Oka owners group newsletter

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Peter & Chris

Tamworth NSW




En la Marre 71490 Dracy les Couches Saone et Loire,France Aust. Residence 6 mths C/- Mrs M McDowell

9 Hospital Road Concord West 2138


Email: chrismosedale@hotmail.com


Warwick & Beryl

12 Hillpine Place Terry Hills

NSW 2084

Ph: 02 9450 1030 warolie@intercoast.com.au


Lloyd & Marj

“Eulalia”, Coonamble NSW 2829

Ph:02 6822 8323

Fax:02 6822 8325 l-mparsons@bigpond.com

#116 Single cab/ Camper




Old Wimbourne Rd, Manilla NSW 2346

lesile@bigpond.com Ph: 02 6778 9011

# 406


Ron & Lyn

14 Vernon Street Greystanes NSW 2145

Ph. & Fax: 02 9896 3106 Email: rlquigley@bigpond.com


Vidas & Rita

Liverpool NSW

Ph: 02 9601 4542 Mob: 041 04 62542 hot_veg1@hotmail.com

Sammut Sam & Lyn

1/35 High Street, Bowraville NSW 2449

Home ph: 02 6564 7757

mob: 0408 634769

email: rama234@bigpond.com

Oka multi cab, 029 our ka is a hybrid model

See, Stuart

P O Box 25

Hilltop NSW 2575

Ph & Fax: 02 48899271 Mob: 0409 481542

049 Dual cab


John & Laura

9 Arafura Ave Cranebrook NSW 2749

Ph: 02 47291841 Bus: 02 4722 3222 Mob: 041 608 6817 johlau@dodo.com.au

Thomson Corey

PO Box 304

Billinudgel NSW 2483

Ph: 0419 715820

Email: xylosinuous@yahoo.com

OKA bus LT 1995



39 Anderson Rd Mortdale

NSW 2223

Ph: 02 9570 7291 Fax: 02 9570 7299 Mob: 041 949 4095


Williams, Ray

11 Park Ave Oatley West 2223

Ph: 0295805791 Mob: 0412023503 Mob: 0402038398 flicka013@hotmail.com

Black dual- cab 1991


Bob & Sue

4/50 Ballina Rd Goonellebah NSW 2480

Ph: 0266246611 Bus: 0266621136 kiaro@nor.com.au




PO Box 265 Alice Springs NT 0871

Ph: 0889522637 Fx: 0889522463


Brian & Margaret

P.O. Box 8954

Alice Springs NT 0871

Mob: 041 983 4850



PO Box 305 Nhulumbuy NT 0881 NT 0881

PH: 0419 851433

email: telecomtim@bigpond.com

Goldsmith Leigh & Beveridge Sandra

Alice Springs NT

Ph: 08 8953 2666

Fax: 08 8953 2313 4wdtours@outbackexperience.com.au


Beanland Geoff & Amanda

PO Box 1226 Gladstone Qld 4680

Ph: 07 4972 2929

Email: tokwaikato@bigpond.com


Crossle Louisa & Williams,John

P.O. Box 770 Malanda Qld 4885



John & Cheryl

Mail Service 656, Yakapari-Habana Rd, Habana Qld 4740

Ph: 07 4959 8456

Mob: 042 716 4773 grahamjr@mackay.net.au

Green, Jack & Charlton, Noeline

6 Thomas Steet Birkdale. Qld. 4159

0738226127 noelinec@westnet.com.au

Howitt Tony & Carol

28 Sunnyview Street Beenleigh Qld 4207

Ph:0732871307Home:0733808500 Work Carol email: howitt@tpg.com.au


Geoff, Cheryl & William


Ph: 07 3888 1568

Mob: 041 055 8258 kiwoka@primus.com.au

Andrew Kovacs

PO Box 2004 MOUNT ISA QLD 4825

Ph: 07 4743 8863 (home) 07 4744 3340 (work)

Email: AKovacs@xstrata.com.au

OKA No. #156 duel cab


Andrew & Karen

P O Box 35 Mutchilba Qld 4872



Gordon & Laurel

44 Petrie Street Mackay Qld 4740

Ph: 07 4951 1631 oka_trekkers@yahoo.com

White Gerald

483 Underwood Rd Rochedale South QLD 4123

Ph: (h) 07 3841 2879

Ph: (w) 07 3841 1388

Email: gerry@masselectronics.com.au



PO Box 254 Cairns

QLD 4870

Ph: 0740354488 Fx: 0740354188 Email : info@wilderness- challenge.com.au www.wilderness-challenge.com.au




Contact Details


Baum, Greg

15 Oaklands Road SOMERTON PARK SA 5044



Bell Marcus & Tracey


Mob: 0427 655 014

Email: mtbell@dodo.com.au


David & Carrol

P O Box 157 Athelstone SA 5076

Email: dunnings@adams.com.au


Eblen , Brendan Wedgetail tours

PO Box 112 Hahndorf. 5245

email. eblen1@senet.com.au

408 Coach



P.M.B. 53 Waikerie SA 5330

Ph: 08 8543 2280 Fax: 08 8543 2290 RexEllis@safarico.com.au www.safarico.com.au

Exploranges Bushwalking

Tours Ransom Liz

PO Box 251, Modbury North,

South Australia 5092

Ph/Fax: 00 61 (0)8 8369 1779 Mobile: 042 999 1779

Email: itransom@chariot.net.au

Web: www.bushwalkingtours.com.au

Hallandal, David Genine

22 Spring Street North Plympton

SA 5037

Ph: 0428 32 39 32

email: drat@airnet.com.au


Matthews, Geoff & Julie

PMB 12

Innamincka S.A. 5731

Ph: 08 86759591 Fax: 08 86759592 Email: fourmatthews@bigpond.com

Macleod, Andrew John

Lot 5 Government Road Baird Bay via Calca SA 5671 PO Box 18 Streaky SA 5680

Ph: 08 8626 5081

Email: ajmacleod@ihug.com.au

1992 XT Dual Cab Ute

Quattrocchi, Lou

561 Milne Road Banksia Park S.A. 5091

08 82645193

McLaaren Terry & Ryan Suzanne.

PO Box 362


Tel: 0416 107 447

Email: Termcl@onkaparinga.sa.gov.au

No. #036

Payne, Alan

Baird Bay Charters & Ocean Eco Tours

Email: sealions@bigpond.com

Website: www.bairdbay.com



David & Janet

P O Box 294 Greenwith SA 5125

Ph: 0882896484 Mob:0414226264 dandjribbans@ozemailcom.au

Rowe, Peter

P O Box 324 Coober Pedy 5723

0886725226 Ph & Fax info@mailruntour.com www.mailruntour.com www.desertdiversity.com

292 & 359 coaches

Stevenson, Alistair

68 Brook St

(P.O. Box 2254) Whyalla SA5600

Mob:0417493141 W. 0886443088 arcs01@ozemail.com.au

Black dual-cab 2x4


Peter & Margaret

37 Neate Ave Blackwood SA 5051

Ph: 327508 8278 5210 Bus: 08 8275 p.wright@seeley.com.au

#196 Bus / Camper



Innes George & Sue

1 Lanena St


Ph: 03 6244 1681

No. 338 Single Cab



Contact Details



Arthur & Christine

8 Regal Court

Vermont South Vic 3133

Ph: 03 9803 1241

Alush Geoffrey & Moss Pieta

PO Box 214 Drouin Vic 3818

Mob: (Geoff) 042 827 6321 Mob: (Pieta) 041 253 8985



45 Bridge Road Beechworth Vic

03 5728 2590

email: beatson1@bigpond.com

BLACK, Lindsay (email won’t work)

5 Maughan Road KOOWEERUP 3981

Ph: 03 5997 1725 Mob: 0403 323 981

Ocker Aussie Tours



Boyle, Greg & Maree

22 Sanders Rd, Frankston Vic. 3199

Ph: 0397815194 Mob: 0422008729



Pedro & Kaylene

7 Argyle Street Mildura Vic 3500

Ph: 03 5023 5151

BROWN, Bob (also know as OKA Bob)

120 Veysey Road NERRIM EAST 3831

Ph: 03 5628 1552


Brown, Carina & Lex

PO Box 3165 Wheelers Hill Vic 3150

Ph H: 03 9764 4293

Ph - Mob: (Lex) 0414 777 579 Email:lex.brown@patash.com.au

1995 LT Cab/ Chassis


DEHAAN, Robert

135 Vowell Drive PEARCEDALE 3912

Ph: 0359981430 Mob: 0418542 550 Email: robert@networkimprovements.com.au


Davis, Peter & Fraser, Serena

6 Howship Crt RINGWOOD EAST 3135


196 Kervins Road Cohuna Vic 3568

Ph: 03 9893 2660

Email: peterdavis@aorta.org.au

OKA No. 307

Elder Clive

1760 Plenty Rd YANYEAN VIC 3755

Email: mudrat846@hotmail.com Ph: 03 9716 2911

Ph: Telephone: 03 57775101

Mob: 0427027200 Fax: 0357775258

Email: tours@highcountryscenictours.com.au



Peter & Sharon

P.O. Box 853 Cranbourne Vic 3977

furlongs@dodo.com.au 0412 376556

Findlay, John & Denise

Hooper Jill & Ken

Ph: 03 5456 2253

Email: hooperkj@bigpond.com

Jones, Ian

147 Spring Road DINGLEY VIC 3172

16 Second Ave,

Chelsea Heights, Vic. 3196

Mob: 0408 057 973

Email: ianjones@optushome.com.au

Lloyd, Geoff & Annette

Ph: 03 97722706

Email: geoffabs@bigpond.com

Lloyd Justin

70 Johns Crescent Mount Evelyn VIC


Ph 03 9775 0123 absea@ozemail.com.au


Maidment, Ken & Sue



Ph: 03 5393 1273 Fax: 03 5393 1274 Mob: 0419 032 418

Email: treks@treksacrossaustralia.com.au




78 Roberts Rd Mornington Vic 3931

Ph: 03 5975 4683 bakewell@satlink.com.au



28 Harley Street Dingley Vic 3172

Ph: 03 9551 1340 Mob: 0418 125 428

Paterson, Rowena

7605 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla Vic 3631

Ph: 03 5823 2732

Email: rowenap@g-mwater.com.au

Proctor, Geoff

761 Crystal Creek Road Alexandra Vic 3714

Ph: 030500599499 Fax: 03 5772 1440 email: geoff@ausadventures.com www.ausadventures.com



Mob: 040 777 8617 bobajob@bigpond.net.au bobrichards@mac.com

Ritchie, Lyndal & Crowther, Andrew

1 Creek Parade NORTHCOTE VIC 3070

Ph: 03 9482 9460

Mob: 0403 622 681

Email: satsurv@hotkey.net.au

OKA No. 46

Simmonds, Wayne & Lisa

PO Box 309


Ph: 03 5289 6204.


Smith. Paul


Mob: 0408 337 697 Email: paul.smith@kswaste.com.au


John & Dianne

Ph: 03 5659 0226(h) W: 03 9702 2144 smithy@sympac.com.au


Dale & Jenny

975 McDonald Track Nyora Vic 3987


Ph Bus: 03 9645 3366 H: 03 952 37404 dale@scimitar.com.au


Reg & Dianne

P.O. Box 69 Yinnar Vic 3869

Ph: 03 51613 1501 Fax: 03 5163 1632 stirlingmotors@gallamda.net

Tansey, David )

P O Box 1181

St. Kilda Vic 3182


Dual cab Khaki

(Email often won’t



Taylor, Mike & Tracy

5 Hopkins St TREEMONT VIC 3785

Ph: 03 9755 3156

Mob: 0418 814 622

Email: tacexplorer@aol.com

No. 267


Darren & Janine

795 Frankston/ Dandenong Road Lyndhurst Vic 3975

Ph/Fax: 039782 0044 Mob: 0419 522 225 boltit@primus.com.au

Wilkin, Glenn

295 Springs Rd


Ph: 03 5439 6210

Email: gawilkin@impulse.net.au

No. 114 Single cab


Geoff & Sandra

54 Baden Powell Drive Healesville Vic 3777

Ph: 0359625429




Contact Details


Bajada, Alan

11 Gresham Street Victoria Park WA 6100


159 campervan


Kim and Helen

96 Brockway Drive Gelorup WA 6230

Ph: 08 9795 9067 Fax: 08 9795 9069 Mob: 040 995 9067 blythe@wn.com.au


Robert & Shirley

173 King Road Oakford WA 6121

Ph: 08 9525 1070

No 9, XT





Childs Troy

Boulder WA

Ph: 08 9093 4539

Email: childst@bigpond.net.au



Russell & Simone

Eucla WA



Carolyn & Garry

P.O. Box 348 Cottersloe WA 6011

Ph: 08 9383 1572 ccossill@hotmail.com

East Kimberley Tours Wainwright Paul

P O Box 537 Kunanurra WA 6743

Ph: 08 91682213 Fax: 08 91682544 Email: paulw@westnet.com.au www.eastkimberleytours.com.au

Janovro, Michael

144 Welshpool Road Welshpool, WA 6106


work email: mikej@sunlite.com.au

personal email: – cad_taz@hotmail.com

1994 XT Multi Cab 9 seat tray back ute



c/o Aussie Escape Tours Boulder WA 6449

Ph: 08 9093 4714 Fax: 08 9093 0046 AussieEscape@bigpond.com


Hal & Liza

21 Scarborough Beach Rd Scarborough Beach

WA 6019

Ph: 0417322722 Fax: 0893411061 hal@bluewater.net.au


Keith & Judy

9 Juniper Way, Willetton WA 6155

Ph: 0894573850 Fax: 0894574858 Mobile: 040 809 6886 hedgie@iinet.net.au

# 355 Multicab 10 seater

6 door 12/1995

House Richard & Beverley

7 Broome St Forrestdale WA 6112

Ph: 08 9397 0050

Fax: 08 9397 1401

Email: wanderer@wanderer.com.au www.wanderer.com.au



Paul & Annelies

23 Pine Terrace DARLINGTON WA 6070

Ph: 08 9299 7635

Email: ned_kelly17@hotmail.com

No. 78

Kimberley Wilderness Adventures

Donovan, Luke

P O Box 564 Kunanurra W A 6743

Ph: 08 91681144 Fax: 08 91692552 Email: luke.donovan@aptouring.com.au www.kimberleywilderness.com.au


Rod & Tamara


Ph: 0892919979 Mob: 0408077727 rlyons@lyonsaircon.com.au

Melville Alan

9 Runneymede Street Goode Beach WA

Ph: 08 9844 4849 alan@wn.com.au


Terry & Debbie

99 Holden Road Roleystone WA 6111

Ph: 08 9496 1296 morristd@q-net.au

Mouritz, Bernie

37 Victoria Rd Wattle Grove 6107

Mob :0408 22 1131 funtubesbernie@ozemail.com.au

1992 Dual cab ute


Oldland David & Margaret

U201/1 The Esplanade Mt Pleasant WA 6163

Mob: 0428 949 962

Email: david.oldland@bigpond.com.au

Richards Bob

Mob: 040 777 8617 bobajob@bigpond.net.au bobrichards@mac.com


Collyn & Maarit

Simmen, Walter & Donna

PO Box 3634 Broome WA 6725

57 Northshore Drive, Dongara, WA 6525

Ph: 08 9192 5961 collynr@bigpond.com

phone: 08 9921768 fax 0899271364 mob: 0401 109890 walter@simmenanderson.com

Synnot, Geoffrey & Jenni

P O Box 12 Experance WA 6450


1996 Dual-cab

Thurecht, Roger & Sonai

08 99418150 Ph/fax rthurecht@wn.com.au

1994 Dual-cab 152

Wainwright Paul

546 Robinson St Carnarvon WA 6701 or PO box 585 (Wintersun Caravan Park)19

PO Box 537 Kunanurra WA 6743

Walker (Robert) John

15 Parke Rd Gooseberry Hill WA 6076

Ph: (H) 08 6293 1287

Ph: (W) 08 9272 3222

Mob: 0408 866229

Email: (H) rj_walker@bigpond.com Email: (W) johnwalker@ufuofwa.net.au


Robert & Cherry

RMB 223

Beverley WA 6304

Fax 0896471057 chezandrob@westnet.com.au


Robert & Ann

5 Dara Court Wanneroo WA 6065

Ph: 08 9405 2078 state.ed@westnet.com.au



Forrest Street Kalgoorlie WA

Ph: 08 9091 6195

wade kal@emerge.net.au


Hi Everyone,


NEWSLETTER August 2005

It was great to see Jim and Julie Curtin back in June, who were brought here by their almost brand new, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed son, who is taking them on an educational outback camping trip. He sits in the middle of the back seat where he can keep a close eye on both of them, and see that there is no shannegans going on up front, and remind them when its smoko or comfort stop time. Good stuff! I bet they have learned heaps, and there should be more of it. We send our apologies to Jim & Julie for not being more hospitable. There was a rush on here, trying to get the paperwork completed by the end of the financial year with a new computer and the usual hiccups, before we left on July 1. We would have loved to spend more time with them. We will be very sure to start travelling a little later in the future!

We did get going on July 1, and bumped into Rod & Kate Cock in Broken Hill as they were returning from their travels in their Oka. We were to have met up with John & Dianne Smithard in Port Augusta but they were forced to pull out at the last minute with work commitments. Dianne said she had the Oka mostly packed and ready to go. Just as well, John, you would have been weatherbound at Warburton; it was pretty wet there and they closed the roads. The $1000 per tyre fines that are imposed for driving on closed roads tends to make people stop! And just as well too, as those roads are probably only graded once a year, if at all.

We called in on Russell & Simone Conklin at Eucla as we went through. Russell spends his time driving dozers and graders on the desert roads and is a great source of information on what to see, where to camp and which tracks to take. We came across an abandoned car near Madura, which was carrying NSW number plates: it looked a bit suspicious, with the keys in the ignition, and wallet, small change, pullover and mobile phone left on the seat, and doors wide open. We notified the authorities (with some difficulty, as they were so far away); it turned out that the owner was listed as a missing person, had a psychological problem, and was found lying in the middle of the highway, waiting to be run over. He was taken to Kalgoorlie Hospital and was reported to be doing well.

We ended up leaving the main Highway about 10km east of Cocklebiddy and went north to Haig on the railway line, then west to Rawlinna. There was much work being carried out on this last piece of road, as they were trying to stabilize the bulldust and repair the damage done in wet weather. We then travelled on the Connie Sue and explored Waterfall Gorge before turning back along the Parallel Road to the Great Central Road. Here it started to drizzle and by the time we reached the Tjukayirla Roadhouse and done a load of washing the rain had set in. They closed the roads and there we stayed in some comfort for a couple of days. As there had been big rains along our proposed track, we decided not to sit around for a couple of weeks waiting for it to hopefully dry, but to give the plan away, as it might rain again.


Anyway we headed for Kalgoorlie, where we discussed the proposed National gathering with Robin Wade. We decided that with people stuck all over the West, it would be better to call it off until next year. We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused. Robin promised that if anyone turned up he would look after them. If you are looking for Robin Wade in Kalgoorlie, you will find him right next to the railway station. I think there is a reason for that – if he has to leave town in a hurry he can catch one of the many freight trains that leave in both directions (you know these motor dealers...)

On the way home at Norseman we came across Alan and Trish Payne, from Baird Bay in SA. Funny how you run across these people when you least expect it. They weren’t even driving their OKA! It was great to talk with them. Anyway we had a good run home, and the part of the trip that we did complete this year we enjoyed so much that we will probably go back again next year. Feel free to tag along if you’d like. Robin is hoping to organize a guest speaker for us next year to talk about running the OKA on a shandy of diesel and gas, which makes them a lot more economical and gives an increase in power. Sounds interesting! Hope to see you at the OKA gathering next year in Kalgoorlie.

Please note that we have had our share of computer troubles. We put the newsletter on a disk and sent it to Rowena, but our problems meant that she was unable to retrieve it, so she got hold of a hard copy that was mailed to one of our non-computer members and transcribed it and put it on the Oka Owners Group Website. We now have a brand new computer that can do all kinds of things that we can’t, a satellite dish that provides us with Broadband, and also a new email address, l_mparsons@esat.net.au . Please let us know if you haven’t seen the May/ June edition and we will send it off to you.

This newsletter will probably be pretty thin, as members don’t expect us to be home yet, but we are looking forward to some more contributions. In particular, we are trying to put together a list of parts for the Oka that you have sourced from other types of vehicles, if possible with supplier and part number, and maybe price. We know that Oka built these machines using readily available parts, and it is often quicker and easier to source these locally. Please put pen to paper or send us an email to share your experiences.

Lloyd & Marj Parsons


When: 14th - 16th October 2005

Where: Murrindindi Scenic Reserve Bush Camp

Cost: $5 per vehicle per night

Facilities: toilets available

Directions: from the intersection of the Melba Highway (Yarra Glen Rd)

and Murrindindi Road (at Devlins Bridge), turn east and travel 12km to the

reserve. Murrindindi is approximately between Yea & Toolangi, Victoria.

Please bring firewood.

Please contact Rowena Paterson for further details.

Ph: 03 5823 2732 (ah) 03 5833 5710 (work)

Email: rowenap@g-mwater.com.au

The Overlander Story:

On our way home we pulled in to the service station in Yunta - the one on the Western side of the road. Fuel is a good deal cheaper here than in Broken Hill, so it is a good place to refuel, as we know it will just get dearer as we get closer to home. Anyway, the proprietor came out to serve us and as usual Lloyd got into conversation

with him. He was interested in the Oka, and had a good look at it, then showed us his


vehicle, an Overlander ute., made in Tasmania under licence from Holden back in 1970’s, based on the Kingswood. This vehicle was in immaculate condition, and had done upteen thousands of kilometers. He tried to sell it to us, but not very hard, as it is obviously his pride and joy.

Apparently the Overlander Motor Company built and sold 120 of these under the Holden badge. Like the Oka they were a tough and beefy machine with 4WD, and you could choose either front of rear drive. The owner reckons they will go anywhere. Then came vehicle number 121, which was due for the “crash test” – you know the one where they had to drive at a brick wall at ??kph and the vehicle was supposed to crumple from the bonnet back? Well the Overlander apparently not only survived this test more or less intact, but demolished the brick wall. The result was that they went out of business.

That might sound like the end of the story, but this man claims that when the business closed down, they sold off all the parts and tools, and the running gear was sold to some people from WA. He told us there were sufficient units to build about 400 machines. These people were the ones who had designed another 4WD vehicle – yes, it was the Oka. We are unable to confirm this story, but did look up the Internet, and found the specifications of the Overlander, and it is possible. It just shows that you meet some interesting people when you travel in an Oka.

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