New Hampshire Marketing Education Guidelines

Marketing Education Resource Center

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Marketing Education Resource Center

Core Performance Indicators

Core Performance Indicators

The following pages include all core performance indicators currently utilized by the Marketing Education Resource Center for a variety of products and services including LAPs, Student Performance Records, and Training Plans. These performance indicators are specific learning outcomes that define the broad-based content standards for Marketing Education identified in the National Curriculum Planning Guide 2000.

Related performance indicators are grouped together and identified by a label known as Major Topics. Within instructional areas, the Major Topics are sequenced in their recommended order of instruction. Within Major Topics, performance indicators are also sequenced in their recommended order of instruction. Instructional areas, however, are not sequenced.

Several codes are indicated after each performance indicator. The first of the codes contains a two-letter abbreviation for the instructional area in which the statement appears and a three-digit number (e.g., EC: 001). This code is the statement's performance indicator number and is referenced in tests and instructional materials and is used to access information about the performance indicator in MarkED's databases. If instructional modules, known as Learning Activity Packages (LAPs), are available to support a performance indicator, their code is then referenced with the instructional area's two-letter abbreviation and a number (e.g., EC LAP 3). This code relates to publication sequence, not to instructional sequence. The last two-letter code identifies the curriculum-planning level to which the performance indicator has been assigned (e.g., CS). There are five curriculum-planning levels: Prerequisite (PQ), Career-Sustaining (CS), Specialist (SP), Supervisor (SU), and Manager/Entrepreneur (M/E).

The curriculum-planning levels represent a continuum of instruction from simple to complex. They can serve as building blocks for curriculum development in that students should know and be able to perform the performance indicators at one level before tackling more complex skills and knowledge at the next level. The levels can also be used to assist in developing an unduplicated sequence of instruction for articulation between high school and postsecondary marketing courses.

Copyright © 2000, by Marketing Education Resource Center

Columbus, OH


Instructional Areas (MarkED)

BA Business Administration
CO Communications
DS Distribution
EC Economics
FI Financing
IM Marketing-Information Management
IS Interpersonal Skills
MN Management
PD Professional Development
PI Pricing
PM Product/Service Management
PR Promotion
SE Selling



Basic Concepts


Distinguish between economic goods and services (EC:002, EC LAP 10) (CS)
Explain the concept of economic resources (EC:003, EC LAP 14) (CS)
Describe the nature of economics and economic activities (EC:001, EC LAP 6)(CS)
Determine forms of economic utility created by marketing activities (EC:004,EC LAP 13) (CS)
Explain the principles of supply and demand (EC:005, EC LAP 11) (CS)
Describe the concept of price (EC:006, EC LAP 12) (CS)  


Economic Systems


Explain the types of economic systems (EC:007, EC LAP 17) (CS)
Determine the relationship between government and business (EC:008, EC LAP 16) (CS)
Explain the concept of private enterprise (EC:009, EC LAP 15) (CS)

Identify factors affecting a business's profit (EC:010, EC LAP 2) (CS)

Determine factors affecting business risk (EC:011, EC LAP 3) (CS)
Explain the concept of competition (EC:012, EC LAP 8) (CS) 


Cost-Profit Relationships


Explain the concept of productivity (EC:013, EC LAP 18) (CS)

Analyze the impact of specialization/division of labor on productivity (EC:014, EC LAP 7) (SP)

Explain the concept of organized labor and business (EC:015, EC LAP 5) (SP)

Explain the law of diminishing returns (EC:023) (SP) 


Economic Indicators/Trends


Explain measures used to analyze economic conditions (EC:043) (SP)
Explain the role of the Consumer Price Index in business (EC:044) (SP)
Explain the concept of Gross Domestic Product (EC:017, EC LAP 1) (SP)
Determine the impact of business cycles on business activities (EC:018, EC LAP 9) (SP)
Describe the nature of current economic problems (EC:038) (SP) 


International Concepts


Explain the nature of international trade (EC:016, EC LAP 4) (SP)
Identify the impact of cultural and social environments on world trade (EC:045) (SP)

Evaluate influences on a nation's ability to trade (EC:042) (M/E)  

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