Green economy e corporate sustainability, B corporation e social enterprises; organizing for sustainability: internal and external challenges
Sustainable business plan; Sustainable Factory Planning and Scheduling
Eco-design, eco innovation e green products (green option matrix); Life cicle assessment (LCA) e valutazione della carbon footprint
Rapid prototyping, digital production and manufacturing/virtual manufacturing
Tecnica della manutenzione FMEA; Design for disassembly/re-manufacturing
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR reporting, sustainable governance e UN Global Compact; Environmental management systems, certificazioni ambientali e sociali
Green Information and Communication Technology
Green supply chain management (con focus su green procurement e reverse logistics); Sustainable capital budgeting and ethic finance
Bioedilizia e bioarchitettura
Green energy management (solare, eolico, geotermico) e energy efficiency in manufacturing
Zero waste production; Business and territory: tradition-driven innovation