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The law on electronic commerce

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The law on electronic commerce of the Republic of Moldova was adopted on the 22nd of July 2004. A series of normative and regulatory acts in this field of activity are in process of development by the MET.

The procedure of data collection on development indicators of informational society in the Republic of Moldova has been updated and put in line with the European practices, action mentioned in the pvovisions of the National Strategy “Electronic Moldova”.

On the 22nd of May 2006 the Governmental Decision no. 562 on the creation of state automated informational systems and resources wad adopted, whilst on the 6th of September 2006 the Governmental Decision no. 1031 on the Concept of automated informational system „State Registry of Informational Resources and Systems” was approved.

On the 19th of June 2006 the Government adopted Decision no. 668 on official webpages of the public administration authorities in the Internet and the Regulation on the procedure of publication of information on the official webpages of the public administration authorities in the Internet were adopted.

On the 28th of June 2006, through the Governmental Decision no. 733 the Concept of electronic governance” was approved. For the implementation of the set of necessary measures…, whilst for year 2007 is ready for approval at Governmental level a National Action Plan for the implementation of electronic governance. Also, at an advanced level is the implementation of the model of governmental portal on which basis the development of the system of electronic services by public institutions is going to be offered to the business community and citizens.

Within the UNDP project “Implementation of the e-governance component of the National Strategy on the technologies of the informational society for development” a study has been accomplished, which includes the technical audit, the analysis of business processes, evaluation of necessities in the public administration from the perspective of informational technology applications and proposals for reorganisation of business processes.

- In August 2006, with the purpose of ensuring the application as much as possible of the informational technologies by public servants, jointly with UNDP, MID, METS and the Academy of Public Administration the Methodological Norms on training and certification of public servants in the field of ICT have been developed. Additional documents necessary for the implementation of this process, as is for instance the development of the Curricula, books and requirements for trainers are in process of delivery.

- With the purpose of implementation of the National Programme “SALT” and implementation of the Informational System in Education, the MID experts, jointly with those from MET, participated at the development of the draft Concept of Informational System in Education with the description of 4 sub-themes: (i) Informational resources, (ii) Telecommunications network, (iii) Implementation of the ICT in education, (iv) Training of managerial and professorial personnel. The draft Concept was delivered to the Government for approval. Also, for the implementation of connection of 2nd level educational institutions to Internet, JSC “Moltelecom” offered free of charge 1749 connexions. Presently, around 1342 2nd level educational institutions have Internet connectivity.

- For the application of informational technologies in the delivery of medical services (e-medicine), the contract between MID and National Company for Medical Insurance (NCMI) is under implementation on the development and delivery of the Integrated Informational System of Medical Insurance for monitoring insurance policies in the territorial agencies and for monitoring of medical institutions of insurance policies. Also, jointly with the National Agency for Drugs, the Electronic System of registration, monitoring and control of the delivery of drugs on the territory of the Republic of Moldova was instituted.





3. Improve the use of Internet and online services by the citizens via public computer training programmes.

The development of the universal service and diversification of the network public access points to public access internet points (PAIP) Internet on the territory of the country take place on many directions and through different methods.

JSC „Moldtelecom” has a network of 56 of PAIP spread in all the districts regions and other localities in the country.

The Ministry of Informational Development, on the basis of its regional offices created 6 PAIP and the Ministry of Justice – 5.

The Soros Moldova Foundation contributed with the opening of 103 PAIP, deployed usually in public libraries.

Local Public Administration (LPA) bodies are in the process of involving themselves in this important action with the purpose to increase the level of application of informational technologies and function on the entire territory of the country.
Other possibilities of diversification of this network are under research. An essential contribution for the spread of the public access internet points on the territory of the country has the private investments. A large spectrum of such private places have been open and are functioning on the entire territory of the country.

It is expected that the level of Internet application will considerably increase with the diversification of the electronic services and especially the E-Governance services. An important step in this direction is the implementation along with UNDP Moldova of the project on the development of a automated informational system – E-Declaration. This is oriented towards an on-line interaction between taxpayers and the Central Fiscal State Inspectorate.


LPA authorities

4. Adopt a specific plan to promote the participation of Moldova in the IST part of the 6th Framework Programme.

The national contact subject for participation in the EU Programmes for research and development is the Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova.

Specialised institutions under the subordination of the MID have studied the possibility to apply for an European financial support offered through the Framework Programme VI, but researches that would have met the participation conditions were not identified in the specified period.

Taking into account the launch on the 1st of January 2007 of the Framework Programme VII, MID actively participates to disseminate the information on the possibilities offered by this instruments and works on an internal study on the possibility of subordinated units to participate with applications.





Take steps to ensure that conditions for good environmental governance are set and start implementing them

Strengthen administrative structures and procedures to ensure strategic planning of environmental issues, including financing strategies, and co-ordination between relevant actors

With the purpose of facilitating the functional analysis of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR), delivered by the central public administration reform implementation unit of the Government Apparatus, MENR delivered in May 2007 a developed draft on a new structure of the MENR, with arguments on the necessity to strengthen the existing structures and the creation of new ones.


LPA bodies

Establish procedures regarding access to environmental information and public participation, including implementation of the Aarhus Convention, particularly by establishing structures and procedures for ensuring an acceptable level of service to those wishing to have access to information

The website of MENR was created: , where all draft laws are public and which citizens can comment upon and provide objection, the annual reports on the condition of environment, the most recent news, as well as contact details of MENR employees.

Presently, the new draft Law on the protection of the environment is under development, where the implementation of the respective measure will be taken into account.

At the second high level conference of the signing parties of the Aarhus Convention (Almata,2005) delegation of Republic of Moldova proposed to amend art.6 of the Convention in order to facilitate public access to the information related to the genetically modified organisms (introduction into production – environment, placing on the market, contained use) . With the majority of votes proposal was accepted (art.6 was amended and completed with the new article 6 bis). The Ministry have initiated the proceedings on acceptance of amendment to the Aarhus Convention text and upon the conclusions of the national relevant institutions on the 30 of July the Government Decisions for the adoption of draft Law on adhesion of the Republic of Moldova to the Convention amendment on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters (has been ratified on April 7, 1999) was adopted. In this regard, the NGOs on environmental issues participated actively.


Prepare regular reports on the state-of-the environment

Reports concerning the condition of the environment inside the Republic of Moldova for the year 2005 – 2006 were elaborated and published.



Strengthen structures and procedures necessary to carry out environmental impact assessments, including in relation to trans-boundary issues; complete relevant legislation

With the purpose of implementation of the provisions of the ESPOO Convention and the Protocol on the strategic evaluation of the impact on environment, the draft Strategy on the strategic evaluation of the environment was developed.

Presently, as a result of the launch by the Ministry of Foreign Affaris of Latvia of the call for proposals for projects that have as aim to increase cooperation with the Republic of Moldova, and taking into account the cooperation domains from the Cooperation Agreement in the field of environment between MENR and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Latvia, signed on the 17th of March 2006, SIA Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment filed in the project “Support of MENR in the implementation of EU requirements on the evaluation of the impact on environment in a cross border context” and was approved.

Thus, the respective project has as general aim the development of:

  • Proposals to amend the national legislation to ensure conformity with the EU Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment and Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment

  • Proposals to amend the institutional structure to ensure the qualitative and efficient implementation of the above-mentioned Directives in the Republic of Moldova.


Further improve communication strategies on the benefits of environmental policy and

environmental education, support civil society actors and local authorities

With the purpose of informing and support of the civil society and the local public administration bodies in the process of resolution of problems related to environment have been allocated financial resourses from the National Ecologic Fund.

Within MENR, with the support of the Danish Agency for the Protection of Environment and the National Ecologic Fund, the Environment Informational Centre (EIC) was created, which has as aim the development of information management capacities within the ministry and its dissemination.

The materials for the segment “Meeting of the minsters of environment and education” were prepared for the ministerial conference “An environment for Europe” Belgrade, 2007.



Take active action for prevention of deterioration of the environment, protection of human health, and achievement of rational use of natural resources, in line with the commitments of the Johannesburg Summit

Continue with the adoption of legislation for key environmental sectors (water quality, waste management, air quality, industrial pollution), including the adoption of the legislation on wild flora and ecological networks.

According to the Legislative Programme for the years 2005-2009 the following laws have been adopted:

      • Law no. 325-XVI from 15.12.05 regarding the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova

      • Law no. 149-XVI from 08.06.06 on piscicultural fund, fishing and fish breeding

      • Law no. 265 – XVI from 28.07.06 regarding the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes / Directive no.86/609/CEE

      • Law no. 136–XVI from 14.06.2007 on the zoological gardens / Directiva 99/22/CE

The draft proposal for approximation of standards of protection of aquatic resources was developed. With the support of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development donors have been identified and presently the project is under implementation.

In order to implement the international treaties provisions related to the chemical substances and waste management, at which Moldova is part of, and in regard to execute Parliament Decision no. 300-XVI on Legislative Program for 2005-2009, Government Decision no.1155 from 20.10.2004 regarding approval of National Strategy on POP reduction and phase-out and implementing the National Plan on meeting the stipulations of the Stockholm Convention regarding POP the Moldovan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources have been continued activities for strengthening legislative and normative framework in the field of POP management and other dangerous chemical substances and their wastes. In this context, within the “Management and Destruction of POP Stocks” project subcomponent on development of national legal framework in the field of POP is accomplished, with the aim to establish modern legal base for chemical substances management, inclusively POP and to create a general system on chemical security in regard with EU legal framework on chemical substances and their wastes.
Also, within the UNDP project „Assistance of Central Public Administration” at the first stage of the implementation is carried out harmonization of the national legislation in the field of waste management to the EU acquis .



Develop sector-specific programmes and plans (water, waste, air, industrial pollution), notably by completing the plan on liquid waste and the plan on persistent organic pollutants

In order to implement resolutions no. 1/1 şi 1/4, adopted by the International Conference on Management of Chemical Substances (4-6 February 2006, Dubai, Emiratele Arabe Unite), Decision no. SS.IX/1 on Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management (SAICM), approved at the Governing Council of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) at the IX Metting (Februarz 9, Dubai,), during the first trimester 2007 was developed the project proposal „Partnership Moldova-UNEP as potential for improving the safe management of chemical substances in Moldova and Implementation of the SAICM”. This project proposal was sent to the SAICM Secretariat in order to be considered and approved by the Executive Committee of the Trust Fund of the SAICM. The mentioned project was approved at the session of the Executive Committee of the Trust Fund of the SAICM that took place on 29-30 may 2007 in Geneva. In the framework of this project will be elaborated the National Profile of management of the chemical substances, also the National Program of integrated management of chemical substances and an Action Plan for implemnetation of SAICM will be elaborated.
A considerable threat for the population’s health and the environment constitutes the stockpiles of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), obsolete and prohibites pestisides and polychlorinated biphenils (PCB). To address the POPs and PCBs issues continued the centralized collecting, repackaging and storing of obsolete pesticides, inclusively POPs. As result, with the financial support of 5 mil. Lei, funded by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and National Environmental Fund was reacked and stored 1540 tons of obsolete pesticides from 15 districts and stored in 14 centralized warehouses.
In the framework of the project „Elimination of acute risks of obsolete pesticides in Moldova , Georgia, Armenia” funded by „MILIEUKONTAKT OOST-EUROPA”, and coordinated with the Ministry of Agruculture and Food Industry was repacked and stored in hincesti district 104,997 tons of solid pesticides , contaminated soi land deteriored package.
With the financial support of the NATO member states (538.265 euro) , in the framewrok of NATO/PpP-OSCE/ENVSEC project coordinated by Ministry of Defence, were repacked and stored 1352 tons of obsolete pesticides from 19 districts
In the framework of the of the project „Management and Elimination of Persistent Organic Pollutants” coordinated by Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources the following activities were done:

  • from October 2006 till June 2007 there have been dismantled, packed, transported to France for destruction and incineration facilities condensers from the transformers’ stations of SA enterprise “Moldelectrica” that contain PCBs. On 25.06.2007 according to the feasibility study, were excavated and evacuated power transformers from “Vulcanesti -400” transformer station. The total amounts that have been transported to France for destruction and incineration constitutes at 01/10/2007 934, 05 tons of condensers form the following transformer stations: Vulcăneşti, Donduşeni, Edineţ, Briceni, Lipcani, Drochia, Soroca, Ungheni, Hînceşti, Orhei, Străşeni, Comrat şi Ceadîr-Lunga.

  • Were evacuated and transported to France for destruction the stockpiles of obsolete pesticides form central districts’ storages. According to the data on 01/10/2007 460,6 tons of obsolete pesticides have been transported in France to be destroyed. The works will be finalized in February 2008.

  • In order to remediate the contaminated sites, MENR with the support of the WB developed and presented to the Canadian POPs Fund the project proposal “Remediation the contaminated sites with POPs and clean-up of PCBs contaminated oils in power equipment”. As result of this project on 29/06/2007 the Government of the Republic of Moldova and World Bank signed Granting Agreement of 444.450 US dollars. The contribution of the RM Government will be about 57.700 US dollars.

According to the Decision of the Supreme Security Council no. 05/1-03-14 of 14/03/2006, MENR developed the National Program in Environmental Security for 2007-2015, that has been approved by GD 304 of 17/03/2007.



Enhance co-operation on environmental issues

- Implement provisions under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on

Climate Change

The activity continues.

Presently, Republic of Moldova implements 3 projects within the Development of Non-polluting Mechanisms (DNP) and has developed another 3 projects within the DNP context.


Participate actively in the Danube – Black Sea Task Force to implement a trans-boundary approach to water management; ensure active participation in the Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia component of the EU Water Initiative

Starting with 2006 Republic of Moldova overtook de jure the presidency of the International Commission for the Protection of Danube River (ICPDR). On 30th and 31st of March the meeting of the Tripartite group took place at Chisinau within the ICPDR (Moldova, Romania, Hungary) At the meeting also participated ICPDR Executive Secretary, UNDP Danube Regional Project Manager, Coca Cola CCHBC, OSCE, where the following issues have been discussed: the preparations of the Meeting of the Chiefs of Delegations at ICPDR (8-9 June 2006 Chisinau), the results of the working sessions of the Conference in Odessa, cooperation within the group, the working sub-basin (River Prut and the GEF Project), the Forum of NGOs in October, participation at the Conference in Galati between 27th and 28th of June on the 150th Anniversary on Navigation of Danube, Celebrities related to the Days of Danube, etc.

Between 8th and 9th of June in Chisinau took place the meeting of the Chiefs of Delegations to ICPDR of the Danube countries within the Working Group Meeting. At the meeting Chiefs of delegations of the countries party to the Convention participated, such as: the European Commission, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, as well as the observers of the international organisations: Black Sea Commission, Danube Environmental Forum, etc.

During 22-26th of June 2006, activities related to the celebration of the Days of Danube have been organised in Moldova. The activities initiated in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the Days of Danube continued in Romania between 27th and 29th of June 2006. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Water Management along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, during 27-28th of June in Galati the Conference with the theme “Past and Present in the institutionalisation of Danube cooperation” took place, where the Moldovan delegation participated as well. This event was followed by the celebration of the Danube Days on the 29th of June.

Starting with June 2006, for a period of one year Republic of Moldova holds the vice-presidency within the Working Group Danube – Black Sea (DABLAS).

In order to implement in Republic of Moldova of the EU Water Initiative, in 2006 begun the promotion of the National Politic Dialog, as an Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia component of the EU Water Initiative.

In this process Republic of Moldova express its willingness to participate, using Dialogue mechanism aimig at reglementation of stringente issues in the field of water resources, especially in the integrated water resources management. Also, in the framework of this Dialogue will be scheduled such activities as: alignment of national legislation to the EC water Directive and Strategy on water resources, as well as esteblishment of objectives concerning Protocol on Water and Health. In this context, in september 2007 the first seminar using Dialogue mechanism on this issues was orgnised. At the same time, within this dialog are implied all state authorities interested in promotion of the integrated water resources management.


Identify possibilities with neighbouring countries for enhanced regional co-operation in particular as regards trans-boundary issues

With reference to the cross border cooperation issues with neighboring countries, during 2006 – 2007, with the support of the project “Improvement of cross border cooperation and long-lasting management on Nistru River” of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the Agreement on common usage and protection of the cross border water resources between Government of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, in compliance with international treaties, EU water Directive (2000/60/EC), was revised. At the moment, this document is at the stage of coordination at national and international level.


Possible participation in selected European Environment Agency activities

MENR and subordinated institutions actively participated in the preparation of the 4rh pan-European report which was presented at the environment ministerial Conference “An environment for Europe”, at Belgrade, October 2007. Also, with the purpose of facilitating the development of the report, the representatives of the subordinated institutions participated at various training seminars organised with the support of the TACIS project “EEA support for the preparation of the 4th pan-European Report”.


Strengthen administrative capacities for the implementation of regional and international agreements

The employees of the ministry participate at seminars, training organised by the Academy of Public Administration, Institute for Public Policy and other organisations.


Research, development and innovation

72. Prepare Moldova’s integration into the European Research Area and into the Community R&D Framework Programmes on the basis of scientific excellence

Implement appropriate information strategy to facilitate adequate participation of Moldovan scientists in the Community R&D Framework Programmes.

In the process of completion
The informational environment in the area of research and education in the Republic of Moldova is based of the infrastructure of the network RENAM (Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova), created and developed on the basis of grants provided by NATO and the European Commission. The RENAM network has an external channel for internet traffic (capacity of 32 Mbps) that is connected to the academic cross – European network GEANT.
The Science Academy of Moldova (SAM) is cooperating with MoID on the development of the Concept of the automatic informational system “The Registry for Scientific Potential of the Republic of Moldova”, that will facilitate the search of partners and the distribution of information on the opportunities for participation to the EU programmes in the field of technological research and development.
The web site was developed, where all the information of the international cooperation programmes in the field of science and innovation will be posted, as well as the main results obtained by the Republic of Moldova scientists, fact that will considerably promote the integration in the world research space.
The main instrument for promotion of the integration in the European research and innovation area (ERA) is the Framework Programme 7 (2007 - 2013). The preparation of the scientific community for participation in the FP 7 is made within the projects financed by the Framework Project 6, that facilitate the search of partners to write the projects and promotes the technological transfer in the field of science and innovation.
Proposals were made in order to participate to the INCO-NET network with Russia and Ukraine – BSEC countries to the Framework Programme 7 of the EU. The national contact point FP7, created in the Republic of Moldova with the assistance of the CoE is providing: consultations, public awareness days, meetings with local and foreign experts, training seminars of the above mentioned persons as multipliers of information, dissemination of information on search of partners for each priority topic of the FP 7 of EU.
The estimation of the optimisation of the capacities of the research structures from the Republic of Moldova with the objective to integrate them into the European Research Space was made on the basis of the organisational benefits and research efficiency, performance results, the number of organisation from the area of sciences and innovation being reduced from 101 institutions to 38.
At the present moment the alignment of the indicators for evaluation of the scientific results and innovation in the Republic of Moldova to the European indicators for estimation (EUROSTAT), formation and implementation of the electronic system for assistance to the process of works expertise in the area of research and innovation. With the support of the UNESCO, SAM will benefit in the nearest future, from the practical training on the introduction and use of the estimation research indexes.
An important attention will be provided to the adjustment of the national legislation in the area of science to the acquis communautaire. This process is supported by the adoption of Laws, namely :

- The Law on the technical-scientific parks and innovation incubators; - was adopted by the GD no.407 of 13.04.07 and by the Parliament on 21.06.07 (no. 138-XVI of 21.06.2007, OM no. 107-111/476 of 27.07.2007);

- The Law on complementing certain legal acts, by providing fiscal and customs privileges to the residents of the parks and incubators – adopted by the GD no.406 of 13.04.07 and on 22.06.07 by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (no. 144-XVI of 22.06.2007, OM no. 94-97/424 of 06.07.2007);

- The Law on renewable energy sources – adopted by the Parliament by the no.160-XIV of 12.07.2007;

- Strategy for evaluation of the renewable energy sources until 2010 and future perspective – was reviewed positively by the ministries and was presented to the Government for adoption;

- National programme for evaluation of the renewable energy sources for the years 2007-2010 – is adjusted to the Law on renewable energy sources and the indicators of the Energy strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2020;

- Energy strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2020.

The adjustment of the existing legal framework by introducing the amendments and supplements to the Code on science and innovation, Law of the Republic of Moldova (no.259-XV of 15 of July 2004) and Government Decision (no.361 of 27.03.03) on tax, fees and other customs duties exception had created the necessary conditions for the development of international grants and supported the creation in the Republic of Moldova of the Academic University and Academic Lyceum.


Undertake an assessment of the capacity of research structures in Moldova with a view to their integration in the European Research Area.

In the process of completion

The Partnership Agreement of the Government and SAM signed for the years 2005-2008 (GD no.80 of 28.01.05) provides the amount of finances and includes the strategic priorities for development in the area of science and innovation and establishes the responsibility of the relations between the parties.

According to the EU-Moldova Action Plan objectives on the basis of the Code on sciences and innovation (Law of the Republic of Moldova no.259-XV of 15 of July 2004) the radical reform of the organisation and management system of the science and innovation was made. The optimisation of the state institutions for research and innovation was made on the basis of the organisational benefits and research efficiency, performance results, in this way the number of organisations in the sphere of research and innovation was reduced form 101 to 38.


73. Develop Moldova’s capacity in technological R&D to support the economy and society

Reinforce human, material and institutional resources in order to improve the capacities in technological R&D and innovation including through INTAS, EUREKA and COST actions.

In the process of completion
The development of the Moldovan – INTAS (Belgium) programme for the years of 2005-2008 with the budget of 1 million Euro (20 INTAS projects) on the basis of the two Conventions signed on 9th of June 2005 between SAM and INTAS, the ratification of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and INTAS was possible, on 17.11.05, fact that allowed the implementation of the co - financing mechanism of the joint research programmes.
The Creation of the Agency Innovation and Technological Transfer (AITT) (SAM Assembly Decision of 29.10.2004) and the organisation starting with 2005 of the contests for projects on the technical development, high technologies and medicine, working of agricultural raw materials, organisation of international symposiums with the participation of the national and international experts and business men in order to initiate the infrastructures necessary for the implementation of the scientific results in the national economy.
The formation of the research personnel at the necessary level requested for the gradual integration in the European Research Area is made through the undergraduate and doctorate studies, as well as organisation of the seminars for young specialists.
With the objective to inform the specialists from the Republic of Moldova about the priority directions in the informational technologies, the perspectives and the opportunities for education, research and professional activity on 20.03.2007 the seminar “Perspectives and opportunities the young in the field of the informational technologies in Moldova”. On 22.02.2007 the common session of the SAM with the College of the Ministry of Education and Youth and the National Council for accrediting and attestation, during which the organisation of the doctorate studies, training of the scientific personnel of high qualification in the context of update and approximation to the European standards in the context of the Bologna Process. At the present moment the contest for admission to doctorate studies of young specialists was announced.


74. Support Moldova’s integration in high level scientific exchanges.

Reinforce Moldavian participation in international Marie Curie fellowships including support of the appropriate return mechanisms.

In the process of completion
The participation within the international scholarships programmes for young researchers involves the increase of the mobility of researchers, which requires the facilitation of issuing visas for them.
SAM is providing significant attention to the organisation of the seminars and information days on the international programmes with the participation of the local and foreign experts. In this context we mention:

1) The Conference of the Sciences Academies from the Est and South-Est Europe. “Global Science and National Policies: the Role of Academies”, 4-5 of May 2007.

2) The seminar on the Framework Programme 7 of the EU in the field of Research and Technical Development, organised by the SAM of Moldova with the support of the European Commission and the National Centre for Documentation from Athens, Greece in the framework of the NIS _NEST Project on 30th of March 2007 “Opportunities offered for the FP 7 of the EU in the field of research and development for the scientific community form the Est European States”, with the support of the Europeam Commission. At this event participated over 200 researchers from Moldova.

3) The 4th Conference “Ecologic Chemistry 2007”, organised by the Braunshwein University from Germany, in collaboration with the SAM department for the State Chemic and ecologic industry from Moldova, that will take place on 12-15 of November 2007.

4) During the week of the Centre on Scientific and Technological Development from Ukraine (SCTU) in Moldova, under the topic “Integration of the scientific community of the Republic of Moldova in the European Research and Innovation Area”, that took place on 28th – 2nd of May 2007, three new projects were obtained, which will be financed by the SCTU. At the present moment 5 projects supported by SCTU are running in the field of mathematics, informatics and nanotechnologies in medicine, with a total value of 603326 Euro.


Promote participation of Moldavian scientists in international debates and fora

In process of completion
In 2007 took place:

1) The Conference of the Science Academies from the Est and South-Est Europe “Global Science and National Policies: the Role of Academies”, 4-5 of May 2007.

2) The seminar on the Framework Programme 7 of the EU in the field of Research and Technical Development, organised by the SAM of Moldova with the support of the European Commission and the national Centre for Documentation from Athens, Greece in the framework of the NIS _NEST Project on 30th of March 2007 “Opportunities offered for the FP 7 of the EU in the field of research and development for the scientific community form the Est European States”, with the support of the EC Commission. At this event participated over 200 researchers from the Republic of Moldova.

3) The 4th Conference “Ecologic Chemistry 2007”, organised by the Braunshwein University from Germany, in collaboration with the SAM department for the State Chemic and ecologic industry from Moldova, that will take place on 12-15 of November 2007.

4) During the week of the Centre on Scientific and Technological Development from Ukraine (SCTU) in Moldova, under the topic “Integration of the scientific community of the Republic of Moldova in the European Research and Innovation Area”, that took place on 28th – 2nd of May 2007, three new projects were obtained, thaw will be financed by the SCTU. At the present moment 5 projects supported by SCTU are running in the field of mathematics, informatics and nanotechnologies in medicine, with a total value of 603326 Euro.

SAM is annually participating to the sessions of NATO’ Committee for Science. The Scientific and Technology Centre from Kiev, is financing two research projects in the field of nanotechnologies and informatics. The Ambassador Cesare de Montis, Head of the EC delegation in Chisinau, participated at the seminar “Cooperation with the EU countries” that took place on 22.11.06, at the SMA premises, at which the report on “New possibilities of integration in the European Community”. On 8th of December 2006, Daniel Descountures, representative of the Council of the EU within the FP 7 of the EU in the field of research and technologies development”.

On 3rd of May 2007 the Agreement for cooperation between the Academy of Science of Moldova and the Republican Fund on Fundamental Research from Belarus, with the aim to consolidate and develop the relations between researches of both countries: organisation of the joint programmes in the area of scientific research; common projects for the young researches and scientific manifestation: like seminars, conferences, congresses. The association of the Young researches from the Republic of Moldova “PRO – Science” became the representation of the EUROSCIENCE in the Republic of Moldova – open organisation for the researches, managers of sciences and innovation, doctors, engineers and interested scientists in technology and science from the public sector, universities, research institutes, business and industry.
The Secretariat of the Energetic Charter, SAM section for Physics and Engineering, the Institute of Energetic of SAM, Ministry of Industry, the Presidency of the Technical-scientific Association of the Republic of Moldova, Union of the Emigrations from Moldova, organised on 10-11 of May 2007, the international seminar “collaboration in the field of development of bioenergetics technologies” and the meeting of the Group of the Energetic Charter Secretariat in the field of trade and transit.
On 4-5th of May 2007, the conference of the SAM “Global Science and National Policies: the Role of Academies”, organised with the support of UNESCO and ICSU (International Council for Science), to which a communication was held by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Vladimir Voronin. At the seminar participated 45 scientists from 23 countries, namely Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Great Britain, France, Italy and Sweden.
In the framework of the development programme of the entrepreneurs in the technical and scientific fields, on 2nd of March 2007, the 5th working session of the National Partnership Club “science and business” took place, on the technology for producing biomass energetic sources.
The SAM participated at the organisation of the actions for the Week of Informational Technologies in the Republic of Moldova (23-30 of April 2007) and the international Conference BIT+ “Informational Technologies -2007”.


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