmaking facility” set up to help to match available technical and financial resources with priority capacity-building needs.
Ensure that capacities needed to implement the Platform’s work programme are developed. Capacity-building activities will address the priority needs identified under the previous deliverable. Activities would include technical assistance, training workshops, fellowship and exchange programmes and support for the evolution of national, subregional and regional science-policy networks, platforms and centres of excellence, including consideration of indigenous knowledge systems where appropriate. These activities would constitute an integrated part of the processes for delivering the assessment, data management and policy support tools set out in other deliverables of the work programme. Capacity-building would be supported through, and build on, a geographically widespread network of institutions and initiatives.
Terms of reference for an IPBES Task Force on Capacity Building were agreed by the second IPBES Plenary. Following a nomination process, a task force of 20 members has been appointed who serve together with two members of the IPBES Bureau, and two members of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel. Additional resource persons can be invited at the discretion of the co-chairs of the task force. The Technical Support Unit for the task force is provided as in-kind support by the Norwegian Environment Agency.
The task force and its technical support unit will help to identify and address the prioritized capacity-building needs agreed by the Plenary, drawing on resources made available through the Platform’s trust fund or provided through additional in-kind financial and technical resources. Periodically, the task force will analyse the extent to which priority capacity-building needs identified by the Platform have been addressed.
13.2.2 Priority capacity building needs
Priority capacity building needs are those that have been agreed by the IPBES Plenary. The Task Force on capacity building has recommended that the highest priority capacity-building needs are those that fulfil the following criteria:
(a) They can be addressed through activities that are integrated into deliverables of the Platform’s work programme (resourced through the Platform trust fund, in-kind contributions, the capacity-building forum and the matchmaking facility);
(b) They can be addressed through activities which enable the implementation of the Platform’s work programme (resourced through the capacity-building forum and the matchmaking facility);
and in both cases:
(c) They are driven by demands expressed and promote the sustainability of capacity-building over time, including by building on existing initiatives and institutions;
(d) They stimulate awareness of and engagement with the Platform and support the implementation of and interlinkages among multilateral environmental agreements.The Platform acknowledges with appreciation the expressions of capacity-building needs received through submissions and consultations. The expressions are summarized and categorized in the table below. The table also suggests how such needs can be matched with resources.
Drawing on the expressions of capacity-building needs identified in the table, the following initial priority needs are proposed, together with the most appropriate approach for identifying sources of support:
Focus on the ability to participate in the Platforms deliverables; primarily addressed through the proposed fellowship, exchange and training programme, with the priority placed on the Platform’s regional assessments. This would be resourced through the Platform’s trust fund and in-kind contributions. The extent and reach of this programme will be increased over time by facilitating the mobilization of resources through the capacity-building forum and the piloting of a prototype matchmaking facility;
Focus on enhancing the capacity to undertake and use national assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services, by facilitating the development and implementation of proposals based on expressions of interest. Facilitation will be resourced through the Platform’s trust fund and in-kind contributions, while support for the development and implementation of national project proposals will be sought through the capacity-building forum and the piloting of a prototype matchmaking facility;
Focus on the development and implementation of pilot or demonstration projects addressing other categories of needs, by facilitating the development and implementation of proposals based on expressions of interest. Facilitation will be resourced through the Platform’s trust fund and in-kind contributions, while support for the development and the implementation of national project proposals will be sought through the capacity-building forum and piloting of the matchmaking facility.
Capacity-building needs identified by members and other stakeholders, and potential sources of support for addressing their needs
Capacity need categories
Needs identified by governments and other stakeholders
Potential source of support
Trust Fund
Matchmaking facility
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Enhance the capacity to participate effectively in implementing the Platform’s work programme
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Develop the capacity for effective participation in the Platform’s regional and global assessments
Priority for the Platform’s trust fund, largely delivered through the fellowship, exchange and training programme
Supplemented through the Platform’s matchmaking facility
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Develop the capacity for effective participation in the Platform’s thematic assessments
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Develop the capacity for effective participation in the Platform’s methodological assessments and for the development of policy support tools and methodologies
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Develop the capacity for monitoring national and regional participation in the implementation of the Platform’s work programme, and responding to deficiencies identified
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Develop the capacity to carry out and use national and regional assessments
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Develop the capacity to carry out assessments, including on the lines of the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative
Priority for the Platform’s matchmaking facility
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Develop the capacity to use assessments to support policy development and decision-making
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Develop the capacity to develop and use non-market-based methods of valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services
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Develop the capacity to assess specific priority habitats and ecosystems, including ecosystems that cross ecological and political boundaries
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Develop the capacity to develop and effectively use indicators in assessments
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Develop the capacity to value and assess management options and effectiveness
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Develop the capacity to retrieve and use all relevant data, information and knowledge
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Develop the capacity to locate and mobilize financial and technical resources
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Develop the institutional capacity to locate and mobilize financial and technical resources
Pilot project(s) through the Platform’s matchmaking facility
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Develop the capacity for clearly communicating capacity-building needs to potential providers of financial and technical support
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Improve the capacity for access to data, information and knowledge (including the experience of others)
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Develop the capacity for improved access to data, information and knowledge including its capture, generation, management and use (including indigenous and local knowledge)
Pilot project(s) through the Platform’s matchmaking facility
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Develop the capacity to gain access to data, information and knowledge managed by internationally active organizations and publishers
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Develop the capacity for enhancing collaboration among research institutions and policymakers at national and regional levels, in particular for encouraging multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches
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Develop the capacity for the conversion of scientific and social assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services into a format easily understood by policymakers
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Develop the capacity to understand how to combine modern science with local and indigenous knowledge, including facilitating the effective engagement of indigenous and local communities, scientists and policymakers
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Develop the capacity to gain access to and use technologies and networks that support biodiversity taxonomy, monitoring and research
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Develop the capacity for enhanced and meaningful multi-stakeholder engagement
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Develop the capacity for effective engagement of stakeholders in assessment and other related activities at the national level, including for understanding who the stakeholders are and how they should be engaged
Pilot project(s) through the Platform’s matchmaking facility
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Develop the capacity for effective communication of why biodiversity and ecosystem services are important, and why their many values should be used in decision-making
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Develop the capacity to effectively use the Platform’s deliverables in implementing national obligations under biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements
13.2.3 Access to technical and financial resources
IPBES is mandated to provide a means for catalyzing further funding for capacity building. However this is only part of the story: technical resources are as necessary as financial resources to address priority capacity needs. As a result, IPBES has decided to establish a “matchmaking facility”.
A prototype matchmaking facility is being developed to bring together those who have a specific capacity building need with expert practitioners, guidance or financial resources appropriate to meeting that need. The prototype is intended to initially be limited to one or two modules which would support deliverables of the work programme, to prudently and incrementally create a solid foundation for successful matchmaking. The first steps in the IPBES matchmaking process will entail a number of enabling activities: face-to-face contacts and networking activities that encompass regional and global dialogues supported by processes management and an online tool. The intention is to learn from the operation of the prototype and then systematically and over time build up a matchmaking facility in a modular fashion.
IPBES is also mandated to help catalyze financing for capacity-building activities by providing a forum with conventional and potential sources of funding. The IPBES Capacity Building Forum is a potential important venue for a global dialogue between IPBES and relevant public and private institutions on how their missions in capacity building could be aligned. The aim is for IPBES to be a catalyst in creating opportunities for capacity building in the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem service. The IPBES Bureau has agreed that the first meeting of the Forum will take place in 2015 on the basis of a call for expressions of interest to take part in the forum.
13.2.4 Integrating capacity building into assessments
A fellowship, exchange and training programme is being established by IPBES as a means of both building capacity and supporting delivery of the IPBES work programme, including assessments. This programme will receive support from the IPBES Trust Fund, but further investment of funds will be sought so that the programme can grow over time. Additional funding and technical support for specific activities will also be sought through the Matchmaking Facility.
The will programme consist of a range of different activities, such as fellowships, secondments, exchange programmes, mentoring schemes and training programmes, with varying target groups and durations. The programme aims to:
build and strengthen individual and institutional capacities in support of the work programme deliverables and the overall functions of IPBES.
contribute to enhanced science-policy dialogue and knowledge of assessment processes, and the more effective use of knowledge in decision making
increased cooperation between centres of excellence/institutions
Particular focus during 2014-2018 would be on regional assessments and on all thematic and methodological deliverables of IPBES, included on the data management and policy support tools.
It is well understood that there are many institutions and networks that could play very valuable roles in supporting the scoping and implementation of assessments, and in facilitating and promoting the use of assessment outcomes. These range from universities to “boundary” organizations already working at the science-policy interface, and from observation and data management programmes to private sector associations. Facilitating the engagement of relevant institutions and networks, building capacity, where necessary and promoting collaboration and sharing of experience will be very important.
13.3 Roadmap with recommended practical steps to be followed for different IPBES related assessments
Step 1. Integrate capacity building into the pre-scoping phase
Identify the focus of the assessment in question through a pre-scoping process which may include a dialogue among stakeholders (scientists, government officials, policymakers and other stakeholders).
For assessments within the IPBES work programme, the pre-scoping will be taken under the auspices of the MEP and Bureau in line with the process set out in Section 2, Chapter 3.
For assessments outside the IPBES work programme (such as assessments at national and subregional levels), practitioners are encouraged to consider the need for support for the pre-scoping process. An expression of interest for the need of such support could be submitted to the IPBES Match Making Facility in accordance with its procedures set out above. Support could entail financial and technical resources needed for the preparation, facilitation and undertaking dialogues within the pre-scoping process.
Identify the expertise and functions needed for scoping the assessment and institutions for managing the scoping process.
Assess the availability of expertise and institutions and the need for capacity to fill any gaps identified.
For assessments within the IPBES work programme, the MEP and Bureau will identify the needs and request the Task Force on Capacity Building through the IPBES technical support unit for capacity building to address those needs.
For assessments outside the IPBES work programme (such as assessments at national and subregional level), practitioners are encouraged to consider the need for support to building capacities for the scoping process. An expression of interest for the need of such support could be submitted to the IPBES Match Making Facility in accordance with its procedures set out above. Support could entail financial and technical resources.
Step 2. Integrate capacity building into the scoping phase
Scope the assessment through a scoping process which include a dialogue among stakeholders (scientists, government officials, policymakers and other stakeholders).
For assessments within the IPBES work programme, the scoping will be taken under the auspices of the MEP and Bureau in line with the process set out in Section 2, Chapter 3.
For assessments outside the IPBES work programme (such as assessments at national and subregional level), practitioners may want to consider the need for support to the scoping process. An expression of interest for the need of such support could be submitted to the IPBES Match Making Facility in accordance with its procedures set out above. Support could entail financial and technical support for the preparation, facilitation and undertaking dialogues within the scoping process.
Identify the expertise and functions needed for undertaking the assessment and institutions for managing the assessment process.
Assess the availability of expertise and institutions and the need for capacity to fill any gaps identified.
Step 3. Solicit support for capacity building needs in assessment
Solicit support for addressing capacity building in order to fill gaps identified in the scoping process.
For assessments within the IPBES work programme, the MEP and Bureau will identify the needs and request the Task Force on Capacity Building through the IPBES technical support unit for capacity building to address those needs.
For assessments outside the IPBES work programme (such as assessments at national and subregional level), scientists, government officials, policymakers and other stakeholders initiating the assessment are encouraged to consider the need for support to building capacities for the assessment process. An expression of interest for the need of such support could be submitted to the IPBES Match Making Facility in accordance with its procedures set out above. Support could entail developing a proposal for financial and technical support to undertaking the assessment in accordance with the scope of the assessment.
Step 4. Integrate capacity building into the assessment process
Identify opportunities for capacity building in support of the undertaking of the assessment by Co Chairs, Coordinating Lead Authors, Authors, Reviewers and Peer Review Editors as supported by technical support units through technical assistance and the IPBES Fellowship, exchange and training programme.
For assessments within the IPBES work programme, the assessment Co-chairs and the assessment TSU will in consultation with experts and stakeholders involved in the assessment identify the needs and submit them to the Task Force on Capacity Building through the IPBES technical support unit for capacity building to address those needs.
For assessments outside the IPBES work programme (such as assessments at national and subregional level), the assessment Co-chairs and the assessment TSU are encouraged to identify the need for support to building capacities for the assessment process in consultation with experts and stakeholders involved in the assessment. An expression of interest for the need of such support could be submitted to the IPBES Match Making Facility in accordance with its procedures set out above. Support could entail financial and technical resources.
Step 5. Identify capacity building needs through the assessment process
Use the assessment to identify capacity building needs in the science policy interface relevant to IPBES at all levels. This would apply to both assessments within and outside the IPBES work programme. In assessing capacity building needs authors may want to identify the urgency, importance and quantity of capacity building needs related to aspects of the assessment process.
Use the assessment to assess options for how such needs best could be addressed.
Step 6. Use the assessment findings to sustain capacity in the science policy interface
Explore ways of capitalising on the capacities built throughout the assessment in processes such as: research, monitoring, and the development of policies and policy support tools. This would apply to both assessments within and outside the IPBES work programme.
Enter into a dialogue with scientists, government officials, policymakers and other stakeholders involved in capacity development in order to communicate the assessment findings on capacity building needs.
For assessments within the IPBES work programme, the Bureau, MEP and Task Force on Capacity Building as supported by the TSU will use the findings as relevant in implementing the capacity building aspects of the IPBES work programme.
For assessments outside the IPBES work programme (such as assessments at national and subregional level), the assessment Co-chairs and the assessment TSU are encouraged to convey their findings to the IPBES secretariat.
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