Parish of Our Lady of Fatima

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Parish of Our Lady of Fatima

159 Kenneth Kaunda Rd, Durban North, 4051 Tel: 0315635554 Fax: 0315634684 E-Mail:

Parish Priest: Fr Justin Stirton Website:

Pastoral Assistant: Irene Helsdon Facebook:

11th February 2018

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Missal References Page 598 (old), 665 (new)

Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 519 (old), 465 (new)

Next Sunday First Sunday of Lent – Year B

Feasts of the Week

Tuesday Feast of the Dedication of Fatima Church


Saturday Seven Holy Founders of the Order of Servites

Entrance Antiphon

Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 32

You are a hiding place for me;

you surround me with deliverance.
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,

whose sin is remitted.

Blessed the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt,

in whose spirit is no guile.

To you I have acknowledged my sin;

my guilt I did not hide.

I said, “I will confess my transgression to the Lord.”

And you have forgiven the guilt of my sin.

Rejoice in the Lord, exult you just!

Ring out your joy, all you upright of heart!

You are a hiding place for me;

you surround me with deliverance.

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia

A great prophet has arisen among us, and God has visited his people. Alleluia.

Communion Antiphon

They ate and had their fill, and what they craved the Lord gave them; they were not disappointed in what they craved.

This Week’s Diary




Finance Committee Meeting


RCIA 2018



Gospel Sharing


Adoration and Benediction


Mass – 56th Anniversary of Dedication of Parish Church


Shrove Tuesday – Parish Social

6.30pm – 8.00pm




School Mass Gr 8-12 (No Mass at 7.00 am)


School Paraliturgy Gr 1-7





Men’s Prayer Goup

5.00am – 6.00am



Rosary Team Meeting


Deanery Clergy at Our Lady of Fatima


GriefShare Team Meeting


Practice Presentation of Gr 11 Confirmation Candidates



Morning Prayer




Stations of the Cross





Ordination of Dc Denardo Gnanapragas to Priesthood


Catholic Women’s League Meeting



4.30pm Only



7.00am, 9.00am & 5.15pm

RCIA Rite of Election at Cathedral


Presentation of Gr 11 Confirmation Candidates


Life Teen


Please pray for the Sick, especially


Anthea Jack; Sr Catherina; Joy Lees; Cameron Smith; Felicity Harrison; Jenny Ducray; Maryse Bowman;

Roger Brouard; Randy Tryon; Gordon Urquhart; Gladys Cole; Milly van Gogh; Daphne Rahmer; Caron Martins; Lise Bernon; May Dormehl; Pierette Lenferna

Teresa Latouf; Elsa Pearton; Gerrit Snyders; Lynne Govender; Maria Dus; Pat Sturgess; Sandra Teodosio; Moises de Sousa; Dcn Peter Venter; Daniel Singery; Bernard D’Unienville; Gill Yelland; Leigh Went; Mervin Moonsamy; Bronwyn Murgatroyd.

Anne Golding; Verna Cavanagh; Kathy Paulus; Monique Saint-George; Clyde Alborough; Hannah Donaldson; Gail Tullidge; Gladys Meyer; Adrienne Paul; Amanda Ngo-ngoma; Richard Truen; Colleen Geldard; Debbie Macpherson, Evelyn Gibson


Tris Tillard’s sister; Jo James’ nephew, granddaughter & son; Louise Kin’s sister; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Heather Rorick; Alma Osborn’s grandson; Sharon Ellis’ sister; Stuart McGregor; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; John Bremner’s nephew; Nancy Chettiar’s mother & sister; Candice Houseman & Tracy Mendonidis’ mother; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Ann Appelgren’s husband.

Maryse Wardell’s mother; Hugh Elliott; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Peter Squires; Brenda Bennison; Elsa Pearton’s granddaughter & son Michael; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & brother; Lynne Tillard’s brother; George Urquhart’s mother; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; Michelle Lock’s father; Mary Ann Salvage’s 4 brothers; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Warren Walker’s uncle; Denise Topp’s daughter & son-in-law; Claire Booth’s brother; May Dormehl’s brother-in-law & daughter; Fr Des brother & nephew; Titi Pitso’s brother; Fr Brian Reid; Susan Munks’ mother; Maude Quenet.

Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Gail Hansen’s mother; Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son & daughter-in-law; Giel van der Merwe’s daughter; Lyn Campbell’s mother; Ruth Florence’s mother; June Tatchell’s mother; Eleanor Scott’s husband; Ben Morasutti’s son Jos; Janice Cottingham’s brother; Duncan Miller’s father; Nomusa Mkhwanazi’s brother; Norraine Swanby; Michael Quarsingh’s brother; Bronwyn Murgatroyd’s mother; Norma Southwood’s sister-in-law; Rik Kennedy’s sister; Hendrika Brock; Fergus McDonnell.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY for Deacon Peter Venter and the intentions of all clergy.
HOSPITAL CARE Please advise the parish office if you or a family member will be or has been admitted to hospital so that we can provide pastoral care.
Condolences Our prayerful condolences to Catherine Haygarth & family on the death of their father & grandfather, Peter Dowdeswell. His Requiem Mass will be this Thursday at 3.00 pm.
BAPTISM Congratulations to Bandile Ngcobo, son of Sibusiso & Thembelihle Ngcobo, on his Baptism today. Welcome to the family!
LIFE TEEN IS A GO! Come join our all-inclusive club as we investigate our first series; The Church.
Life Teen?? Our inspiring and interactive Catechism Program for

High School Teenagers, after every Sunday Evening Mass

from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.

More Info?? Contact Brad Tomlin on 072 502 1866 or find us on Facebook.

What’s on tonight? “FREEZE!” … and Next week? “UNITED”

There will be training for all altar servers today 11 February from 3.00 to 4.30 p.m. All servers please make a special effort to attend.

Southern Cross Catholic Newspaper R8.50
Solemnity of the 56th Anniversary of the Dedication of our Church

This Tuesday 13 February will be the 56th anniversary of the dedication of our church of Our Lady of Fatima (1962). It is a very important day for us to give thanks to God. There will be a holy hour of Adoration at 5.00 p.m. as usual, followed by Benediction at 5.45 p.m. and Mass at 6.00 p.m.


Pancakes, boerewors rolls (R20) and cold drinks (R10) will be on sale on Shrove Tuesday 13th February from 6.30pm (after Mass) until 8.00pm on the school grounds. There will be entertainment for children. Bring your friends.

Ministers from the following ministries please volunteer to serve: Ministers of the Word; Ministers of the Eucharist; Ministers to the Sick; Ministers of Hospitality; Sacristans; Altar Servers.

The Duty list is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church.
ASH WEDNESDAY – 14th February

Ashes will be distributed at all three Masses: 6.00am, 9.00am (School Mass) and 6.00pm

Ash Wednesday is a Day of Fast and Abstinence.
Fast: one meal during the day. Abstinence: No meat.

SA Bishops: “The days of fast and abstinence [in SA] are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fridays are days of abstinence from meat, but the faithful may substitute abstinence from alcohol, tobacco or luxury foods, or other forms of penance, especially acts of charity.”

Pregnant women and those who are sick are not obliged to fast.

For the 6.00 a.m. Mass please don’t block the access to the school parking. Teachers arrive early.

After both Masses those whose cars are blocking others must move their cars quickly please.

There will be a special collection for Diocesan Works of Mercy.


With effect from 20 February the weekly holy hour of Adoration will move from 5.00 p.m. on Tuesdays to 5.00 p.m. on Wednesdays, ending with Benediction before the 6.00 pm Mass.

Work Party

All who put their names down to assist with work parties in the parish office and others who are willing, please contact Ana (Tel: 031 563 5554) and let her know if you can assist on Friday mornings during the Lenten season.


Friday mornings at 6.15am - before the 6.30am Mass.
Go Make Disciples”

All parishioners young and elderly are invited to attend Irene’s sessions on ‘Come and explore the concept of discipleship’ on Wednesday evenings 21st, 28th February and 7th March at 7:00pm in the parish hall. All those interested please put your name down on one of the lists at both entrances of the Church.

All who wish to marry in our Archdiocese must give six months’ notice to their parish priest and attend the Engaged Encounter weekend.

Next weekend: 23-25 February. Book early!
Mass Intentions

11th February – 18th February 2018



Claude Hallot RIP (Esme Hallot & Maryse Bowman)


Pro Populo


Angelina Wallas RIP (Wallas Family)



Holy Souls RIP (Maria Teodosio)



Pro Populo



Pro Populo


Pro Populo


In Thanksgiving (Theresa Hoogewerf)



Pious Lists



Pro Populo



Gilda de Freitas RIP (de Freitas Family)



Giancarlo Marescotti RIP (Jabu Marescotti & Family)


Branko Kuzelj RIP & George Poulyen RIP (Kuzelj Family)


Pro Populo


Fr Justin will lead a pilgrimage for eleven full days in the Holy Land in 2019, walking in the footsteps of Jesus, with a local Christian guide. The dates are not definite at this stage but probably will be 18-30 May. Accommodation will be on the Mt of Beatitudes in Galilee and Ecce Homo on the Via Dolorosa in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Start saving for this experience of a lifetime!
Help with Computing and Writing:

The Denis Hurley Centre offers a free drop-in service Mon-Thurs between 1pm and 5pm for anyone who would benefit from computer coaching or English writing assistance.

This is not a structured or certified course but instead a chance for 1-to-1 help with practical problems. No need to book – just drop in.
Marian Garden

The creation of the garden with the beautiful statues was made possible by generous pledges from our parishioners.

A memorial plaque will be placed in the garden, recording the names of people whom the donors would like to be remembered in prayer, in perpetuity.

To ensure that all special intentions have been recorded correctly, will all donors please check the names on the noticeboard at the back of the Church.

If any corrections are necessary, or if anyone still wishes to make a donation,

please inform Brigitte at the parish office by email at

or call on 031 563 5554.
Congratulations to Sr Nontobeko

Sr Nontobeko has completed her novitiate. Yesterday she made her First Profession of Vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, before God and the Dominican community. She has been assigned to the Sherwood convent. Let us keep her in prayer.

Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)

The Society of St Vincent de Paul thanks everyone who brought an item of non-perishable food last Sunday. There is still a great need.

The items requested this week are: Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce (410g) &

Cup-a-Soup Packs
Second Hand Books

SSVP requests more donations of books for their bookshop. Please drop these off at the parish office or contact the parish office to arrange collection.

SSVP Bank Details:
Account Name Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Bank First National Bank Branch Durban North

Branch Code 220426 Account No 62033860786

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

11th February 2018



Do you seek the Lord Jesus with expectant faith? No one who sought Jesus out was refused his help. Even the untouchables and the outcasts of Jewish society found help in him. Unlike the people of Jesus' time who fled at the sight of a leper, Jesus touched the leper who approached him and he made him whole and clean. Why was this so remarkable? Lepers were outcasts of society. They were driven from their homes and communities and left to fend for themselves.

Their physical condition was terrible as they slowly lost the use of their limbs and withered away. They were not only shunned but regarded as "already dead" even by their relatives. The Jewish law forbade anyone from touching or approaching a leper, lest ritual defilement occur.

This leper did something quite remarkable. He approached Jesus confidently and humbly, expecting that Jesus could and would heal him. Normally a leper would be stoned or at least warded off if he tried to come near a rabbi. Jesus not only grants the man his request, but he demonstrates the personal love, compassion, and tenderness of God in his physical touch. The medical knowledge of his day would have regarded such contact as grave risk for incurring infection. Jesus met the man's misery with compassion and tender kindness. He communicated the love and mercy of God in a sign that spoke more eloquently than words. He touched the man and made him clean - not only physically but spiritually as well.

How do you approach those who are difficult to love, or who are shunned by others because they are deformed or have some defect? Do you show them kindness and offer them mercy and help as Jesus did? The Lord is always ready to show us his mercy and to free us from whatever makes us unclean, unapproachable, or unloving towards others.

Lord Jesus, inflame my heart with your love and make me clean and whole in body, mind, and spirit. May I never doubt your love nor cease to tell others of your mercy and compassion."

Scripture Readings For Next Sunday

Genesis 9: 8-15 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Mark 1: 12-15

Welcome New Parishioners

Change of Address and/or Phone No

Need dedication information

New registration

Registered but do not receive mail

Moving out of the parish

Email mailing list







Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality
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