Omânia Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului

Participări la conferinţe ştiinţifice de profil internaţionale/naționale

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Participări la conferinţe ştiinţifice de profil internaţionale/naționale:

  • 8th -12th Int. Symp. Prospects for the 3 rd Millennium Agriculture, USAMV Cluj ( 2008-2013).

  • First Eur. Food Congress, Nov. 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Int. MetaboMeeting, AUG.2008, Lyon, France.

  • COST Meeting 865 Bioencapsulation Res. Group, Aug. 2008, Dublin, Irlanda.

  • 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF, Aug.2008, Atena, Grecia.

  • Int. Conf. Agr.Engineering, Aug.2008, Iguassu, Brazilia.

  • 43th Croatian and 3rd International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatja, 2008.

  • Advanced Spectroscopy on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Sept. 2008.

  • 5th International Conference on Pigments in Food, Helsinki, Finland 2008.

  • 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 25-28 Nov.2008, Kyoto, Japan.

  • XXIV International Conference on Polyphenols, July 2008, Salamanca, Spain.

  • Int. Conf. Physiology, 2008, Cluj-Napoca.

  • COST 865 Meeting on Bioencapsulation, Sept.2008, Luxemburgh.

  • Plants from High altitude-Phytochemistry and Bioactivity”, June 2009, Obergurgul, Austria.

  • 5th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry” Sept. 2009, Fatsa, Turkey.

  • 6th Int. Conf. Chemical reactions in Food, May 2009, Prague, Cehia.

  • EUROANALYSIS, Int Conf, Sept. 2009, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Euro Food Chem XV Congress, Mai 2009, Copemhaga, Danemarca.

  • XVIIth Int.Conf. on Bioencapsulation, Sept. 2009, Groningen, Olanda.

  • Metabolomics, Breakthroughs in plant, microbial and human biology, clinical and nutritional research and biomarker discovery, June 27th - July 1st , 2010, Amsterdam, Olanda.

  • Int. Symp. BIOVEG, 30 sept-1 oct. 2010, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

  • 6th International Conference on Pigments in Food, Budapest, June 2010.

  • RSBMB International Conference, Oct. 2010, Cluj-Napoca.

  • Int.Symp. Seabuckthorn, ISA, Dec. 2010, Potsdam, Germania.

  • Int.Symp. Anal. and Nanoanal.methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sci.’, June 2010, Brasov.

  • Int.Symp. ‘Food Science, Processes and Technologies’ 3-4 June 2010, Timisoara.

  • EUROFOOD CHEM XVI - Translating food chemistry into health benefits, July 2011, Gdansk, Polonia.

  • 16th Int. Carotenoid Symp., July 2011, Cracovia , Polonia.

  • Int. Meeting “Current Challenges in Gastrointestinal Health research”, Febr. 2011, Braga, Portugal.

  • 5th Meeting on Chemistry & Life Sept. 2011 , Brno, Cehia.

  • Eur.Conf.. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 29.08.-3.09.2011, Coimbra, Portugal.

  • 1st Central and Eastern Eur.Szmp. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry conference, Sept.2011- Craiova.

  • 34th FEBS Congress, July 4-9 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • XIX Int.Conf.on Bioencapsulation - Amboise, France – Oct.5-8, 2011.

  • 4th and 5th Meeting Chemistry & Life’ Sept 2009 and 2011– Brno, Cehia.

  • 13th DKMT Euroregional Conf.. Integrative Medicine, Nutrition and Health, Sept. 2011, Timisoara.

  • COST 865 Meeting, Sept. 2011, Murcia, Spania.

  • Int. Conf.PIM 2001„Processes in Isotopes and Molecules”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept 2011.

  • 7th Int. Conf. "IMA 2011-Instrumental Methods of Analysis " 2011, Chania, Grecia.

  • 2nd Conf.Plant Natural Products: From science to Bioproducts, COST FA 1006, Sept.2012, Cluj Napoca.

  • EuroFed Lipid, Sept. 2012, Cracovia, Polonia.

  • NANO 2012 XI Int. conf.on nanostructured materials,Int.Nano Society,Aug. 2012, Rhodes, Grecia.

  • 31st EUCMOS (Eur. Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Aug. 2012.

  • Food Int. Conf. "Food, Health and Well Being", Belgrade University, 26-28.11.2012, Belgrad, Serbia.

  • IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, June 2012, Las Vegas, USA.

  • 7th International Conference on Pigments in Food – Novarra, Italy, 2013.

  • EUROFOOD CHEM XVII - 2013, Istambul, Turcia.

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