New Hampshire Marketing Education Guidelines

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DECA Mission Statement

The mission of DECA is to enhance the co-curricular education of students with interest in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship.

DECA helps students develop skills and competence for marketing careers, build self-esteem, experience leadership and practice community service.
DECA is committed to the advocacy of marketing education and the growth of business and education partnerships.

The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Marketing principles and techniques encompass such diverse activities as product service managing, distributing, advertising, marketing information managing, pricing, purchasing, selling, promoting, financing, business management, and entrepreneurship. The function of marketing occurs in all industries and businesses of all types and sizes.
Marketing is therefore, a multi faceted business function where emphasis is placed on the development of competence in marketing functions and foundations, economic foundations, and human resource foundations. The application of skills in reading, writing, mathematics, communication, problem solving, and critical thinking are also essential skills. Combined with these areas is the knowledge and use of technology which is essential if one is to succeed in the workplace.
In this 21st century individuals face a competitive environment that demands resourceful, inventive solutions to new problems and new opportunities. Students must be prepared to demonstrate and apply a skill that understands the demands and needs of others, be a team player, be able to adapt to the ever-changing workplace and be able to strategize, and approaches to decision-making are rational and proactive.
The Mission of Marketing Education is to enable students to and apply marketing, management, and entrepreneurial principals; to make rational economic decisions; and to exhibit social responsibility in a global economy. The New Hampshire Marketing Education Guideline provides an organizational system for instruction. The Marketing Education Curriculum should:

  • Integrate academics and technology.

  • Promote critical thinking, decision making, and teamwork.

  • Include functions of marking supported by its foundation.

  • Enable students to apply marketing principles and techniques in domestic and international businesses.

  • Enable students to obtain a broad understanding of marketing concepts and skills in order to transfer these skills between and among industries.

  • Foster an understanding and appreciation of business ethics.

  • Enable students to efficiently utilize technological resources.

  • Develop articulation with universities and colleges.

  • Meet the needs of all students.

  • Enable students to utilize all aspects of communication and demonstrate the interpersonal skills to effectively interact with others in all business environments.

  • Foster a realistic understanding of work.

  • Develop personal and professional leadership skills through participation in co curricular activities of DECA, a career technical student organization.

  • Demonstrate business and marketing skills in an actual school business.

  • Enable students to understand the value of the “customer” and develop the skills necessary for successful customer service satisfaction.

The New Hampshire Employment Projections (by Industry and Occupations, 1998 2008) in the area of Marketing and Sales Occupations, indicates that New Hampshire employment opportunities will increase by 15.8 percent. New Hampshire's growth within this industry will surpass the national projected growth. This growth could bring 13,614 new jobs to the State of New Hampshire.

The Marketing Education Resource Center in conducting an industry needs study to meet the potential demand for an educated labor pool, developed a Curriculum Planning Guide identifying five levels for curriculum planning:

  1. Entry-Level (prerequisite) is focused on the development of employability and job survival skills and concepts.

  1. Career Sustaining level involves performing more complex duties, having a foundational understanding of marketing principles and experience in making routine business decisions.

  1. Marketing Specialist level involves having a solid understanding and skill development in all marketing functions including the ability to make complex business decisions and exhibit leadership skills.

  1. Marketing Supervisor level involves mastery of the specialist skills plus planning, coordinating, and supervising staff.

  1. Manager/Entrepreneur level involves exhibiting strategic decision-making skills in owning or managing a department within an organization. Individuals at this level are fully responsible for the success or failure of a unit within an organization or a small-business enterprise. To perform in this role, a comprehensive understanding of marketing and management competencies is required.

These levels represent a continuum of instruction that could lead to an articulation between high school and postsecondary marketing courses.

New Hampshire Frameworks Guide

New Hampshire Frameworks Guide – Marketing Education Key

  • New Hampshire Frameworks and All Aspects of Industry associated with the comprehensive standards apply to all achievement indicators within each standard.

  • Frameworks and All Aspects of Industry that relate only to a specific achievement indicator are noted by the individual indicator.

The following key identifies and describes the alignment of the standard to the Academic Frameworks and All Aspects of Industry.

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