Vnutrennyaya sreda rebyonka
Bolaning ichki muhiti
Internal circle of the chaild
- sovokupnost osobennostey vыsshey nervnoy deyatelnosti, svoystv xaraktera, jiznennogo opыta, nravstvennogo soznaniya, kompleksov, proyavlyayuщayasya v tipichnыx dlya rebenka psixicheskix sostoyaniyax, reaksiyax i otnosheniyax k deystvitelnosti.
- set of features of the higher nervous activity, properties of character, life experience, moral consciousness, the complexes, shown in mental conditions typical for the child, reactions and relations to the validity.
Vozdeystvie pedagogicheskoe
Influence pedagogical
- vliyanie pedagoga na soznanie, volyu, emotsii vospituemыx, na organizatsiyu ix jizni i deyatelnosti v interesax formirovaniya u nix trebuemыx kachestv i obespecheniya uspeshnogo dostijeniya zadannыx seley.
- influence of the teacher on consciousness, will, emotions of students, on the organization of their life and activity in interests of formation of them demanded qualities and maintenance of successful achievement of the set purposes.
Vozdeystvie pedagogicheskoe
Pedagogik ta'siri
Influence pedagogical
- vliyanie pedagoga na soznanie, volyu, emotsii vospituemыx, na organizatsiyu ix jizni i deyatelnosti v interesax formirovaniya u nix trebuemыx kachestv i obespecheniya uspeshnogo dostijeniya zadannыx seley.
- influence of the teacher on consciousness, will, emotions vospituemыx, on the organisation of their life and activity in interests of formation at them demanded qualities and maintenance of successful achievement of the set purposes.
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