CD2:45 : see Student’s Book page 77
4 Answer the questions. •
Students read and answer the questions.
Key: 1 In a recycling bin.
2 Sand.
3 Because the furnace
is very hot.
4 Because it uses less energy than making
new glass.
5 Which objects would you like to make from recycled glass? •
Students work in pairs to think of more objects that could
be made from recycled glass. Elicit ideas. If possible,
show photographs of actual products.
Ask students to guess how much energy is saved by
recycling one glass bottle. For how long do they think the
energy could power a TV? Make sure they understand
the meaning of
power a TV . Write their guesses on the
board. Students read the Guess What! for the page and
check the answer. Figure out whose guess was the closest.
Workbook page 62 1 Look and write the words under the pictures. •
Students label the pictures with words from the box.
Key: b furnace
c sand
d green glass
e recycling bin
f clear glass
2 Put the sentences in order. •
Students read and number the sentences in order.
Key: 2 a
3 c
4 h
5 g
6 f
7 b
8 e
3 How much glass, plastic, aluminum, and paper do you recycle each week? Make a bar chart. •
Draw an example bar chart on the board using a scale
0 up the y axis and writing the four materials
along the x axis. Elicit examples of items made of each
material and draw the bars accordingly. Students make
their own chart at home and add to each bar when they
put an item aside for recycling.