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Alternativní titul: Un 'Idea Store' a Piacenza?

Autor: Maltoni, Ilaria

Autor korepondence: Maltoni, Ilaria  

Název publikace: Biblioteche Oggi

Svazek: 31

Číslo: 10

Strany: 35-42


et stránek: 8

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Editrice Bibliografica SpA

ISSN: 0392-8586

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: Italian

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-03-01

Přístupové číslo: 201502342

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1660011762

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1660011762?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 233 z 318
Shelf to Shelf: Moving a Small Academic Library

Autor: de Souza, Yvonne 1 1 Columbia College, Vancouver

Informace o publikaci: Feliciter 59.6 (December 2013): 51-53.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Our library at Columbia College in Vancouver was scheduled to move to a new building just after mid-April 2013, and we were expected to be fully operational for the start of the summer semester on May 9, 2013. We were only able to close the library, flag the collection, and pack items in public areas at the end of the semester. Apart from our electronic resources, we have approximately thirty thousand print volumes. Lessons from our experience may help other small libraries anticipating a move. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Academic libraries; Removals to new buildings; Planning; Guidelines;


Název: Shelf to Shelf: Moving a Small Academic Library

Autor: de Souza, Yvonne11 Columbia College, Vancouver

Autor korepondence: de Souza, Yvonne  

Název publikace: Feliciter

Svazek: 59

Číslo: 6

Strany: 51-53


et stránek: 3

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Canadian Library Association, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

ISSN: 0014-9802

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-09-01

Přístupové číslo: 201506448

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1708522554

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1708522554?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 234 z 318
Media Lounge Was Popular With Users

Autor: Lappinen, Osmo 1 ; Hirvonen-Kantola, Sari; Rastas, Aleksi; Kytomaki, Paivi; Hentila, Helka-Liisa 1 Oulu yliopiston kirjasto osmo.lappinen@oulu.fi

Informace o publikaci: Signum  2 (0, 2014): 5-9.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The University of Oulu's Faculty of Architecture Library space in Finland has been transformed into a third generation working environment, the Media lounge. It was designed and implemented together with the students for their information, computing and communication needs. This article discusses the users' orientation as a starting point, the idea of the flexible work environment, the objectives of flexibility and transparency, the tripling of the users and the changing status of the library. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: University libraries; Architecture; Space; User behaviour; Finland;


Název: Media Lounge Was Popular With Users

Alternativní titul: Media lounge sai kayttajien suosion

Autor: Lappinen, Osmo1 ; Hirvonen-Kantola, Sari; Rastas, Aleksi; Kytomaki, Paivi; Hentila, Helka-Liisa1 Oulu yliopiston kirjasto osmo.lappinen@oulu.fi

Autor korepondence: Lappinen, Osmo  

E-mailová adresa autora: osmo.lappinen@oulu.fi

Název publikace: Signum

Číslo: 2

Strany: 5-9


et stránek: 5

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Finnish Research Library Association, Helsinki, Finland

ISSN: 0355-0036

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: Finnish

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-11-01

Přístupové číslo: 201410304

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1622284482

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1622284482?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 235 z 318
Showing Color - Putting Green Libraries on the Agenda / Ecology Scores Points with the Public - Even Small Steps Lead to Success

Autor: Hauke, Petra 1 1 Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin petra.hauke@hu-berlin.de

Informace o publikaci: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information 66.1 (0, 2014): 64-68.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: What a paradox: The energy efficiency standards for buildings, which have been in effect in Germany since 2007, are often held up as exemplary and an object of pride in other countries. And yet, at home -- at least for libraries -- the image bonus and multiplier effect of implementing a 'green' concept for a library facility, its operations and services, is hardly mentioned. The idea of a 'green library' is just beginning to take off in Germany. Along with the first lectures at the national library convention or the library science colloquium in Berlin, the Stuttgart Media University (HdM) is at least offering one course with the title 'The Green Library' in the winter semester 2013-2014. But there is still much to be done. Libraries both public and academic could at least advertise what they already doing and thereby score some points for practicing waste separation, using recycling paper, offering organic products in their cafeterias, or putting photovoltaic panels on the roof, for obtaining a European Union certificate for sustainable environmental management or getting the German Certificate of Sustainable Building. Further opportunities include participation in the annual German Action Week for Sustainability, which could be easily integrated into a library program in cooperation with partners like the Association for Environment and Conservation in Germany. In addition, an in-house brainstorming session among staff members could help motivate more activities, the local Friends of the Library association could become involved, and - taking advantage of demographic change experts among local senior citizens, the so-called Generation Plus, could be brought on board for new projects. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Sustainable development; Libraries; Trends; Planning;


Název: Showing Color - Putting Green Libraries on the Agenda / Ecology Scores Points with the Public - Even Small Steps Lead to Success

Alternativní titul: Farbe bekennen - Grune Bibliotheken auf die Agenda!: Mit okologischem Engagement in der Offentlichkeit punkten / Auch kleine Schritte fuhren zum Erfolg

Autor: Hauke, Petra11 Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin petra.hauke@hu-berlin.de

Autor korepondence: Hauke, Petra  

E-mailová adresa autora: petra.hauke@hu-berlin.de

Název publikace: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information

Svazek: 66

Číslo: 1

Strany: 64-68


et stránek: 5

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Bock + Herchen Verlag, Bad Honnef Germany

ISSN: 0340-0301

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: German

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-12-01

Přístupové číslo: 201411175

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1629324166

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1629324166?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 236 z 318
About Libraries in the Press

Autor: Zaremba, Malgorzata 1 1 WiMBP w Rzeszowie

Informace o publikaci: Bibliotekarz  4 (0, 2014): 29-32.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The renovation of the rental home of the Provincial and Municipal Public Library in Rzesowie, Poland, lasted from September 2012 to April 2013. The renovation of lasted long with a few reasons. One reason was the need to replace the old aluminum electrical installations because of safety. They also changed the information system and books were reclassified. The result of these actions is direct access to the books for readers. The main rental was the only one for WiMBP in Rzeszow that did not have free access by patrons to the shelves. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Renovation; Public libraries;


Název: About Libraries in the Press

Alternativní titul: O BIBLIOTEKACH W PRASIE

Autor: Zaremba, Malgorzata11 WiMBP w Rzeszowie

Autor korepondence: Zaremba, Malgorzata  

Název publikace: Bibliotekarz

Číslo: 4

Strany: 29-32


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, Warsaw, Poland

ISSN: 0208-4333

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Polish

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-01-01

Přístupové číslo: 201500647

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1641421665

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1641421665?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 237 z 318
The Creation of a Media Library in Plock

Autor: [Unknown]

Informace o publikaci: Bibliotekarz  2 (0, 2014): 51.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: In 2015 in Plock, Poland, the construction of the media library, a modern building with reading rooms, rental books and Multicentrum, is to begin. The facility will be part of the existing Library of Plock. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; Library buildings; Architecture;


Název: The Creation of a Media Library in Plock

Alternativní titul: W Plocku powstanie mediateka

Autor: [Unknown]

Autor korepondence: [Unknown]  

Název publikace: Bibliotekarz

Číslo: 2

Strany: 51


et stránek: 1

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, Warsaw, Poland

ISSN: 0208-4333

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Polish

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-01-01

Přístupové číslo: 201500648

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1641421731

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1641421731?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 238 z 318
'There and Back Again': Reimagining the Public Library for the Twenty-First Century

Autor: Carroll, Mary; Reynolds, Sue

Informace o publikaci: Library Trends 62.3 (January 2014): 581-595.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The redefining of the scope and function of the public library in the twenty-first century, and reconstruction of the virtual and physical space it occupies, appear to have taken public libraries on a journey to 'there and back again.' In some of the debates surrounding contemporary challenges, we can discern echoes from previous generations as they too debated the primary role of the public library in the community, the nature and purpose of services and resources provided, and the best way to meet community needs. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, many of the solutions reached by twenty-first century libraries have much in common with the solutions of previous generations. Reflecting early public library activities, today's responses include the introduction of nonstandard classification schemes; the expansion of programs to enhance recreational and educational pursuits; the integration of multiple community services within the library; and provision of a variety of community learning, creative, and recreational spaces. Using the development of public libraries in Australia as a case study, and a critical narrative approach, this paper will argue that the vision for the function and purpose of the public library in the twenty-first century is not a new one but, perhaps unconsciously, a return to historical foundations. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; Architecture; Future developments;


URL: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/

Název: 'There and Back Again': Reimagining the Public Library for the Twenty-First Century

Autor: Carroll, Mary; Reynolds, Sue

Autor korepondence: Carroll, Mary  

Název publikace: Library Trends

Svazek: 62

Číslo: 3

Strany: 581-595


et stránek: 15

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD

ISSN: 0024-2594

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201501516

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1650140861

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1650140861?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 239 z 318
European Capital of Culture 2013 A Public Library: Jana Bocatia

Autor: Kernerova, Klara 1 1 Verejna kniznica Jana Bocatia, Kosice kernerova@vkjb.sk

Informace o publikaci: Kniznica 15.1 (0, 2014): 38-42.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The prestigious title of European Capital of Culture (European Capital of Culture below) awarded by the European Commission and the European Parliament since 1985. Gradually, it has become one of the most popular projects of the European Union, not only due to the high population of European countries, but also for the positive socio-economic impact on the development of cities and regions. The main goal is to emphasize the role of culture in the transformation of European cities and reinforcing European identity. The context of the European Capital of Culture 2013 was extraordinary for the Public Library of John Bocatia because EU funding enabled it to implement two special projects: an extension of the central libraries and reconstruction Barkoczy palace in which they are located specialized departments. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; Funding; Renovation; Projects;


Název: European Capital of Culture 2013 A Public Library: Jana Bocatia


Autor: Kernerova, Klara11 Verejna kniznica Jana Bocatia, Kosice kernerova@vkjb.sk

Autor korepondence: Kernerova, Klara  

E-mailová adresa autora: kernerova@vkjb.sk

Název publikace: Kniznica

Svazek: 15

Číslo: 1

Strany: 38-42


et stránek: 5

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Slovenska narodna kniznica, Martin, Slovak Republic

ISSN: 1335-7026

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Slovak

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201501517

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1650140886

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1650140886?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 240 z 318
Der neue Lesesaal der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Kultur, Architektur, Forschung, Herausgegeben von der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz [The New Reading Room of the State Library at Berlin - Prussian Cultural Asset. Culture, Architecture, Research]

Autor: Cope, R L; Cope, R L

Informace o publikaci: Australian Library Journal 63.4 (January 2014): 335-336.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Book review abstract. Der neue Lesesaal der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Kultur, Architektur, Forschung, Herausgegeben von der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz [The new reading room of the state library at Berlin - Prussian cultural asset. Culture, architecture, research]. Berlin: Nicholai Verlag, 2013, 95pp., 20.00 Euros (soft cover). ISBN: 978-3-89470-778-2. Reviewed by R.L. Cope. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; State libraries; Architecture;

Klasifikace: 1.11: BOOK REVIEWS

Název: Der neue Lesesaal der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Kultur, Architektur, Forschung, Herausgegeben von der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz [The New Reading Room of the State Library at Berlin - Prussian Cultural Asset. Culture, Architecture, Research]

Autor: Cope, R L; Cope, R L

Autor korepondence: Cope, R L  

Autor recenze: Cope, R L

Název publikace: Australian Library Journal

Svazek: 63

Číslo: 4

Strany: 335-336


et stránek: 2

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Taylor and Francis

ISSN: 0004-9670

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Book Review

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049670.2014.957802

Aktualizovat: 2015-06-01

Přístupové číslo: 201502840

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1667936723

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1667936723?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 241 z 318
The Green Library Planner: What Every Librarian Needs to Know before Starting to Build or Renovate

Autor: McLean, Michelle; McLean, Michelle

Informace o publikaci: Australian Library Journal 63.4 (January 2014): 329.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Book review abstract. The Green Library Planner: What Every Librarian Needs to Know before Starting to Build or Renovate. By Mary M. Carr. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2013, 136pp., 44.95 GBP (soft cover). ISBN: 978-0-8108-8736-7. Reviewed by Michelle McLean. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Sustainable development; Planning; Library buildings; Renovation;

Klasifikace: 1.11: BOOK REVIEWS

Název: The Green Library Planner: What Every Librarian Needs to Know before Starting to Build or Renovate

Autor: McLean, Michelle; McLean, Michelle

Autor korepondence: McLean, Michelle  

Autor recenze: McLean, Michelle

Název publikace: Australian Library Journal

Svazek: 63

Číslo: 4

Strany: 329


et stránek: 1

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Taylor and Francis

ISSN: 0004-9670

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Book Review

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