Národní knihovna ČR, Knihovnický institut, studijní a informační oddělení, Klementinum 190, 110 01 Praha 1

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/13561820.2013.807779 Aktualizovat

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/13561820.2013.807779

Aktualizovat: 2014-10-01

Přístupové číslo: 201409285

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1567035419

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1567035419?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 224 z 318
Library interiors for comfort and inspiration

Autor: Mouton, Ronel

Informace o publikaci: Cape Librarian 57.5 (September 2013): 44-45.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The library is the one public space where people may spend hours at a time for free, getting access to resources, socialising, meeting, studying, waiting, reading - or - yes - relaxing. It is essential to create a pleasant ambience and an inviting atmosphere in a library. A public library should not just be a space filled with shelves, where strict rules of silence and order apply, but a welcoming area to which people would like to return. Many books have been written on this subject and this article only scratches the surface. Color scheme and the meanings of various colors, comfortable furniture, spaciousness, layout and lighting are among the topics discussed. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Libraries; Colour; Interior design; Furniture;


Název: Library interiors for comfort and inspiration

Autor: Mouton, Ronel

Autor korepondence: Mouton, Ronel  

Název publikace: Cape Librarian

Svazek: 57

Číslo: 5

Strany: 44-45


et stránek: 2

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Cape Provincial Library Service, Cape Town, South Africa

ISSN: 0008-5790

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-12-01

Přístupové číslo: 201411176

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1629324044

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1629324044?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 225 z 318
A new library in the center of Perugia

Autor: Tarantino, Maurizio

Informace o publikaci: AIB Studi 53.3 (September 2013): 307-315.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: When the town of Perugia a medium-sized arts town and county town as well, with two universities, a rich cultural milieu and a strong library network launched a project for the creation of a new public library, it was clear that a number of complex issues was going to turn up: the coexistence (or non-coexistence) in a single space of both historic and public library; the relationship between municipality and university; the most suitable architectural solutions for integrating a really new library in a historical building: the library's economic sustainability; the accessibility of the building, situated in the town centre; the dialectic between functionality and wow factor; the connection of the new library with the existing library network and the other cultural institutions; the relevance (or irrelevancy) of the library collection in today's public libraries. Actually these issues can be seen rather as an opportunity than as an obstacle; they will force all the sides involved in the project to find original and groundbreaking solutions, and will hopefully lead to an innovative library in every respect: librarianship, architecture and town planning. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; Library buildings; Design;


Název: A new library in the center of Perugia

Alternativní titul: Una nuova biblioteca nel centro di Perugia

Autor: Tarantino, Maurizio

Autor korepondence: Tarantino, Maurizio  

Název publikace: AIB Studi

Svazek: 53

Číslo: 3

Strany: 307-315


et stránek: 9

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Associazione italiana biblioteche, Roma, Italy

ISSN: 2280-9112

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Italian

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-9247

Aktualizovat: 2015-07-01

Přístupové číslo: 201505250

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1692278756

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1692278756?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 226 z 318
A Strategic Plan for Russell Library, Middletown, 2013-2017

Autor: Gray, Alan Kirk 1 ; Meyers, Arthur 1 Darien Library, Darien, Connecticut, USA

Informace o publikaci: Public Library Quarterly 32.4 (October 2013): 322-332.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: This article presents a five-year strategic plan for Russell Library, the principal public library for Middletown, Connecticut. The goal of the plan is to make Russell Library 'the Bridge to the Future of Middletown and its citizens.' To accomplish that large goal, the planners focus on three service areas: a broad range of resources, including books, electronic items, and databases; an engaged and supportive staff; and many varied and enlightening experiences for Middletown citizens of all ages. The first quarterly report to Middletown residents is included to demonstrate how the library is following its plan. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Strategic planning; Public libraries;

Klasifikace: 3.12: PUBLIC LIBRARIES

Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: Middletown (CT), Russell Library, strategic plan, constituent communication, planning, relationship building

Název: A Strategic Plan for Russell Library, Middletown, 2013-2017

Autor: Gray, Alan Kirk1 ; Meyers, Arthur1 Darien Library, Darien, Connecticut, USA

Autor korepondence: Gray, Alan Kirk  

E-mailová adresa autora: ameyers@russell.lioninc.org

Název publikace: Public Library Quarterly

Svazek: 32

Číslo: 4

Strany: 322-332


et stránek: 11

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia PA

ISSN: 0161-6846

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2013.848133

Aktualizovat: 2014-04-01

Přístupové číslo: 201403166

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1512201317

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1512201317?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 227 z 318
Modeling Your College Library after a Commercial Bookstore? The Hong Kong Design Institute Library Experience

Autor: Lo, Patrick 1 ; Chiu, Dickson K W; Chu, Wilson 1 Faculty of Library, Information &Media Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan

Informace o publikaci: Community & Junior College Libraries 19.3-4 (October 2013): 59-76.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) is a leading design education institute in Hong Kong under the Vocational Training Council (VTC) group. Opened in September 2010, the HKDI Learning Resources Centre is a specialist library for the study of art and design. The mission of the HKDI Library is to support and promote the academic goals of the Institute, i.e., to prepare the students for professional careers; emphasize learning through a creative and interactive environment; meanwhile uphold a positively relaxing, and yet inviting environment that is very much similar to a commercial bookstore. In order to accomplish this, the HKDI Library aims to serve as a user-centered library for creative learning-by providing an important place for both students and faculty to actively engage in study, research, as well as socializing. Through a series of small focus group interviews with both students and faculty staff at the HKDI, the study investigates how influential the library environment could be in fostering students' learning and other social activities under a creative environment. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Design; Architecture; Academic libraries;


Název: Modeling Your College Library after a Commercial Bookstore? The Hong Kong Design Institute Library Experience

Autor: Lo, Patrick1 ; Chiu, Dickson K W; Chu, Wilson1 Faculty of Library, Information & Media Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan

Autor korepondence: Lo, Patrick  

Název publikace: Community & Junior College Libraries

Svazek: 19

Číslo: 3-4

Strany: 59-76


et stránek: 18

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia PA

ISSN: 0276-3915


Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02763915.2014.915186

Aktualizovat: 2015-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201501518

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1650141618

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1650141618?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 228 z 318
Function and Decoration, Tradition and Invention: Carnegie Libraries and their Architectural Messages

Autor: Prizeman, Oriel

Informace o publikaci: Library and Information History 29.4 (November 2013): 239-257.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: This study explores the changing value attached to historical references in modern public library design through examples cast in an era of transition. Pittsburgh was the crucible of Carnegie Library design; the city in which Andrew Carnegie manufactured his fortune making steel and where his philanthropic transaction with working people was most obvious. The last two of the eight branch libraries he built in Pittsburgh, South Side (1909) and Homewood (1910), illustrate apparently divergent approaches to library identity. Their decorative language can be misrepresented and misinterpreted and it is important to recognize the functional role that architectural ornament played in the context of modernity. Historic architectural references were used to invent new narratives for public interaction. The places in which these appear to be most conventional therefore often reveal themselves conversely, to be the most radical. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library history; Library buildings; Public libraries; Architecture;

Klasifikace: 7.0: LIBRARY BUILDINGS

Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: Carnegie libraries Pittsburgh library architecture modernism

Název: Function and Decoration, Tradition and Invention: Carnegie Libraries and their Architectural Messages

Autor: Prizeman, Oriel

Autor korepondence: Prizeman, Oriel  

Název publikace: Library and Information History

Svazek: 29

Číslo: 4

Strany: 239-257


et stránek: 19

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Maney Publishing, Leeds UK

ISSN: 1758-3489

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/175834891

Aktualizovat: 2014-03-01

Přístupové číslo: 201402316

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1504414043

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1504414043?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 229 z 318
The Meeting Places: Flexible, reservable, and equipped

Autor: Groves, Christy; York, Amy

Informace o publikaci: College & Research Libraries News 74.10 (November 2013): 526-529.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The Walker Library, which opened in 1999, is a popular destination at Middle Tennessee State University. It was the increasing demand for the instruction spaces that inspired the development of the Meeting Places. While exploring first-floor renovations for the Research Commons in 2011, staff on the renovations committee became aware of the increasing demand for classroom and meeting space in the library and decided to carve out sections of two of the remaining corner study rooms to meet this need. By giving these corner rooms a clear purpose, the library was able to fill a user need and protect library spaces from additional encroachment. The article relates how Meeting Places were designed. They also share the Meeting Places' policies, procedure and current usage. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; Design; University libraries;


Název: The Meeting Places: Flexible, reservable, and equipped

Autor: Groves, Christy; York, Amy

Autor korepondence: Groves, Christy  

Název publikace: College & Research Libraries News

Svazek: 74

Číslo: 10

Strany: 526-529


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Association of College and Research Libraries

ISSN: 0099-0086

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-04-01

Přístupové číslo: 201403528

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1512201635

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1512201635?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 230 z 318
Embracing Mobile Learning: Think 'Flexibility' and 'Adaptability'

Autor: Foote, Carolyn

Informace o publikaci: Internet @ Schools 20.5 (November 2013): 26-27.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: As more and more mobile devices enter our schools, libraries have to be responsive, not only in the tools we use, but also in the design and functionality of our physical spaces. We need to look at the design of our environment but also examine how our policies support what students need, rather than act as obstacles. As our schools embrace 1:1 or BYOD, it becomes increasingly important for libraries to adapt accordingly. With the flexibility that a mobile device affords, there's a significant trend in the school furniture marketplace toward more flexible furniture, with many players jumping into the market, such as Steelcase and VS. New classroom furniture focuses on flexible furniture configurations such as desks on wheels, portable small whiteboards (Huddleboards), rolling whiteboards, and more. Other issues in a mobile environment are more related to technical needs. Lastly, we need to examine whether or not our existing policies and strategies really support the ways students learn. The library can offer technology lunch n learns or set up a mentor system for help with devices. We can create Google spreadsheet lists of apps, invite students to review apps, create a LibGuides page, and offer many more supports for students. If we have a technology coordinator, we can work in tandem with him or her again, perhaps giving up our own sacred cows in the best interest of students. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Communications technology; Information technology; Space; Design; School libraries;


URL: http://internetatschools.com/

Název: Embracing Mobile Learning: Think 'Flexibility' and 'Adaptability'

Autor: Foote, Carolyn

Autor korepondence: Foote, Carolyn  

Název publikace: Internet @ Schools

Svazek: 20

Číslo: 5

Strany: 26-27


et stránek: 2

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Information Today Inc, Medford, NJ

ISSN: 2156-843X

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-11-01

Přístupové číslo: 201410290

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1622285027

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1622285027?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 231 z 318
Scandinavian library design

Autor: MackinLay, Rob 1 1 CILIP

Informace o publikaci: CILIP UPDATE with gazette (December 2013): 32-34.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Libraries and librarians face many uncertainties but new libraries are still being built. However uncertain things maybe, the designers of these new libraries still have to make sense of the world to produce useful buildings. Perhaps the most successful example of a library style overcoming difficult social and technological changes was that developed across Scandinavian and then across the world after the Second World War. In the 50s and 60s, there were plenty of new technologies to take into consideration, from modern architectural techniques to the exponential growth in car ownership -- as well as deep-rooted post-war social changes like the welfare state. The attraction of Scandinavian design was that it incorporated these factors into buildings that paid homage to modernist theory but managed to bypass modernism's potentially alienating coldness. Instead it reflected local needs, scale and accessibility with open-plan layouts, mezzanine balconies, clean lines, large expanses of glass, hardwood finishes to surfaces, comfortable contemporary furniture that would have been found in the home. Adapted from the source document

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; Design; Architecture; Trends;


URL: http://www.cilip.org.uk/update

Název: Scandinavian library design

Autor: MackinLay, Rob11 CILIP

Autor korepondence: MackinLay, Rob  

Název publikace: CILIP UPDATE with gazette

Strany: 32-34


et stránek: 3

Rok vydání: 2013

Vydavatel: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

ISSN: 2046-0406

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-10-01

Přístupové číslo: 201409286

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1567035180

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1567035180?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 232 z 318
An 'Idea Store' in Piacenza?

Autor: Maltoni, Ilaria

Informace o publikaci: Biblioteche Oggi 31.10 (December 2013): 35-42.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Three articles, derived from an architectural degree thesis, describe in detail the 'virtual' project for a new public library in Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna). The authors have conceived and designed a modern space, sited in the green belt of the town, considering the community needs and the suggestions of the librarians. The project takes, also, inspiration from the London 'Idea Stores'. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: User services; Architecture; Public libraries; Library buildings;


Název: An 'Idea Store' in Piacenza?

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