Goolwa. Stores required at.
Yardea. Do Do
Penola. Do Do
Murray Bridge. Issue of rations at Mannum, mode of, rel. to.
Pt McLeay. Native children Hirschausen, rel. to going to Pt McLeay.
Milang. Steamer fares for Aborigines to Pt MLeay, order for required.
Meningie. Block of land on Coorong, applies for lease of.
Victor Harbor. Removal of Aborigines’ camps to reserve at mouth of Inman River, concerning; & requesting Protector to visit Victor Harbor.
Pt Augusta. Aboriginal boy Willie, removal to Pt McLeay, recommends.
Oodnadatta. Stores required at.
Blanchetown. Do Do
H. M. Gaol. Pass to Goolwa, requesting order for.
Hergott. Rations for Aboriginal Jinny, a/ for encloses.
Kalamurina. Stores required at.
Pt Germein. Do Do
Monge Collina. Do Do
Edithburgh. Death of Aboriginal Wonkie Jack, reports and a/cs for burial, encloses.
Pt Augusta. Flour for Killalpaninna Mission station , delay in forwarding, re.
Pt Lincoln. Death of Aboriginal Manmitee, reports, & encloses a/c for burial of.
Victor Harbor. Stores, fresh supplies required at.
Mannum. Do Do Report re issues to Murray Bridge Natives.
Moralana. Do Do
Campbell Park. Part cost of Boat £ 10., applies for.
Clare. Stores required at.
Blanchetown. Do Do
Hergott. Payment of agency a/cs, concerning.
Streaky Bay. Stores required at.
Wood Duck Creek. Do Do
Kingston. Return of sick under treatment for quarter ended 30/9/97.
Parallana. Stores required at.
Blanchetown. Aboriginal Jenny Xmas bitten by snake, reports & seeks instructions.
Goolwa. Appointment as Medical Officer to Aborigines, enquires, concerning.
Moralana. Issue of rations at, explanation rel. to.
Pt McLeay. Enquires re Aboriginal Christina White in Hospital.
Cowell. Stores required at.
Hergott. Aboriginal Carbine, Medical aid obtained for & removal of to Port Augusta Hospital.
Melrose. Aboriginal Ben Ragless, death of, reports & a/c for burial of, encloses.
Wilpena. Applies for rations for Aborigines at.
SA Railways. Orders for Aborigines’ rail tickets, concerning.
Border Town. Return of sick under treatment for quarter ended 30/9/97.
Middleton. Return of sick under treatment for quarter ended 30/9/97.
Pt Adelaide. Percentages on stores from Supply & Tender Board, list of.
Pt Augusta. Cordillo downs, August return – requesting to be furnished with.
Pt McLeay. Stores required at, Cartage a/c (to Needles) encloses.
Blanchetown. Aboriginal Morris engaged by Police department as Tracker & passes for him to Adelaide, requesting.
Mannum. Return of sick under treatment for quarter ended 30/9/97.
Streaky Bay. Flour required at.
The Needles. Tar for Canoes at, required.
Pt McLeay. Boat for Aboriginal Reuben Walker, part cost of, requesting.
Wilmington. Stores required at.
Murray Bridge. Aborigines at, addicted to immorality & removal of Native girl to Pt McLeay, recommends.
Wellington. Renewal of his lease of section 149, Hundred of Seymour.
The Needles. Lease of bock of land on the Coorong, applies for.