Glutathione (GSH) Assay: GSH in liver and blood was measured using the method described by Moron et al. [14]and Beutler et al. [15]. The absorbance was read at 412 nm using a systronic UV-VIS-108 Spectrophotometer.
Lipid peroxidation (LPO) Assay: LPO levels in liver and blood were estimated by the method of Ohkawa et al.[16] as thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactive substances. The absorbance was read at 532 nm with a Systronic UV-VIS-108 Spectrophotometer.
Statistical analysis: The statistical significance of the difference between normal and DDW+ irradiated (control) as well as control and AVE+ irradiated (experimental) set up were evaluated by using the student’s ‘t’ test.
Results Acid phosphatase: A significant increase in acid phosphatase activity over normal was measured up to day 5th after 6 Gy irradiation. On day 5th, the value was found to be 76.26 per cent more as compared to normal. After this, level of such enzyme declined but remained higher than the normal even on the last day of experimentation (Fig. 1).
Fig.1: Acid Phosphatase level in liver after 6 Gy of γ-irradiation with