The Gold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast Hospital) is part of the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service and is located in Southport. The hospital was relocated from its previous location in Broadbeach to a new purpose built facility and opened in September 2013. The hospital has approximately 750 overnight beds and provides a range of tertiary services including:
Emergency medicine;
Intensive neonatal care;
Aged and dementia care; and
Mental health services.
Gold Coast Hospital is one of Queensland's largest clinical teaching and research facilities. Gold Coast Hospital provides specialised health services to meet the needs of patients as well as the learning requirements of future clinicians. Additionally, the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation, based at the Gold Coast Hospital is dedicated to fundraising to support Gold Coast Health research and education activities.9
In 2014-15, the HHS employed approximately 6,400 full time equivalent staff with a total expenditure of $1.149 billion.
Gold Coast Hospital uses PPM2 software after moving from Transition II three years ago. The hospital runs the PPM cost model weekly to allow for regular monitoring of feeder systems and data issues. The HHS provides the Funding and Costing unit with direct access to PPM2 GL data and all activity including raw and NHCDC format cost outputs to facilitate review and extraction on demand.
Financial data
For the Round 19 IFR, the data collection templates were completed and submitted by the Department’s HHS Costing and Funding Unit on behalf of the Gold Coast Hospital. Representatives from the HHS Costing and Funding Unit attended and participated in consultation process during the review, as well as senior costing staff from the Gold Coast Hospital.
Table reflects a summary of the Gold Coast Hospital’s costs, from the original extract from the GL through to the final NHCDC submission for the hospital for Round 19.
Table – Round 19 NHCDC Reconciliation – Gold Coast University Hospital
Source: KPMG based on data supplied by Gold Coast Hospital, jurisdiction and IHPA
* As WIP from prior years expenditure relates to prior year costs, this percentage excludes the $8.64 million from the calculation
^ These figures include admitted emergency costs.
This section discusses each of the reconciliation items including adjustments, inclusions and exclusions to the financial data. The information is based on the templates submitted for Gold Coast Hospital and face-to-face review discussions.
Item A – General Ledger
The final GL amount extracted by Queensland Health from the costing system totalled $1.142 billion. This amount reflected the total expenditure for the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service, which includes Gold Coast Hospital. This amount did not reconcile to the total expenditure reported in the 2014-15 financial statements for the Gold Coast HHS, i.e. $1.149 billion. The $6.82 million variance (0.6 percent of the HHS GL) related to:
Differences between the classifications of five account codes in the DSS system compared to the costing GL. In DSS, these items are accounted for as revenue whereas in the costing GL they are recognised as expenditure recoups. This difference accounted for $3.64 million of the variance
Cost centre 738999 – Capital Works – $3.19 million
Minor variances due to timing differences – $4,157.
Item B – Adjustments to the GL
Exclusions were made to the GL of approximately $13.27 million, these are defined as ‘dead ended’ costs and are made up of services that are defined as out of scope for patient costing by the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS) Version 3.1. The items are summarised below:
Cost Centres related to the transition from the Gold Coast Hospital to the new Gold Coast University Hospital (Area IFIN07) – $2.34 million
Dead-ended cost centres - $3.57 million. The majority of this amount related to the impact of the Revaluation Decrement on Building ($3.43 million)
All other out of scope costs – $7.36 million. These costs related to inter-entity expenses, bad and doubtful debt adjustments, asset disposal adjustments and inventory adjustments.
The basis of these exclusions appears reasonable. The AHPCS is silent on the specific inclusion or exclusion of bad and doubtful debts. Bad and doubtful debts expenditure relates to the provision for debts that are unrecoverable from patients/clients. It does not have an impact on the cost of patient services provided by the hospital.
These adjustments established an expenditure base for costing of $1.129 billion. This was approximately 98.8 percent of total expenditure reported in the GL.
Item C – Allocation of costs
The Gold Coast Hospital undertakes a process of reclass/transfers between cost centres. The net effect of these reclass/transfers was the transfer of $13.28 million to the dead ended cost centres (refer above).
It was observed that the total of all direct cost centres of $907.06 million were allocated in the costing system.
It was observed through the templates that all overheads of $222.03 million were allocated to direct cost centres post allocation.
These amounted to $1.129 billion and reflected the total for the Gold Coast Health Service. A minor variance of $12,286 (0.001 percent of the total GL) was identified between Item B and Item C.
Item D – Post Allocation Adjustments
A number of adjustments were made post allocation and included:
Other HHS facilities (e.g. Robina Hospital) excluded - $419.33 million
WIP patients not discharged at year end excluded - $13.06 million
Cost records excluded because they could not be linked to a specific episode – $6.25 million
WIP from prior years included - $8.64 million.
The basis of these adjustments appears reasonable.
The total expenditure allocated to patients for Gold Coast Hospital was $699.10 million which represented approximately 60.4 percent of the GL note this percentage calculation is based on Gold Coast Hospital only and excludes WIP from prior years, as it is not part of the current year).
Item E - Costed products submitted to jurisdiction
Costs submitted to the jurisdiction and reported at product level totalled $699.10 million. Costs were allocated to all products with the exception of Mental Health, Teaching, Training and Research. A minor variance of $4,886 was noted between Item D and Item E (0.0007 percent of the expenditure allocated to patients).
Item F – Costed products received by the jurisdiction
Costed products received by the jurisdiction totalled $699.10 million. No variance was noted between Items E and F.
Item G – Final adjustments
Queensland Health adjusts the hospital submission. The adjustments made for Round 19 totalled $10.18 million and included:
Excluded costs of $548,979 related to admitted emergency episodes with no matching admitted acute episodes. These records were not submitted to IHPA
Costs associated with non-admitted activity matched to where the activity was reported. Non-admitted activity related to Robina Hospital was reported as occurring at Gold Coast Hospital. The associated costs, amounting to $36.55 million were transferred from Robina to the Gold Coast
Costs records totalling $25.57 million were excluded because they could not be linked to activity data. The majority of this related to non-admitted patient activity where there was no patient level activity reported
Emergency product type different to IHPA product type amounting to $530,864 excluded
Admitted episode different to IHPA product type totalling $1,110 excluded
Cost records with no matching episode totalling $58,774 excluded
To meet IHPA data requirements cost records were adjusted to remove negative costs. This increased the total by $490,007
Missing DRG records totalling $154,027 excluded.
The basis of these adjustments appears reasonable. It is recommended that Queensland Health investigates the reasons for the unlinked and unmatched records to ensure appropriate treatment in future rounds.
Item H – Costed products submitted to IHPA
Costs derived by the jurisdiction and reported at product level to IHPA totalled $709.28 million. A minor variance of $3,066 was noted (0.0004 percent of the total cost submitted to IHPA).
Item I – Total products received by IHPA
Total costed products received by IHPA totalled $709.28 million. There was a minor variance of $41 between costs submitted by the jurisdiction and costs received by IHPA.
Item J – IHPA adjustments
Upon receipt of cost data, IHPA allocates the admitted emergency costs back to admitted patients for the purposes of reporting and analysis. Within IHPA’s reconciliation, this amount was a duplication of admitted emergency costs and not an additional cost. For the Gold Coast Hospital, this amounted to $32.78 million.
Upon receipt of cost data, IHPA redistributes the unqualified baby cost to the mother separation to provide a complete delivery cost. Within IHPAs reconciliation, this was not an additional cost but a movement between patients.
Item K – Final NHCDC Costed Outputs
The final NHCDC costed data for the Gold Coast Hospital that was loaded into the National Round 19 cost data set was $742.05 million, which included the admitted emergency cost of $32.78 million.
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