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Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Book Review

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1941126X.2014.910420

Aktualizovat: 2015-06-01

Přístupové číslo: 201501092

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1650141189

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1650141189?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 269 z 318
Easy Changes for a More Student-Friendly Facility

Autor: Johnson, Doug

Informace o publikaci: Library Media Connection 32.6 (May 2014): 86.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: New libraries are being designed to be open, accessible, welcoming, social, productive, and part of a larger learning commons of student support services. Charging stations, high speed wireless access, and presentation spaces are a deliberate part of these designs. And today's planners purposefully create flexible libraries with shelving on wheels, moveable walls, and ubiquitous data jacks and electrical outlets. Some tips for improving physical spaces in school libraries before school opens in the fall are presented. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: School libraries; Space; Library buildings;


URL: http://www.librarymediaconnection.com/lmc/

Název: Easy Changes for a More Student-Friendly Facility

Autor: Johnson, Doug

Autor korepondence: Johnson, Doug  

Název publikace: Library Media Connection

Svazek: 32

Číslo: 6

Strany: 86


et stránek: 1

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Linworth Publishing, Inc.

ISSN: 1542-4715

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-08-01

Přístupové číslo: 201407206

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1550992787

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1550992787?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 270 z 318
Feasibility of Retrofitting a University Library with Active Workstations to Reduce Sedentary Behavior

Autor: Maeda, Hotaka; Quartiroli, Alessandro; Vos, Paul W; Carr, Lucas J; Mahar, Matthew T

Informace o publikaci: American Journal of Preventive Medicine 46.5 (May 2014): 525-528.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Background: Libraries are an inherently sedentary environment, but are an understudied setting for sedentary behavior interventions. Purpose To investigate the feasibility of incorporating portable pedal machines in a university library to reduce sedentary behaviors. Methods: The 11-week intervention targeted students at a university library. Thirteen portable pedal machines were placed in the library. Four forms of prompts (e-mail, library website, advertisement monitors, and poster) encouraging pedal machine use were employed during the first 4 weeks. Pedal machine use was measured via automatic timers on each machine and momentary time sampling. Daily library visits were measured using a gate counter. Individualized data were measured by survey. Data were collected in fall 2012 and analyzed in 2013. Results: Mean (SD) cumulative pedal time per day was 95.5 (66.1) minutes. One or more pedal machines were observed being used 15% of the time (N=589). Pedal machines were used at least once by 7% of students (n=527). Controlled for gate count, no linear change of pedal machine use across days was found (b=-0.1 minutes, p=0.75) and the presence of the prompts did not change daily pedal time (p=0.63). Seven of eight items that assessed attitudes toward the intervention supported intervention feasibility (p

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Space; University libraries; Health; Renovation;


Název: Feasibility of Retrofitting a University Library with Active Workstations to Reduce Sedentary Behavior

Autor: Maeda, Hotaka; Quartiroli, Alessandro; Vos, Paul W; Carr, Lucas J; Mahar, Matthew T

Autor korepondence: Maeda, Hotaka  

Název publikace: American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Svazek: 46

Číslo: 5

Strany: 525-528


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Elsevier Science, New York NY

ISSN: 0749-3797


Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2014.01.024

Aktualizovat: 2014-08-01

Přístupové číslo: 201407209

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1550993503

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1550993503?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 271 z 318
Repurposing Space in a Science and Engineering Library: Considerations for a Successful Outcome

Autor: Sandy, John H; Krishnamurthy, Mangala; Scalfani, Vincent F

Informace o publikaci: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 40.3-4 (May 2014): 388-393.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: In response to the growth of digital collections, services, and changes in legacy operations, Rodgers Library for Science and Engineering at The University of Alabama prepared a plan to re-emphasize the 'library as place.' Changing expectations and needs of users was another catalyst for change. A major project followed to repurpose substantial space formerly used to house collections and deliver services linked to physical collections. As part of the change, the library streamlined legacy operations and added new services such as specialized academic software and new technology. The library was developed as a place where students can collaborate, share, and perform a wide variety of research and instructional activities using special technologies and modern facilities. Importantly, the library was designed as a flexible environment with emphasis on mobile furnishings and technologies. To create ambience and build an inviting atmosphere, library space was embellished with attractive art and high-demand accessories such as casual seating and cafe services. This paper reports on repurposing an area of about 13,000 ft2 in the Rodgers Library for Science and Engineering. The project was completed in about one year. Preliminary assessment data revealed that in the year following space repurposing, library use increased dramatically with patron visits up about 43% over the prior year. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Academic libraries; Design; Space; Case studies; Furniture;


Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: Space repurposing Library buildings Renovation Planning Assessment

Název: Repurposing Space in a Science and Engineering Library: Considerations for a Successful Outcome

Autor: Sandy, John H; Krishnamurthy, Mangala; Scalfani, Vincent F

Autor korepondence: Sandy, John H  

Název publikace: The Journal of Academic Librarianship

Svazek: 40

Číslo: 3-4

Strany: 388-393


et stránek: 6

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Elsevier Science Ltd.

ISSN: 0099-1333


Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2014.03.015

Aktualizovat: 2015-06-01

Přístupové číslo: 201504668

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1684420478

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1684420478?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 272 z 318
Rewriting the Book: the New Library of Birmingham

Autor: Adam, Ralph

Informace o publikaci: Refer 30.2 (July 2014): 4-7.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Europe's biggest library, the Library of Birmingham (LOB), has sparked interest worldwide. Opened in September 2013 by Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl shot for daring to campaign for girls' education, it is becoming a major cultural destination. Malala, in her address, said, 'pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism'. Located in Centenary Square, Birmingham's new cultural heart and part of the Corporation's Big City Plan, it is hoped that, with its important special collections, the library will attract 3.5 million visitors annually and, many more online. The idea was to create a de-bibliophied library: its Director, Brian Gambles emphasised the need for 'an open, accessible and welcoming space -- a democratic space....' In that, they have certainly succeeded. As a heavy user of London's libraries (which can be overly bureaucratic), it is great to find one that is easy to join (it took less than a minute to get a four-year membership) and has superb computer and wi-fi facilities (at first PC access was unlimited; now it is restricted to nine hours per week - all of which can be used in one day). Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; UK; Architecture; User services;


Název: Rewriting the Book: the New Library of Birmingham

Autor: Adam, Ralph

Autor korepondence: Adam, Ralph  

Název publikace: Refer

Svazek: 30

Číslo: 2

Strany: 4-7


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Information Services Group, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), London, United Kingdom

ISSN: 0144-2384

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-10-01

Přístupové číslo: 201409288

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1567035166

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1567035166?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 273 z 318
The New Newsroom at the British Library

Autor: Gillies, Stewart

Informace o publikaci: Refer 30.2 (July 2014): 12-14.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The British Library's Newsroom opened to researchers on Monday 7 April and is the new dedicated Reading Room for researching the Library's news collections. It is the first new Reading Room to be opened at the Library's St Pancras site in almost a decade and replaces the old Colindale Newspaper Library which was closed in November last year. For the first time since 1932, it allows researchers to study the news collections alongside books, journals and other collection materials from the British Library's general reference collection. The Newsroom was designed as a modern research space to facilitate the study of news in all of these formats in one place. One of the most striking features of the Newsroom is the networking area at the front of the Reading Room which provides space for more collaborative working and discussion among news researchers. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: British Library; Reading rooms; Newspapers; Renovation;


Název: The New Newsroom at the British Library

Autor: Gillies, Stewart

Autor korepondence: Gillies, Stewart  

Název publikace: Refer

Svazek: 30

Číslo: 2

Strany: 12-14


et stránek: 3

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Information Services Group, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), London, United Kingdom

ISSN: 0144-2384

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-10-01

Přístupové číslo: 201409284

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1567035332

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1567035332?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 274 z 318
A major architectural history of the libraries of the world

Autor: Lickley, Donald 1 1 Sue Hill Recruitment and Services Ltd; Lickley, Donald

Informace o publikaci: CILIP UPDATE with gazette (July 2014): 25.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Book review abstract. The Library: A World History. By James W P Campbell and Will Pryce. Published 2013. ISBN 978 0 5003 4288 6. Reviewed by Donald Lickley. Adapted from the source document

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Libraries; Library buildings; Architecture;

Klasifikace: 1.11: BOOK REVIEWS

URL: http://www.cilip.org.uk/update

Název: A major architectural history of the libraries of the world

Autor: Lickley, Donald11 Sue Hill Recruitment and Services Ltd; Lickley, Donald

Autor korepondence: Lickley, Donald  

Autor recenze: Lickley, Donald

Název publikace: CILIP UPDATE with gazette

Strany: 25


et stránek: 1

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

ISSN: 2046-0406

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Související dílo: 978 0 5003 4288 6

Typ dokumentu: Book Review

Aktualizovat: 2015-06-01

Přístupové číslo: 201500076

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1641421568

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1641421568?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 275 z 318
Why Didn't ANYONE Tell Me? A dozen things no one tells you about library building projects

Autor: Schlak, Tim 1 1 Northwestern College, Orange City, IA

Informace o publikaci: American Libraries 45.9-10 (September 2014): 42-45.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: In August 2013, Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, completed a large building project: a $14 million, 58,000-squarefoot learning commons. I was library director at the time and learned a number of unanticipated lessons during all phases of the project. Any library looking to embark on a brave new building or renovation project will hopefully learn from these experiences. Twelve tips for libraries undergoing an building or renovation project are presented. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Renovation; Construction; Library buildings; Projects; Guidelines;


Název: Why Didn't ANYONE Tell Me? A dozen things no one tells you about library building projects

Autor: Schlak, Tim11 Northwestern College, Orange City, IA

Autor korepondence: Schlak, Tim  

Název publikace: American Libraries

Svazek: 45

Číslo: 9-10

Strany: 42-45


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: American Library Association, Chicago, IL

ISSN: 0002-9769

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-12-01

Přístupové číslo: 201509369

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1735638386

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1735638386?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 276 z 318
Better Library and Learning Space

Autor: Braunstein, Laura; Braunstein, Laura

Informace o publikaci: Reference & User Services Quarterly 54.1 (October 2014): 53.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Book review abstract. Better Library and Learning Space. Edited by Les Watson. London: Facet, 2013. 228pp., 100.00 USD (paper). ISBN: 978-1-85604-763-0. Reviewed by Laura Braunstein. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Library buildings; Architecture; Space; Planning;

Klasifikace: 1.11: BOOK REVIEWS

Název: Better Library and Learning Space

Autor: Braunstein, Laura; Braunstein, Laura

Autor korepondence: Braunstein, Laura  

Autor recenze: Braunstein, Laura

Název publikace: Reference & User Services Quarterly

Svazek: 54

Číslo: 1

Strany: 53


et stránek: 1

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: American Library Association, Chicago IL

ISSN: 1094-9054

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Book Review

Aktualizovat: 2015-06-01

Přístupové číslo: 201501987

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1660011352

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1660011352?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 277 z 318
Building tomorrow's library today: The New Library of Alexandria

Autor: Serageldin, Ismail 1 1 New Library of Alexandria Ismail.Serageldin@bibalex.org

Informace o publikaci: IFLA Journal 40.3 (October 2014): 169-173.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The New Library of Alexandria performs a unique 21st century role as a library, a museum, an art gallery, an archive, an academy, a conference center, a science center, a university, and a special school. By blending today's information and communications technology with yesterday's rich cultural heritage and national memory, the Library of Alexandria has shown that innovation from the top down preserves the past and guarantees a future. [Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Ltd., copyright holder.]

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: National libraries; Space; Library buildings; Library management; User services;


Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: innovation space planning Library of Alexandria

Název: Building tomorrow's library today: The New Library of Alexandria

Autor: Serageldin, Ismail11 New Library of Alexandria Ismail.Serageldin@bibalex.org

Autor korepondence: Serageldin, Ismail  

E-mailová adresa autora: Ismail.Serageldin@bibalex.org

Název publikace: IFLA Journal

Svazek: 40

Číslo: 3

Strany: 169-173


et stránek: 5

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Sage Publications, London UK

ISSN: 0340-0352

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0340035214543052

Aktualizovat: 2015-10-01

Přístupové číslo: 201507138

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1718055539

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1718055539?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 278 z 318
Qatar National Library - Architecture as innovation in the Arab world

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