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Auto transport :

1 Auto transport:

1. Republic of Moldova adhered to 8 UN EEC Conventions and to 6 of them internal procedures for their entry in force is currently under way.

2. In June 2006 the terms of reference for the support in the preparation of the Transport Section Strategy were coordinated, financed by a trust fund implemented by the World Bank.

Railway transport:

1. The Programme and Scheme of development and arrangement of the railway transport of the Republic of Moldova until 2010 is currently implemented within the available financial means of the country.

Naval transport:

1. The implementation of the provisions of the Internal Code for naval security and port facilities (ISPS Code) as well as the International Code of management in safety exploitation of ships to prevent pollution (ISM Code).

2. Fulfilment by the state of the functions of overview and control as state-port and state-pavilion.


Develop an infrastructure policy (identifying capacity constraints, lack of inter-modal equipment and missing link infrastructure) in order to identify the priority infrastructure projects in various sectors.

The promotion of the national policy in the field of transport, in the part that deals with the development of the infrastructure is based on the implementation of the Concept on creation and development of the national network of international transport corridors (Governmental Decision no. 365 from 28th of March 2002).

As part of the General Plan for trans-European roads and railways developed in 2004-2005 under the ambit of the Economic Commission for Europe under the UN, three transport project have been estimated as the most important at European level, including the reconstruction of the railway Revaca – Cainari, reconstruction and modernisation of the railway and roads of the Moldovan section of the pan-European Corridor IX. This will contribute to the implementation of the Moldovan projects in the immediate perspective until year 2010, being taken into consideration the accomplishment in 2005 with national forces and means of the railway Revaca – Cainari.

Taking into account the huge costs which the reconstructions and maintenance of road infrastructures requires, as well as the limited resources of the budget, attempts have been made to attract foreign resources.

The project “the Cadastre of national roads and the creation of the automated system of real time bridge monitoring” is included in the National Programme of technical assistance for the years 2005-2006 approved by Governmental Decision no. 302 from 21st of March 2005.

Two regional projects have been developed, which have been discussed with the World Bank, as well as three projects within the cross border cooperation. Regional projects deal with the improvement of the circulation conditions in the public roads network. The first project targets the public roads network in Ialoveni and Hincesti districts, which combines with the national road Chisinau – Hincesti. The second project targets the public roads network of Balti, Telenesti and Sinegerei districts. The estimated sum for the proposes works on this sectors constitutes 22,9 mln. lei. The projects within the cross border cooperation presuppose the improvement of roads Chisinau – Hincesti, Hincesti - Leuseni and Leuseni - Leova, with costs of about 9,4 mln. USD. Until now there hasn’t been possible to identify financial means to finance the respective projects.

In 2005, part of the TACIS programme, works have started on the access road to the bridge over the Prut river at the Romanian border and at the border crossing point Lipcani.-Radauti. The conclusion of works is planned for November 2006. The reconstructions works of the bridge and the access road to it from the Romanian side have been delivered by the Romanian part through a PHARE programme.

At the meeting of the Working Group on transports Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organisation (BSECO) the data of signature of the Memorandum of Understanding for coordinated development of the Ring Road of the Black Sea was determined. The ceremony of signature took place on the 19th of April 2007, at Belgrade within the Reunion of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States to the BSECO.


Creation of a long-term and transparent system of road financing in order to ensure continued maintenance of the existent public road network.

The development of the strategy began in September 2006. During this period local experts have been designated, to examine various details, present the necessary information. The specialists of the Ministry were also involved in the process. 4 working meetings were organised on the analysis of the process of development and identification of necessary actions to be undertaken. Presently, the draft version of the Strategy is prepared in English. The draft is to be sent to various groups of experts specialised in different areas of transport.

On the 28th of February the consultant presented the part of the Strategy that deals with the development of the railway transport. The draft was examined by the by the experts of the ministry and on the 30th of march the comments were sent to the consultant.

Presently, translation of the part of the Strategy that deals with the development of roads is being made, which is to be examined by the experts in the field.

After the consultant will change the preliminary text, taking into account the proposals of the experts, the draft Strategy will be presented to the society at large for comments. It is planned that the final draft will be available for examination to the Government at the end of May 2007.

On the 10th of June a meeting took place at the MTRM with the participation of the leadership of the Ministry, the representative from the World Bank – Mr. Andreas Schliesser and the representatives of Getinsa company – responsible for the development of the Strategy in the field of transports. Presently, the updated version of the Strategy is developed (58 pages) and the analysis of the current situation (189 pages).

Additionally, the programme of economic analysis was presented, which includes different scenarios of repair works, as well as the visual analysis materials of the technical state of 4,000 km of national and local roads.

The text of the draft received comments with regard to the structure and contents, it was mentioned that the translation into Romanian and into English is not satisfactory.

With the purpose of improvement of the quality of the Strategy and speeding up of the process of development, the team should be changed. The new team arrived in Chisinau on the 20th of June. It was decided to prolong the period of delivery of the Strategy until the 30th of October 2007.

On the 3rd of May the Agreement of Credit and the Agreement of the Project on support to the programme in the field of roads was signed. Also, the action on the selection of the manager of the respective project took place, at which 20 foreign companies participated. The shortlist of six selected companies was presented to the World Bank to receive the approval.


Address issues of infrastructure financing (e.g. Public/Private Partnerships, tolls, shadow-tolling, user charges etc.) Possibly, EIB mandate extension.

The implementation of certain modern systems of evaluation of the technical status of roads and the optimisation of priorities of maintenance and repairs is an important element of the improvement of roads infrastructure Strategy. In this respect, three pilot-projects on maintenance of roads on the basis of contracts started to be implemented (J.S.C. Drumuri: Straseni, Orhei, Anenii Noi), as part of external technical assistance, granted by the Swedish Agency for International Development.

The mandate of the European Investment Bank (EIB) was extended to Republic of Moldova, nevertheless it is currently impossible to benefit from its assistance due to the contradictions between the conditions imposed by IMF and the Agreement signed with the Republic of Moldova.



Continue active participation in the development of the Pan-European Corridors and

Areas as well as in the TRACECA programme. Possibly, extension of EIB lending.

National experts have actively participated at the reunions of different specialised international organisations on the development of the corridors and Pan-European regions of transport, especially at the high level Working Sessions under the ambit of the European Commission on the extension of the big trans-European transport axes to the countries and regions neighbouring the EU. As a result, the connection of the transport network of the Republic of Moldova with the South-Eastern axe of the Black Sea region was coordinated. Also, as a result of the cooperation within TRACECA: i) the preliminary agreement of financing of the construction of the access roads to the internal passing point at Unguri (Moldova) – Bronita (Ukraine) was obtained; ii) terms of reference on the preparation of the feasibility study for the reconstruction of the road Chisinau – Giurgiulesti are under development.



Implement selected measures and reforms in the road transport sector

Adoption of transparent regulatory processes regarding the award of licenses and introduction of mandatory driving times and rest periods complying with international standards.

With the purpose of approximation of national norms in the field of auto transport to the international and European standards, the International Treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is not a party to have been identified, the national authorities being now in the process of examination of the possibilities of adherence to them. Particularly, it is to be mentioned that the Republic of Moldova has ratified through Law no. 246-XVI from 21st of October 2005 the Agreement on occasional passenger international transport by means of vehicles and buses (the INTERBUS Agreement) and which entered into force for the Republic of Moldova on the 1st of April 2006.

By the Governmental Decision no. 456 from 24.04.2007 the Regulation on the implementation of the Agreement on occasional passenger international transport by means of vehicles and buses (the INTERBUS Agreement), signed at Bruxelles on the 28th of September 2000, was adopted.

A list of new technologies to increase the level of road circulation security and to ensure ecological circulation with transport means, have been implemented; some of them are: technical testing of vehicles and trailers, their refurbishment and certification, training and continuing education of the auto transport field personnel, instalment of the control equipment of the working and rest hours of the drivers in accordance with the AERT Agreement and evaluation of products and services conformity in the field of auto transport.

Republic of Moldova adhered to the European Agreement on Large European Roads “E-AGR” by means of adopting the Law no. 17-XVI from 10th of February 2006, endorsed by the Presidential Decree no. 465-IV from 27th of February 2006.

The draft Governmental Decision on the working and rest hours of passenger transport teams was developed and sent for endorsement to the Ministry of Justice, which ultimately will be sent to the Government for evaluation and approval.

The internal procedures on the entry into force of the UN EEC Conventions:

  • The European Agreement additional to the Convention on transport on roads, adopted at Geneva on the 1st of May 1971;

  • The Agreement on the adoption of uniform conditions on periodic technical inspections of road vehicles and their reciprocal recognition from 1997;

  • The Protocol to the Convention on the international passenger and goods transport contract from 5th of July 1978

  • The Protocol amending article 1 a), article 14 (1) and article 14 (3) (b) of the European Agreement of 30th of September 1957 on international transports of hazardous materials from 28th of October 1993

  • The Agreement on the international transports of perishable foodstuffs and on the specially designated transport means for these transports from 1st of September 1970.

Republic of Moldova joined the Agreement on the adoption of uniform conditions on periodic technical inspections of road vehicles and their reciprocal recognition, with subsequent amendments by means of the Law no. 122-XVI from 11th of May 2007.


Develop a road safety action plan (including dangerous goods transport and roadworthiness) for improving road safety.

The experts of the MTRM developed a plan on security of vehicle traffic that was sent to the experts of the European Union at the Reunion of the 4th Subcommittee (Bruxelles, 4th of May 2006), but until now no comment was received over the specified plan. In the second quarter of 2006 the Action Plan for the improvement of security of vehicle traffic until 2009 was jointly developed by the experts of MTRM, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, which was subsequently approved by Governmental Decision no. 1039 from 6th of September 2006.

A system of 11 training and continuing education Centres was created for the auto transport personnel. The draft Governmental Decision on the activity of the passenger transport teams was developed and it is under the national approval procedures.

The draft Governmental Decision amending the Governmental Decision no. 1047 from 08.11.1999 was developed and was sent for approval to the Government, which provides for compulsory control all vehicles and trailers in the country.



Implement selected measures and reforms in the railway transport sector

Improve the average running time of freight trains on selected corridors by an in-depth corridor analysis, identifying bottlenecks and proposing solutions.

As a result of the cooperation between the experts of the Ministry and the Office of the Trans-European Railway Project, 2 railway projects: rehabilitation of the railway Revaca – Cainari and rehabilitation of the Moldovan part of railway of the Pan-European Corridor IX have been evaluated as of primary priority on European level and have been included in the General Development Plan of the trans-European railway for the years 2005-2020.

The delivery of the railway construction line Revaca – Cainari with a length of 45 km and its usage starting with 01.10.2005 has ensured: i) the connection on the territory of the Republic of Moldova of the Pan-European Corridor IX, the thoroughfare CE-95 and E-560, ii) decrease of the traffic distance on the national railway network with 70 km and reduction of the time in circulation of trains with 2 hours, iii) uninterrupted circulation of international cargo trains on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, notwithstanding the impediments created by the illegal authorities in the transnestrian region for the railway traffic on the Eastern parts of the Moldovan railway.

In the first half of the year 2006 work have been undertaken for a project at the level of feasibility study for the construction of the railway Marculesti – Soroca and further to Iampoli (Ukraine) and the rehabilitation of the railway passage Basarabeasca (Republic of Moldova) – Berezino (Ukraine) as Eastern emergency exists between the railways of Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

During May – June 2007 the preparations for the construction of the part of the railway Cahul – Giurgiulesti have started. The feasibility study of the project of construction of the part of railway Cahul – Giurgiulesti was finalised. The preliminary delivery dates are December 2008.


Improve safety, speed and efficiency (interoperability) of rail transport services.

Two railway projects “The implementation of the Suw 2000 technology of automated transfer from a 1520 mm gauge to the European one of 1435 mm at the Moldovan – Romanian border (the Ungheni station)” and “the training of railway personnel for the implementation of the advanced restructuring process of the Moldovan Railways” were developed and included into the National Programme of technical assistance for the years 2005-2006, adopted by the Governmental Decision no. 302 from 21.03.2005.

For the purpose of improvement of the interoperability of the conventional national railway with the European ones, within the Process of South-Eastern Cooperation, the Inter-ministerial Agreement on the development of a railway network of high performance in the South-Eastern Europe was signed on the 04.05.2006 (approved by Governmental Decision no. 1403 from 11.12.2006), the South-Eastern axe no. 13 was identified as priority development on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.



Implement selected measures and reforms in the aviation sector

Pursuit of a national aviation policy for the development of the sector (including a vision on the reform of the market structure).

On the 22nd of August 2007 the Government adopted the draft “Strategy for Civil Aviation Development for the years 2007-2012”. The draft was positively and constructively appreciated by the members of Government and received positive endorsement from the Civil Aviation Patronage of the Republic of Moldova.


Revision of bilateral service agreements with Member states with a view to include Community standard clauses.


On the 11th of April 2006 at Luxemburg the horizontal Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on certain aspects of air services was signed. Presently, the national procedure on the amendment of the respective agreement was initiated.


Solution of pending issues with Member States regarding the implementation of bilateral agreements.

All deficiencies have been solved


Enhance administrative and technical capacity to become full JAA member. Explore possibilities to participate in EASA and for involvement in the Single European Sky.

The audit of the JAA experts took place between 2nd and 6th of April 2007, which verified the correspondence of the aeronautical legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the field of flight certification, navigation and operation standards and norms to the European ones. On the 6th of April 2007 the audit group presented the initial report on the results of the audit, by which it mentioned with satisfaction that the standards and norms of the Republic of Moldova in the field of aviation are similar to the European ones. The final report will be presented to the Council of the Directors General of the JAA Member States in September 2007 with the proposal to offer the Republic of Moldova the status of member with full rights, starting with 1st of January 2008.

The continuation of active participation at the EASA working sessions with the aim to determine the subsequent status of the Republic of Moldova after full membership at JAA.

The National Plan on convergence with and implementation of LCIP for years 2006-2010 in the field of air traffic control and usage of air space in accordance with the ECIP strategy of EUROCONTROL was developed, adopted and is under implementation.


Co-operate on aviation security matters (common rules to combat international terrorism).

The Law on Aeronautic Safety was adopted by the Parliament on the 7th of April 2007 and entered in force on the 22nd of June 2007, after is publication in the Monitorul Oficial



Implement selected measures and reforms in the maritime and inland waterway sectors

Implement relevant international maritime conventions (including IMO).

Republic of Moldova adhered to the following Conventions of the International Maritime Organisation:

- The International Convention on protection of the life of humans on sea from 1974 (SOLAS-74) and the Protocol to it from 1988;

- The International Convention on the prevention of pollution by vessels from 1973 and the Protocol to it from 1978 (MARPOL 73/78);

- The International Convention on the uploading lines from 1966 (LL 1966) and the Protocol to it from 1988;

- The International Convention on the International Rules on prevention of collisions at sea from 1972 (COLREG 1972);

- The International Convention on the measurement of the vessels’ weight from 1969 (TONNAGE 1969);

- The International Convention on standards training, certification and watch keeping for seafarers (STCW 1978) and the Seafarers Training, Certification and watch keeping Code (STCW Code) from 1995;

- The International Convention on civil liability for damages caused by pollution with hydrocarbons from 1992 (CLC 1992).

Also, Republic of Moldova adhered to the following Conventions of the International Labour Organisation:

- no.92 on accommodation of crews (revised), 1949;

- no.133 on accommodation of crews (supplementary provisions), 1970;

- no. 185 on seafarers’ Identity Documents (revised);

- no.152 on occupational safety and health at dock work, 1979.

It also adhered to the following conventions:

- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , 10th of December 1982, Montiago Bay (Jamaica), and

- the Agreement on the application of the 11th part of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 28th of July 1994.

Application of the provisions of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the Resolution A.739 (18) IMO:

- Signature of bilateral agreements between the Ministry of Transport and Roads Management and classification societies in France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain

- Bilateral Agreements have been delivered and coordinated with the interested parties between the Ministry of Transport of Roads Management and the classification societies on delivery of empowerments to provide services of vessels classification under the pavilion of the Republic of Moldova (4 classification societies: Bureau Veritas – France, Germanischer Lloyd – Germany, Hellenic Register of Shipping Greece, Polish Register of Shipping – Poland).

- Bilateral agreements have been signed with the classification societies Shipping Register of Ukraine – Ukraine, Maritime Bureau of Shipping – Cyprus, Bulgarian Register of Shipping – Bulgaria.


Pursue effective enforcement in the areas of Port State Control and Flag State Control implementation as well as resolutions of the IMO’s Maritime Environment Protection Committee on Tanker Safety.

For the purpose of implementation of the mentioned conventions through the Governmental Decision no. 1128 from 29th of September 2006 the public institution “the Principal of the Giurgiulesti Port” was created, which exercises the functions of oversight and control from the part of the state-port and state-pavilion. Also, through the Governmental Decision no. 1128 from 29th of September 2006 the public national body “State Enterprise Naval Registry” was created, which exercises the functions of oversight of the technical status of the fluvial vessels. Adherence to a list of international legal instruments and the creation of a responsible national body will contribute the development of the naval transport branch of the Republic of Moldova and to the improvement of the level of naval security under the pavilion of the Republic of Moldova.


Pursuit of a national inland waterway transport policy for the development of the sector (including a vision on the upgrading of the national fleet) and the establishment of effective administrative capacity.

- Arrangement of the navigable internal waterways for navigation (Nistru, Prut rivers) with the neighbouring countries;

- signature of bilateral governmental agreements on navigation on internal navigable waterways with neighbouring countries.

The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Romania was signed on the navigation on internal navigable waterways, on the 1st of November 2005, at Bucharest, which entered into force on the 16th of May 2006

On 14th of March 2006, in Kiev, Ukraine, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was signed on the navigation on internal navigable waterways. The respective agreement was approved by the Governmental Decision no. 417 from 21st of April 2006.

At the meeting of the working group in the field of transport of Organisation for Economic Development of the Black Sea (OEDBS) it was settled the date of the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on the development of the Naval Transport Network in the region of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea. The ceremony took place on the 19th of April 2007, at Belgrade as part of the Reunion of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of OEDBS


Co-operate with the EU with a view to aligning maritime safety policies based on measures agreed with the framework of the relevant International Organisations.

The Government the Republic of Moldova approved the Decisions on the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Code from 2002 (ISPS Code) through the Governmental Decision no. 955 from 18th of August 2006, as well as the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) through the Governmental Decision no. 977 from 28th of August 2006.
During 25-27th of June 2007 training took place on the implementation of the provisions of the ISPS Code through the mission of an TAIEX expert from the European Commission.



Prepare an updated energy policy document with an indication of financing sources and a timetable for implementation.

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