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Format for the CVs of the team members

Dr., Mr. Last name: Utsumi First name: Takeshi

Nationality: Japan

Direct tel.: +1-718-939-0928 E-mail:

Full business address:

Chairman of GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A. (GLOSAS/USA)

Founder and Vice President for Technology & Coordination of Global University System (GUS)

43-23 Colden Street, Flushing, NY 11355-3998 U.S.A.


Country: U.S.A.
Role in the project: Principal Investigator of GCEPG Project



Title / diploma obtained

From: 1969, To: 1971

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

From: 1958, To: 1964

Polytechnic University in New York, Ph.D. Chem. Eng.

From: 1955, To: 1958

Montana State University, M.S. Chem. Eng.

From: 1954, To: 1955

University of Nebraska, Fulbright Scholarship

From: 1949, To: 1954

Tokyo Institute of Technology, B.S. Chem. Eng.



From: 1999

To: Present

Company: Global University System (GUS)

Location: Headquarters at the University of Tampere, Finland

Function/Responsibility: Founder and Vice President for Technology and Coordination

Achievements: Initiated GUS at the workshop held at the University of Tampere with funds from the World Bank, US/NSF, British Council, Soros Foundation, etc., and subsequently GUS regional activities in Amazon/Brazil, Havana/Cuba, Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia, Bangladesh, etc.

Published a book “Global Peace Through The Global University System” from the University of Tampere Press, in Fall of 2003.

From: 1988

To: Present

Company: GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A. (GLOSAS/USA)

Location: New York, NY, USA

Function/Responsibility: Chairman

Achievements: Initiated global e-learning as conducting innovative distance teaching trials with "Global Lecture Hall (GLH)"™ multipoint-to-multipoint, interactive multimedia videoconferencing almost every year using hybrid delivery technologies, which spanned around the globe.

Founded GUS at the University of Tampere , Finland.

Prepared the availability of funding (total US$17 billion) from the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Fund of the Japanese government for closing “Digital Divide” in developing countries, especially for education and healthcare.

Initiated a joint project on the GCEPG with ELeGI project.

From: 1977

To: 1987

Company: Global Information Services, Inc. (GIS)

Location: New York, NY, USA

Function/Responsibility: Chairman

Achievements: In late 1970s to early 1980s, played a major pioneering role in extending U.S. packet-switching data communication networks to various overseas countries, particularly to Japan, albeit it was narrow-band at that time -- which is now called “closing the digital divide.”

Devoted considerable effort, time and private fund to deregulate the Japanese telecommunication policies for the use of e-mail (thanks to help from the Late Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldridge). This triggered the de-monopolization and privatization of Japanese telecommunications industries. This liberalization of the telecommunication industry has been emulated and has now created a more enabling environment for economic and social development in many other countries. Over 180 countries have Internet access and more than 750 million people use e-mail around the world nowadays.

Exported a software engineering tool to the Nippon Telegram and Telephone Corporation.

From: 1972

To: 1974

Company: Mitsubishi Research Institute

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Function/Responsibility: Director of System Division

Achievements: Introduced time-sharing services, computer simulation and System Dynamic technologies to Japan.

Initiated GLOSAS Projects.

From: 1968

To: 1972

Company: Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation

Location: Boston, MA, USA

Function/Responsibility: Senior Coordinator

Achievements: Basic design of ethylene plants (US$800 million/plant), design of ethylene plant process control simulator, analysis of naphtha cracking chemical reaction, etc., with digital simulation languages.

Created Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC) as the Program Chairman (1970) and General Chairman (1971) which is the world largest, interdisciplinary conference with several hundreds attendees in computer simulation field.

From: 1964

To: 1968

Company: Mobil Oil Company

Location: New York, NY, USA

Function/Responsibility: System Analyst

Achievements: Simulation of chemical reactions, particularly extraction of shale oil with the use of then the world largest hybrid computer.

From: 1962

To: 1964

Company: Shell Chemical Company

Location: New York, NY, USA

Function/Responsibility: System Analyst

Achievements: Simulation of chemical reactions with the use of repetitive analog computer.

From: 1958

To: 1960

Company: Asahi Chemical Industry, Ltd.

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Function/Responsibility: Chemical Engineer

Achievements: Introduced a chemical process know-how from the US, which saved the company’s bankruptcy.


Utsumi, T. (1977). Peace game. Simulation. November. pp. 135

Utsumi, T. and DeVita, J. (1982). GLOSAS Project (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation). In S. Schoemaker (Editor), Computer Networks and Simulation II (pp. 279-326). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.

Utsumi, T., Mikes, P. O., Rossman, P. (1986). Peace Games with Open Modeling Network. In S. Schoemaker (Editor), Computer Network and Simulation III, pp. 267-298, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., (North-Holland).

Utsumi, T., Varis, T., and Klemm, W. R., Editors (2003). Creating Global University System, Global Peace Through The Global University System. Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere Press. University System/UNESCO_Chair_Book/Manuscripts/Part_II_Intercultur/Utsumi Creating GUS/Creating_GUS/GUS_web_upload/Creating GUS-D11-053003.htm

Utsumi, T. (2003), Globally Collaborative Environmental Peace Gaming, Global Peace Through The Global University System. Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere Press. University System/UNESCO_Chair_Book/Manuscripts/Part_IV_Global_Collaboration/Utsumi, Tak/GCEPG_D10_Web/GCEPG_D10.htm

Varis, T., Utsumi, T., and Klemm, W. R. (Editors) (2003). Global Peace Through The Global University System, Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere Press, November. University System/UNESCO_Chair_Book/Bk_outline-D13.html
The above are some of more than 150 scientific articles produced up to the present.

Other activities in relation to the project:

Dr Takeshi Utsumi is the Founder and Vice President for Technology & Coordination of GUS (Global University System) and the Chairman of the GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A. (GLOSAS/USA). He is the 1994 Laureate of the Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education. His public services have included political work for deregulation of global telecommunications and the use of e-mail and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) through ARPANET, Telenet and Internet; helping extend American university courses to developing countries; the conduct of innovative distance teaching trials with "Global Lecture Hall" multipoint-to-multipoint multimedia interactive videoconferences using hybrid technologies; as well as lectures, consultation, and research in process control, management science, systems science and engineering at the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania, M.I.T. and many other universities, governmental agencies, and large firms in Japan and other countries. Among more than 150 related scientific papers and books are presentations to the Summer Computer Simulation Conferences (which he created and named) and the Society for Computer Simulation International. He is a member of various scientific and professional groups, including the Chemists Club (New York, NY); Columbia University Seminar on Computer, Man and Society (New York, NY); Fulbright Association (Washington, D.C.). Dr. Utsumi received his Ph.D. Ch.E. from Polytechnic University in New York, M.S.Ch.E. from Montana State University, after study at the University of Nebraska on a Fulbright scholarship. His professional experiences in simulation and optimization of petrochemical and refinery processes were at Mitsubishi Research Institute, Tokyo; Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., Boston; Mobil Oil Corporation and Shell Chemical Company, New York; and Asahi Chemical Industries, Inc., Tokyo.

Format for the CVs of the team members

Surname: Mr. Ritrovato First Name: Pierluigi

Nationality: Italian

Direct tel.: +39 089 964289/2201 Fax: +39 089 964191 E-mail:

Full business address:

Manager for Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata (CRMPA)

Centre for Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics, C/O DIIMA

Dep. of Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics

University of Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 - Fisciano (SA)

Country: Italy
Role in the project: Co-Principal Investigator for Liaison with ELeGI Project



Title / diploma obtained

From: 1987 To:1992

B.S. degree in Computer Science at University of Salerno



From: 2002

To: Present

Company: CRMPA – Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata

Location: Fisciano - Italy

Function/Responsibility: Manager

Achievements: coordination of the ELeGI and other research initiatives in the GRID and Learning domains for the VI Framework Research Programme of the European Commission.

From: 1998

To: Presnet

Company: DIIMA – University of Salerno

Location: Fisciano - Italy

Function/Responsibility: Part-time employee position as scientific collaborator

Achievements: research activities in the frame of distributed computing, GRID, e-learning, CSCW and software engineering

From: 1996

To: 2002

Company: CRMPA

Location: Fisciano - Italy

Function/Responsibility: Head of the multimedia and information system area, chief technology officer

Achievements: realisation of several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry for education, research and Universities (MIUR), by Regione Campania and EU such as TurismOnLine a multimedia and interactive Tourism information system, RIPArTI a platform for business process reengineering, GENESIS a software infrastructure for distributed software engineering based on workflow engine; IntraSys – Intelligent Training System, DISIMA a platform for creating internet based Business Game for manager training, DIOGENE a distributed environment for personalised learning taking advantage from the semantic web, m-Learning a software platform for providing learning services in the mobile world.

From: 1994

To: 1996

Company: DIIMA – University of Salerno

Location: Fisciano – Italy

Function/Responsibility: Two year research contract

Achievements: research activities in the frame of Object Oriented technologies and computer graphics applied to learning. Management of EU funded project in the LEONARDO and SOCRATES programme such TIMAMNA a platform for automatic generation of mathematical exercises and RSM – Remote Scientific Museum


A. Negro, G. Parlati, P. Ritrovato, “Optimal Adaptive Search: Reliable and Unreliable Models”, Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Ravello (SA), Novembre 1995.

A. gargiulo, A. Gisolfi, P. Ritrovato, R. Ruocco, s. Salerno “A System for Scientific Experiments Simulation”, ISMCR’97 Topical Workshop on Virtual Reality and Advanced Man-Machine Interfaces - xiv IMEKO World Congress - Tampere 1-6 Giugno 1997 Finlandia

A. Cavallone, F. Cirillo, M. Gaeta, P. Ritrovato “A Web-based System for Cultural Heritage Exploitation”, IV International Conference Cultural Heritage Networks Hypermedia and MEDICI Framework Day- Milano 11-14 Settembre 1999

N. Nikolic, M. Trajkovic, M. Milicevic, D. Milicev, D. Marjanovic, I. Sokic, V. Milutinovic, M. De Santo, S. Salerno, P. Ritrovato and M. Marsella “Socratenon — A Web-based Training System with an IntellectHawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2000 – Hawaii 3-6 Gennaio 2000.

M. Gaeta, P. Ritrovato, “Generalised Environment for Process Management in Cooperative Software Engineering”, Workshop on Cooperative Supports for Distributed Software Engineering Processes, in the Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference, August 2002, pp. 1049- 1053.

M. Gaeta, G. Laria, P. Ritrovato “Deploying The Open Grid Service Architecture on Microsoft .NET Platformin the proceeding of the EuroWeb 2002 Conference, Oxford (uk) December 2002

P. Ritrovato, D. Ballarini, G. Santucci, M Cadoli, M. Gaeta T. Mancini, M. Mecella “Cooperative Software Development in GENESIS: Requirements, Conceptual Model and Architecture” pp 67-86 – Cooperative Methods and Tools for Distributed Software Processes Edited by Franco Angeli 2003.

L. Aversano, A. De Lucia, M. Gaeta, P. Ritrovato “GENESIS: A Flexible and Distributed Environment for Cooperative Software Engineering” to be appear in the proceeding of the Fifteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE) July 1-3 2003 San Francisco (USA).

P. Ritrovato, M. Gaeta, G. Laria, T. Dimitrakos, D. Mac Randal, F. Yuan, S. Wesner B. Serhan, K. Wulf, “An Emerging Architecture Enabling Grid Based Application Service Provision” to be appear in the proceeding of 7th IEEE International Conference EDOC - September 16-19 2003, Brisbane, Australia

C. Allison, S. A. Cerri, P. Ritrovato, M. Geta and S. Salerno, "Human Learning as a Global Challenge: European Learning Grid Infrastructure” in Global Peace Through The Global University System, University of Tampere Press. Tampere, Finland: University System/UNESCO_Chair_Book/Manuscripts/Part_IV_Global_Collaboration/Ritrovato, Pierluigi/E-LeGI_web/E-LeGIv9.htm.

Other activities in relation to the project:

Pierluigi Ritrovato obtained the B.S. degree in Computer Science at the University of Salerno in 1992. In 1994 he became scientific collaborator at DIIMA (Department of Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics - University of Salerno) carrying out research activities in Software Engineering (with emphasis on software process and software estimation model such as CO.CO.MO, Function Point, etc.), Object Oriented Methodology and Databases fields. Then, in 1996 he became Project Manager for CRMPA Consortium (Research Centre in Pure and Applied Mathematics) leading research and development projects in the fields of CSCW, Information Systems, Distributed Systems, GRID and Internet Technologies.
At present he is the Manager for CRMPA and in the last two years, he has been focusing his scientific research activities on GRID technologies. In this field his main interests are on the realisation of domain specific GRID using Commodity Technologies (e.g., Microsoft, NET, CORBA, JAVA, JINI, P2P, etc.) and the study and evaluation of how to modify the general grid architecture in order to realise domain specific solution in the learning and simulation fields. He is the Scientific Coordinator of ELeGI (European Learning GRID) and of GRASP (GRID based Application Service Provision) projects both funded by the European Commission in VI and V Framework Research Programme respectively. Moreover, he has been appointed by the European Commission as Locomotors for the “Learning GRID” Working Group established in the frame of EU-US Cooperation programme on Science and Technologies for Learning (
He is also Technology Manager and Workpackage coordinator for the Centre of Excellence (C.o.E.) “Methods and systems for learning & knowledge”. The CoE, coordinated by DIIMA, is supported by the MIUR (the Italian Ministry for education, university and research). It is the only initiative in the learning and knowledge area approved by the Italian government. Its general objective is to study, apply and validate a unitary approach to learning and knowledge based on experience and induction in different fields and, accordingly, different procedures, at two different levels: interaction/experience and simulation/induction.

Format for the CVs of the team members

Surname: Prof. Dr. Huntsinger First Name: Ralph. C.


Direct tel.:+1 530 343 3456 Fax: +1 530 898 5995 E-mail:

Full business address:

Professor of Computer Science

Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing

Director Emeritus, the McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences (MISS)

College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology (ECT)

California State University, Chico

Chico, CA 95929-0410
Country: USA
Role in the project: Chief of North American Team of GCEPG Project and liaison with ELeGI Project



Title / diploma obtained

From : 1957 To : 1958

B.S. Chem. Engin. Montana State College, Bozeman Montana USA

From : 1958 To : 1959

M.S. Chem. Engin. Montana State College, Bozeman Montana USA

From : 1964 To : 1966

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Montana State University, Montana USA

From : 1978 To : 1979

Advanced Study in Computer Science, University of Calgary, CANADA



From : 1959

To : 1964

Company :Sacramento City College

Location : Sacramento, California USA

Function/Responsibility :Assistant Professor of Engineering and Chemistry

Achievements : Developed the first course in Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis and equipped a new laboratory at the college for this course. I taught the course for three years. Developed the Honors Program in Science and Engineering for the college.

From : 1964

To : 1971

Company :South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Location :Rapid City, South Dakota USA

Function/Responsibility : Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Achievements : Developed the courses in computer simulation of dynamic systems for the college and developed the simulation laboratory for teaching and research. I was the major professor for nine masters degree students with topics in computer simulation. While I was a professor there, I received several research grants in the area of computer simulation and obtained over a million dollars in analog and hybrid computers in equipment grants. I developed the first course on numerical methods programming for the college.

From : 1971

To : 2004

Company :California State University, Chico

Location : Chico, California 95929-0410 USA

Function/Responsibility :Professor of Computer Scoence and Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing – College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology

Achievements : Developed courses in Programming languages, expert systems and Prolog, continuous systems simulation, discrete systems simulation, pollution control equipment design, numerical methods programming, cognitive science and natural language processing, applied non-linear programming, etc.

Obtained research grants for research in computer simulation and obtained a quarter million dollar equipment grant for a large hybrid computer system from NASA.

I founded the McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences at CSU, Chico which now has expanded to over twenty research centers world wide in 13 countries. I was the graduate Coordinator/Advisor for the Computer Science master of science degree program and was also the major professor for many computer science graduate students over the years.

(1) "Simulation Languages and Intelligent Simulation Environments, the Keys

to Industrial Progress and Efficiency", Ralph C. Huntsinger, Simposium

Internacional Sobre La Simulacion por Computadora en La Ingeniera

Industrial y en Los Problemas de Desarrollo Urbano, Universidad

Panamericana, November 1992, Mexico City D.F.

(2) "An Investigation on Neural Network Capabilities as Simulation

Metamodels," H. Pierreval and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the

Summer Computer Simulation Conference; Reno, Nevada (July 1992).

(3) "Simulation of Stationary Deterministic Loads Applied on Operating

Wind Turbine Rotors," S. Dous, B. Gironnet, Ralph C. Huntsinger and

A.M. Fayek, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference;

Reno, Nevada (July 1992).

(4) "A TUTSIM Simulation Model and Analysis of a High Speed Course Vehicle",

F.P. Maturana and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the Summer Computer

Simulation Conference; Reno, Nevada (July 1992).

(5) "Simulation of Laminar Flow of a Power Law Fluid along a Vertical

Wall using ESL on a microcomputer," P.D. Ariel and Ralph C. Huntsinger,

Proceedings of the EUROSIM Simulation Congress; Capri, Italy (Sept. 1992).

(6) "Simulation of Minimal Surfaces by Isovector Methods", K.L. Chowdhury

and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation

Conference; Boston, Mass. pp49-53 (July 1993).

(7) "A Methodology for the Design of an Active Suspension System using

EASY5/W", F.P. Maturana and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the

Summer Computer Simulation Conference; Boston, Mass. pp86-90 (July 1993).

(8) "Connecting an Expert System to a Simulation of a Complex Manufacturing

System", K. White, Ralph C. Huntsinger and H. Pierreval, Proceedings

of the SCSI Western Multiconference, International Conference on

Simulation in Engineering Education; Tempe, Arizona (January 1994).

(9) "Construction of a Class of Minimal Surfaces with ESL", K.L. Chowdhury and

Ralph C. Huntsinger, Simulation Practice and Theory International Journal,

Volume 2, pp17-26 , Elsevier Science B.V. (March 1994).

(10) "A Conceptual Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Manufacturing

Systems", N. Mebarki, J. Peyron and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings

of the 1994 European Simulation Multiconference; Barcelona, Spain.

(June 1994).

(11) "Construction of a Class of Minimal Surfaces with ESL", K.L. Chowdhury

and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Computer

Simulation Conference; San Diego, California pp57-62 (July 1994).

(12) "Continuing Education at a Distance via Satellite", R.E. Crosbie, Ralph C.

Huntsinger, and K.N. Derucher, Proceedings of the International Conference

on Continuing Education in Engineering, Sao Paulo, Brazil (December 1994)

(13) "Simulation of Minimal Surfaces by Isovector Methods", K.L. Chowdhury

and Ralph C. Huntsinger, TRANSACTIONS of the Society for Computer

Simulation, Volume 11, Number 3, pp159-177 (October 1994).

(14) "Load Sharing and Resequencing in Nonhomogeneous Two Server Systems",

H.D. Karatza and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the Second

Conference of the UK Simulation Society, North Berwick, Scotland

pp19-23 (April 1995).

(15) Plenary Paper "The McLeod Institutes of Simulation Sciences Centres",

Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the UK

Simulation Society, North Berwick, Scotland pp1-9 (April 1995).

(16) "Load Balancing and Resequencing in a Homogeneous Distributed System"

H.D. Karatza and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the 1995 Summer

Computer Simulation Conference; Ottawa, Canada pp790-794 (July 1995).

(17) Plenary Paper "The Expanding Network of International Computer Simulation

Centers; Past Progress and Future Promise", Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings

of the III Conference on Computer Simulation, Mexico City D.F. (November 1995).

(18) "Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems Using Simulation Languages", K.E. Becker and Ralph C. Huntsinger, Proceedings of the 1996 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Portland, Oregon , 5 pages (July 1996).

(19) “A Simulation Methodology Description of Container Placement Using

a Unique System to Control the Logistics” by M. Itmi, Ralph C. Huntsinger,

P. Jarjoui, and J. Pecuchet, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation

Conference 2000, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA. July 2000.

(20) “A Method for an Embedded Explanation Subsystem for Simulation Systems:

A Proposal for an Intelligent Simulation Environment” by M. Itmi, Ralph C.

Huntsinger, and J. Pecuchet, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation

Conference 2000, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA. July 2000.

(21) “Pondering on a Self-Organizing All-Optical Routing System” by E.E.E.

Frietman, Ralph C. Huntsinger, and D.G. Khoe, Proceedings of the Summer

Computer Simulation Conference 2000, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA. July 2000.

(22) “Evolving a Software Package for Logistics Control and Resource and Process Allocation” by M.Itmi, F. Serin, and Ralph C. Huntsinger ,Proceedings of the 2002 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 2002, San Diego, Calif.

(23) Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Practice, Book section Chapter 12, "Simulation Languages and Applications" by Ralph C. Huntsinger, Editors: G.A. Bekey and B.Y. Kogen, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7062-4, (2003).

Other activities in relation to the project

During part of October and during November and December of 2003 I was a Visiting Professor of Computer Science (prof. dr inz. Wydzial Informatyka) at Bialystok Technical University (Politechnika Bialostocka) in the division of Application Systems (Zaklad Systemow Aplikacyjnch) in northeast POLAND. During my visit I taught a 5th year computer science class in Optimization applied to Continuous Systems Simulation and also supervised a research group doing discrete systems simulation of local government agencies.

I was an “expert” (their terminology) consultant for (ESTEC) the European Space Agency Technical Center at Noordwijk, the Netherlands where I gave industrial seminars and worked on the (ATV) automated transport Vehicle during the fall of 2003.

Three seminars were given at ESTEC and I worked on the ATV mathematical model.

The duration of my stay at ESTEC was from September 2003 to October 2003.

The first seminar was on applied non-linear programming (sequential multi-parameter sequential optimization methods

The second seminar was on a comparison of procedural and declarative programming languages using the Python and Prolog languages

The third seminar was on Continuous Systems Simulation Languages

using the ESL (European Space Agency Simulation Language) and the

ACSLXtreme languages. Examples were shown in both languages.

My work on the ATV consisted of a complete analysis of the Mathematical

Model for cargo accommodation (CAST). The approach used to solve the model was one of a few suitable for this type of optimization problem.

A mixed integer programming (MIP) package from IBM was used that was appropriate for the problem to be solved. The program was run in stages with a manual iteration between each partial run.

At the July 2003 Summer Computer Simulation Conference in Montreal, CANADA I was the Group Co-Chairman for the Simulation Methodologies and Tools Group and I chaired two technical sections.

At the 2002 Summer Computer Simulation Conference held in San Diego, California,

I was the group chair for the Modeling and Simulation track. There were 40 papers in my track that I obtained reviewers for, and I coordinated the papers into sessions and obtained the session chairs.

In November of 2002, I was the co-chairman of the international program committee for the 5th International Asian Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing (Shanghai, PRC).

I gave an invited tutorial for conference members and senior students from Shanghai Technical University on “Simulation Languages and Applications”, and I was the chair of two technical sessions at the conference.

The conference organizers also presented me with a bronze and velvet plaque recognizing me as an “International Simulationist of Note” (rough translation from the Chinese).

At the 2001 European Simulation Multiconference held in Prague, the Czech

Republic in June of 2001, I was the chair for three technical sessions,

(“Simulation of Processes I”, “Simulation of processes II”, and “Traffic

Simulation II”) each session contained four papers.

At the 2000 Summer Computer Simulation Conference in Vancouver B.C.,

CANADA I was the Group Chairman for the “Simulation Methodologies Group”

and organized eleven sessions of four papers each and I obtained the session chairs

for all of these sessions.

In the fall of 1999 I was a visiting professor and was also appointed as an

Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the

INSA de ROUEN (Institut National de Science Appliquee)

Laboratoire PSI (Perception, Systeme et Information)

Mont Saint Aignan cedex F-76131


I was reappointed as an adjunct professor at INSA-ROUEN in 2002.

In November 1999 I was a member of a Ph.D. examination committee in the Computer Science department at the State University of Ghent, BELGIUM. The

Ph.D. candidate did an excellent job on his thesis and was passed with

highest distinction.

From September 1998 to January 1999 , I was a Professeur Invite' at the

Universite' de Technologie de Troyes, FRANCE. I did research in the

Industrial Engineering Department and developed and taught a regular course

in Industrial Logistics.

This is a new topic that I teach now.

The research that I did there resulted in an accepted paper to be given at

the European Simulation MultiConference held in Warsaw POLAND in

June 1999. Our paper was published in the proceedings of the Conference.

In December of 1998 I was an invited speaker for the seminar series of the

Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Hamburg, GERMANY.

I gave an overview lecture on High Level Computer Simulation Languages.

signature “Read and Approved”) Professor Ralph C. Huntsinger, Ph.D.

December 10, 2003

Altran Foundation for Innovation

251, Boulevard Pereire

75017 PARIS


Fax: 33 (0) 1 44 09 54 40


Dear Sir/Madam:

I represent GLOSAS/USA for applying The Altran Foundation for Innovation

Year 2004 Award.

Sincerely yours,

Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D.

Award and Grant

  1. Award:

“Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education” was given in November 1994 to Dr. Takeshi Utsumi personally by Lord Perry who was established the U.K. Open University, which was subsequently emulated in 50 other countries.

The two-year senior recipient of the same award was Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the inventor of satellites.
Acceptance Speech:

  1. Grant:

The followings were granted to conduct a highly successful workshop “Emerging Global Electronic Distance Learning (EGEDL’99)” at the University of Tampere, Finland for initiating a Global University System (GUS) project in August 1999;

  1. US$100,000 from the InfoDev of the World Bank,

  2. US$50,000 from the US National Science Foundation and

  3. Travel funds from British Council, Soros Foundation and many others for attendees from developing countries.

See its details at;

The Altran Foundation for Innovation

Year 2004 Award


I, the undersigned,

In my capacity as representative and spokesperson of an applicant team for the year 2004 Award of the Altran Foundation for Innovation, undertake both personally and on behalf of the team that I represent (and that I will consequently inform) :

  1. Accept that the project submitted for evaluation by the jury may be subject to publication and communication, (particularly through the press), with my prior agreement regarding the terms of the said publicity;

  1. In the event that the applicant project is short-listed or awarded a prize, I will mention the Altran Foundation for Innovation in all external communications (printed matter, video or multimedia, press releases and shows, etc.) in which I am involved, including those concerning the press;

  1. In the event that the applicant project is awarded a prize, I will inform the Altran Foundation for Innovation in advance of any activities carried out vis-à-vis the press, and of all offers and solicitations received from the press in order that the Altran Foundation may possibly become involved.

  1. In the event that the applicant project is awarded a prize, I authorize explicitly the Altran Foundation to freely use my name and surname and personal image on its web pages in particular (http//, but also generally, but not exclusively, in documents of whatever type and form.

It is stressed that this agreement is applicable up to the date of the award ceremony for the year 2005 award of the Altran Foundation for Innovation.

Drawn up at: New York, NY, USA On: December 10, 2003

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