Onderwijsinnovatie in Europa : Voorbeelden van goede praktijken uit tien Europese landen

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3.4Samenvatting en conclusies

  • De vernieuwingen die in Denemarken worden geïmplementeerd zijn gestoeld op een gron­dige reflectie met duidelijke beleidsteksten en voorstellen tot implementatie.

  • Er bestaat een expliciet innovatiebeleid voor het beroeps- en technisch onderwijs dankzij het FoU, een speciale dienst die jaarlijks nieuwe pilootprojecten opstart, begeleidt en eva­lu­eert.

  • Het beleid in Denemarken benadrukt de elementen uit het gedetailleerde werkplan voor de toekomstige doelstellingen voor onderwijs en vorming van de Europese Unie.

  • Innovatie in het beroeps- en technisch onderwijs wordt duidelijk gezien als een continue activiteit die steeds dient verder gezet en aangemoedigd te worden.

  • De Deense vernieuwing benadrukt alle aspecten van anders leren, anders kiezen, anders sturen.

  • Belangrijke accenten liggen op de individuele leertrajecten, het gebruik van portfolio’s om de vooruitgang van elke leerling beter te documenteren en te begeleiden.

  • Het wegwerken van de beschotten tussen het algemeen, het beroeps- en technisch en het handelsonderwijs wordt sterk benadrukt; ook in Denemarken is dit allesbehalve evident.

  • DEL, het Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers speelt een belangrijke rol bij de ondersteuning van de projecten.

  • Het Deense beleid probeert de vernieuwing te verspreiden door geen individuele scholen te financieren maar groepen van scholen te financieren.

  • Het Deense beleid bevordert continuïteit in de vernieuwing in het VET onderwijs door jaarlijks of tweemaal per jaar de mogelijkheid te bieden tot het indienen van innoverende projectaanvragen die door FoU en DEL worden begeleid.

  • De initiële opleiding en de nascholing van de leraren speelt een belangrijke rol in het ge­hele innovatieproces. Leraren dienen opgeleid om de nodige competenties te hebben om leerlingen te begeleiden en te helpen bij de uitbouw van hun individuele leertrajecten.

Bijlage: Enkele goede-praktijkvoorbeelden

De vijf goede praktijkvoorbeelden staan duidelijk vermeld in het Deens op de website:


Naam Project




Email / Website


Udvikling af afde­lin­gen generelt i for­hold til opgaverne: analyse af kerney­delsen, funk­tions­be­skri­velser, ud­de­le­gering af kompe­tence, pædagogisk udvikling på specielt grund­forløbet.

Svendborg Tekniske Skole


  • Schoolontwikkeling door het analyseren van de optimale manier om het curriculum aan te bieden

  • Het delegeren van de verant­woordelijkheid binnen de school

  • De pedagogische ontwikkeling van de basisvorming

Email: svendts@svendts.dk




Der har især været fokus på at udviklle en sammenhængende didaktisk tænkning der kan fungere som ramme om uddannel­se og læringsak­ti­vi­te­ter i de åbne lærings­mijøer, der karak­te­ri­serer skolen/afdelin­gen/uddannelsen.




  • Ontwikkeling van gedifferentieerde didactische modellen binnen pedagogische projecten

  • Geïndividualiseerde onderwijs- en leermethodes

  • Teamwork met lerarenteams

  • Het afstappen van lineariteit in het pedagogische denken; het uit­werken van modulaire aanpakken

Email: Ceukolding@eukolding.dk




Etablering af åbne læringsrum - et for hver indgang og tre tværfaglige lærings­rum (dansk/ engelsk, matematik/ naturfag samt IT)

EUC Nordvestsjælland


  • Open leeromgevingen

  • Geïndividualiseerd leren en geïn­di­vidualiseerde leertrajecten

  • Meer en betere mogelijkheden om de juiste pedagogische activiteiten en methodes te ontwikkelen en te gebruiken

Email: eucnvs@eucnvs.dk




Hensigten med projektet var at alle indgange kom i gang med at udvikle læring­saktiviteter, der dels kunne fungere i et åbent læringsmiljø og dels forsøgte at ti­lgodese elevernes for­skellige læringsstile

CEU Herning


Samenwerking en teamwork tussen leraars

  • Het creëren van een open leeromgeving,

  • Individuele leerplannen voor de leerlingen

  • Verspreiding van kennis binnen de school en daarbuiten: de school als een lerende organisatie

Email: ceu@ceuherning.dk

Website: http://www.ceuherning.dk/


Implementering af Elevplan



  • Werken met individuele leerstijlen

  • Elektronische planning en het opstellen en werken met modules

  • Opstellen van richtlijnen om leer­ac­ti­viteiten te beschrijven gebruik ma­kend van elektronische midde­len

  • Het "Elevplan" of individueel leerplan


http://www.eucvest.dk/Default.asp?ID=331 511

Volledigheidshalve wordt hier nog de tekst overgenomen van enkele cases beschreven op de website van het Ministerie van Onderwijs: http://pub.uvm.dk/2002/eud/09.htm

The first case: "More small teams in the class - Good practice for continuous intake during the basic course "
It deals with how to implement continuous intake. The case describes a construction industry course. Over an 18-month period, the school has implemented regular new intake into two parallel classes. During this time, the school experimented with admitting small and large groups into the already established class. On the background of the experiences acquired by the school, the school has qualified the visitation and the integration interviews and thus the intake. The model for continuous intake has established the possibility of taking supplementary courses, just as it is possible for the students with credits from, for instance, basic subjects, to design special courses. In principle, this means that the class can have students doing different projects at different levels and with different degrees of difficulty. A continuous development of the project deals with formulating different projects that the students can solve together even though they have started doing the course at different times.
The second case "Flexible modules in a fixed structure"
It describes an example of good practice in connection with the organisation of teaching in modules within a structuring framework. The framework consists of a division of a basic course into three subcourses:

  • Introduction/school start for a 5-week period

  • Project work in an OLC8 for 10 to 50 weeks, and

  • Five weeks of education- and training oriented area subjects

During the three sub-courses, the students participate in compulsory classes, and they choose modules consisting of small limited projects where they work at individual pace. Each module finishes with passing a test as a condition for the students being able to do a final test and then continue doing the sub-courses until the basic course is finished. The balance between freedom of choice and need for a framework and supervision works well. The department continues to work with the idea by establishing a common knowledge centre for the main course, supplementary training and commercial services rendered by public institutions.
The third case: "Between means and ends" describes good practice for planning basic courses.
The basic courses are centralised in a "Study centre". By gathering all students within a course or students from different courses, it becomes possible to offer the students the basic course at three levels: "ante level", "post ante level" and "post level". The study centre has strengthened the basic courses by making the content of the basic subjects the "end" of the lessons. However, this happens at the cost of holistic courses, where the basic course in a wider sense is seen as the means to reach the end of developing the students' professional qualifications. In the continuous development of good practice, the school is working at bringing together the idea about ends and means, as it is being considered whether parts of the basic courses can be carried out in connection with or be integrated into subject related projects in the courses.
In the fourth case: "Sharing responsibility for own learning",
It describes an example of good practice with an organisational division of two very different groups of students in a service course. The idea is to make allowances for and develop sharing responsibility for own learning in a differentiated manner. This is done through flexible course organisation with different course offers, situational support and demands to the students' independent choices as well as a consistent evaluation practice. The idea appears to be working according to the intentions as well as giving room for differences. It means that in the continuous development of the idea the school will continue to have two different courses. Sharing responsibility for own learning will become part of the teachers' didactical considerations for both groups of students, but will have different effects and appear differently - also in the future.
The fifth case: "Contact and contract"
It deals with good practice in connection with the contact teacher interview and the portfolio method. The idea is to give the contact teacher interview a proper content partly by entering into contracts with the students on how they should work the next fortnight, and partly with basis in the student's handbook in which the student explains what he or she has worked with in the fortnight preceding interview. The contact teacher interview as well as the portfolio method works according to the intention. In a continuous development of the idea, the teacher needs further qualifications to be able to carry out the interviews, not least in connection with qualifying the teacher to teach the students to reflect.
The sixth and final case: "Health and social anchoring"
This is an example of good practice in connection with prevention of dropout. The students are taken out of the basic courses for a 5-week period to participate in a so-called EAH-project, which stands for exercise, activity and health. Physical and mental health is in focus, and part of the course therefore deals with sports and diet. Moreover, it is ensured that the students can accumulate points for the course they are doing during the five weeks. The project places specific emphasis on establishing a firm social base, as it is characteristic of these students that they are finding it difficult to adjust to the ever-changing social networks during the basic course. The EAH-project appears to have a positive effect on the dropout rate. A continuous development of the project deals with easing the transition from the EAH-project to the ordinary courses.

'Overall Evaluation' gathers the assumptions and conditions for implementing good practice that have turned out to apply to all six cases.

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