So’zlar yordamida gaplar tuzing:
1. Come
here, to the blackboard, to the club
5. Give
that English book, the map, these two Russian books
2. Take
this pen,
the bag
6. Don't
write this exercise, speak Uzbek at the English lesson, go there
3. Go
there, to school, to the post-office
4. Open
the window, the book, the box
7. Don't let
go there, look at the blackboard, the students speak Uzbek at the English lesson.
O’qing va tarjima qiling.
Take a map. Don't take that pen. Make a plan, Ben. Let me introduce my friend to you. Let him translate the text. Don't let him open the box.
In, to, by predloglari
Ingliz tilida kelishik qo’shimchalari bo’lmagani uchun predloglar alohida o’rin tutadi:
a) in predlogi gapda qaerda, nimada? savollariga javob bo’ladi va biror narsaning ichida ekanligini bildiradi.
He lives in London U Londonda yashaydi.
The students are in the room.
b) to predlogi yo’nalishni bildiradi, qaerga, qaysi tarafga so’roqlariga javob bo’ladi.
Go to the doctor Doktorga boring.
b) by predlogi vaqtni, sabab va maqsadni anglatadi, tushum kelishikka to’g’ri keladi. by bus — avtobusda, by 3 o'clock — soat 3 ga, by air — tayyorada, by sea — dengiz orqali, kemada.
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