3.8Stereo video frame packing and SEI (requirements related)
Contributions in this area were discussed jointly with MPEG Requirements, MPEG Video, and VCEG.
See also JCTVC-M0181 (m28634), JCTVC-M0235 (m28692), JCTVC-M0281 (m28744), JCTVC-JCTVC-M0042 (m28472), and JCTVC-M0146 (m28594).
It was noted that there was a relevant previous (San José) MPEG output document N12546 that had been issued for information.
Regarding Frame packing 3D arrangement type indicators, several potential options for how to approach the topic were discussed, including: case-by-case discussion, copying legacy on request, opaque user data (for which provisions already exist), registration authority (for which provisions already exists), referencing other specifications, removing all by corrigendum, and adding any proposals with reasonable justification and adequate editorial quality provided. A WG 11 output document N13461 was generated by the WG 11 parent body to list some suggested possible approaches.
It was agreed to take another meeting cycle to reach a consensus on the process.
Other proposals on SEI subjects other than stereo frame packing types were agreed to be studied in JCT-VC, pending establishing a plan on an overall approach.