Národní knihovna ČR, Knihovnický institut, studijní a informační oddělení, Klementinum 190, 110 01 Praha 1

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Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/LM-08-2012-0049

Aktualizovat: 2013-12-01

Přístupové číslo: 201311439

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1463004925

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1463004925?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 166 z 318
Building Lot and Location for the Library Building

Autor: Niegaard, Hellen 1 1 The Danish Library Association Kodan, Dansko

Informace o publikaci: Kniznica 14.7-8 (0, 2013): 4-7.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Continuing the series of articles dedicated to library architecture, this time the focus is on construction lot and location for new library building with considerations for the appropriate external and internal areas of the future library building, attractiveness of the surroundings and acquiring of new patrons. The author wages in the general considerations and specific 'city-planner' considerations, which are necessary for choosing the proper location for the new library building (central location, the decentralised location, co-locations, the integrated library) but also basic criteria need to be met answered as well, these are needed for successful functioning of library (visibility of the library itself, accessibility, exterior spaces, future oriented location). Some general questions are raised in the end of the article, which can be helpful while considering the cost effectiveness of new library building, Is the site appropriate for a library given its function and clientele?, Is the site conveniently located to the population served by the library? Are there existing structures on the site that must be demolished? Will the site provide visibility of the building and its function from the street? Will the site provide adequate traffic flow and safe access for all vehicles plus pedestrians? Will a library be an appropriate use of the land parcel in question? Are there liabilities or nuisance factors to adjacent properties and their activities? This article is a translation into Slovak of a chapter from IFLA Library Building Guidelines: Development &reflections, 2007. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; Location; Architecture;


Název: Building Lot and Location for the Library Building

Alternativní titul: Stavebny Pozemok a Lokalita pre Vystavbu Budovy Kniznice

Autor: Niegaard, Hellen11 The Danish Library Association Kodan, Dansko

Autor korepondence: Niegaard, Hellen  

Název publikace: Kniznica

Svazek: 14

Číslo: 7-8

Strany: 4-7


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Slovenska narodna kniznica, Martin, Slovak Republic

ISSN: 1335-7026

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Slovak

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-01-01

Přístupové číslo: 201400452

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496968503

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496968503?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 167 z 318
The Ideal Location of Library Building within University Area. Two Successful Project from Abroad

Autor: Stasselova, Silvia 1 1 Veduca Kniznice a informacneho centra SvF STU, Bratislava predsednicka Spolku slovenskych knihovnikov silvia.stasselova@stuba.sk

Informace o publikaci: Kniznica 14.7-8 (0, 2013): 7-13.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The issues of finding the ideal location of library building within university area in regard to high traffic of active users as well as the positive influence of the central location of the library for attracting potential new patrons. The issues are reviewed in examples of two unique architectural solutions from libraries abroad, TU Delft Library (Netherlands) and National technology library in Prague, which is located in CVUT (Ceske vysoke uceni technicke). Brief histories of both libraries, theunique architectural solutions of its buildings, the way these libraries work and the services provided to patrons are mentioned. A photo gallery of exterior and interior shots of both libraries is added for better illustration. In the end there are notable mentions of interesting projects of several Slovak university libraries. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; University libraries; Location; Architecture;


Název: The Ideal Location of Library Building within University Area. Two Successful Project from Abroad

Alternativní titul: Idealne Umiestnenie Budovy Kniznice v Ramci Univerzitneho Arealu. Dva Uspesne Projekty zo Zahranicnej Praxe

Autor: Stasselova, Silvia11 Veduca Kniznice a informacneho centra SvF STU, Bratislava predsednicka Spolku slovenskych knihovnikov silvia.stasselova@stuba.sk

Autor korepondence: Stasselova, Silvia  

E-mailová adresa autora: silvia.stasselova@stuba.sk

Název publikace: Kniznica

Svazek: 14

Číslo: 7-8

Strany: 7-13


et stránek: 7

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Slovenska narodna kniznica, Martin, Slovak Republic

ISSN: 1335-7026

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Slovak

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-01-01

Přístupové číslo: 201400453

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496968539

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496968539?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 168 z 318
Smart space technology innovations

Autor: Chen, Mu-Yen 1 ; Lughofer, Edwin David 1 Department of Information Management, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

Informace o publikaci: Library Hi Tech 31.2 (0, 2013): 197-200.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Purpose -- The purpose of this paper is to introduce the theme issue on "Smart space technology innovations". Design/methodology/approach -- This editorial discusses the innovation concepts and advantages of smart space. The technologies of smart space and its application also are discussed. The editorial surveys the latest literature and research papers submitted to this special issue about smart space and technology in Library Hi Tech. Findings -- Smart space has novel design and implementation perspectives for traditional information systems. Smart space depends not only on ambient intelligence and context-aware computing techniques, but also on overall information architecture. Therefore, smart space innovation may have wide implications for academic and practice of library and information systems. Research limitations/implications -- The paper discusses opportunities and challenges that smart space will bring. Its discusses the research of the papers submitted to this special issue on these topics. Originality/value -- The research issues of smart space are occurring at international conferences and in journal papers. The focal point on the techniques and applications for library and information systems is primary original and novel. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library technology; Space; Architecture;


Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: Smart space Smart living Information technology Context-aware Innovation Information systems

URL: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

Název: Smart space technology innovations

Autor: Chen, Mu-Yen1 ; Lughofer, Edwin David1 Department of Information Management, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

Autor korepondence: Chen, Mu-Yen  

Název publikace: Library Hi Tech

Svazek: 31

Číslo: 2

Strany: 197-200


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Bradford UK

ISSN: 0737-8831

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/07378831311329004

Aktualizovat: 2014-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201401381

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496969638

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496969638?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 169 z 318
Libraries as coworking spaces: Understanding user motivations and perceived barriers to social learning

Autor: Bilandzic, Mark 1 ; Foth, Marcus 1 Urban Informatics Research Lab, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Informace o publikaci: Library Hi Tech 31.2 (0, 2013): 254-273.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Purpose -- This paper aims to inform design strategies for smart space technology to enhance libraries as environments for coworking and informal social learning. The focus is on understanding user motivations, behaviour, and activities in the library when there is no programmed agenda. Design/methodology/approach -- The study analyses gathered data over five months of ethnographic research at The Edge -- a "bookless" library space at the State Library of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, that is explicitly dedicated to coworking, social learning, peer collaboration, and creativity around digital culture and technology. Findings -- The results present five personas that embody people's main usage patterns as well as motivations, attitudes, and perceived barriers to social learning. It appears that most users work individually or within pre-organised groups, but usually do not make new connections with co-present, unacquainted users. Based on the personas, four hybrid design dimensions are suggested to improve the library as a social interface for shared learning encounters across physical and digital spaces. Originality/value -- The findings in this paper offer actionable knowledge for managers, decision makers, and designers of technology-enhanced library spaces and similar collaboration and coworking spaces. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Cooperative learning; Libraries; Ethnography; User behaviour; Space;


Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: Library as a place Technology enhanced learning Library 2.0 Commons 2.0 Coworking Urban informatics Libraries User studies Australia Learning

URL: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

Název: Libraries as coworking spaces: Understanding user motivations and perceived barriers to social learning

Autor: Bilandzic, Mark1 ; Foth, Marcus1 Urban Informatics Research Lab, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Autor korepondence: Bilandzic, Mark  

Název publikace: Library Hi Tech

Svazek: 31

Číslo: 2

Strany: 254-273


et stránek: 20

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Bradford UK

ISSN: 0737-8831

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/07378831311329040

Aktualizovat: 2014-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201401379

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496969851

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496969851?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 170 z 318
Public Libraries in Historical Buildings. Main Advantages in the 21st Century -- Insights from Theory and Practice

Autor: Stasselova, Silvia 1 1 Veduca Kniznice a informacneho centra SvF STU, Bratislava predsednicka Spolku slovenskych knihovnikov silvia.stasselova@stuba.sk

Informace o publikaci: Kniznica 14.9 (0, 2013): 12-18.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: During previous trips abroad and study visits, the author had the opportunity to visit several public libraries that provide their services in historic buildings. She shares her impressions of these buildings from the U.S., Canada, Croatia and Hungary and includes photographs of them. The Libraries are: 1) The New York Public Library, 2) The Bibliotheque Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Quebec, 3) The City Library in Pula, Hungary, and 4) the Regional and City Library in Eger, Hungary. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; Architecture; Hungary; Canada; USA; Library buildings;

Klasifikace: 7.0: LIBRARY BUILDINGS

Název: Public Libraries in Historical Buildings. Main Advantages in the 21st Century -- Insights from Theory and Practice

Alternativní titul: Verejne Kniznice v Historickych Budovach: Hlavne Vyhody v 21. Storoci -- Postrehy z Teorie a Praxe

Autor: Stasselova, Silvia11 Veduca Kniznice a informacneho centra SvF STU, Bratislava predsednicka Spolku slovenskych knihovnikov silvia.stasselova@stuba.sk

Autor korepondence: Stasselova, Silvia  

E-mailová adresa autora: silvia.stasselova@stuba.sk

Název publikace: Kniznica

Svazek: 14

Číslo: 9

Strany: 12-18


et stránek: 7

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Slovenska narodna kniznica, Martin, Slovak Republic

ISSN: 1335-7026

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Slovak

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201401377

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496970061

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496970061?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 171 z 318
Reinventing Classroom Space to Re-Energise Information Literacy Instruction

Autor: Julian, Suzanne 1 1 Brigham Young University suzanne_julian@byu.edu

Informace o publikaci: Journal of Information Literacy 7.1 (0, 2013): 69-82.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Librarians in academic settings spend a significant amount of time teaching students information literacy skills. Teachers adapt their teaching activities to the constraints of the physical setting of the classroom. Brigham Young University's Harold B. Lee Library modified a classroom from a traditional lecture room to a room where the seating was mobile. The teachers and students were observed and surveyed to see if the change in physical environment impacted the teaching style or learning activities used. The findings indicate that teachers use familiar routines and lessons in both a traditional lecture-style classroom and a newly-designed flexible learning space as they present information literacy instruction. Teachers who recognised that students benefited from learning activities where they were active participants were more likely to incorporate small changes to their lesson plans. The classroom design can re-energise instruction if the teacher adapts their teaching style to the more flexible learning environment. Adapted from the source document

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Information literacy; Interior design; Academic libraries; Renovation;


Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: library instruction information literacy flexible learning space computer classroom design classroom environment collaborative learning active learning teaching techniques Apple iPad

URL: http://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/JIL/index

Název: Reinventing Classroom Space to Re-Energise Information Literacy Instruction

Autor: Julian, Suzanne11 Brigham Young University suzanne_julian@byu.edu

Autor korepondence: Julian, Suzanne  

E-mailová adresa autora: suzanne_julian@byu.edu

Název publikace: Journal of Information Literacy

Svazek: 7

Číslo: 1

Strany: 69-82


et stránek: 14

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Information Literacy

ISSN: 1750-5968

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11645/7.1.1720

Aktualizovat: 2014-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201401386

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496970077

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496970077?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 172 z 318
Providing Effective Leadership for an Academic Library Building Project

Autor: Morgan, Anna Beth 1 1 Union University, Jackson, Tennessee

Informace o publikaci: Tennessee Libraries 63.2 (0, 2013).

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Union University, located in Jackson, Tennessee, was founded in 1823. Since then, it has had several libraries but never a freestanding, brand new building constructed specifically to serve as the campus library. With its bicentennial is just ten years away, the university plans to construct the first freestanding library building are well underway. In this article, the author, the library's director discusses tips for planning the construction of a new library building. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; Planning; University libraries; Guidelines;


URL: http://www.tnla.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1 & subarticlenbr=16

Název: Providing Effective Leadership for an Academic Library Building Project

Autor: Morgan, Anna Beth11 Union University, Jackson, Tennessee

Autor korepondence: Morgan, Anna Beth  

Název publikace: Tennessee Libraries

Svazek: 63

Číslo: 2

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Tennessee Library Association, Memphis, TN

ISSN: 1935-7052

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201401388

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1496970416

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1496970416?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 173 z 318
Media Commons: the process and value of centralizing services

Autor: Mestre, Lori S 1 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA

Informace o publikaci: Library Hi Tech 31.4 (0, 2013): 669-687.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Purpose -- This paper aims to provide details of a collaborative campus effort that created a Media Commons at an undergraduate library at a major research university to provide students and faculty opportunities to experiment with emerging technologies, with expanded opportunities to learn of best practices in educational technology. Design/methodology/approach -- This is a case study that used a web survey, focus groups, usage statistics, and interviews to determine the needs and best practices for creating and maintaining the Media Commons. Findings -- Preliminary results indicate that this program provides value to students and faculty seeking to learn about and use multimedia for coursework and projects. It confirms the gap on campus for places students can go for loanable technology and consultation services in the production and editing of multimedia. Research limitations/implications -- Because the Media Commons just launched there has not had a programmatic evaluation yet to assess the impact of this program. However, based on initial feedback, suggestions for improvements in the program are included. Practical implications -- The rationale, process and efforts described in this paper can be replicated by other institutions that are interested in creating a Media Commons. Originality/value -- Although there are many articles written about Learning Commons and Information Commons, there is not much available that documents the efforts of creating a Media Commons at a library and the rationale for centralizing and freely making available campus multimedia expertise and equipment. Adapted from the source document.

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