O‘zMU xabarlari Вестник НУУз ACTA NUUz
1/6/1 2021
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Xayitmurod XURRAMOV,
Termiz davlat universiteti tayanch doktoranti
E-mail: terdu2012@gmail.com
TerDU professori, t.f.d. Shaydullayev Sh.B taqrizi asosida
The study of cultural development requires a true disclosure of the historical period. This study, which is part of the history of
antiquity, is devoted to the study of the material culture of the Bronze Age in the Margiana part of the Oxus civilization. The
problem of the periodization of civilization in Southern Central Asia is based on the examples of material culture.
Key words: Elam, Gonur, Oltintepa, Ojakli, northern Afghanistan, Murgab delta.